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 The inflation is more important to the economy.

 High rate of inflation are the big issues for developing
  countries. Sri Lanka is a developing country.

 we choose the inflation as our dependent variable and
  select the interest, wage, exchange rate are independent

 The inflation effect these variables. At the same time these
  independent variables also make the affection on inflation.
  But we choose the 2nd way.
 Increase in wages that causes to increase the inflation
  rate . The increase in wages that increase the money
  supply due to that the inflation increases.

 The rise in exchange rate make the inflation rate goes
  to low value. There is a negative relationship between
  exchange rate & the inflation rate.

 As a result of high rate of interest rate make the
  inflation goes down. That makes fall in loans & reduce
  the money supply. There is a negative relationship
  between interest rate & inflation.
 The economic decision makers can make the decision
 which variables may hugely affect the inflation.

 They can control the variable which is mostly
 controlling the inflation.

 The sources are taken mainly from central bank report
 of Sri Lanka, census & statistics department.
 Inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in
  an economy over a period of time.

 Inflation is measured in terms of changes in price indices. Such an
  index would indicate the relative cost of a specified basket of goods and
  services over time, compared with the cost of such basket of goods and
  services during a particular (base) year.

 In Sri Lanka there are several price indices calculated by the Central
  Bank of Sri Lanka and the Department of Census and Statistics. Few
  main indices are:

      Colombo Consumer Price Index(CCPI)
      Colombo District Consumer Price Index (CDCPI)
      Sri Lanka Consumer Price Index (SLCPI)
      Wholesale Price Index (WPI).
 Mainly inflation divided into two:
   Demand pull inflation
Inflation effects on the economy
Year   Inflation
                                                              Chart of Inflation Rate
2002   6.2                          25                                                                        25

2003   14.2
                                    20                                                                        20
2004   9.0

                   Inflation Rate
2005   11.0
                                    15                                                                        15
2006   10.0

2007   15.8                         10                                                                        10

2008   22.6
                                    5                                                                         5
2009   3.4

2010   5.9
                                    0                                                                         0
                                         2002   2003   2004    2005   2006 2007   2008   2009   2010   2011
2011   6.9                                                               Year
 In year 2002 there will be hyperinflation. The
  inflation rate is 9.6% in 2002.because in year 2001
  there is a negative economic growth occurred.

 In year 2006 the annual inflation rate is 10.0. It occurs
  because of tsunami. That also affect the 2007. annual
  rate of inflation is 15.8 in 2007.

 In year 2008, the inflation rate recorded was at a peak
  at 22.6 percent. growth of money supply, interest rate,
  budget deficit & depreciation of the Sri Lanka
  currency against the dollar contributed to this
 In 2009 the inflation rate is 3.4. The domestic price of
  fuel remained unchanged since the reduction in the
  price of petrol at the end of 2009.

 The annual average rate of inflation stood around 5.6
  percentages on 2010. The increase in the price of fuel
  in the international market & Increased supplies of
  domestic agricultural produce increase the inflation.
  And also there is a reduction in the import duty of key
  food items.

 There are noticeable signs of inflation 2011 year
  inflation was 7 per cent. The increase in the index was
  largely driven by the food and non-alcoholic
Statistical analyze of inflation
                                      Summary for Inflation
                                                                             A nderson-Darling N ormality Test
                                                                                  A -S quared        0.32
                                                                                  P -V alue         0.460
                                                                                  M ean            10.500
                                                                                  S tDev            5.715
                                                                                  V ariance        32.662
                                                                                  S kew ness      1.03147
                                                                                  Kurtosis        0.96276
                                                                                  N                    10
                                                                                  M inimum          3.400
                                                                                  1st Q uartile     6.125
                                                                                  M edian           9.500
                                                                                  3rd Q uartile    14.600
                4     8          12          16          20     24                M aximum         22.600
                                                                            95% C onfidence Interv al for M ean
                                                                                  6.412            14.588
                                                                            95% C onfidence Interv al for M edian
                                                                                  6.097            14.748
                                                                            95% C onfidence Interv al for S tDev
                          9 5 % C onfidence Inter vals
                                                                                  3.931            10.434


          5.0       7.5               10.0               12.5        15.0
 The mean shows that the average inflation is 10.5 for 10years.

 mean=10.500.mean, median are the measurement of central tendency.

 graph is showed positively skewness. The graph shows the skewness as
  1.03147. This graph shows the mean > median.

