The document lists a teacher, student, and practice sessions 21 through 25. It appears to be documenting sessions between a teacher named Margarita Romero Alvarado and a student named Tania Lizbeth Tellez Mendo for practices numbered 21 through 25.
El documento define varios t辿rminos relacionados con ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje. Un Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizaje (AVA) es un espacio virtual donde estudiantes e instructores interact炭an usando tecnolog鱈a para adquirir conocimiento. Un Ambiente Virtual de Ense単anza (AVE) provee la tecnolog鱈a para que estudiantes interact炭en y aprendan de forma facilitada. Un Sistema de Gesti坦n de Aprendizaje es un software que administra, distribuye y controla actividades de aprendizaje no presencial. Una Pl
The document summarizes the discussions from Working Group 5 at the IAU Durban Conference on the role of universities in sustainable development. The group agreed on definitions of sustainable development as meeting present needs without compromising future generations. Goals for universities include providing education and skills to build sustainable communities, and acting as role models for society. Key obstacles discussed were a lack of demonstrations on applying knowledge for sustainable development, and insufficient infrastructure at universities. The group recommended that achieving sustainable development requires integration of university philosophy with government policy and society's support, as well as interdisciplinary collaboration between universities globally.
Dziaania w obszarze mobile marketing: integracja aplikacji mobilnej z technologi Beacon. Kapitalne narzdzie dla marketera, stratega, managera sprzeda甜y. Efektywny kana budowania zasigu, wizerunku, komunikacji z konsumentem. Doskonae narzdzia dla bran甜: retail, shopping, obiekty muzealne, obiekty sportowe.
This document presents a summary of a presentation on integrating the Rankine and Brayton thermodynamic cycles. It includes an outline, diagrams of the combined cycle system, and calculations to determine parameters for the heat exchanger that transfers heat from the Brayton cycle exhaust to the Rankine cycle steam. The heat exchanger design procedure is outlined in steps and calculations are shown to determine the required heat transfer area and other design parameters like tube material and diameter. The overall goal is to utilize the exhaust from the Brayton gas turbine to superheat the steam in the Rankine cycle, improving efficiency.
Manual que busca recoger la experiencia de la COP20/CMP10, primera COP en calcular la totalidad de sus emisiones GEI, certificar internacionalmente la verificaci坦n del c叩lculo y neutralizar las emisiones GEI generadas, convirti辿ndose en la primera COP carbono neutral de la historia.
El Manual, presenta metodolog鱈as e instrumentos que fueron utilizados y que se usan internacionalmente para calcular las emisiones de GEI de un evento de esta magnitud se enfoca en identificar cu叩les son los conocimientos adquiridos que pueden acortar la curva de aprendizaje para un nuevo c叩lculo.
Este manual fue elaborado por: A2G Sostenibilidad y Cambio Clim叩tico
Physical Web Awareness, Onboarding, and IdentificationBKON Connect, Inc.
Retail brands are battling for shoppers attention, now more than ever. Retail is a tough, constantly changing business where consumers have many choices. While they still shop the showrooms, many are forgoing the personal touch, instead choosing to find deals online. Retailers are trying to use apps to engage, but those apps are often just confusing extensions of the information they see in front of them.
Websites contain far more detail than retail displays have room to show, but there hasnt been a convenient way to bring that content to the physical retail experience.
Until now.
Beacons, combined with the Physical Web and managed with can result in a better retail shopping experience.
Wonder: The Physical Web Empowers Answers - Leo Burnett Futureshop LoopBKON Connect, Inc.
The Physical Web empowers answers to life's little questions. Those everyday moments when you want to know more about a particular place or thing nearby. Attract, engage and understand your customers. Deliver exact information, not mass messaging.
The Physical Web is the Google-inspired, proximity technology that comes to life with ease using our next-generation BKON-brand beacons, our platform tools and Web content supplied by the event organizers.
Agile Communications in a Changing World: The New Nimble 2011 Portland Co...Michael Pranikoff
Presentation by PR Newswire Global Director of Emerging Media Michael Pranikoff at the 2011 Communicators Conference in Portland, OR on May 11, 2011.
