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Practical OSGi Subsystems
        Glyn Normington
 Subsystem types
 Nested subsystems
 Subsystem content and dependencies
 Getting started
 New in OSGi Enterprise 5.0 spec
 Implementation underway in Apache Aries
 Based on input from several projects
  Aries, Geronimo, Glass鍖sh, Karaf,
    Paremus Service Fabric,Virgo, WebSphere
 Best practices...
Why Subsystems?

 Many bundles
 Named, versioned grouping
Subsystem Types
Feature Subsystems
               bundle     bundle

               bundle     bundle
Application Subsystems

Scoping:                 Application

 No exports          bundle     bundle

 Automatic imports

                      bundle     bundle
Composite Subsystems

Scoping:                     Composite

   Con鍖gurable exports   bundle    bundle

 Con鍖gurable imports

                          bundle    bundle
Subsystem Types in
Feature Subsystems
 Useful for grouping dependencies
 More controlled than auto-detection
  Helps avoid uses constraint failures
 Useful for:
  Common infrastructure

                                          bundle     bundle

  Shared bundles
                                          bundle     bundle
Application Subsystems
 Useful for top layer of the system
 Application or independent parts of an app
 Avoid including infrastructure bundles
  Reduces sharing                  Application                   Application

  Makes update more dif鍖cult    bundle     bundle             bundle     bundle

  Can lead to resolution failures

                                            bundle             bundle
Composite Subsystems
 Essentially a systems programming feature
 Useful for kernels and special infrastructure
 Not recommended for general, widespread
  application use
   Complex                                  Composite

   Can duplicate infrastructure          bundle    bundle

    management bundles                   bundle    bundle
Subsystems: Kernels
                Root (kernel)

             Composite (user region)

   bundles      packages          services
Subsystem Content and
Subsystem Content
 By value in a subsystem archive
 By reference to a repository
 Satisfy the requirements of a subsystem
 But not included in the subsystem content
 Automatically installed from a repository
Subsystem Content and
   Dependencies in
Use of Repositories
 Subsystem archive content
  Easy to deploy
  May limit sharing
  Harder to update
 Repository content
  Convenient during development
  Avoids bloated archives
  Generally preferable
Nested Subsystems
Nested Subsystems
 So far all subsystems have been children of
  the root subsystem

               Application                   Application

            bundle     bundle             bundle     bundle


                       bundle             bundle
Nested Subsystems
 Subsystems can be nested to any depth
 Sharing between parent and child is
  controlled by the child
Nested Subsystems in
Nested Subsystems
 Features useful for grouping other subsystems


                  Application                    Application

              bundle      bundle             bundle      bundle

              bundle      bundle             bundle
Nested Subsystems
 Nested features useful for logical grouping
                    Root                                         Root



                                              bundle   bundle       bundle        bundle


  bundle   bundle      bundle        bundle
Nested Subsystems
 Nested applications useful for scoping




                     bundle   bundle          bundle       bundle
Getting Started
Trying it out
 Apache Aries support in development
 Some Virgo equivalents available
Aries Subsystems
 This example runs on Virgo Kernel
 (Live demo)
 You can run it yourself in 5 minutes
   README.md contains full instructions
Virgo Equivalents
    Standard Function               Virgo Equivalent

          Feature                    Unscoped plan

Application - scoped using a   PAR or scoped plan - scoped
           region                using metadata rewriting
Composite - scoped using a
                                      User region
                                     Nested plans
                                 PARs, plans, user region
        Repository                     Repository

  Deployment Contexts                       -
I am indebted to John Ross for his help with
Aries Subsystems
Further Information
 OSGi R5 Enterprise Speci鍖cation

 Aries Subsystems on Virgo Kernel

 Virgo User & Programmer Guides

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Practical OSGi Subsystems

  • 1. Practical OSGi Subsystems Glyn Normington
  • 2. Agenda Background Subsystem types Nested subsystems Subsystem content and dependencies Getting started
  • 3. Subsystems New in OSGi Enterprise 5.0 spec Implementation underway in Apache Aries Based on input from several projects Aries, Geronimo, Glass鍖sh, Karaf, Paremus Service Fabric,Virgo, WebSphere Best practices...
  • 4. Why Subsystems? Many bundles Named, versioned grouping Management Scoping
  • 5. Scoping Bundles Packages Capabilities Services
  • 7. Feature Subsystems Feature Scoping: bundle bundle None bundle bundle
  • 8. Application Subsystems Scoping: Application No exports bundle bundle Automatic imports bundle bundle
  • 9. Composite Subsystems Scoping: Composite Con鍖gurable exports bundle bundle Con鍖gurable imports bundle bundle
  • 10. Subsystem Types in Practice
  • 11. Feature Subsystems Useful for grouping dependencies More controlled than auto-detection Helps avoid uses constraint failures Useful for: Common infrastructure Feature bundle bundle Shared bundles bundle bundle
  • 12. Application Subsystems Useful for top layer of the system Application or independent parts of an app Avoid including infrastructure bundles Reduces sharing Application Application Makes update more dif鍖cult bundle bundle bundle bundle Can lead to resolution failures Feature bundle bundle
  • 13. Composite Subsystems Essentially a systems programming feature Useful for kernels and special infrastructure Not recommended for general, widespread application use Complex Composite Can duplicate infrastructure bundle bundle extenders management bundles bundle bundle
  • 14. Composite Subsystems: Kernels Root (kernel) Composite (user region) bundles packages services
  • 15. Subsystem Content and Dependencies
  • 16. Subsystem Content By value in a subsystem archive By reference to a repository
  • 17. Dependencies Satisfy the requirements of a subsystem But not included in the subsystem content Automatically installed from a repository
  • 18. Subsystem Content and Dependencies in Practice
  • 19. Use of Repositories Subsystem archive content Easy to deploy May limit sharing Harder to update Repository content Convenient during development Avoids bloated archives Generally preferable
  • 21. Nested Subsystems So far all subsystems have been children of the root subsystem Root Application Application bundle bundle bundle bundle Feature bundle bundle
  • 22. Nested Subsystems Subsystems can be nested to any depth Sharing between parent and child is controlled by the child
  • 24. Nested Subsystems Features useful for grouping other subsystems Root Feature Application Application bundle bundle bundle bundle bundle bundle bundle
  • 25. Nested Subsystems Nested features useful for logical grouping Root Root Feature Application Feature bundle bundle bundle bundle Feature bundle bundle bundle bundle
  • 26. Nested Subsystems Nested applications useful for scoping Root bundle Application Application bundle bundle bundle bundle
  • 28. Trying it out Apache Aries support in development Some Virgo equivalents available
  • 29. Aries Subsystems This example runs on Virgo Kernel (Live demo) You can run it yourself in 5 minutes https://github.com/glyn/aries-subsystems- on-virgo-kernel README.md contains full instructions
  • 30. Virgo Equivalents Standard Function Virgo Equivalent Feature Unscoped plan Application - scoped using a PAR or scoped plan - scoped region using metadata rewriting Composite - scoped using a User region region Nested plans Nesting PARs, plans, user region Repository Repository Deployment Contexts -
  • 31. Thanks I am indebted to John Ross for his help with Aries Subsystems
  • 32. Further Information OSGi R5 Enterprise Speci鍖cation http://www.osgi.org/Download/Release5 Aries Subsystems on Virgo Kernel https://github.com/glyn/aries-subsystems-on-virgo-kernel Virgo User & Programmer Guides http://www.eclipse.org/virgo/documentation/

Editor's Notes