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WWeellccoommee ttoo tthhee 
HHeeaalltthh && WWeellllnneessss CCooaacchh 
OOvveerrvviieeww MMeeeettiinngg
 PPaassssiioonn ffoorr hheellppiinngg ppeeooppllee 
 DDrreeaamm OOff AA BBeetttteerr LLiiffee 
 SSppeenndd mmoorree ttiimmee wwiitthh kkiiddss 
 MMoorree-- FFaammiillyy TTiimmee FFrreeeeddoomm 
We Have The Solution 
WWhhyy ddoo ppeeooppllee 
bbeeccoommee ccooaacchheess?? 
 DDeessiirree ttoo mmaakkee eexxttrraa iinnccoommee 
 BBeeeenn DDoowwnnssiizzeedd -- LLaayyooffffss 
 TTiirreedd OOff LLiivviinngg CChheecckk TToo CChheecckk 
 DDeessiirree ttoo ggaaiinn ffiinnaanncciiaall ffrreeeeddoomm
TThhee IInndduussttrryy
PPaauull ZZaannee 
Economist  Author  
Self Made Millionaire 
Predicts the wellness 
industry will grow from 
a $200 Billion industry 
Today to over a $1 
Trillion by 2015 
500% Growth
TThhee PPrroobblleemm 
OObbeessiittyy EEppiiddeemmiicc!!
Obesity Trends* Among U.S. Adults 
(*BMI 30, or ~ 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4 person) 
No Data <10% 10%14% 15%19% 20%24% 25%29% 30%
Obesity Trends* Among U.S. Adults 
(*BMI 30, or ~ 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4 person) 
No Data <10% 10%14% 15%19% 20%24% 25%29% 30%
PPrroobblleemmss OObbeessiittyy CCrreeaatteess 
 Heart Disease 
 Some Forms Cancer 
 High Blood Pressure 
 Poor overall health 
 Discrimination and bias 
 80% of Americans have Digestive Problems 
 70% of all Doctors office visits are from 
Nutrition-Related issues
TThhee PPrroobblleemm ffoorr MMoosstt PPeeooppllee 
 TThheeyy ddoonntt kknnooww wwhhaatt ttoo ddoo.. 
 TThheeyy ddoonntt kknnooww wwhhoo ttoo ttaallkk ttoo.. 
 TThheeyy ddoonntt kknnooww wwhheerree ttoo ggoo.. 
 TThheeyy ddoonntt kknnooww wwhhoo ttoo ttrruusstt..
OOuurr 55 CCoorree SSoolluuttiioonnss 
11.. HHeeaalltthh aanndd WWeellllnneessss CClluubb 
11.. HHeeaalltthh aanndd WWeellllnneessss CCooaacchheess 
11.. EEdduuccaattiioonn aanndd TTrraaiinniinngg CCllaasssseess 
11.. FFuunn aanndd EEnnggaaggiinngg AAccttiivviittiieess 
11.. WWoorrlldd CCllaassss NNuuttrriittiioonnaall SSoolluuttiioonnss
Health aanndd WWeellllnneessss CClluubb!! 
IItt AAllll SSttaarrttss HHeerree
CCooaacchhiinngg PPrrooggrraammss 
WWeellllnneessss CCooaacchhiinngg 
HHeeaalltthh CCooaacchhiinngg 
NNuuttrriittiioonn CCooaacchhiinngg 
LLiiffee SSttyyllee CCooaacchhiinngg 
WWeeiigghhtt LLoossss CCooaacchhiinngg 
FFiittnneessss CCooaacchhiinngg
EEdduuccaattiioonn aanndd TTrraaiinniinngg 
HHeeaalltthh && WWeellllnneessss 110011 
NNuuttrriittiioonn CCllaasssseess 
SSttrreessss MMaannaaggeemmeenntt 
HHeeaalltthhyy EEaattiinngg OOuutt 
1155 WWaayyss ttoo SShheedd PPoouunnddss 
WWhhyy DDiieettiinngg DDooeessnntt WWoorrkk 
EExxeerrcciissee ffrroomm hhoommee
FFuunn aanndd EEnnggaaggiinngg AAccttiivviittiieess 
11.. WWeeiigghhtt LLoossss CChhaalllleennggeess 
2.. SSmmooootthhiiee PPaarrttiieess 
3.. HHaappppyy HHeeaalltthhyy FFrriiddaayyss 
4.. CChhoolleesstteerrooll LLoowweerriinngg CChhaalllleennggeess 
55.. SSttrreessss LLoowweerriinngg TTuueessddaayyss 
66.. AAnndd mmoorree
Nutritional Solutions 
OOuurr FFoouunnddeerr 
MMaarrkk HHuugghheess
 Former President 
of Walt Disney 
 Named 2005 
Readers Choice 
CEO of The Year 
by Market Watch 
MMiicchhaaeell OO.. JJoohhnnssoonn 
CCEEOO  HHeerrbbaalliiffee IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall
Science Behind Herbalife
PPT Day After by R
TThhee SSppoorrttss!! 
