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Dermatoglyphics is a Science in which patterns presented in our fingerprints
are studied by scientists.
 Scientifically two no two people can have same fingerprints.
 Once a child is born his fingerprints are completely developed.
 They Remain unchanged till the end of Life.
 Ridges and brain of a fetus are developed simultaneously
 Each ridge has a direct connection with one or the other neuron of our brain.
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior
Mob: +91
Dermatoglyphics is a Science in which patterns presented in our fingerprints
are studied by scientists.
Scientifically two no two people can have same fingerprints.
Once a child is born his fingerprints are completely developed.
They Remain unchanged till the end of Life.
Ridges and brain of a fetus are developed simultaneously from 13th
week of gestation period.
Each ridge has a direct connection with one or the other neuron of our brain.
Birth Genius DMIT
A-14/15, Krishna Nagar,
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.)
Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502
Dermatoglyphics is a Science in which patterns presented in our fingerprints
week of gestation period.
Each ridge has a direct connection with one or the other neuron of our brain.
As we mentioned
earlier that
fingerprints start
developing from 13th
week's of gestation
period and this is the
same period when the
brain also start
The development of
fingerprints and brain
happen simultaneously
and they have direct co-
relation between them.
Down syndrome patients are 100%
mentally retarded and their
fingerprints are also undeveloped
 Our entire body is controlled by our brain.
 Brain has two parts, Left and Right.
 The left part of our body is controlled by right brain and right part of our body is controlled
by left brain.
 So our Left Fingers are the representation of our Right Brain and Right Fingers are
representation of our Left Brain.
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior
Mob: +91
No Brain, No Fingerprints
Science has
proven that the
child whose brain
is not developed,
his fingerprints are
also found
This disease is
called Down
Syndrome and this
is congenital in
Down syndrome patients are 100%
mentally retarded and their
fingerprints are also undeveloped
Their ATD angles are
also found more than 55
Our entire body is controlled by our brain.
Brain has two parts, Left and Right.
part of our body is controlled by right brain and right part of our body is controlled
So our Left Fingers are the representation of our Right Brain and Right Fingers are
representation of our Left Brain.
Birth Genius DMIT
A-14/15, Krishna Nagar,
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.)
Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502
Science has
proven that the
child whose brain
is not developed,
his fingerprints are
also found
This disease is
called Down
Syndrome and this
is congenital in
Their ATD angles are
also found more than 55
part of our body is controlled by right brain and right part of our body is controlled
So our Left Fingers are the representation of our Right Brain and Right Fingers are
Theory Of
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior
Mob: +91
Theory Of Multiple Intelligence
Dr. Haward Gradner
Birth Genius DMIT
A-14/15, Krishna Nagar,
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.)
Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502
8 Multiple
1. Logical Mathematical Intelligence
 Ability to play with Numbers
 Problem solving
This intelligence is very important at school, and in taking standardized tests
Those who are not strong in this areas may struggle at their school work.
2. Linguistic Intelligence
 Ability to play with words
8 Multiple Intelligence
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior
Mob: +91
8 Multiple Intelligence
Mathematical Intelligence
This intelligence is very important at school, and in taking standardized tests
Career Options
 Charted Accountant
Those who are not strong in this areas may struggle at their school work.
2. Linguistic Intelligence
Ability to play with words
8 Multiple Intelligence
Career Options
 Play writer
 Radio Announcer
 News Reader
Birth Genius DMIT
A-14/15, Krishna Nagar,
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.)
Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502
This intelligence is very important at school, and in taking standardized tests
Charted Accountant
Those who are not strong in this areas may struggle at their school work.
3. Musical Intelligence
 Ability to play with sound
Exposure to music can help kids increase their coordination, understand their culture,
relax and even improve their mathematical skills!
8 Multiple Intelligence
4. Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence
 Ability to play with own body
Hand Movement
 Body Movement
 Physical Activities
This intelligence is the key requirement for becoming a sports person or dancer.
8 Multiple Intelligence
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior
Mob: +91
Exposure to music can help kids increase their coordination, understand their culture,
relax and even improve their mathematical skills!
