The document provides information on common English greetings and ways to ask "How are you?". It includes responses like "I'm fine", "Pretty good", and "Not so good" and parting phrases such as "See you later", "Have a nice day", and "Goodnight". Sample dialogues demonstrate greetings, asking how someone is, and making plans to meet up later.
Siswa terampil
menggunakan ungkapan
sapaanuntuk melakukan
komunikasi interpersonal
dengan struktur teks
yang runtut dan dengan
unsur kebahasaan yang
dilandasi dengan
semangat belajar
yang tinggi, santun
dan peduli
3. Meet and Greet!
Today we will talk about some common
ways to ask and answer How are you? in
5. How are you?
ANDI: How are you?
DION: Im fine.
You can use How are you? to be polite.
6. Hows it going?
ANDI: How is it going?
DION: Pretty good.
Im fine.
Not bad.
just okay.
7. ANDI: Hi, how is it going?
Dion is feeling good, he can say:
DION: Good. Great!
Pretty good.
Not bad.
8. ANDI: Hey, how is it going?
Dion is not feeling good, he can say:
DION: Not so good.
Not great.
Not so well.
ANDI: Why, whats wrong?
(Andi may say this to be polite.)
9. Whats up? (another way of saying hello)
ANDI: What up?
DION: Not much.
Nothing much.
10. Basic greetings
Hello / hi: used to greet somebody
good morning / morning: greeting said in
the morning
good afternoon: said after 12pm to
around 4 to 5pm
good evening: said when it gets dark
11. Other partings
See you later or see ya later!
see ya
Take care
Have a nice day
Have a good evening
12. Lets practice conversation!
Girls: Hi, how is it going?
Boys: Not bad. Whats up with you?
Girls: Not much.
Boys: What are you doing later?
Girls: Just some studying.
Boys: Do you want to go to the library or something?
Girls: Sure, thats cool. What time?
Boys: Around 8 o clock?
Girls: Okay, see you then. Talk to you later!
Boys: See you later
13. Other basic ways of saying bye.
goodbye: said when parting
bye: short way of saying goodbye
goodnight: said usually as a parting at
night or going to bed