 L.A. Galaxy (David Beckham) 
 Los Angeles Triathlon 
 L.A. Open Tennis 
 AVP Pro Beach Volley Ball 
 AYSO (American Youth Soccer 
Over 100 Sporting Events
Asia Pacific 
Australia Mongolia 
China Malaysia 
Hong Kong New Zealand 
India Philippine 
Indonesia Singapore 
Japan Taiwan 
Korea Thailand 
Macau Vietnam 
Austria France Latvia Slovak Republic 
Belarus Georgia Lithuania Spain 
Belgium Germany Netherlands Sweden 
Bulgaria Greece Norway Switzerland 
Croatia Hungary Poland Turkey 
Cyprus Iceland Portugal Ukraine 
Czech Rep. Ireland Romania United Kingdom 
Denmark Israel Russia 
Estonia Italy 
S. Africa 
United States 
Latin America 
Argentina Honduras 
Bolivia Jamaica 
Brazil Nicaragua 
Chile Panama 
Colombia Paraguay 
Costa Rica Peru 
Dominican Republic 
Ecuador Puerto Rico 
El Salvador Uruguay 
Guatemala Venezuela 
8822 CCoouunnttrriieess!! 
Middle East 
2,019 Centers 
2,019 Centers 
2,019 Centers 
**Starbucks 40 HHeerrbbaalliiffee!! 
years in 
business, 16,000 
9,006 Centers 
40,550 Centers 
El Salvador 
45 Centers 
129 Centers 
500 Centers 
500 Centers 
396 Centers 
52 Centers 
66 Centers 
66 Centers 
107 Centers 
455 Centers 
455 Centers 
2 Centers 
1 Centers 
24 Centers 
70 Centers 
Costa Rica 
132 Centers 
Costa Rica 
132 Centers 
129 Centers 
3 Centers 
24 Centers 
24 Centers 
3 Centers 
8 Centers 
2 Centers 
21 Centers 
1 Center 
1 Centers 
107 Centers 
El Salvador 
45 Centers 
70 Centers 
69 Centers 
86 Centers 
120 Centers 
120 Centers 
4,546 Centers 
4,546 Centers 
405 Centers 
307 Centers 
28 Centers 
32 32 Centers 
OOnnllyy 3322 yyeeaarrss aanndd OOvveerr 
8800,,000000 CClluubbss 
WWoorrllddwwiiddee!! Norway 
15 Centers 
15 Centers 
2 2 Centers 
3 Centers 
242 Centers 
95 Centers 
3 Centers 
329 Centers 
201 Centers 
Hong Hong Kong 
113 Centers 
1,305 Centers 
119 Centers New Zealand 
119 Centers 
New Zealand 
1 Centers 
12 Centers 
20 Centers 
20 Centers 
21 Center 
21 Center 
228 Centers 
228 Centers 
18 Centers 
3 Centers 
174 Centers 
382 Centers 
133 Centers 
15 Centers 
15 Centers 
382 Centers 
1,305 Centers 
1 Center 
2 Botswana 
2 Centers 
2 Mexico 
40,550 Centers 
171 Centers 
171 Centers 
405 US 
9,006 Centers 
26 Centers 
83 Centers 
83 Centers 
South Africa 
35 Centers 
South Africa 
$$44..22 BBiilllliioonn IInn 22001100 
$$55..44 BBiilllliioonn IInn 22001111 
OOvveerr $$1100 MMiilllliioonn AA ddaayy
 It is one of the most reputable brands in the world
TThhee PPrroodduuccttss 
IIttss AAllll AAbboouutt 
TThhee PPrroodduuccttss!! 
AA CCoommpplleettee HHeeaalltthh AAnndd WWeellllnneessss SSoolluuttiioonn!! 
 Weight Management 
 Targeted Nutrition 
 Sports Nutrition 
 Energy & Fitness 
 Personal Care
CCeelllluullaarr NNuuttrriittiioonn 
AAnndd TThhee PPoowweerr OOff PPrrootteeiinn 
 Combining Cellular Nutrition and the 
Power of Protein makes us unique. 
 Cellular Nutrition helps ensure the 
nutrients your body needs daily are 
absorbed and delivered throughout 
your body at the cellular level. 
 The Power of Protein means, your 
customers can manage their weight 
 Controlling their hunger 
 Maintaining their lean body mass
IIttss AAllll 
TThhee RReessuullttss 
WWhheenn TThhee BBooddyy GGeettss 
EEvveerryytthhiinngg IItt NNeeeeddss TThhee 
RReessuullttss AArree AAMMAAZZIINNGG
TThhee RReessuullttss 
Weight Loss!
a Lost 30 
and 4 inches 
off her waist! 
