3. 碁蟲 牛螻狩蠍一 (Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology. Seoul National University)
CHI '14 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Blase Ur : PhD, Carnegie Mellon University
Elyse McManus : Assistant Researcher, Brown University
Melwyn Pak Yong Ho : Research Assistant, Brown University
Michael L. Littman : Professor of Computer Science, Brown University
碁蟲 牛螻狩蠍一 (Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology. Seoul National University)
6. KEYWORDS End-User Programming Home Automation Smart Home Internet of Things Condition-Action Programming
碁蟲 牛螻狩蠍一 (Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology. Seoul National University)
. 螳 覦 る 螳ロ蟆 襷 蠍一れ 郁規 讌 讌襷 蠏 蠍一れ 蟲 觜 襷 り 覲旧″ 蟆 伎. . 豕蠏 2 伎 蠍一れ 朱 れ 觜 る 蠍郁鍵れ 企螻,mass-market pervasive computing ロ 覈覃 襷り .
碁蟲 牛螻狩蠍一 (Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology. Seoul National University)
. 朱語 IFTTT = if trigger, then action 詩螻 trigger-action programming企 覈覈. . ろ IFTTT 蠍磯レ 朱 れ 螳 レ襯 trigger-action programming 蟆 .
Philips Hue lights
Belkin WeMo family of outlets, switches, motion sensors
Crowd-funded devices : Twine, WigWag
碁蟲 牛螻狩蠍一 (Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology. Seoul National University)
. る 襦蠏碁覦 蟲 ク炎骸 伎 譟壱襯 企至 襷豢 蟆瑚? 郁規 讌 . 朱語 IFTTT 蠍磯レ れ蟆 single trigger, single actions 襷 豬蟆 螻 . Q1) 朱 れ 襷 一煙 襦 讌 蟾? Q2) 朱 れ 襷 一煙 る0 讌 蟾? Q3) 豢螳 襦蠏碁覦 蟆渚 覦蠖 讌 蟾? Q4) 覈語 譴 螳 暑讌 螳? . れ 3螳讌 蟯 郁規襯 牛 讌覓碁れ 譟一 .
ease of use
碁蟲 牛螻狩蠍一 (Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology. Seoul National University)
11. 2. 襷豢ろ る 襦蠏碁覦 襦 讌 test 讌 . H3: れ襦, れ れ 麹 覦朱 triggers and actions 蟆壱 蟆企. . ろ 覦覯
1)MTturk れ 伎 襷 麹 譟壱 覦蟆 .
2)豕譬 (End User)螳 IFTTT 螻旧 67,170螳 襦蠏碁 蠍 覈. . ろ 蟆郁骸
1)IFTT 讌 襦蠏碁 覿 蟆 れ焔れ 覦蟆 .
碁蟲 牛螻狩蠍一 (Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology. Seoul National University)
3. trigger-action programming 煙 Test襯 讌 . H4: 谿瑚れ simple or complex interface襯 燕 ろ朱襯 覲伎 蟆企. H5: 伎 襦蠏碁覦 蟆渚螻 trigger-action programming 蟆渚 ろ朱 襯 讀螳. . ろ 覦覯
1)襦 IFTTT interaction design 覲伎譯手, 226覈 MTTurker襯 朱 10螳 襦蠏碁覦 螻殊(Task)襯 焔 .
2)谿瑚れ蟆 れ朱 single trigger and a single action (simple interface) or multiple triggers and multiple actions (complex interface) 螻殊螳 . . ろ 蟆郁骸
1)simple and complex interfaces 伎 谿瑚れ 螻 襷譟焔 谿願 覦蟆 .(supporting H4)
2)complex interface襯 谿瑚れ 觜訣 炎概襯襦 complex tasks襯 襭 .
3)H5 螳れ 覿覿朱 語 螳ロ.
1)襦蠏碁覦 蟆渚 伎 螻牛讌 .
2)谿瑚れ 豌 覯讌 螻殊 語朱, 2覯讌 螻殊 覿磯 焔レ 蠏狩.