Piano Turner
 Musical Theater Actor
 Instrument Manager
 Disc Jockey
Career Options
8 Multiple Intelligence
4. Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence
body & hands
This intelligence is the key requirement for becoming a sports person or dancer.
8 Multiple Intelligence
Career Options
 Drama Artist
Birth Genius DMIT
A-14/15, Krishna Nagar,
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.)
Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502
Exposure to music can help kids increase their coordination, understand their culture,
This intelligence is the key requirement for becoming a sports person or dancer.
5. Spatial/Visual Intelligence :
 Ability to see & interpret
 Mental Image
 Strong Visual Memory
 Sense of Direction
These people are visionary & often lost in their on thoughts, ideas & imagination.
8 Multiple Intelligence
6. Interpe rs onal Intelligence
 Ability to understa nd others
U nderstand in g o thers
 Social Workers
Either leaders or followers, they le arn the best by working with othe rs a nd ofte n
e njoy discussion and debate.
8 Multiple Intelligence
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior
Mob: +91
5. Spatial/Visual Intelligence :
These people are visionary & often lost in their on thoughts, ideas & imagination.
8 Multiple Intelligence
Career options
 Space Scientist
 Civil Engineer
 Graphic Designer
 Interior Designer
6. Interpe rs onal Intelligence
Either leaders or followers, they le arn the best by working with othe rs a nd ofte n
e njoy discussion and debate.
8 Multiple Intelligence
 Adm inistrato r
 Cou nselor
 N urse
 Public Relatio ns
Ca re er options
Birth Genius DMIT
A-14/15, Krishna Nagar,
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.)
Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502
These people are visionary & often lost in their on thoughts, ideas & imagination.
Either leaders or followers, they le arn the best by working with othe rs a nd ofte n
7. Intrapersonal Intelligence :
Ability to understand self
Self Understanding
These people are self centric,
goal oriented & driven by high emotional
8 Multiple Intelligence
8. Naturalistic Intelligence
 Ability to understand nature
 Plants Lover
 Animal Lover
 Nature Lover
 Environment Centric
The people with high Natural Intelligence will do anything for nature & environment.
Love to study in a garden or while sunrise.
8 Multiple Intelligence
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior
Mob: +91
7. Intrapersonal Intelligence :
These people are self centric,
goal oriented & driven by high emotional
8 Multiple Intelligence
 Spiritual Counselor
 Yoga Teacher
Career Options
Note: The intrapersonal Intelligence
liable to define or suggest a
than any of the other intelligences
ability of self awareness, self
and self-improvement is applicable
other careers as well.
8. Naturalistic Intelligence
The people with high Natural Intelligence will do anything for nature & environment.
Love to study in a garden or while sunrise.
8 Multiple Intelligence
Career options
 Animal Scholar
 Plants Scholar
 Forest Officer
Birth Genius DMIT
A-14/15, Krishna Nagar,
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.)
Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502
Intelligence is less
a certain career
intelligences since the
self- discipline
applicable to any
The people with high Natural Intelligence will do anything for nature & environment.
5.Object Driven/ Concept Driven
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior
Mob: +91
4. Thought Process
5.Object Driven/ Concept Driven
Good at visualizing
things or situation
Impractical approach
Motivated by rewards,
Birth Genius DMIT
A-14/15, Krishna Nagar,
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.)
Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502
Good at visualizing
things or situation
Impractical approach
Motivated by rewards,
7. Personality Trait
Dr. William
6 . E x e c u t o r / T h i n k e r
T h in k e r
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior
Mob: +91
7. Personality Trait -
Dr. William Morstons theory
Primary Personality is
determined by your Left
Thumbs Print
Secondary Personality is
determined by your Right
Thumbs Print
6 . E x e c u t o r / T h i n k e r
G o o d a t p r e - la u n c h o f
th i n g s
S e t r u l e s , s y s te m ,
p r o c e s s
D r iv e n b y o r g a n iz a ti o n
v a l u e s
Birth Genius DMIT
A-14/15, Krishna Nagar,
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.)
Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502
Primary Personality is
determined by your Left
Thumbs Print
Secondary Personality is
determined by your Right
Thumbs Print
la u n c h o f
S e t r u l e s , s y s te m ,
D r iv e n b y o r g a n iz a ti o n
Personality Trait
Dr. William
Left Thumb
Any Arch
P e r s o n a lit y Tra it
D r. W illia m
Le f t T hu m b
A n y w h o rl e xce p t
S -F a m ily G ro u p
(D o u b le L o o p ,
C o m p o sit e &
Im p lo d in g )
Ta rg e t C e nt r ic W h orl .
S pi ra l W h o rl,
P e a c oc k s E y e
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior
Mob: +91
Personality Trait -
Dr. William Morstons theory
Unlimited potential,
highly flexible,
Conservative, May be
Friendly, Defensive,
Limited Risk Taker, Lack
of management, Need
support & motivation to
P e r s o n a lit y Tra it -
D r. W illia m M o r s t o n s th e o ry
E a g le
(D o m in a n t)
Ta s k o r ie n te d , V is io n a ry ,
I n d e p e n d e n t, S e lf C e n t r ic ,
S tu b b o r n , G o a l o r ie n te d ,
C o n fid e n t, I n fle x ib ilit y,
C o n tr o lle r, B o ld ,
D e t e r m in e d , A g g r e s s iv e ,
I n - c h a r g e , R ig id ,
S e lf- C e n t r ic ,
B o s sy & E a g e r to w in .
Birth Genius DMIT
A-14/15, Krishna Nagar,
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.)
Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502
Unlimited potential,
highly flexible,
Conservative, May be
Friendly, Defensive,
Limited Risk Taker, Lack
of management, Need
support & motivation to
Ta s k o r ie n te d , V is io n a ry ,
I n d e p e n d e n t, S e lf C e n t r ic ,
S tu b b o r n , G o a l o r ie n te d ,
C o n fid e n t, I n fle x ib ilit y,
C o n tr o lle r, B o ld ,
D e t e r m in e d , A g g r e s s iv e ,
c h a r g e , R ig id ,
C e n t r ic ,
B o s sy & E a g e r to w in .
Personality Trait
Dr. William
Left Thumb
Any Loop
Personality Trait
Dr. William
Left Thumb
S-Family i.e.
Double Loop,
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior
Mob: +91
Personality Trait -
Dr. William Morstons theory
People oriented,
Imitation learner,
Stretchable, Flexible,
Need Motivation,
Good Team Player,
& Emotional.
Personality Trait -
Dr. William Morstons theory
Highly Analytical,
Process Oriented,
Dual thought process,
Take longer time to decide
High Observation Skills
Do not like rule breakers
Birth Genius DMIT
A-14/15, Krishna Nagar,
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.)
Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502
People oriented,
Imitation learner,
Stretchable, Flexible,
Need Motivation,
Good Team Player,
& Emotional.
Highly Analytical,
Process Oriented,
Dual thought process,
Take longer time to decide
High Observation Skills
Do not like rule breakers
Quotient (IQ)
= Linguistic +
Logical Intelligence
Quotient (EQ)
= Interpersonal +
Intrapersonal Intelligence
Learning Styles
Dermatoglyphics reveals 3 Learning Styles :
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior
Mob: +91
Quotient (EQ)
= Interpersonal +
Intrapersonal Intelligence
= Musical +
Visual Intelligence
Adversity Quotient =
Naturalistic +
Kinesthetic Intelligence
Learning Styles
Dermatoglyphics reveals 3 Learning Styles :
Birth Genius DMIT
A-14/15, Krishna Nagar,
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.)
Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502
Adversity Quotient =
Naturalistic +
Kinesthetic Intelligence
Auditory Learners
 Learn By Listening.
 Love Discussion.
 Music Lover.
 Speak in rhythmic
 Talk to themselves while
 Easily distracted by noise.
 Enjoy reading loudly.
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior
Mob: +91
Visual Learners Kinesthetic Learners
 Learn by Seeing.
 Good Long range
 Observe and notice
 Remembers faces.
 Appearance oriented in
both look and
 Good Spellers.
 Remember what seen.
 Learn by manipulating
and doing.
 They speak slowly.
