The document outlines the site security procedures at a construction site. It details security deployment, including requiring approval from head office and contracting an agency. Guards must follow dress and safety codes, such as uniforms, badges, safety shoes, and masks. They receive training on vehicle, material, and entry checks and maintaining various registers. Guards must attend security, safety, and emergency meetings. They submit attendance, daily, weekly, and monthly reports, and reports on any theft or investigations. Regular security checks ensure guard presence and compliance with protocols.
3. Site Security
Security Deployment
Dress code & Safety PPE
Security Meetings
Registers to be maintained
Security Checks
4. Site Security
Security Deployment
1. Site Manager projects the requirement
2. Obtaining approvals from H.O for security
3. Finalizing security agency
4. Projecting the requirement to Security Agency
5. Deployment of Guards at the required locations
6. Confirmation with Site Manager
5. Site Security
Dress Code & Safety PPE
Dress Code
Uniform, Belt, Agency Badge
Stick, Whistle, Rain coat & Torch for Night Guards
Safety PPE
Safety Shoe
Reflecting Jacket
Hand Gloves
Nose Mask
Safety goggles
7. The figure shows the details of Safety PPE needed for Security Persons
at Site
8. Site Security
Vehicle Checks
Registers Maintenance
Material Checks
Inward & Outward details
Individual Entry details
Ensuring Safety PPE available with Labour
9. Site Security
Security Meetings
Security persons at site to attend all the following
Training meetings
Safety meetings
Emergency meetings when odd incidents & accidents
occurred as arranged by site employees
10. Site Security
Registers to be maintained
Attendance register of security persons at Site
Material-Inward & Outward Registers
Vehicle Entry Register
Individual Entry Register-Employees
Individual Entry Register- Visitors
11. The figure shows the model formats of Registers to be maintained by Security
at Site
12. Site Security
Attendance Report
Daily report
Weekly report
Monthly report
Reports on Thefts- If any occurred
Investigation reports on various issues as instructed by
13. Site Security
Security checks
Checking Guards presence at their respective locations
Night checks at locations
Register checks
Dress code & Safety PPE checks