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Leadership Training, Team Building Activities
PID Bruce Beck
PID Robert Littlefield
Lion Jon Montgomery
Lion Jama Wahl
Hosted by
PID AP Singh
PID Sangeeta Jatia
Eastern India Lions Leadership Academy Webinar Series
Jons 際際滷s  Why Activities Assist Adult Learners
Adult Learning
Children or young adults often need to be
directed and be given information.
Adults can be provided information, but need to
use that information or practice a skill in order for
learning to be useful and impactful.
Characteristics of Adult Learners
Self-directed: Learning needs to be seen as important and
Seek out experts: Trainers need to be credible and
Learn by doing: Adults prefer to be actively involved in the
Characteristics of Adult Learners
Sharing: Learners want to utilize their and peers experiences.
Learning styles: Adults may require various strategies.
Feedback: Adults are interested in results and how to improve.
Seek out
Learn by doing
Make sure objectives and benefits are clear.
Convey knowledge but also ask good questions.
Use discussions, group activities, workshop, etc.
Characteristic: Strategy:
Learning styles
Solicit input and utilize learners experiences.
Utilize visual, auditory, and kinesthetic strategies.
Allow participants to demonstrate learning
frequently, and provide feedback often.
Characteristic: Strategy:
Activities are a Great Solution!
Activities can accomplish many learning objectives
but also meet the needs of adult learners, even if
you dont use every strategy mentioned.
Lets hear some examples and
other strategies to employ.
Ice Breakers
 Engage Everyone
 Build Connections
 Set Stage for Adult Learning
Something We Dont Know
 Participants Are Asked to Share
 Favorite Service Project
 Something We Dont Know about Them
 Sample Use
Repeat, Repeat
 Divide Group into Equal Circles
 First Person Makes a Comment
 Second Person Makes another Comment and Repeats the First
 Third Person Makes a Comment, Repeats First and Second
 Continue around the Circle
 Phone a Friend if Need Help
 Divide Group Equally
 Give Each Group 3-4 Props
 Group Develops a Story Using All of the Props
 Present to Larger Group
Hooping It Up
 Divide Group Equally
 Requires Movement and Imagination
 Limits moving = judge, coach, timer
 Group Develops a Story Using All of the Props
 Share Out
Organizing and Facilitating
 Think it Through
 Plan for Naysayers
 Bring It
Team Building Activities
3 Key Basic Elements to Team Building
 Honest Engagement
 Side benefits 
 All 3 together build trust
 They are generally happier and more FUN to work with! (Inc.)
Team Building Activities
Our 1st Activity
You will need
A bag of large lego style blocks. Here is an
example: Mega Bloks (Fisher Price)  available
on Amazon for about $15.00 USD.
Team Building Activities
Our 1st Activity
Prior to the event you need to build a unique
structure and have in another adjoining
room out of sight. The photo is an example.
Team Building Activities
Our 1st Activity
 Next  divide your group into teams of 3-5 members. Each group will have their
own bag of building blocks still in the bag. Have them select a Team Leader.
 Explain this is a timed event (10-15 mins) and their groups task is to build an
identical structure to the one they will go observe.
 Only one member at a time from their team will be allowed to go to other room to
observe the structure (15 second time limit to observe, have a faculty monitor &
time, no pics, no touching or turning.) Upon return, they can start building and
send in another member from their team, etc.
Team Building Activities
Our 1st Activity
 After Times Up! Faculty will decide which groups structure was
closest to the example. Give out prize or recognition
 Discuss with attendees
 Closing  put blocks back in bags, normally the blocks are then
donated to child care centers for use.
Team Building Activities
Our 2nd Activity
Building a Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower!
You will need
20 sticks of uncooked spaghetti, 1 roll of masking
tape, 36 inches or 90 cm of string, and 1
Marshmallow for each team.
Team Building Activities
Our 2nd Activity
 Just using these supplies, which team can build the tallest tower?
Theres a catch: the marshmallow has to be at the very top of the
spaghetti tower, and the whole structure has to stand on its own (that
means no hands or other objects supporting it!) for five seconds.
 This is a timed activity, usually 10 mins or so.
 After time, Faculty decides the winner and awards prize/recognition.
Team Building Activities
Discussion for activities
These activities were designed for attendees to Laugh, Learn and
 How was a leader selected?
 How important was communication?
 Was the Team flexible?
 How were decisions made?