 Use action rather than
 Touch people to get
 Stand close when talking
to som
 Memorize by walking.
 Labeled as Hyperactive or
naughty children.
Birth Genius DMIT
A-14/15, Krishna Nagar,
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.)
Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502
Kinesthetic Learners
Learn by manipulating
and doing.
They speak slowly.
Use action rather than
Touch people to get
Stand close when talking
to someone.
Memorize by walking.
Labeled as Hyperactive or
naughty children.
Left Brain
Analytical Brain
Scientific Thinking
Task oriented
 Driven by Goals
& Targets
 Strict leaders
towards others
 Difficult to
 Delegating Style
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior
Mob: +91
Brain Dominance
Left Brain
Analytical Brain
Scientific Thinking
Right Brain
Creative Brain
Leadership Style
Task oriented
Driven by
Soft Leaders
Consider others
Can be diverted
Driven by Goals
Strict leaders
towards others
Difficult to
Delegating Style
Birth Genius DMIT
A-14/15, Krishna Nagar,
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.)
Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502
Driven by
Soft Leaders
Consider others
Can be diverted
Dance Musical
Horse Riding Chess
S t r e a m
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior
Mob: +91
Extra Curricular Activities
Singing Drama/Acting
Snookers Foreign
S t r e a m S e l e c t i o n
Birth Genius DMIT
A-14/15, Krishna Nagar,
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.)
Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502
Drama/Acting Swimming
Strong Career Options
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior
Mob: +91
Strong Career Options
0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00%
Birth Genius DMIT
A-14/15, Krishna Nagar,
Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.)
Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502
Foreign Language
Public & Political Affairs
Mass & Media
Banking & Finance

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  • 1. ( DERMATOGLYPHICS Dermatoglyphics is a Science in which patterns presented in our fingerprints are studied by scientists. Scientifically two no two people can have same fingerprints. Once a child is born his fingerprints are completely developed. They Remain unchanged till the end of Life. Ridges and brain of a fetus are developed simultaneously Each ridge has a direct connection with one or the other neuron of our brain. Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior Mob: +91 THROUGH D.M.I.T. ERMATOGLYPHICS MULTIPLE INTELLEGENCE Dermatoglyphics is a Science in which patterns presented in our fingerprints are studied by scientists. Scientifically two no two people can have same fingerprints. Once a child is born his fingerprints are completely developed. They Remain unchanged till the end of Life. FINGERPRINT FORMATION Ridges and brain of a fetus are developed simultaneously from 13th week of gestation period. Each ridge has a direct connection with one or the other neuron of our brain. Birth Genius DMIT A-14/15, Krishna Nagar, Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.) Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502 NTELLEGENCE TEST) Dermatoglyphics is a Science in which patterns presented in our fingerprints week of gestation period. Each ridge has a direct connection with one or the other neuron of our brain.
  • 2. As we mentioned earlier that fingerprints start developing from 13th week's of gestation period and this is the same period when the brain also start developing. The development of fingerprints and brain happen simultaneously and they have direct co- relation between them. Down syndrome patients are 100% mentally retarded and their fingerprints are also undeveloped Our entire body is controlled by our brain. Brain has two parts, Left and Right. The left part of our body is controlled by right brain and right part of our body is controlled by left brain. So our Left Fingers are the representation of our Right Brain and Right Fingers are representation of our Left Brain. Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior Mob: +91 No Brain, No Fingerprints Science has proven that the child whose brain is not developed, his fingerprints are also found undeveloped. This disease is called Down Syndrome and this is congenital in nature. Down syndrome patients are 100% mentally retarded and their fingerprints are also undeveloped Their ATD angles are also found more than 55 Degrees BODY AND BRAIN Our entire body is controlled by our brain. Brain has two parts, Left and Right. part of our body is controlled by right brain and right part of our body is controlled So our Left Fingers are the representation of our Right Brain and Right Fingers are representation of our Left Brain. Birth Genius DMIT A-14/15, Krishna Nagar, Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.) Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502 Science has proven that the child whose brain is not developed, his fingerprints are also found undeveloped. This disease is called Down Syndrome and this is congenital in nature. Their ATD angles are also found more than 55 part of our body is controlled by right brain and right part of our body is controlled So our Left Fingers are the representation of our Right Brain and Right Fingers are
  • 3. Theory Of Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior Mob: +91 Theory Of Multiple Intelligence By Dr. Haward Gradner Birth Genius DMIT A-14/15, Krishna Nagar, Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.) Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502