TThhee RReessuullttss 
Before After
TThhee RReessuullttss 
Lost 35 
pounds in 
3months, and 
got rid of 
Before After
y Lost 45 
TThhee RReessuullttss 
Before After
TThhee RReessuullttss 
Lost 110 
and has 
kept it off 
for 7 years! 
Before After
Jim lost 
in 19 
TThhee RReessuullttss
TThhee RReessuullttss
TThhee RReessuullttss 
before and 
after Fitness 
Before After 
January 2009 September 2010
Built Muscle 
& Gained 
pounds in 
3 months 
TThhee RReessuullttss 
Before After
TThhee RReessuullttss 
Before After
TThhee RReessuullttss 
Chad Lewis 
Philadelphia Eagles 
Pro Football Player 
Lionel Messi 
Soccer Player
TThhee RReessuullttss 
Predicted to be the 
first generation of 
children to have a 
shorter life expectancy 
than their parents! 
World Health 
TThhee RReessuullttss 
1 year 
HHeellppiinngg oouurr later 
cchhiillddrreenn wwiitthh 
ggoooodd nnuuttrriittiioonn
TThhee RReessuullttss 
LLiiffee CChhaannggiinngg RReessuullttss WWiitthh 
GGrreeaatt NNuuttrriittiioonn!!
TThhee RReessuullttss
GBeyfnoerceo: l3o0g0is tpounds 
After: 185 pounds 
I have 
patients on 
and I lost 
TThhee RReessuullttss
TThhee RReessuullttss 
IInnccoommee RReessuullttss 
FFoorr sshhoowwiinngg ppeeooppllee hhooww 
ttoo lliivvee hheeaalltthhiieerr 
TThhee RReessuullttss 
CChhrriissttoopphheerr aanndd 
MMaayyuummii RReeeessee 
$9752/mo in 
 Christopher - Former Jewelry 
 Mayumi - Translator 
 Made a good living 
 Loved what they did until economy died 
 Lived in 700 sq/ft Condo 
 Followed Mentors / System to success 
 Replaced monthly job income in 
18 months 
 Started making $4,000 in 6 months 
 Very consistent for 52 months 
 Now making a 6 figure 
TThhee RReessuullttss 
CCaarroolliinnee && CCrraaiigg 
We went from TTssuuttaakkaawwaa 
bankruptcy to being set for 
 Before: $500,000 in debt, 
evicted from their home 
 Working With Herbalife: 
 $1,000: first week, part-time 
 $117k first year 
 $234k second year 
 Total to date: 
$2.6 million
TThhee RReessuullttss 
DDaann aanndd AAnnddrreeaa 
 Corporate America 
 Long hours, long commute 
 Daughter growing up in Daycare 
 First month $500, 2nd month 
$2,700, 3rd month $4,100 
 Replaced Andreas monthly job income 
in 12 months 
 Replaced both incomes in 24 months 
Dan came home 
 End of 2nd Year $10,000 a month 
 End of 3rd year income hit over 
$20,000 a month 
TThhee RReessuullttss 
YYoouu CChhoooossee 
YYoouurr SScchheedduullee 
We Are Looking For 
A Min Of 7-10 Hours 
Per Week On A Flex- 
Schedule, You Pick 
Product results disclaimer: these results are not typical, individual results will vary. These statements have not been evaluated 
by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Earnings 
disclaimer: income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, 
see the statement of average gross compensation for U.S. Supervisors at www.Herbalife.Com and www.Myherbalife.Com
S Three Stteepp BBuussiinneessss PPrroocceessss 
1 2 3 
Use the products 
Wear the brand 
Talk to people 
Learn to get better 
Learn where 
to go and 
what to say 
Go talk to 
Product results disclaimer: these results are not typical, individual results will vary. These statements have not been evaluated 
by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Earnings 
disclaimer: income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, 
see the statement of average gross compensation for U.S. Supervisors at www.Herbalife.Com and www.Myherbalife.Com
HHooww ttoo MMaakkee MMoonneeyy 
TTaallkkiinngg ttoo PPeeooppllee 
You Choose Your MMeetthhoodd OOff OOppeerraattiioonn 
Weight Loss 
Work Place 
*Product results disclaimer: these results are not typical, individual results will vary. These statements have not been evaluated 
by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Earnings 
disclaimer: income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, 
see the statement of average gross compensation for U.S. Supervisors at www.Herbalife.Com and www.Myherbalife.Com