Team Building Activities
Skills Learned/Utilized
 Communication -
 Problem Solving -
 Conflict Resolution 
 Fostered Genuine Connections 
 Builds Trust
Team Building Activities
1. Networking
2. Boosts Performance
3. Celebration  Fun  Team Spirit
4. Collaboration & Fostering Innovation
5. Develops Trust with Team Members
6. Friendly Competition & Bragging rights
Team Building Activities
Successful Teams Usually
1. They took a flexible approach.
2. They had diverse skill sets in the group.
3. They had prior experience with the task.
Team Building Activities
1. You got Team Building right if there was Laughter, a Sense of
Excitement and Accomplishment and maybe a few Instagram
2. As a Leader it is key for you the keep the excitement going! At
meetings where you check on team Projects, celebrate your
progress/successes with the Team! (Forbes 2016)
Dr. Robert Littlefield
Summary and Wrap-Up
Lets Review
 Adult learners are self directed, seek out experts, and learn by doing.
 Adult learners utilize peer experiences, require various strategies, and
are result-driven.
 Team-building activities must have clear objectives, convey
knowledge, and engage the participants.
Icebreakers and Energizers
 Icebreakers help members to "warm up" the group by getting to
know each other.
 Energizers are intended to increase energy in a group by engaging
them in physical activity, laughter, and ways that engage.
 Used when participants become fatigued, sluggish, or distracted.
 Benefits include a positive group atmosphere by helping people to
relax, "think outside the box, and to get to know one another.
Team Building
 Characterized by honest engagement, interaction, and
 Results include trust and create a more enjoyable experience.
 Team-building activities must have clear objectives, convey
knowledge, and engage the participants.
 Benefits include networking, better performance, morale,
collaboration, innovation, competition.
 Improves Communication
 Demonstrates and Fosters Cooperation
 Builds Trust
 Creates a Fun Environment
Why is Team Building important to Lion Leaders?
You can learn more about a person in an hours worth of
play than in a day of conversation. Plato
Leadership Training, Team Building Activities
Eastern India Lions Leadership Academy Webinar Series
Thank you

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Ppt for webinar on 12th december

  • 1. 1 Topic: Leadership Training, Team Building Activities Speakers PID Bruce Beck PID Robert Littlefield Lion Jon Montgomery Lion Jama Wahl Hosted by PID AP Singh PID Sangeeta Jatia Eastern India Lions Leadership Academy Webinar Series
  • 2. 2 Jons 際際滷s Why Activities Assist Adult Learners
  • 3. 3 Adult Learning Children or young adults often need to be directed and be given information. Adults can be provided information, but need to use that information or practice a skill in order for learning to be useful and impactful.
  • 4. 4 Characteristics of Adult Learners Self-directed: Learning needs to be seen as important and useful. Seek out experts: Trainers need to be credible and knowledgeable. Learn by doing: Adults prefer to be actively involved in the learning
  • 5. 5 Characteristics of Adult Learners Sharing: Learners want to utilize their and peers experiences. Learning styles: Adults may require various strategies. Feedback: Adults are interested in results and how to improve.
  • 6. 6 Strategies Self-directed Seek out experts Learn by doing Make sure objectives and benefits are clear. Convey knowledge but also ask good questions. Use discussions, group activities, workshop, etc. Characteristic: Strategy:
  • 7. 7 Strategies Sharing Learning styles Feedback Solicit input and utilize learners experiences. Utilize visual, auditory, and kinesthetic strategies. Allow participants to demonstrate learning frequently, and provide feedback often. Characteristic: Strategy:
  • 8. 8 Activities are a Great Solution! Activities can accomplish many learning objectives but also meet the needs of adult learners, even if you dont use every strategy mentioned. Lets hear some examples and other strategies to employ.
  • 9. 9 Ice Breakers Quick Engage Everyone Build Connections Set Stage for Adult Learning
  • 10. 10 Something We Dont Know Participants Are Asked to Share Name District Favorite Service Project Something We Dont Know about Them Sample Use
  • 11. 11 Repeat, Repeat Divide Group into Equal Circles First Person Makes a Comment Second Person Makes another Comment and Repeats the First Third Person Makes a Comment, Repeats First and Second Continue around the Circle Phone a Friend if Need Help
  • 12. 12 Props Divide Group Equally Give Each Group 3-4 Props Group Develops a Story Using All of the Props Present to Larger Group
  • 13. 13 Hooping It Up Divide Group Equally Requires Movement and Imagination Limits moving = judge, coach, timer Group Develops a Story Using All of the Props Share Out
  • 14. 14 Organizing and Facilitating Time Space Think it Through Plan for Naysayers Bring It Facilitate Celebrate
  • 15. 15 Team Building Activities 3 Key Basic Elements to Team Building Honest Engagement Interaction Connection Side benefits All 3 together build trust They are generally happier and more FUN to work with! (Inc.)