 The 1st quartile=6.125 and the 3rd quartile=14.600. The 2nd quartile range
  is median.

 1st quartile range & the 2nd quartile range=3.375(9.500-6.125). The
  difference between 3rd quartile range & 2nd quartile range=5.1(14.6-9.5).

 The difference between the 1st quartile & 2nd quartile range is smaller
  than the 3rd quartile range & 2nd quartile range. So this is also a reason
  for positive skewness.
Wages Rate
Wage is the Price of Labour.

A macroeconomic theory to explain the cause-and-effect
relationship between rising wages and rising prices, or inflation.
Real wage rate = nominal wage rate inflation rate
                    Minimum Wage Rates in Sri Lanka

         Industry           Worker Category          Minimum wages (in LKR)
Plantation Sector                                    380 per day
                       plus Attendance Bonus         105 per day

                       plus productivity incentive   30 per day

Industrial Sector      Unskilled                     6500-7500 per month
                       Semi Skilled                  7000-8000 per month
Historical changes of wage rate
Year   Wages
                                                   Chart of Wages Rate
2002   1265.78
                              4000                                                       4000
2003   1294.44

2004   1587.18
                              3000                                                       3000
2005   1801.44   Wages Rate

2006   2144.38
                              2000                                                       2000

2007   2586.10

2008   2925.68
                              1000                                                       1000
2009   3156.08

2010   3537.62
                                0                                                        0
                                     2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2011   3760.80                                              Year
 Analyzing the above the graph In 2002 & 2003 government
    employees wages rate are no big changes.

    In 2005, public sector employees were able to enjoy significant
    wage increases as a result of the implementation of the second
    salary revision of 2004 effective from 01 December 2004.

 The December2004 revision granted a 40% increase of the basic
    salary subject to a minimum of Rs 3,250 per month and a
    maximum of Rs 9,000 per month, plus allowances.

 Parallel to the increase in public sector salaries under the Budget
    Proposals 2005, a new Budgetary Relief Allowance of Workers
    Act (2005) was enacted in Parliament with effect from 1 August
    2005 to increase private sector salaries by Rs 1,000.
                                         Summary for Wages Rate
                                                                                       A nderson-D arling N ormality Test
                                                                                            A -S quared         0.27
                                                                                            P -V alue          0.593
                                                                                            M ean             2406.0
                                                                                            S tD ev            920.2
                                                                                            V ariance       846803.2
                                                                                            S kew ness       0.15355
                                                                                            Kurtosis        -1.53784
                                                                                            N                     10
                                                                                            M inimum          1265.8
                                                                                            1st Q uartile     1514.0
                                                                                            M edian           2365.2
                                                                                            3rd Q uartile     3251.5
                  1500   2000         2500          3000       3500     4000                M aximum          3760.8
                                                                                      95% C onfidence Interv al for M ean
                                                                                            1747.7            3064.2
                                                                                      95% C onfidence Interv al for M edian
                                                                                            1487.0            3286.7
                                                                                      95% C onfidence Interv al for S tD ev
                                9 5 % C onfidence Inter vals
                                                                                            633.0             1680.0


           1500          2000                2500                3000          3500
 Mean is the average amount of wages rate is 2406.0 for 10 years
  standard deviation is 920.2.

 Mean, Median, Variance are measurement of central
  tendency, median=2365.2 this graph illustrates positive skewness .

 The graph shows the skewness as 0.15355. This graph shows the mean >

 The difference between the 1st quartile & 2nd quartile range is smaller
  than the 3rd quartile range & 2nd quartile range. So this is also a reason
  for positive skewness

                              Time Series Plot of Inflation, Wages Rate
           25                                                                       Variable
                                                                                    W ages Rate





                2002   2003   2004   2005   2006 2007   2008   2009   2010   2011
Wage push inflation
 Wage push inflation transpires whenever the nominal wage rate
    increases at a greater pace than the growth in the productivity of

    In turn, the firm will pass on the cost increases to the consumer by
    way of increased prices.

 Increases in money wage rates matched by increases in labour
    productivity are not inflationary.

 wage-push inflation is a result of exploitation of the power of the
    labour unions for higher nominal wage rates that is not matched by
    increases in labour productivity.

