Beyond the Algorithm: Addition and Subtraction Strategies that Make Sense! (K-4) By Kimberly Rimbey
Making sense of multi-digit subtraction requires strong connections with addition and place value. Join us as we explore addition and subtraction using concrete and visual models, connected to written work, and grounded in problem solving. Formative assessment strategies will be included.
1. Beyond the Algorithm: Addition and Subtraction
Strategies that Make Sense!
Kimberly Rimbey, Ph.D.
Co-Founder & CEO, KP Mathematics
January 20, 2018
3. Todays Session
Learning Goal: To understand strategies and
representations for teaching and learning
addition and subtraction.
Todays Focus
7. Tips Selecting Tools Strategically
Start with one, then add to the tool box.
Demonstrate appropriate use for each tool before
putting in tool box.
Give students the opportunity to try out each tool
when first introduced.
Keep a cumulative anchor chart.
Discuss appropriate use frequently.
17. Place-Value Models
17 + 34 65 + 28
Place Value
Expanded Form
Number Bonds
Number Lines
Expanded Form - Pictures
Expanded Form - Numbers
18. What Strategies Might You Look For?
Place Value
Composing & Decomposing
Counting Strategies
Expanded Form
#2: A5: Beyond the Algorithm: Addition and Subtraction Strategies that Make Sense! By Kimberly Rimbey K-4 Making sense of multi-digit subtraction requires strong connections with addition and place value. Join us as we explore addition and subtraction using concrete and visual models, connected to written work, and grounded in problem solving. Formative assessment strategies will be included.