  • 4. 8 Multiple 1. Logical Mathematical Intelligence Ability to play with Numbers Patterns Problem solving Logic Reasoning Analysis This intelligence is very important at school, and in taking standardized tests Those who are not strong in this areas may struggle at their school work. 2. Linguistic Intelligence Ability to play with words Communication Speaking Reading Writing Languages 8 Multiple Intelligence Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior Mob: +91 8 Multiple Intelligence Mathematical Intelligence Numbers This intelligence is very important at school, and in taking standardized tests Career Options Charted Accountant Actuary Auditor Banker Economist Mathematician Those who are not strong in this areas may struggle at their school work. 2. Linguistic Intelligence Ability to play with words 8 Multiple Intelligence Career Options Author Journalist Poet Play writer Radio Announcer Anchor News Reader Birth Genius DMIT A-14/15, Krishna Nagar, Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.) Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502 This intelligence is very important at school, and in taking standardized tests Charted Accountant Those who are not strong in this areas may struggle at their school work.
  • 5. 3. Musical Intelligence Ability to play with sound Singing Rhythm Sound Pitch Volume Listening Exposure to music can help kids increase their coordination, understand their culture, relax and even improve their mathematical skills! 8 Multiple Intelligence 4. Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence Ability to play with own body Hand Movement Body Movement Physical Activities Sport Dance Exercise This intelligence is the key requirement for becoming a sports person or dancer. 8 Multiple Intelligence Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior Mob: +91 sound Exposure to music can help kids increase their coordination, understand their culture, relax and even improve their mathematical skills! Gitarest Piano Turner Singer Musical Theater Actor Instrument Manager Rapper Disc Jockey Career Options 8 Multiple Intelligence 4. Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence body & hands This intelligence is the key requirement for becoming a sports person or dancer. 8 Multiple Intelligence Career Options Cricketer Actor Athlete Dancer Choreographer Craftsmen Drama Artist Birth Genius DMIT A-14/15, Krishna Nagar, Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.) Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502 Exposure to music can help kids increase their coordination, understand their culture, This intelligence is the key requirement for becoming a sports person or dancer.
  • 6. 5. Spatial/Visual Intelligence : Ability to see & interpret Sketch Mental Image Strong Visual Memory Sense of Direction Space Distance These people are visionary & often lost in their on thoughts, ideas & imagination. 8 Multiple Intelligence 6. Interpe rs onal Intelligence Ability to understa nd others U nderstand in g o thers Extroverts Social Workers Friendly Groups Leaders Either leaders or followers, they le arn the best by working with othe rs a nd ofte n e njoy discussion and debate. 8 Multiple Intelligence Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior Mob: +91 5. Spatial/Visual Intelligence : These people are visionary & often lost in their on thoughts, ideas & imagination. 8 Multiple Intelligence Career options Pilot Space Scientist Architect Draftsman Civil Engineer Graphic Designer Interior Designer 6. Interpe rs onal Intelligence others Either leaders or followers, they le arn the best by working with othe rs a nd ofte n e njoy discussion and debate. 8 Multiple Intelligence Adm inistrato r Anthropologist Cou nselor N urse Politician Teachers/Principals Public Relatio ns Ca re er options Birth Genius DMIT A-14/15, Krishna Nagar, Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.) Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502 These people are visionary & often lost in their on thoughts, ideas & imagination. Either leaders or followers, they le arn the best by working with othe rs a nd ofte n
  • 7. 7. Intrapersonal Intelligence : Ability to understand self Self Understanding Introspective Self-reflective Introverts Emotional Perfection These people are self centric, goal oriented & driven by high emotional energy. 8 Multiple Intelligence 8. Naturalistic Intelligence Ability to understand nature Plants Lover Animal Lover Nature Lover Environment Centric Sight Scenery The people with high Natural Intelligence will do anything for nature & environment. Love to study in a garden or while sunrise. 8 Multiple Intelligence Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior Mob: +91 7. Intrapersonal Intelligence : self These people are self centric, goal oriented & driven by high emotional 8 Multiple Intelligence Priest Spiritual Counselor Entrepreneur Therapist Researcher Clergyman Yoga Teacher Career Options Note: The intrapersonal Intelligence liable to define or suggest a than any of the other intelligences ability of self awareness, self and self-improvement is applicable other careers as well. 8. Naturalistic Intelligence nature The people with high Natural Intelligence will do anything for nature & environment. Love to study in a garden or while sunrise. 8 Multiple Intelligence Career options Veterinary Animal Scholar Archeology Plants Scholar Chef/Cook Horticulturalist Forest Officer Birth Genius DMIT A-14/15, Krishna Nagar, Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.) Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502 Intelligence is less a certain career intelligences since the self- discipline applicable to any The people with high Natural Intelligence will do anything for nature & environment.