 Developments in wages have a significant bearing on consumer prices.
Interest Rate
 Interest rate is the percentage of the face value of a bond or the
  balance in a deposit account that you receive as income on your

 Interest Rate = (Total Repayment Amount - Amount Borrowed) /
  (Amount Borrowed)

 Four things influence interest rates: the risk of default, the length of
  the loan, inflation rates, and the real rate.

 Comparing interest rate with inflation choose loan lending rate is a
  category of interest rate. The reason is banking sector increasing
  lending loan rate people who lending loan from bank also
  automatically declines.
Historical change of interest rate
Year   loan interest rate                                              Chart of loan interest rate
                                                 20                                                                       20
2002         18.62

2003         16.75
                                                 15                                                                       15
2004         14.92

2005         15.09          loan interest rate

                                                 10                                                                       10
2006         16.27

2007         17.37

2008         19.27                               5                                                                        5

2009         18.94

2010         15.76                               0                                                                        0
                                                      2002   2003   2004   2005   2006 2007   2008   2009   2010   2011
2011         13.76                                                                   Year
 Analyzing this graph In year 2002-2004 lending interest rate decreasing,
  then year 2005-2008 continuously increasing.

 again 2009 decreasing for 1.23%, in 2011 interest rate is 13.75%.

 in the year 2001 there is a negative economic growth.

 After the tsunami 2006,2007&2008 lending loan interest rate going up
  because of the reason after that there is getting more housing loans
  from bank increasing .

 Srilanka can regain its economic activity and rebuild its capital stock.
  Rebuilding loan rates increasing.
Stastical analysis of loan interest rate
                                      Summary for Loan Intrest
                                                                             A nderson-Darling N ormality Test
                                                                                  A -S quared        0.21
                                                                                  P -V alue         0.791
                                                                                  M ean             16.675
                                                                                  S tDev             1.863
                                                                                  V ariance          3.470
                                                                                  S kew ness       0.03867
                                                                                  Kurtosis        -1.16764
                                                                                  N                     10
                                                                                  M inimum         13.760
                                                                                  1st Q uartile    15.047
                                                                                  M edian          16.510
                                                                                  3rd Q uartile    18.700
                   14   15          16         17           18    19              M aximum         19.270
                                                                            95% C onfidence Interv al for M ean
                                                                                  15.343           18.007
                                                                            95% C onfidence Interv al for M edian
                                                                                  15.032           18.730
                                                                            95% C onfidence Interv al for S tDev
                             9 5 % C onfidence Inter vals
                                                                                  1.281             3.401


              15        16                17                 18        19
 Mean is the average amount of loan rates that is 16.675 for 10 years.

 Standard deviation is 1.863.mean,median,variance are measurement of
  the central tendency median=16.510.

 mean, median are related to same(mean=median as shows
  16.675=16.510).1st quartile=15.047,2nd quartile=16.510.3rd quartile range is
  18.700 inter quartile range is(18.700-15.047)=3.653 mean and median
  are not equal small difference between two in digit level.

 Confidence interval for median is 95%.so we can analyze this is a
  normal skewness.ve

                        Time Series Plot of Inflation, Loan Intrest
          25                                                          Variable
                                                                      Loan Intrest





               2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
 When comparing between inflation and loan rate there is no sharply
  change in loan rate but there is a peak in inflation rate in 2008.

 in wear 2009 great depression on inflation but loan rate is high.

 in 2004 dramatic decline in economic activity pushdown interest rate.

 On other hand lower sales, production and employment during the
  adjustment period increasing changes that increasing monetary
  growth inflation accelerate in future that lead to increase interest rate.
Exchange Rate
 Rate at which one currency may be converted into
 another currency.

 Nominal Effective Exchange Rate
 Real Effective Exchange Rate
The historical changes in foreign exchange rate

Year     REER                                         Chart of REER

2003     71.326            100                                                                  100

2004     67.217
                           80                                                                   80
2005     72.628

2006     76.890            60                                                                   60

2007     78.025
                           40                                                                   40
2008     95.037

2009     97.326            20                                                                   20

2010     100.000
                            0                                                                   0
                                 2003   2004   2005   2006   2007   2008   2009   2010   2011
2011     101.857                                             Year
 The REER is calculated as removing the inflation rates of the 24

 The main focus of the NEER and the REER is on the trade balance,
  particularly the exchange rate induced changes in trade flows.