WWeellllnneessss PPrrooffiilleess 
 10 Hours A Week 
 25 Practice Profiles Per Week 
 40 Participants/Mo. 
 $150 X 40 Average Per 
Customer = $6000.00 
 25% Profit To You ($1500.00) 
(Thats $37 Per Hour) 
*Product results disclaimer: these results are not typical, individual results will vary. These statements have not been evaluated 
by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Earnings 
disclaimer: income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, 
see the statement of average gross compensation for U.S. Supervisors at www.Herbalife.Com and www.Myherbalife.Com
 4 Hours A Week 
 2 Weight Loss Challenges 
 40 Participants a month 
 $150 Average Per Customer x 
40 = $6,000 a month 
 25% Profit To You $1500.00) 
 (Thats $93.75 Per Hour) 
WWeeiigghhtt LLoossss 
*Product results disclaimer: these results are not typical, individual results will vary. These statements have not been evaluated 
by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Earnings 
disclaimer: income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, 
see the statement of average gross compensation for U.S. Supervisors at www.Herbalife.Com and www.Myherbalife.Com
IInn SSeerrvviicceess:: 
CCoommmmuunniittyy WWeellllnneessss 
 6 Hours A Week 
 10 Coaching Clients Per Week 
 3 In services Per Week 
 45 Participants/Mo. (5 Per In Service) 
 $150 Average Per Customer 
 25% Profit To You ($37.50) 
 $37 * 45 Participants At Parties = 
$1,665* Per Month 
(Thats $69 Per Hour) 
*Product results disclaimer: these results are not typical, individual results will vary. These statements have not been evaluated 
by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Earnings 
disclaimer: income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, 
see the statement of average gross compensation for U.S. Supervisors at www.Herbalife.Com and www.Myherbalife.Com
IInn SSeerrvviicceess:: 
WWoorrkk PPllaaccee WWeellllnneessss 
 6 Hours A Week 
 25 interviews = 10 Coaching Clients 
Per Week = 40 per month 
 40 x $150 = 
 3 In Services Per Week 
 45 Participants (3 Per In Service) 
 $150 Avg. Per customer $6000 
 25% Profit To You $1500 
(Thats $62 Per Hour) 
*Product results disclaimer: these results are not typical, individual results will vary. These statements have not been evaluated 
by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Earnings 
disclaimer: income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, 
see the statement of average gross compensation for U.S. Supervisors at www.Herbalife.Com and www.Myherbalife.Com
CClluubb SSeerrvviicceess:: 
FFRREEEE SSmmooootthhiiee IInnvviitteess 
 5 Hours Per Week 
 10 Clients a week 
 40 Clients a month 
 $150 Average Per Customer x 
40 = $6000 a month 
 25% Profit To You $1500 a 
 (Thats $75 Per Hour) 
*Product results disclaimer: these results are not typical, individual results will vary. These statements have not been evaluated 
by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Earnings 
disclaimer: income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, 
see the statement of average gross compensation for U.S. Supervisors at www.Herbalife.Com and www.Myherbalife.Com
AAtt tthhee 5500%% lleevveell ddoouubbllee yyoouurr 
iinnccoommee wwiitthh tthhee ssaammee ttiimmee.. 
 $3000*/Mo., 5Hrs./Wk. - Practice Wellness Profiles 
 $3000*/Mo., 4Hrs./Wk. - Weight Loss Challenges 
 $3000*/Mo., 6Hrs./Wk. - Community Wellness 
 $3000*/Mo., 6Hrs./Wk. - Work Place Wellness 
 $3000*/Mo., 5Hrs./Wk. - FREE Smoothie Invitations 
 Any combination of 4 
 $12,000*/Mo., about 20Hrs/Wk. - Total Monthly Income Potential* 
*Product results disclaimer: these results are not typical, individual results will vary. These statements have not been evaluated 
by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Earnings 
disclaimer: income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, 
see the statement of average gross compensation for U.S. Supervisors at www.Herbalife.Com and www.Myherbalife.Com
WWhhaatt IItt TTaakkeess 
TToo BBee SSuucccceessssffuull 
1. A Burning Desire to Change Your Life 
2. A Willingness to Learn something new 
3. A Willingness to Work 
You Must ask Yourself. 
Do I have all 3 
Product results disclaimer: these results are not typical, individual results will vary. These statements have not been evaluated 
by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Earnings 
disclaimer: income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, 
see the statement of average gross compensation for U.S. Supervisors at www.Herbalife.Com and www.Myherbalife.Com
WWee AArree LLooookkiinngg FFoorr 33 
KKiinnddss OOff PPeeooppllee 
A. Discount Customer-Someone who 
Desires a Health Results 
B. Part-Time Income $500 - $2,500 
C. Full-Time Income $5,000-$10,000 PLUS 
a month 
Product results disclaimer: these results are not typical, individual results will vary. These statements have not been evaluated by 
the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Earnings disclaimer: 
income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the 
statement of average gross compensation for U.S. Supervisors at www.Herbalife.Com and www.Myherbalife.Com
NNeexxtt SStteepp 
 What is the best place for you? 