This document contains a list of 7 usernames with associated IDs, hashes, and empty values. The usernames are Boromir, Frodo, sam, debby, jefke, nancy, and rudy. Each entry contains the username, user ID, hash, and empty values separated by colons.
The document contains questions for tests on various topics related to education leadership and management. It includes questions on transformational leadership, preventative classroom discipline, managing parental involvement, organizational conflict, delegation in the classroom, and more. The questions range from defining key concepts to discussing practical applications on topics such as implementing reforms, addressing learner misbehavior, resolving conflicts, and involving parents in their children's education.
Este documento introduce el tutorial de Eclipse y describe sus ventajas para programar en Java. Explica que no se necesitan conocimientos avanzados de Java para seguir el tutorial. Adem叩s, en pocos minutos los usuarios podr叩n dominar las t辿cnicas principales de Eclipse para acelerar la programaci坦n. El 炭nico requisito es tener instalada una versi坦n de Eclipse junto con una m叩quina virtual de Java.
The document describes Ram辿n Valves, a manufacturer of industrial control valves and regulators based in Sweden. It discusses their ball sector valve product, which controls flow for applications like dynamic throttling, flow control, and pressure control. The ball sector valve has been on the market for over 45 years and offers maintenance-free operation and protection against wear. The document provides information on valve sizes, materials, applications, sizing and selection, servicing, and contact details for Ram辿n Valves.
Theory of Constraints (TOC) is an overall management philosophy introduced by Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt in his 1984 book titled The Goal, that is geared to help organizations continually achieve their goal.[1] The title comes from the contention that any manageable system is limited in achieving more of its goal by a very small number of constraints, and that there is always at least one constraint. The TOC process seeks to identify the constraint and restructure the rest of the organization around it, through the use of the Five Focusing Steps.
- Source: Wikipedia
A regenerative turbine pump varies from the more familiar centrifugal pump mostly in the design of its impeller. This design difference makes the regenerative turbine pump uniquely suited for low NPSH (Net Positive Suction Head) applications, among others. Regenerative turbine pumps can safely pump liquids close to the boiling point without the detriment of cavitation, and the pump design is suitable for handling highly unstable liquids.
Milko's Frozen Custard and Ice-cream will be a new ice cream shop located in Model Town, Lahore. Iqra Bano will invest 1,000,000 PKR to establish the business, which will offer frozen custard and ice cream products. The business aims to achieve over 50,000 PKR in sales in its first year and increase annual sales by 30% or more in the second year. Key factors for success include presenting high quality products and building customer relationships.
The document discusses data center infrastructure management (DCIM) solutions. It defines DCIM as systems that collect and manage data about a data center's assets, resource use, and operational status throughout the lifecycle to help optimize performance and meet business goals. The document outlines challenges in data center management like availability, efficiency, costs, and changing needs. It then describes Schneider Electric's DCIM solutions and tools that provide integrated management of physical infrastructure, IT systems, and business processes to address these challenges.
controlling the vibration of automobile suspension system using pid controllersiva kumar
This document presents a MATLAB/Simulink project that models and simulates an active automobile suspension system using a PID controller to reduce vibration and improve ride comfort. The author develops a quarter-car model to represent the vehicle dynamics, including sprung mass, suspension components, and disturbance from the road. A Simulink model is created and the PID controller is tuned to actively control the suspension system based on sensor feedback. Simulation results show the integrated system response is improved significantly with the PID controller compared to without it. The goal is to both enhance passenger comfort and increase vehicle stability by minimizing vibration effects on the suspension.
This document provides an overview of fast dissolving oral thin films (FDOTF). It begins with an introduction describing FDOTFs as thin polymeric strips that dissolve quickly in the mouth without water. The document then covers special features of FDOTFs, compares them to fast dissolving tablets, and describes their mechanism of action, classifications, properties, advantages, disadvantages, formulations, manufacturing methods, evaluation, and concludes with references.