 A trend appreciation of the real effective exchange rate is considered
  unfavorable for the growth of export and import competing industries.
Statistical analyze of REER
                                             Summary for REER
                                                                           A nderson-Darling N ormality Test
                                                                                A -S quared        0.58
                                                                                P -V alue         0.093
                                                                                M ean             84.479
                                                                                S tDev            13.830
                                                                                V ariance        191.256
                                                                                S kew ness       0.15175
                                                                                Kurtosis        -2.13747
                                                                                N                      9
                                                                                M inimum         67.217
                                                                                1st Q uartile    71.977
                                                                                M edian          78.025
                                                                                3rd Q uartile    98.663
                     70            80              90         100               M aximum        101.857
                                                                          95% C onfidence Interv al for M ean
                                                                                73.848           95.109
                                                                          95% C onfidence Interv al for M edian
                                                                                71.623           99.391
                                                                          95% C onfidence Interv al for S tDev
                          9 5 % C onfidence Inter vals
                                                                                9.341            26.494


           70   75         80           85       90      95         100
 The mean shows that the average REER is 84.479 for 9 years. In this
  graph the mean=84.mean, median are the measurement of central

 The median=78.025. This graph is showed positively skewness. The
  graph shows the skewness as 0.15175.

 This graph shows the mean > median.

 The difference between the 1st quartile & 2nd quartile range is smaller
  than the 3rd quartile range & 2nd quartile range. So this is also a reason
  for positive skewness.
The comparison between REER & inflation
                    Time Series Plot of Inflation Rate, REER, NEER
        140                                                          140   Variable
                                                                           Inflation Rate
        120                                                          120

        100                                                          100

        80                                                           80

        60                                                           60

        40                                                           40

        20                                                           20

         0                                                           0
              2003 2004   2005   2006 2007 2008   2009 2010   2011
 Since, 1977, Sri Lanka is importing more than its export. Its negative
  trade balance is increasing over the years.

 This depreciates the Sri Lankan currency. Because government
  expenditure also is increasing over the years due to defense
  expenditure and other investments, government budget deficit is

 In order to finance government expenditure, the government treasury
  is using open market operation to borrow money.

 This increases the money supply and then depreciates Sri Lankan

 Sri Lankan economy is facing higher inflation due to not only increase
  in money supply but also high pass through of foreign exchange rate
  shock into the economy.
Total Analysis
         Time Series Plot of Inflation, REER, Wages Rate, Loan Intrest
       100                                                               Inflation
                                                                         W ages Rate
                                                                         Loan Intrest




             2002   2003 2004   2005 2006 2007 2008   2009 2010   2011
 Here there are decreases and increases in variable such
 as REER and loan interest rate but in the variable of
 wages rate there are no decreases.

 wages rate impact the inflation in the way the increase
 the inflation.

 The inflation is not always going to increase over 10
 years because other variables such as REER and loan
 interest rate are giving some impact on decreasing the
 In the most cases the inflation mostly depend on the
 REER & Loan interest rate because the inflation curve
 mostly change accounting to the REER curve & loan
 interest rate curve .

 While other variables also have an impact on the
 change in the inflation curve but the REER and Loan
 interest rate have most impact than the other
 variables such as wages rate.
 The inflation rate is dependent on some independent
 variables wages, lending interest rate, and foreign
 currency rate.

 The increase in wages increase the money supply in
 the economy as a result of this the inflation rate

 The increase in lending interest may cause the loan
 decrease & so the money supply increase so that the
 inflation rise in the economy.
 The increase in foreign currency rate makes our
 country currency value higher. So the inflation falls in
 the economy.

 The foreign currency rate(REER) and interest rate are
 the most important variables that affecting the
 inflation compare to wages.
                 Loan interest rate
   Quarter   2002        2003     2004    2005      2006       2007    2008    2009        2010     2011