1. Imagine if you do 
2. Imagine if you dont  
3. Which will serve you better? 
4. Imagine, you wake up a year from now and 
everything has totally changed for the best!? 
5. How will that feel!, what will that be like?
NNeexxtt SStteepp 
 Only $64 To Be Licensed By Herbalife 
1.Receive business startup kit 
2.You can do business in all 82 countries 
starting you at a 25% Profit margin 
3.Access to your online Business Training 
and Management website 
4.A Personal Mentor and Support System to 
assure your success
NNeexxtt SStteepp 
 In closing please get with the 
person who invited you and let 
them know what is the best way for 
you to get started 
 Or get registered right now. 
 Getting licensed is a simple online 
registration form at: 
NNeexxtt SStteepp 
EEnndd OOff PPrreesseennttaattiioonn 
GGeett WWiitthh YYoouurr CCooaacchh 

More Related Content

PPT Day After by R

  • 1. WWeellccoommee ttoo tthhee HHeeaalltthh && WWeellllnneessss CCooaacchh OOvveerrvviieeww MMeeeettiinngg
  • 2. PPaassssiioonn ffoorr hheellppiinngg ppeeooppllee DDrreeaamm OOff AA BBeetttteerr LLiiffee SSppeenndd mmoorree ttiimmee wwiitthh kkiiddss MMoorree-- FFaammiillyy TTiimmee FFrreeeeddoomm We Have The Solution WWhhyy ddoo ppeeooppllee bbeeccoommee ccooaacchheess?? DDeessiirree ttoo mmaakkee eexxttrraa iinnccoommee BBeeeenn DDoowwnnssiizzeedd -- LLaayyooffffss TTiirreedd OOff LLiivviinngg CChheecckk TToo CChheecckk DDeessiirree ttoo ggaaiinn ffiinnaanncciiaall ffrreeeeddoomm
  • 4. PPaauull ZZaannee PPiillzzeerr Economist Author Self Made Millionaire Predicts the wellness industry will grow from a $200 Billion industry Today to over a $1 Trillion by 2015 500% Growth
  • 6. Obesity Trends* Among U.S. Adults (*BMI 30, or ~ 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4 person) 1985 CDC BRFSS No Data <10% 10%14% 15%19% 20%24% 25%29% 30%
  • 7. Obesity Trends* Among U.S. Adults (*BMI 30, or ~ 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4 person) 2009 CDC BRFSS No Data <10% 10%14% 15%19% 20%24% 25%29% 30%
  • 8. PPrroobblleemmss OObbeessiittyy CCrreeaatteess Diabetes Heart Disease Some Forms Cancer High Blood Pressure Poor overall health Discrimination and bias 80% of Americans have Digestive Problems 70% of all Doctors office visits are from Nutrition-Related issues
  • 9. TThhee PPrroobblleemm ffoorr MMoosstt PPeeooppllee TThheeyy ddoonntt kknnooww wwhhaatt ttoo ddoo.. TThheeyy ddoonntt kknnooww wwhhoo ttoo ttaallkk ttoo.. TThheeyy ddoonntt kknnooww wwhheerree ttoo ggoo.. TThheeyy ddoonntt kknnooww wwhhoo ttoo ttrruusstt..
