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Theodore Roosevelt's Conservation Campaignby Stephen PonderPresented by:Brandon BefortThuyHunhLauren LoobyMegan PihlajaShainaSieh
Charming and BedazzledConstant AvailabilityExpansive Public Relations for GovernmentUsed Media to Win Over the Public: Charming
Perennial Publicist Gifford PinchotGood connection
ConsistentPublic Relations Practices
The impact of public relations in early conservation effortsPresident Theodore Roosevelt first met with 39 governors in Washington, DC for the first meeting of what was to become the National Governors' Association
Protect and Preserve the remaining forests Upon public lands from Devastation and Destruction: Which has been the fate of those in forest sections of the country.A Practical Forester(A subject that had attention all through Mr. Roosevelts Presidency)
Important ThingsSuccess for the Conservation and Forestry
Extension of PowerStandard Publicity TacticsThe Importance of Public OpinionThe Nations Chief before the Forest KingPresident Roosevelt in Big Tree Grove, Santa Cruz, CaliforniaPresident Roosevelt and his traveling companions at the Hanging Bridge, Royal Gorge, Colorado
President Roosevelt and his distinguished Party, before the Grizzly Giant, Big Trees of CaliforniaAmidst Americas noblest scenery  President Roosevelt on Glacier Point, Yosemite Valley, California

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Pr project

  • 1. Theodore Roosevelt's Conservation Campaignby Stephen PonderPresented by:Brandon BefortThuyHunhLauren LoobyMegan PihlajaShainaSieh
  • 2. Charming and BedazzledConstant AvailabilityExpansive Public Relations for GovernmentUsed Media to Win Over the Public: Charming
  • 3. Perennial Publicist Gifford PinchotGood connection
  • 5. The impact of public relations in early conservation effortsPresident Theodore Roosevelt first met with 39 governors in Washington, DC for the first meeting of what was to become the National Governors' Association
  • 6. Protect and Preserve the remaining forests Upon public lands from Devastation and Destruction: Which has been the fate of those in forest sections of the country.A Practical Forester(A subject that had attention all through Mr. Roosevelts Presidency)
  • 7. Important ThingsSuccess for the Conservation and Forestry
  • 8. Extension of PowerStandard Publicity TacticsThe Importance of Public OpinionThe Nations Chief before the Forest KingPresident Roosevelt in Big Tree Grove, Santa Cruz, CaliforniaPresident Roosevelt and his traveling companions at the Hanging Bridge, Royal Gorge, Colorado
  • 9. President Roosevelt and his distinguished Party, before the Grizzly Giant, Big Trees of CaliforniaAmidst Americas noblest scenery President Roosevelt on Glacier Point, Yosemite Valley, California