   Q1        19.10       17.80    15.20   14.90     16.00      16.84   18.32   19.73       16.89    14.18

   Q2        18.90       17.20    14.90   15.00     16.10      17.14   19.07   19.55       16.08    13.71

   Q3        18.30       16.40    14.80   15.10     16.40      17.46   19.61   19.18       15.35    13.68

   Q4        18.20       15.70    14.80   15.40     16.60      18.08   20.13   17.41       14.80    13.50

Months           2003            2004       2005            2006       2007        2008            2009     2010     2011
January          75.63           67.51      72.20           75.46      80.34       87.99           99.73    97.90    103.02
February         74.31           65.99      72.35           75.12      78.66       90.12           101.92   99.67    103.40
March            72.17           66.62      70.77           73.02      76.13       89.36           101.28   98.62    101.94
April            71.19           66.94      70.75           74.16      74.46       90.13           96.15    96.89    100.08
May              71.16           69.38      72.02           76.23      75.03       91.92           96.42    100.44   100.92
June             71.65           68.81      72.69           79.31      77.34       95.14           97.19    102.48   100.83
July             70.89           67.17      73.72           77.88      78.00       94.54           97.75    101.10   100.87
August           69.37           66.35      71.82           77.05      77.28       96.36           96.50    100.48   100.11
September        70.25           67.15      71.81           78.63      76.37       99.02           95.90    100.51   102.19
October          69.24           66.25      72.43           77.79      78.09       102.78          94.56    99.15    102.82
November         69.92           66.62      74.72           78.78      82.02       103.94          94.56    100.45   102.70
Wages Rate

                2002     2003     2004     2005     2006     2007     2008     2009     2010     2011

Central Govt.   1525.3   1525.0   1797.7   2417.5   3150.8   3828.4   4116.1   4502.8   4651.6   4964.5

Government      1180.3   1180.1   1818.6   1818.6   2304.2   2740.0   2938.6   3215.3   3321.7   3576.1

Wages Board     1126.5   1205.2   1223.0   1329.7   1358.2   1648.8   2070.4   2171.4   2865.3   2996.1