  • 10. OOuurr 55 CCoorree SSoolluuttiioonnss 11.. HHeeaalltthh aanndd WWeellllnneessss CClluubb 11.. HHeeaalltthh aanndd WWeellllnneessss CCooaacchheess 11.. EEdduuccaattiioonn aanndd TTrraaiinniinngg CCllaasssseess 11.. FFuunn aanndd EEnnggaaggiinngg AAccttiivviittiieess 11.. WWoorrlldd CCllaassss NNuuttrriittiioonnaall SSoolluuttiioonnss
  • 11. Health aanndd WWeellllnneessss CClluubb!! IItt AAllll SSttaarrttss HHeerree
  • 12. CCooaacchhiinngg PPrrooggrraammss WWeellllnneessss CCooaacchhiinngg HHeeaalltthh CCooaacchhiinngg NNuuttrriittiioonn CCooaacchhiinngg LLiiffee SSttyyllee CCooaacchhiinngg WWeeiigghhtt LLoossss CCooaacchhiinngg FFiittnneessss CCooaacchhiinngg
  • 13. EEdduuccaattiioonn aanndd TTrraaiinniinngg HHeeaalltthh && WWeellllnneessss 110011 NNuuttrriittiioonn CCllaasssseess SSttrreessss MMaannaaggeemmeenntt HHeeaalltthhyy EEaattiinngg OOuutt 1155 WWaayyss ttoo SShheedd PPoouunnddss WWhhyy DDiieettiinngg DDooeessnntt WWoorrkk EExxeerrcciissee ffrroomm hhoommee
  • 14. FFuunn aanndd EEnnggaaggiinngg AAccttiivviittiieess 11.. WWeeiigghhtt LLoossss CChhaalllleennggeess 2.. SSmmooootthhiiee PPaarrttiieess 3.. HHaappppyy HHeeaalltthhyy FFrriiddaayyss 4.. CChhoolleesstteerrooll LLoowweerriinngg CChhaalllleennggeess 55.. SSttrreessss LLoowweerriinngg TTuueessddaayyss 66.. AAnndd mmoorree
  • 17. Former President of Walt Disney International Named 2005 Readers Choice CEO of The Year by Market Watch Accomplished Tri-Athlete MMiicchhaaeell OO.. JJoohhnnssoonn CCEEOO HHeerrbbaalliiffee IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall
  • 18. U.C.L. A Science Behind Herbalife
  • 20. TThhee SSppoorrttss!! L.A. Galaxy (David Beckham) Los Angeles Triathlon L.A. Open Tennis AVP Pro Beach Volley Ball AYSO (American Youth Soccer Organization) Over 100 Sporting Events
  • 21. Asia Pacific Australia Mongolia China Malaysia Hong Kong New Zealand India Philippine Indonesia Singapore Japan Taiwan Korea Thailand Macau Vietnam Europe Austria France Latvia Slovak Republic Belarus Georgia Lithuania Spain Belgium Germany Netherlands Sweden Bulgaria Greece Norway Switzerland Croatia Hungary Poland Turkey Cyprus Iceland Portugal Ukraine Czech Rep. Ireland Romania United Kingdom Denmark Israel Russia Estonia Italy Finland Africa Botswana Ghana Lesotho Namibia S. Africa Swaziland Zambia North America Canada Mexico United States Latin America Argentina Honduras Bolivia Jamaica Brazil Nicaragua Chile Panama Colombia Paraguay Costa Rica Peru Dominican Republic Ecuador Puerto Rico El Salvador Uruguay Guatemala Venezuela WWoorrllddwwiiddee 8822 CCoouunnttrriieess!! Middle East Lebanon
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  • 26. IIttss AAllll AAbboouutt TThhee PPrroodduuccttss!! AA CCoommpplleettee HHeeaalltthh AAnndd WWeellllnneessss SSoolluuttiioonn!! Weight Management Targeted Nutrition Sports Nutrition Energy & Fitness Personal Care
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  • 28. IIttss AAllll AAbboouutt CCeelllluullaarr NNuuttrriittiioonn
  • 29. TThhee RReessuullttss WWhheenn TThhee BBooddyy GGeettss EEvveerryytthhiinngg IItt NNeeeeddss TThhee RReessuullttss AArree AAMMAAZZIINNGG
  • 31. Cassandr a Lost 30 pounds and 4 inches off her waist! TThhee RReessuullttss Before After
  • 32. TThhee RReessuullttss Vinnie Lost 35 pounds in 3months, and got rid of heartburn Before After
  • 33. Kimberl y Lost 45 pounds! TThhee RReessuullttss Before After
  • 34. TThhee RReessuullttss Angie Lost 110 pounds and has kept it off for 7 years! Before After
  • 35. Jim lost 402 pounds in 19 months TThhee RReessuullttss
  • 37. TThhee RReessuullttss Jerry before and after Fitness Before After January 2009 September 2010
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  • 42. Children! Predicted to be the first generation of children to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents! World Health Organization
  • 43. Before TThhee RReessuullttss 1 year HHeellppiinngg oouurr later cchhiillddrreenn wwiitthh ggoooodd nnuuttrriittiioonn
  • 44. Conditions TThhee RReessuullttss LLiiffee CChhaannggiinngg RReessuullttss WWiitthh GGrreeaatt NNuuttrriittiioonn!!