Business Continuity Planning Presentation OverviewBob Winkler
The document outlines the key steps in developing a business continuity plan, including performing a business impact analysis, developing recovery strategies, creating the plan, and maintaining the plan through regular exercises. It discusses defining critical processes, employees, vendors, and locations and assigning roles and responsibilities to teams to ensure business functions can continue during a disruption. The six steps to building continuity plans are also presented.
La aplicaci坦n m坦vil "Dulzura, Sabor y Encanto a tu Alcance" fue creada para facilitar los pedidos de la pasteler鱈a Secretos. La aplicaci坦n permite a los clientes revisar el men炭 y hacer pedidos desde su tel辿fono m坦vil, mientras que los empleados pueden ver los pedidos desde una computadora para evitar errores. El equipo cre坦 la aplicaci坦n utilizando Eclipse y su conocimiento de programaci坦n para resolver el problema de pedidos incorrectos en la pasteler鱈a.
Este documento describe una aplicaci坦n m坦vil creada para una pasteler鱈a llamada Pasteler鱈a Secretos. La aplicaci坦n consta de tres botones: men炭, pedido y salida. Fue desarrollada para facilitar el proceso de pedidos de los clientes y evitar errores, ya que anteriormente los pedidos se realizaban por tel辿fono lo que ocasionaba problemas y p辿rdidas. El objetivo principal era proponer una forma sencilla y pr叩ctica para que los clientes puedan realizar pedidos y consultar el men炭 de forma remota usando su tel辿fono.
La aplicaci坦n fue creada para facilitar los pedidos y consultas del men炭 de la pasteler鱈a Secretos desde tel辿fonos m坦viles. El documento describe la idea, introducci坦n, justificaci坦n, soluci坦n al problema de pedidos equivocados, metodolog鱈a y c坦digo de la aplicaci坦n, as鱈 como los resultados de una encuesta de mercado que mostr坦 opiniones mayormente positivas sobre la aplicaci坦n.
La pr叩ctica 8 fue realizada por la alumna Tania Tellez Mendo bajo la supervisi坦n de la maestra Margarita Romero Alvarado como parte del curso de 4am Programaci坦n.
Este documento describe los pasos para crear una aplicaci坦n de c叩lculo de sueldo final para un trabajador, incluyendo dise単ar la interfaz, insertar el c坦digo de c叩lculo, y verificar que la aplicaci坦n funcione correctamente.
La divisi坦n de dos n炭meros es un proceso matem叩tico para encontrar cu叩ntas veces un n炭mero (dividendo) contiene a otro (divisor). Se realiza invirtiendo el orden de los factores y multiplicando el dividendo por el reciproco del divisor. El documento proporciona un enlace a un video que explica c坦mo realizar divisiones de dos n炭meros.
El documento describe los pasos para multiplicar dos n炭meros introducidos por el usuario mediante la consola. Primero se leen los n炭meros del usuario usando un BufferedReader y se convierten los strings a enteros con Integer.parseInt. Luego, los n炭meros son multiplicados y el resultado es mostrado por pantalla.
El documento describe los pasos para crear aplicaciones en Eclipse Android, incluyendo seleccionar File > New Project, crear un proyecto Android, seleccionar la carpeta src y el archivo para insertar c坦digo, y ejecutar la aplicaci坦n en un simulador de Android para verificar que funcione correctamente. Se proveen ejemplos de aplicaciones simples de suma, resta, multiplicaci坦n y divisi坦n para ilustrar el proceso.
Agile Communications in a Changing World: The New Nimble 2011 Portland Co...Michael Pranikoff
Presentation by PR Newswire Global Director of Emerging Media Michael Pranikoff at the 2011 Communicators Conference in Portland, OR on May 11, 2011.
This document contains a list of 7 usernames with associated IDs, hashes, and empty values. The usernames are Boromir, Frodo, sam, debby, jefke, nancy, and rudy. Each entry contains the username, user ID, hash, and empty values separated by colons.
The document contains questions for tests on various topics related to education leadership and management. It includes questions on transformational leadership, preventative classroom discipline, managing parental involvement, organizational conflict, delegation in the classroom, and more. The questions range from defining key concepts to discussing practical applications on topics such as implementing reforms, addressing learner misbehavior, resolving conflicts, and involving parents in their children's education.