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Ppt st

  • 2. Introduction The inflation is more important to the economy. High rate of inflation are the big issues for developing countries. Sri Lanka is a developing country. we choose the inflation as our dependent variable and select the interest, wage, exchange rate are independent variables. The inflation effect these variables. At the same time these independent variables also make the affection on inflation. But we choose the 2nd way.
  • 3. Increase in wages that causes to increase the inflation rate . The increase in wages that increase the money supply due to that the inflation increases. The rise in exchange rate make the inflation rate goes to low value. There is a negative relationship between exchange rate & the inflation rate. As a result of high rate of interest rate make the inflation goes down. That makes fall in loans & reduce the money supply. There is a negative relationship between interest rate & inflation.
  • 4. The economic decision makers can make the decision which variables may hugely affect the inflation. They can control the variable which is mostly controlling the inflation. The sources are taken mainly from central bank report of Sri Lanka, census & statistics department.
  • 5. Inflation Inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. Inflation is measured in terms of changes in price indices. Such an index would indicate the relative cost of a specified basket of goods and services over time, compared with the cost of such basket of goods and services during a particular (base) year. In Sri Lanka there are several price indices calculated by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka and the Department of Census and Statistics. Few main indices are: Colombo Consumer Price Index(CCPI) Colombo District Consumer Price Index (CDCPI) Sri Lanka Consumer Price Index (SLCPI) Wholesale Price Index (WPI).
  • 6. Mainly inflation divided into two: Cost-push-inflation Demand pull inflation
  • 7. Inflation effects on the economy Year Inflation Chart of Inflation Rate 2002 6.2 25 25 2003 14.2 20 20 2004 9.0 Inflation Rate 2005 11.0 15 15 2006 10.0 2007 15.8 10 10 2008 22.6 5 5 2009 3.4 2010 5.9 0 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011 6.9 Year
  • 8. In year 2002 there will be hyperinflation. The inflation rate is 9.6% in 2002.because in year 2001 there is a negative economic growth occurred. In year 2006 the annual inflation rate is 10.0. It occurs because of tsunami. That also affect the 2007. annual rate of inflation is 15.8 in 2007. In year 2008, the inflation rate recorded was at a peak at 22.6 percent. growth of money supply, interest rate, budget deficit & depreciation of the Sri Lanka currency against the dollar contributed to this outcome.
  • 9. In 2009 the inflation rate is 3.4. The domestic price of fuel remained unchanged since the reduction in the price of petrol at the end of 2009. The annual average rate of inflation stood around 5.6 percentages on 2010. The increase in the price of fuel in the international market & Increased supplies of domestic agricultural produce increase the inflation. And also there is a reduction in the import duty of key food items. There are noticeable signs of inflation 2011 year inflation was 7 per cent. The increase in the index was largely driven by the food and non-alcoholic beverages.
  • 10. Statistical analyze of inflation Summary for Inflation A nderson-Darling N ormality Test A -S quared 0.32 P -V alue 0.460 M ean 10.500 S tDev 5.715 V ariance 32.662 S kew ness 1.03147 Kurtosis 0.96276 N 10 M inimum 3.400 1st Q uartile 6.125 M edian 9.500 3rd Q uartile 14.600 4 8 12 16 20 24 M aximum 22.600 95% C onfidence Interv al for M ean 6.412 14.588 95% C onfidence Interv al for M edian 6.097 14.748 95% C onfidence Interv al for S tDev 9 5 % C onfidence Inter vals 3.931 10.434 Mean Median 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0
  • 11. The mean shows that the average inflation is 10.5 for 10years. mean=10.500.mean, median are the measurement of central tendency. graph is showed positively skewness. The graph shows the skewness as 1.03147. This graph shows the mean > median. The 1st quartile=6.125 and the 3rd quartile=14.600. The 2nd quartile range is median. 1st quartile range & the 2nd quartile range=3.375(9.500-6.125). The difference between 3rd quartile range & 2nd quartile range=5.1(14.6-9.5). The difference between the 1st quartile & 2nd quartile range is smaller than the 3rd quartile range & 2nd quartile range. So this is also a reason for positive skewness.
  • 12. Wages Rate Wage is the Price of Labour. A macroeconomic theory to explain the cause-and-effect relationship between rising wages and rising prices, or inflation. Real wage rate = nominal wage rate inflation rate Minimum Wage Rates in Sri Lanka Industry Worker Category Minimum wages (in LKR) Plantation Sector 380 per day plus Attendance Bonus 105 per day plus productivity incentive 30 per day Industrial Sector Unskilled 6500-7500 per month Semi Skilled 7000-8000 per month
  • 13. Historical changes of wage rate Year Wages Chart of Wages Rate 2002 1265.78 4000 4000 2003 1294.44 2004 1587.18 3000 3000 2005 1801.44 Wages Rate 2006 2144.38 2000 2000 2007 2586.10 2008 2925.68 1000 1000 2009 3156.08 2010 3537.62 0 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011 3760.80 Year
