Once upon a time, a noble man created two magnificent companies along with his children Riccardo and Federica. They decided to give the world TREND and needed courageous soldiers to conquer the new world. They started small but had big dreams, passion, and perseverance. The story of Trend needed to be told. Elena was chosen to tell the story through communication, consistency, and creativity using various print and social media. Every month there is a Trend story to tell the press, who are always smitten with Trend's new products and collections. This is only the beginning of the company's story.
17. Elena Along with print, the social web has emerged….. Blogs have tens of thousands of visitors. They have hundreds of thousands of page views. They have no geographical boundaries. They live forever.
19. Elena And every month the press is smitten with Trend …. Along with print, the social web has emerged….. “ FEEL is amazing and groovy with cool pixilated patterns. It is tile with style, a clear winner, destined to be a favorite among the design savvy. The retro-chic collection has the right earth friendly credentials, firing up designer’s imaginations for new –wave applications. Let’s sing 100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall for the new Eco-mania! ”
20. Elena Along with print, the social web has emerged….. “ Trend Q is glimmer glass, proving you can give a kitchen a face-lift without major surgery! A whopping 49 colors, glamorous, polished and jewel-like. ”
21. Elena Along with print, the social web has emerged….. “ Wallpaper has an insane amount of patterns & colors, undeniably cool, serious inspiration and stunningly designed. A dizzily playful array that is exceedingly livable and flat out sexy. I can’t get enough. ”
22. Elena Along with print, the social web has emerged….. This is not the end of the fable, this is only the beginning…….. This is not the end of the fable, this is the beginning…