  • 46. Steven Komadin aO bstetrician GBeyfnoerceo: l3o0g0is tpounds After: 185 pounds I have 1,300 patients on Herbalife products and I lost 115 pounds. TThhee RReessuullttss
  • 47. TThhee RReessuullttss IInnccoommee RReessuullttss FFoorr sshhoowwiinngg ppeeooppllee hhooww ttoo lliivvee hheeaalltthhiieerr 25
  • 48. TThhee RReessuullttss CChhrriissttoopphheerr aanndd MMaayyuummii RReeeessee $9752/mo in 17 MONTHS! Christopher - Former Jewelry Designer Mayumi - Translator Made a good living Loved what they did until economy died Lived in 700 sq/ft Condo Followed Mentors / System to success Replaced monthly job income in 18 months Started making $4,000 in 6 months Very consistent for 52 months Now making a 6 figure income
  • 49. TThhee RReessuullttss CCaarroolliinnee && CCrraaiigg We went from TTssuuttaakkaawwaa bankruptcy to being set for life Before: $500,000 in debt, evicted from their home Working With Herbalife: $1,000: first week, part-time $117k first year $234k second year Total to date: $2.6 million
  • 50. TThhee RReessuullttss DDaann aanndd AAnnddrreeaa Corporate America Long hours, long commute Daughter growing up in Daycare First month $500, 2nd month $2,700, 3rd month $4,100 Replaced Andreas monthly job income in 12 months Replaced both incomes in 24 months Dan came home End of 2nd Year $10,000 a month End of 3rd year income hit over $20,000 a month SShhaannaahhaann
  • 52. YYoouu CChhoooossee YYoouurr SScchheedduullee We Are Looking For A Min Of 7-10 Hours Per Week On A Flex- Schedule, You Pick Product results disclaimer: these results are not typical, individual results will vary. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Earnings disclaimer: income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the statement of average gross compensation for U.S. Supervisors at www.Herbalife.Com and www.Myherbalife.Com
  • 53. S Three Stteepp BBuussiinneessss PPrroocceessss 1 2 3 Use the products Wear the brand Talk to people Learn to get better Learn where to go and what to say Go talk to people Product results disclaimer: these results are not typical, individual results will vary. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Earnings disclaimer: income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the statement of average gross compensation for U.S. Supervisors at www.Herbalife.Com and www.Myherbalife.Com
  • 54. HHooww ttoo MMaakkee MMoonneeyy TTaallkkiinngg ttoo PPeeooppllee You Choose Your MMeetthhoodd OOff OOppeerraattiioonn Community Wellness Weight Loss Challenges Work Place Wellness Practic e Profiles FREE Invites *Product results disclaimer: these results are not typical, individual results will vary. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Earnings disclaimer: income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the statement of average gross compensation for U.S. Supervisors at www.Herbalife.Com and www.Myherbalife.Com
  • 55. WWeellllnneessss PPrrooffiilleess 10 Hours A Week 25 Practice Profiles Per Week 40 Participants/Mo. $150 X 40 Average Per Customer = $6000.00 25% Profit To You ($1500.00) (Thats $37 Per Hour) PPrraaccttiiccee *Product results disclaimer: these results are not typical, individual results will vary. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Earnings disclaimer: income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the statement of average gross compensation for U.S. Supervisors at www.Herbalife.Com and www.Myherbalife.Com
  • 56. 4 Hours A Week 2 Weight Loss Challenges 40 Participants a month $150 Average Per Customer x 40 = $6,000 a month 25% Profit To You $1500.00) (Thats $93.75 Per Hour) WWeeiigghhtt LLoossss CChhaalllleennggeess *Product results disclaimer: these results are not typical, individual results will vary. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Earnings disclaimer: income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the statement of average gross compensation for U.S. Supervisors at www.Herbalife.Com and www.Myherbalife.Com
  • 57. IInn SSeerrvviicceess:: CCoommmmuunniittyy WWeellllnneessss 6 Hours A Week 10 Coaching Clients Per Week 3 In services Per Week 45 Participants/Mo. (5 Per In Service) $150 Average Per Customer 25% Profit To You ($37.50) $37 * 45 Participants At Parties = $1,665* Per Month (Thats $69 Per Hour) *Product results disclaimer: these results are not typical, individual results will vary. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Earnings disclaimer: income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the statement of average gross compensation for U.S. Supervisors at www.Herbalife.Com and www.Myherbalife.Com
  • 58. IInn SSeerrvviicceess:: WWoorrkk PPllaaccee WWeellllnneessss 6 Hours A Week 25 interviews = 10 Coaching Clients Per Week = 40 per month 40 x $150 = 3 In Services Per Week 45 Participants (3 Per In Service) $150 Avg. Per customer $6000 25% Profit To You $1500 (Thats $62 Per Hour) *Product results disclaimer: these results are not typical, individual results will vary. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Earnings disclaimer: income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the statement of average gross compensation for U.S. Supervisors at www.Herbalife.Com and www.Myherbalife.Com
  • 59. CClluubb SSeerrvviicceess:: FFRREEEE SSmmooootthhiiee IInnvviitteess 5 Hours Per Week 10 Clients a week 40 Clients a month $150 Average Per Customer x 40 = $6000 a month 25% Profit To You $1500 a month (Thats $75 Per Hour) *Product results disclaimer: these results are not typical, individual results will vary. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Earnings disclaimer: income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the statement of average gross compensation for U.S. Supervisors at www.Herbalife.Com and www.Myherbalife.Com