  • 14. Analyzing the above the graph In 2002 & 2003 government employees wages rate are no big changes. In 2005, public sector employees were able to enjoy significant wage increases as a result of the implementation of the second salary revision of 2004 effective from 01 December 2004. The December2004 revision granted a 40% increase of the basic salary subject to a minimum of Rs 3,250 per month and a maximum of Rs 9,000 per month, plus allowances. Parallel to the increase in public sector salaries under the Budget Proposals 2005, a new Budgetary Relief Allowance of Workers Act (2005) was enacted in Parliament with effect from 1 August 2005 to increase private sector salaries by Rs 1,000.
  • 15. STATISTICAL ANALYZES FOR WAGES Summary for Wages Rate A nderson-D arling N ormality Test A -S quared 0.27 P -V alue 0.593 M ean 2406.0 S tD ev 920.2 V ariance 846803.2 S kew ness 0.15355 Kurtosis -1.53784 N 10 M inimum 1265.8 1st Q uartile 1514.0 M edian 2365.2 3rd Q uartile 3251.5 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 M aximum 3760.8 95% C onfidence Interv al for M ean 1747.7 3064.2 95% C onfidence Interv al for M edian 1487.0 3286.7 95% C onfidence Interv al for S tD ev 9 5 % C onfidence Inter vals 633.0 1680.0 Mean Median 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
  • 16. Mean is the average amount of wages rate is 2406.0 for 10 years standard deviation is 920.2. Mean, Median, Variance are measurement of central tendency, median=2365.2 this graph illustrates positive skewness . The graph shows the skewness as 0.15355. This graph shows the mean > median. The difference between the 1st quartile & 2nd quartile range is smaller than the 3rd quartile range & 2nd quartile range. So this is also a reason for positive skewness
  • 17. THE COMPARISON BETWEEN INFLATION AND WAGES. Time Series Plot of Inflation, Wages Rate 25 Variable Inflation W ages Rate 20 15 Data 10 5 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year
  • 18. Wage push inflation Wage push inflation transpires whenever the nominal wage rate increases at a greater pace than the growth in the productivity of Labour. In turn, the firm will pass on the cost increases to the consumer by way of increased prices. Increases in money wage rates matched by increases in labour productivity are not inflationary. wage-push inflation is a result of exploitation of the power of the labour unions for higher nominal wage rates that is not matched by increases in labour productivity. Developments in wages have a significant bearing on consumer prices.
  • 19. Interest Rate Interest rate is the percentage of the face value of a bond or the balance in a deposit account that you receive as income on your investment. Interest Rate = (Total Repayment Amount - Amount Borrowed) / (Amount Borrowed) Four things influence interest rates: the risk of default, the length of the loan, inflation rates, and the real rate. Comparing interest rate with inflation choose loan lending rate is a category of interest rate. The reason is banking sector increasing lending loan rate people who lending loan from bank also automatically declines.
  • 20. Historical change of interest rate Year loan interest rate Chart of loan interest rate 20 20 2002 18.62 2003 16.75 15 15 2004 14.92 2005 15.09 loan interest rate 10 10 2006 16.27 2007 17.37 2008 19.27 5 5 2009 18.94 2010 15.76 0 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011 13.76 Year
  • 21. Analyzing this graph In year 2002-2004 lending interest rate decreasing, then year 2005-2008 continuously increasing. again 2009 decreasing for 1.23%, in 2011 interest rate is 13.75%. in the year 2001 there is a negative economic growth. After the tsunami 2006,2007&2008 lending loan interest rate going up because of the reason after that there is getting more housing loans from bank increasing . Srilanka can regain its economic activity and rebuild its capital stock. Rebuilding loan rates increasing.
  • 22. Stastical analysis of loan interest rate Summary for Loan Intrest A nderson-Darling N ormality Test A -S quared 0.21 P -V alue 0.791 M ean 16.675 S tDev 1.863 V ariance 3.470 S kew ness 0.03867 Kurtosis -1.16764 N 10 M inimum 13.760 1st Q uartile 15.047 M edian 16.510 3rd Q uartile 18.700 14 15 16 17 18 19 M aximum 19.270 95% C onfidence Interv al for M ean 15.343 18.007 95% C onfidence Interv al for M edian 15.032 18.730 95% C onfidence Interv al for S tDev 9 5 % C onfidence Inter vals 1.281 3.401 Mean Median 15 16 17 18 19
  • 23. Mean is the average amount of loan rates that is 16.675 for 10 years. Standard deviation is 1.863.mean,median,variance are measurement of the central tendency median=16.510. mean, median are related to same(mean=median as shows 16.675=16.510).1st quartile=15.047,2nd quartile=16.510.3rd quartile range is 18.700 inter quartile range is(18.700-15.047)=3.653 mean and median are not equal small difference between two in digit level. Confidence interval for median is 95%.so we can analyze this is a normal skewness.ve
  • 24. COMPARISON BETWEEN INFLATION & LOAN RATE Time Series Plot of Inflation, Loan Intrest 25 Variable Inflation Loan Intrest 20 15 Data 10 5 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year
  • 25. When comparing between inflation and loan rate there is no sharply change in loan rate but there is a peak in inflation rate in 2008. in wear 2009 great depression on inflation but loan rate is high. in 2004 dramatic decline in economic activity pushdown interest rate. On other hand lower sales, production and employment during the adjustment period increasing changes that increasing monetary growth inflation accelerate in future that lead to increase interest rate.
  • 26. Exchange Rate Rate at which one currency may be converted into another currency. Nominal Effective Exchange Rate Real Effective Exchange Rate