  • 8. ACTION 5.Object Driven/ Concept Driven Concept Driven Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior Mob: +91 4. Thought Process ACTION VISUAL 5.Object Driven/ Concept Driven Good at visualizing things or situation Impractical approach Motivated by rewards, people Birth Genius DMIT A-14/15, Krishna Nagar, Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.) Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502 VISUAL Good at visualizing things or situation Impractical approach Motivated by rewards,
  • 9. 7. Personality Trait Dr. William Eagle (Dominant) Owl (Compliant) 6 . E x e c u t o r / T h i n k e r T h in k e r Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior Mob: +91 7. Personality Trait - Dr. William Morstons theory Peacock (Influential) Dove (Steady) Primary Personality is determined by your Left Thumbs Print Secondary Personality is determined by your Right Thumbs Print 6 . E x e c u t o r / T h i n k e r G o o d a t p r e - la u n c h o f th i n g s S e t r u l e s , s y s te m , p r o c e s s D r iv e n b y o r g a n iz a ti o n v a l u e s Birth Genius DMIT A-14/15, Krishna Nagar, Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.) Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502 Primary Personality is determined by your Left Thumbs Print Secondary Personality is determined by your Right Thumbs Print la u n c h o f S e t r u l e s , s y s te m , D r iv e n b y o r g a n iz a ti o n
  • 10. Personality Trait Dr. William Left Thumb Any Arch P e r s o n a lit y Tra it D r. W illia m Le f t T hu m b A n y w h o rl e xce p t S -F a m ily G ro u p (D o u b le L o o p , C o m p o sit e & Im p lo d in g ) Ta rg e t C e nt r ic W h orl . S pi ra l W h o rl, P e a c oc k s E y e Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior Mob: +91 Personality Trait - Dr. William Morstons theory Peacock (Influential) Unlimited potential, highly flexible, Conservative, May be talkative, Friendly, Defensive, Limited Risk Taker, Lack of management, Need support & motivation to perform. P e r s o n a lit y Tra it - D r. W illia m M o r s t o n s th e o ry E a g le (D o m in a n t) Ta s k o r ie n te d , V is io n a ry , I n d e p e n d e n t, S e lf C e n t r ic , S tu b b o r n , G o a l o r ie n te d , C o n fid e n t, I n fle x ib ilit y, C o n tr o lle r, B o ld , D e t e r m in e d , A g g r e s s iv e , I n - c h a r g e , R ig id , S e lf- C e n t r ic , B o s sy & E a g e r to w in . Birth Genius DMIT A-14/15, Krishna Nagar, Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.) Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502 Unlimited potential, highly flexible, Conservative, May be talkative, Friendly, Defensive, Limited Risk Taker, Lack of management, Need support & motivation to Ta s k o r ie n te d , V is io n a ry , I n d e p e n d e n t, S e lf C e n t r ic , S tu b b o r n , G o a l o r ie n te d , C o n fid e n t, I n fle x ib ilit y, C o n tr o lle r, B o ld , D e t e r m in e d , A g g r e s s iv e , c h a r g e , R ig id , C e n t r ic , B o s sy & E a g e r to w in .