  • 16. 16 Team Building Activities Our 1st Activity You will need A bag of large lego style blocks. Here is an example: Mega Bloks (Fisher Price) available on Amazon for about $15.00 USD.
  • 17. 17 Team Building Activities Our 1st Activity Prior to the event you need to build a unique structure and have in another adjoining room out of sight. The photo is an example.
  • 18. 18 Team Building Activities Our 1st Activity Next divide your group into teams of 3-5 members. Each group will have their own bag of building blocks still in the bag. Have them select a Team Leader. Explain this is a timed event (10-15 mins) and their groups task is to build an identical structure to the one they will go observe. Only one member at a time from their team will be allowed to go to other room to observe the structure (15 second time limit to observe, have a faculty monitor & time, no pics, no touching or turning.) Upon return, they can start building and send in another member from their team, etc.
  • 19. 19 Team Building Activities Our 1st Activity After Times Up! Faculty will decide which groups structure was closest to the example. Give out prize or recognition Discuss with attendees Closing put blocks back in bags, normally the blocks are then donated to child care centers for use.
  • 20. 20 Team Building Activities Our 2nd Activity Building a Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower! You will need 20 sticks of uncooked spaghetti, 1 roll of masking tape, 36 inches or 90 cm of string, and 1 Marshmallow for each team.
  • 21. 21 Team Building Activities Our 2nd Activity Just using these supplies, which team can build the tallest tower? Theres a catch: the marshmallow has to be at the very top of the spaghetti tower, and the whole structure has to stand on its own (that means no hands or other objects supporting it!) for five seconds. This is a timed activity, usually 10 mins or so. After time, Faculty decides the winner and awards prize/recognition.
  • 22. 22 Team Building Activities Discussion for activities These activities were designed for attendees to Laugh, Learn and Connect. How was a leader selected? How important was communication? Was the Team flexible? How were decisions made?
  • 23. 23 Team Building Activities Skills Learned/Utilized Communication - Planning Problem Solving - Conflict Resolution Fostered Genuine Connections Builds Trust
  • 24. 24 Team Building Activities Benefits 1. Networking 2. Boosts Performance 3. Celebration Fun Team Spirit 4. Collaboration & Fostering Innovation 5. Develops Trust with Team Members 6. Friendly Competition & Bragging rights
  • 25. 25 Team Building Activities Successful Teams Usually 1. They took a flexible approach. 2. They had diverse skill sets in the group. 3. They had prior experience with the task.
  • 26. 26 Team Building Activities Summary 1. You got Team Building right if there was Laughter, a Sense of Excitement and Accomplishment and maybe a few Instagram moments 2. As a Leader it is key for you the keep the excitement going! At meetings where you check on team Projects, celebrate your progress/successes with the Team! (Forbes 2016)
  • 28. 28 Lets Review Adult learners are self directed, seek out experts, and learn by doing. Adult learners utilize peer experiences, require various strategies, and are result-driven. Team-building activities must have clear objectives, convey knowledge, and engage the participants.
  • 29. 29 Icebreakers and Energizers Icebreakers help members to "warm up" the group by getting to know each other. Energizers are intended to increase energy in a group by engaging them in physical activity, laughter, and ways that engage. Used when participants become fatigued, sluggish, or distracted. Benefits include a positive group atmosphere by helping people to relax, "think outside the box, and to get to know one another.
  • 30. 30 Team Building Characterized by honest engagement, interaction, and connection. Results include trust and create a more enjoyable experience. Team-building activities must have clear objectives, convey knowledge, and engage the participants. Benefits include networking, better performance, morale, collaboration, innovation, competition.
  • 31. 31 Improves Communication Demonstrates and Fosters Cooperation Builds Trust Creates a Fun Environment Why is Team Building important to Lion Leaders? You can learn more about a person in an hours worth of play than in a day of conversation. Plato
  • 33. 33 Topic: Leadership Training, Team Building Activities Eastern India Lions Leadership Academy Webinar Series Thank you

Editor's Notes

  • #32: Earlier training allows: learning to be processed and absorbed well in advance of its application more controlled and comprehensive delivery of nuts and bolts learning which is now farmed out to MDs Local/predictable space allows: HQ-based learning activities More creativity in design of learning activities Separate from Convention allows: No distractions from spouse/companions Fewer distractions for staff organizers