  • 27. The historical changes in foreign exchange rate Year REER Chart of REER 2003 71.326 100 100 2004 67.217 80 80 2005 72.628 2006 76.890 60 60 REER 2007 78.025 40 40 2008 95.037 2009 97.326 20 20 2010 100.000 0 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011 101.857 Year
  • 28. The REER is calculated as removing the inflation rates of the 24 countries. The main focus of the NEER and the REER is on the trade balance, particularly the exchange rate induced changes in trade flows. A trend appreciation of the real effective exchange rate is considered unfavorable for the growth of export and import competing industries.
  • 29. Statistical analyze of REER Summary for REER A nderson-Darling N ormality Test A -S quared 0.58 P -V alue 0.093 M ean 84.479 S tDev 13.830 V ariance 191.256 S kew ness 0.15175 Kurtosis -2.13747 N 9 M inimum 67.217 1st Q uartile 71.977 M edian 78.025 3rd Q uartile 98.663 70 80 90 100 M aximum 101.857 95% C onfidence Interv al for M ean 73.848 95.109 95% C onfidence Interv al for M edian 71.623 99.391 95% C onfidence Interv al for S tDev 9 5 % C onfidence Inter vals 9.341 26.494 Mean Median 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
  • 30. The mean shows that the average REER is 84.479 for 9 years. In this graph the mean=84.mean, median are the measurement of central tendency. The median=78.025. This graph is showed positively skewness. The graph shows the skewness as 0.15175. This graph shows the mean > median. The difference between the 1st quartile & 2nd quartile range is smaller than the 3rd quartile range & 2nd quartile range. So this is also a reason for positive skewness.
  • 31. The comparison between REER & inflation Time Series Plot of Inflation Rate, REER, NEER 140 140 Variable Inflation Rate REER 120 120 NEER 100 100 80 80 Data 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year
  • 32. Since, 1977, Sri Lanka is importing more than its export. Its negative trade balance is increasing over the years. This depreciates the Sri Lankan currency. Because government expenditure also is increasing over the years due to defense expenditure and other investments, government budget deficit is increasing. In order to finance government expenditure, the government treasury is using open market operation to borrow money. This increases the money supply and then depreciates Sri Lankan currency. Sri Lankan economy is facing higher inflation due to not only increase in money supply but also high pass through of foreign exchange rate shock into the economy.
  • 33. Total Analysis Time Series Plot of Inflation, REER, Wages Rate, Loan Intrest Variable 100 Inflation REER W ages Rate Loan Intrest 80 60 Data 40 20 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year
  • 34. Here there are decreases and increases in variable such as REER and loan interest rate but in the variable of wages rate there are no decreases. wages rate impact the inflation in the way the increase the inflation. The inflation is not always going to increase over 10 years because other variables such as REER and loan interest rate are giving some impact on decreasing the inflation.
  • 35. In the most cases the inflation mostly depend on the REER & Loan interest rate because the inflation curve mostly change accounting to the REER curve & loan interest rate curve . While other variables also have an impact on the change in the inflation curve but the REER and Loan interest rate have most impact than the other variables such as wages rate.
  • 36. Conclusion The inflation rate is dependent on some independent variables wages, lending interest rate, and foreign currency rate. The increase in wages increase the money supply in the economy as a result of this the inflation rate increase. The increase in lending interest may cause the loan decrease & so the money supply increase so that the inflation rise in the economy.
  • 37. The increase in foreign currency rate makes our country currency value higher. So the inflation falls in the economy. The foreign currency rate(REER) and interest rate are the most important variables that affecting the inflation compare to wages.
  • 38. Appendix Loan interest rate Quarter 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Q1 19.10 17.80 15.20 14.90 16.00 16.84 18.32 19.73 16.89 14.18 Q2 18.90 17.20 14.90 15.00 16.10 17.14 19.07 19.55 16.08 13.71 Q3 18.30 16.40 14.80 15.10 16.40 17.46 19.61 19.18 15.35 13.68 Q4 18.20 15.70 14.80 15.40 16.60 18.08 20.13 17.41 14.80 13.50 REER Months 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 January 75.63 67.51 72.20 75.46 80.34 87.99 99.73 97.90 103.02 February 74.31 65.99 72.35 75.12 78.66 90.12 101.92 99.67 103.40 March 72.17 66.62 70.77 73.02 76.13 89.36 101.28 98.62 101.94 April 71.19 66.94 70.75 74.16 74.46 90.13 96.15 96.89 100.08 May 71.16 69.38 72.02 76.23 75.03 91.92 96.42 100.44 100.92 June 71.65 68.81 72.69 79.31 77.34 95.14 97.19 102.48 100.83 July 70.89 67.17 73.72 77.88 78.00 94.54 97.75 101.10 100.87 August 69.37 66.35 71.82 77.05 77.28 96.36 96.50 100.48 100.11 September 70.25 67.15 71.81 78.63 76.37 99.02 95.90 100.51 102.19 October 69.24 66.25 72.43 77.79 78.09 102.78 94.56 99.15 102.82 November 69.92 66.62 74.72 78.78 82.02 103.94 94.56 100.45 102.70
  • 39. Wages Rate 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Central Govt. 1525.3 1525.0 1797.7 2417.5 3150.8 3828.4 4116.1 4502.8 4651.6 4964.5 Employees Government 1180.3 1180.1 1818.6 1818.6 2304.2 2740.0 2938.6 3215.3 3321.7 3576.1 Teachers Wages Board 1126.5 1205.2 1223.0 1329.7 1358.2 1648.8 2070.4 2171.4 2865.3 2996.1 Workers