  • 11. Personality Trait Dr. William Left Thumb Any Loop Personality Trait Dr. William Left Thumb S-Family i.e. Double Loop, Composite Imploding Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior Mob: +91 Personality Trait - Dr. William Morstons theory Dove (Steady) People oriented, Imitation learner, Stretchable, Flexible, Need Motivation, Good Team Player, Co-operative, Calm, Patient, Supportive & Emotional. Personality Trait - Dr. William Morstons theory Owl (Compliant) Perfectionist, Highly Analytical, Process Oriented, Dual thought process, Take longer time to decide High Observation Skills Do not like rule breakers Birth Genius DMIT A-14/15, Krishna Nagar, Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.) Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502 People oriented, Imitation learner, Stretchable, Flexible, Need Motivation, Good Team Player, operative, Patient, Supportive & Emotional. Perfectionist, Highly Analytical, Process Oriented, Dual thought process, Take longer time to decide High Observation Skills Do not like rule breakers
  • 12. Intelligence Quotient (IQ) = Linguistic + Logical Intelligence Emotional Quotient (EQ) = Interpersonal + Intrapersonal Intelligence Learning Styles Dermatoglyphics reveals 3 Learning Styles : Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior Mob: +91 Quotients Emotional Quotient (EQ) = Interpersonal + Intrapersonal Intelligence Creativity Quotient = Musical + Visual Intelligence Adversity Quotient = Naturalistic + Kinesthetic Intelligence Learning Styles Dermatoglyphics reveals 3 Learning Styles : Birth Genius DMIT A-14/15, Krishna Nagar, Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.) Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502 Adversity Quotient = Naturalistic + Kinesthetic Intelligence
  • 13. Auditory Learners Learn By Listening. Love Discussion. Music Lover. Speak in rhythmic patterns. Talk to themselves while alone. Easily distracted by noise. Enjoy reading loudly. Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior Mob: +91 Visual Learners Kinesthetic Learners Learn by Seeing. Good Long range planners. Observe and notice details. Remembers faces. Appearance oriented in both look and presentation. Good Spellers. Remember what seen. Learn by manipulating and doing. They speak slowly. Use action rather than words. Touch people to get attention. Stand close when talking to som Memorize by walking. Labeled as Hyperactive or naughty children. Birth Genius DMIT A-14/15, Krishna Nagar, Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.) Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502 Kinesthetic Learners Learn by manipulating and doing. They speak slowly. Use action rather than words. Touch people to get attention. Stand close when talking to someone. Memorize by walking. Labeled as Hyperactive or naughty children.
  • 14. Left Brain Analytical Brain Numbers Calculation Logic Scientific Thinking Leadership Task oriented Driven by Goals & Targets Strict leaders Insensitive towards others Difficult to divert Delegating Style Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior Mob: +91 Brain Dominance Left Brain Analytical Brain Numbers Calculation Logic Scientific Thinking Right Brain Creative Brain Imagination Intuition Music Art Leadership Style Task oriented Driven by Relationships Soft Leaders Consider others feeling Can be diverted easily Participative Style Relationship Oriented Driven by Goals Strict leaders Insensitive towards others Difficult to Delegating Style Birth Genius DMIT A-14/15, Krishna Nagar, Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.) Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502 Driven by Relationships Soft Leaders Consider others Can be diverted Participative Relationship Oriented
  • 15. Extra Dance Musical Instrument Horse Riding Chess S t r e a m C O M M E R C E Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior Mob: +91 Extra Curricular Activities Musical Instrument Singing Drama/Acting Snookers Foreign Language S t r e a m S e l e c t i o n A R T S S C I E N C E Birth Genius DMIT A-14/15, Krishna Nagar, Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.) Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502 Drama/Acting Swimming Painting S C I E N C E
  • 16. Strong Career Options Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior Mob: +91 Strong Career Options 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% Birth Genius DMIT A-14/15, Krishna Nagar, Gole ka Mandir, Gwalior-474006 (M.P.) Mob: +91-9713324703,8085404502 20.00% Defence Sports Foreign Language Psychology Public & Political Affairs Management Mathematics Literature Mass & Media Banking & Finance Education weather Medical Engineering Designing Agriculture Art