碁蟲 牛螻狩蠍一 (Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology. Seoul National University)
1)multiple triggers and multiple actions trigger-action programming る 襦蠏碁覦 れ 蠏殊 讀蟇磯ゼ 覦蟆 . 2) Trigger襯 蟲燕 覦覯訖襷 Trigger螳 語 machine learning 蠏殊 蟲 蟆 殊襯
碁蟲 牛螻狩蠍一 (Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology. Seoul National University)
Trigger-action Programming . IFTTT 69螳 るジ 豈 螻牛讌襷, single trigger -> single action 襦蠏碁覦 れ 覲語朱 . . 2螳讌 覯 prototype interface襯 襷れ 螻 . 1) one trigger and one action channel襷 simple interface 2) multiple trigger and action channels complex interface ( 覈 triggerれ and 襦 蟲焔 讌)
碁蟲 牛螻狩蠍一 (Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology. Seoul National University)
15. Related Work . る 豕譬 (end-user) 襦蠏碁覦 伎 郁規 譟一 Newman: 豕譬 蟲 ルレ る 襴貅伎 る手 譯殊 螻, 貉るる磯ゼ 牛 螻旧 旧旭レ 麹誤. Newman, M. W. Now were cooking: Recipes for end-user service composition in the digital home. Position Paper CHI 2006 Workshop IT@Home, 2006. Dey et al: 語 襦蠏碁 蟯 20覈 谿瑚れ 誤磯薫 . trigger-action programming螻 螳 if-then 蠏豺 蠍磯 螳 朱 覃 覈語 覦蟆 . Dey, A. K., Sohn, T., Streng, S., and Kodama, J. iCAP: Interactive prototyping of context-aware applications. In Proc. Pervasive (2006) . trigger-action programming 轟煙 螻旧 る 誤壱伎 伎 郁規 譟一 . trigger-action programming 譴 碁 れ 螳 伎 郁規 譟一 . trigger-action programming 覓語 覿螳狩蟆 覦 螳 覯蟾 蟆 企給る手 譯殊ロ 伎 郁規 譟一
碁蟲 牛螻狩蠍一 (Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology. Seoul National University)
18. STUDY.1
Result . MTturk る れ 覦朱 る れ 覿覿 襦蠏碁覦 螳ロ 蟆. . 襦蠏碁覦 螳ロ 覈 れ multiple triggers and actions 讌蠍磯 る trigger-action programming朱 覈 蟲 . <螳 覯譯殊 れ 觜 蟆郁骸> 1) Programming(62.6%) : 螳蟾 覩碁 襦蠏碁覦 I want the fan in my room to turn on when it is hot. Notify me if my pet gets out of the backyard. 2) Remote control(13.5%) : る誤, 貉危, , れ襦 螳 蠍郁鍵襯 貉碁, る 蟆れ. start the coffee pot from my bedroom, lock and unlock the doors on command with your voice, 3) Specialized functionality(10.8%) : 譟伎讌 蟆 YouTube on bathroom mirror, I want my mail to be delivered by a robot. 4) self-regulation(10.1%) temperatures that adjust automatically to the perfect temperature. 5) unclear(2.8%) Smart Light
碁蟲 牛螻狩蠍一 (Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology. Seoul National University)
19. STUDY.1
Result Trigger-action programming structure . trigger-action programming multiple triggers and multiple actions 讌伎 . (22% 襯 襦蠏碁覦 蠍 ) < 襦蠏碁覦 (trigger, action) 觜 蟆郁骸 > 1) single trigger, single action(1,1): 77.9% close the blinds when the sun is too bright call to let me know when the kids get home.
2)single trigger with multiple actions(1,2+): 5.2%
3)multiple triggers for a single action(2+,1): 8.5%
4)multiple triggers and multiple actions(2+,2+): 8.4% When I get up at night, I would want my lights to turn on and off as I enter and exit the room.
碁蟲 牛螻狩蠍一 (Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology. Seoul National University)
20. STUDY.1
Result Triggers level of abstraction . the lowest level of abstraction : engineering sense, レ 覲(企襖 碁, 蠍郁鍵 off), dates/times, moisture, sound, and light : 谿瑚れ 讌朱 殊襯 瑚讌 蟆渚レ 覦蟆 . . Ex: 蟲郁 覦朱 蟇語 れ伎 覈 殊 蠍壱 讌 覦 讌 . . The second category : , , レ, 覓朱Μ 殊 I want the sink to turn on when I pick up my toothbrush. I would like my home to automatically clean the floors on a daily basis while no one is in the room. . The third category : 覿覿覈 trigger : Fuzzy(覿覿覈) trigger machine learning I would like to be notified when my pool chemicals drop lower than normal.
碁蟲 牛螻狩蠍一 (Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology. Seoul National University)
25. STUDY.3
Result Task completion . 覦朱 襦蠏碁 襷 伎 simple or complex interface 炎概朱 . . Figure 8 覲 覿覿 螻殊 炎概襯 80% 伎 . . Task B 炎概襯 伎 谿瑚れ RSS 豺讌 覈詩 蟆 覓語企手 螳 . Get all updates from the website www.xkcd.com via email. . Task G H 蟲 覿螳 螻殊 磯殊 Skip 覃 炎概朱 螳譯 : Task G 蟆曙磯 殊 譟伎 or れ伎り 螳螻 螳螳 Trigger 蟆 襦 . The lighting in my bedroom should be on when I am there and off when I am not there. . Task H 蟆曙磯 貉 覲 旧 If it begins to rain then change the light colors to blue. . Task I, J Simple Interface 谿瑚 炎概襯 伎 Skip 蟆 炎概朱 螳譯朱蠍 覓語.
碁蟲 牛螻狩蠍一 (Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology. Seoul National University)
26. STUDY.3
Result Time to complete a task . 谿瑚れ 一 螻殊襯 襭朱 谿瑚れ 焔レ 觜襯願 レ 螻朱ゼ 蟯谿壱. 1) 谿瑚れ 螻殊 A-F 襯 蠍 朱 襷 螳 蟇碁Μ讌襯 譟一 . 2) 譬 覲襦 誤壱伎 襦 覿 襭 豢 蟾讌 螳朱 狩 覈語 襷. 3) 誤壱伎る 覿螳ロ 螻殊 覈視 襭 一危磯 誤.
碁蟲 牛螻狩蠍一 (Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology. Seoul National University)