This document discusses the human flesh search engine, internet piracy, and government policy regarding privacy online. It begins by covering internet theory, including concepts like six degrees of separation and collective intelligence. It then explains how the human flesh search engine uses thousands of people online to target individuals or incidents. Two cases from the US are discussed, as well as the first lawsuit against this practice in China in 2007. The document also covers topics of internet privacy, cyber violence, and the debate around implementing real-name systems online and information filtering. Recommended books and Twitter accounts on these topics are provided.
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Internet search/HFSE
1. Human Flesh Search Engine and Internet PiracyDongxiao LiuBinghamton University
6. If a person is one step away from each person they know and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know, then everyone is at most six steps away from any other person on Earth.
18. ConvergenceA process of coming together or the state of having come together toward a common point.ConvergenceTelecommunicationsHuman Intelligence and Technology
20. Human Flesh Search EngineTransition 際際滷A new type of search employs thousands of individuals with one goal: to target persons or dig out facts through internet.
21. Human flesh search engineTarget: Individual person or particular incidentMethod: Employed thousands human power exchange messagePosted thread on internet community or online discussion forumTools: Instant message, discussion board, search engine, internet technologyConsequence: Real life hunting Vs Justice seeking
22. Human flesh search engineTwo cases in Americathe Megan Meier Cyber bullying Prevention ActMarine throw puppy off cliff
29. First Lawsuit Against HFSEWhen: December 2007Where: A personal blogWhat: Suicide , last blog entry calls for seeking justiceConsequence: harassing callsdeath threats Protest letter /job lostLawsuit results
32. Government PolicyReal name System and Moral StandardReal-name SystemMoral standardInternet lawInternet SupervisionInformation FilteringYour opinion
33. RecommendedBooksClay Shirky: Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without OrganizationsChris Anderson : Free: The Future of a Radical PriceChris Anderson : The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of MoreTwitter:Tim O'Reilly