  • 60. AAtt tthhee 5500%% lleevveell ddoouubbllee yyoouurr iinnccoommee wwiitthh tthhee ssaammee ttiimmee.. $3000*/Mo., 5Hrs./Wk. - Practice Wellness Profiles $3000*/Mo., 4Hrs./Wk. - Weight Loss Challenges $3000*/Mo., 6Hrs./Wk. - Community Wellness $3000*/Mo., 6Hrs./Wk. - Work Place Wellness $3000*/Mo., 5Hrs./Wk. - FREE Smoothie Invitations Any combination of 4 $12,000*/Mo., about 20Hrs/Wk. - Total Monthly Income Potential* *Product results disclaimer: these results are not typical, individual results will vary. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Earnings disclaimer: income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the statement of average gross compensation for U.S. Supervisors at www.Herbalife.Com and www.Myherbalife.Com
  • 61. WWhhaatt IItt TTaakkeess TToo BBee SSuucccceessssffuull 1. A Burning Desire to Change Your Life 2. A Willingness to Learn something new 3. A Willingness to Work You Must ask Yourself. Do I have all 3 Product results disclaimer: these results are not typical, individual results will vary. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Earnings disclaimer: income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the statement of average gross compensation for U.S. Supervisors at www.Herbalife.Com and www.Myherbalife.Com
  • 62. WWee AArree LLooookkiinngg FFoorr 33 KKiinnddss OOff PPeeooppllee A. Discount Customer-Someone who Desires a Health Results B. Part-Time Income $500 - $2,500 C. Full-Time Income $5,000-$10,000 PLUS a month Product results disclaimer: these results are not typical, individual results will vary. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Earnings disclaimer: income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the statement of average gross compensation for U.S. Supervisors at www.Herbalife.Com and www.Myherbalife.Com
  • 63. NNeexxtt SStteepp What is the best place for you? 1. Imagine if you do 2. Imagine if you dont 3. Which will serve you better? 4. Imagine, you wake up a year from now and everything has totally changed for the best!? 5. How will that feel!, what will that be like?
  • 64. NNeexxtt SStteepp Only $64 To Be Licensed By Herbalife 1.Receive business startup kit 2.You can do business in all 82 countries starting you at a 25% Profit margin 3.Access to your online Business Training and Management website 4.A Personal Mentor and Support System to assure your success
  • 65. NNeexxtt SStteepp In closing please get with the person who invited you and let them know what is the best way for you to get started Or get registered right now. Getting licensed is a simple online registration form at: http://myherbalife.com
  • 66. NNeexxtt SStteepp EEnndd OOff PPrreesseennttaattiioonn GGeett WWiitthh YYoouurr CCooaacchh 45

Editor's Notes

  • #2: 1. Welcome Welcome and congratulate everyone for being at the Challenge and wanting to make a difference in their lives! Let them know how much fun the last Challenge was, how much total weight was lost and total money was given away. If you have old participants back for a 2nd Challenge, acknowledge them. Be excited!
  • #6: 3. Overwhelming Facts: America Needs to be Healthier In this section, you are putting the fear into your participants so they are fully aware of the consequences if they do not lose weight and get healthier. Present it factually and point out the sources of information these are highly reliable sources and easily verifiable.
  • #21: 2. Introduction Establish identity and credibility so your participants know exactly who you are: Introduce yourself as Personal Weight Loss Coach (other Coaches will be introduced at the end of class). You help people lose weight and get healthy by teaching them about proper nutrition, helping them improve their eating habits, and developing a healthy lifestyle. Your goal is to help each of them achieve solid results! As part of introducing yourself, share briefly a testimonial (yours, or one of the other Coaches, or your mentors story) on weight loss and better health. (non-branded)
  • #27: 2. Introduction Establish identity and credibility so your participants know exactly who you are: Introduce yourself as Personal Weight Loss Coach (other Coaches will be introduced at the end of class). You help people lose weight and get healthy by teaching them about proper nutrition, helping them improve their eating habits, and developing a healthy lifestyle. Your goal is to help each of them achieve solid results! As part of introducing yourself, share briefly a testimonial (yours, or one of the other Coaches, or your mentors story) on weight loss and better health. (non-branded)
  • #51: Intereviewed by MC-Coi-customer first was the pres team they had on theirs
  • #67: 2. Introduction Establish identity and credibility so your participants know exactly who you are: Introduce yourself as Personal Weight Loss Coach (other Coaches will be introduced at the end of class). You help people lose weight and get healthy by teaching them about proper nutrition, helping them improve their eating habits, and developing a healthy lifestyle. Your goal is to help each of them achieve solid results! As part of introducing yourself, share briefly a testimonial (yours, or one of the other Coaches, or your mentors story) on weight loss and better health. (non-branded)