Este documento introduce el tutorial de Eclipse y describe sus ventajas para programar en Java. Explica que no se necesitan conocimientos avanzados de Java para seguir el tutorial. Adem叩s, en pocos minutos los usuarios podr叩n dominar las t辿cnicas principales de Eclipse para acelerar la programaci坦n. El 炭nico requisito es tener instalada una versi坦n de Eclipse junto con una m叩quina virtual de Java.
The document describes Ram辿n Valves, a manufacturer of industrial control valves and regulators based in Sweden. It discusses their ball sector valve product, which controls flow for applications like dynamic throttling, flow control, and pressure control. The ball sector valve has been on the market for over 45 years and offers maintenance-free operation and protection against wear. The document provides information on valve sizes, materials, applications, sizing and selection, servicing, and contact details for Ram辿n Valves.
Theory of Constraints (TOC) is an overall management philosophy introduced by Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt in his 1984 book titled The Goal, that is geared to help organizations continually achieve their goal.[1] The title comes from the contention that any manageable system is limited in achieving more of its goal by a very small number of constraints, and that there is always at least one constraint. The TOC process seeks to identify the constraint and restructure the rest of the organization around it, through the use of the Five Focusing Steps.
- Source: Wikipedia
A regenerative turbine pump varies from the more familiar centrifugal pump mostly in the design of its impeller. This design difference makes the regenerative turbine pump uniquely suited for low NPSH (Net Positive Suction Head) applications, among others. Regenerative turbine pumps can safely pump liquids close to the boiling point without the detriment of cavitation, and the pump design is suitable for handling highly unstable liquids.
Milko's Frozen Custard and Ice-cream will be a new ice cream shop located in Model Town, Lahore. Iqra Bano will invest 1,000,000 PKR to establish the business, which will offer frozen custard and ice cream products. The business aims to achieve over 50,000 PKR in sales in its first year and increase annual sales by 30% or more in the second year. Key factors for success include presenting high quality products and building customer relationships.
The document discusses data center infrastructure management (DCIM) solutions. It defines DCIM as systems that collect and manage data about a data center's assets, resource use, and operational status throughout the lifecycle to help optimize performance and meet business goals. The document outlines challenges in data center management like availability, efficiency, costs, and changing needs. It then describes Schneider Electric's DCIM solutions and tools that provide integrated management of physical infrastructure, IT systems, and business processes to address these challenges.
controlling the vibration of automobile suspension system using pid controllersiva kumar
This document presents a MATLAB/Simulink project that models and simulates an active automobile suspension system using a PID controller to reduce vibration and improve ride comfort. The author develops a quarter-car model to represent the vehicle dynamics, including sprung mass, suspension components, and disturbance from the road. A Simulink model is created and the PID controller is tuned to actively control the suspension system based on sensor feedback. Simulation results show the integrated system response is improved significantly with the PID controller compared to without it. The goal is to both enhance passenger comfort and increase vehicle stability by minimizing vibration effects on the suspension.
This document provides an overview of fast dissolving oral thin films (FDOTF). It begins with an introduction describing FDOTFs as thin polymeric strips that dissolve quickly in the mouth without water. The document then covers special features of FDOTFs, compares them to fast dissolving tablets, and describes their mechanism of action, classifications, properties, advantages, disadvantages, formulations, manufacturing methods, evaluation, and concludes with references.
Business Continuity Planning Presentation OverviewBob Winkler
The document outlines the key steps in developing a business continuity plan, including performing a business impact analysis, developing recovery strategies, creating the plan, and maintaining the plan through regular exercises. It discusses defining critical processes, employees, vendors, and locations and assigning roles and responsibilities to teams to ensure business functions can continue during a disruption. The six steps to building continuity plans are also presented.
La aplicaci坦n m坦vil "Dulzura, Sabor y Encanto a tu Alcance" fue creada para facilitar los pedidos de la pasteler鱈a Secretos. La aplicaci坦n permite a los clientes revisar el men炭 y hacer pedidos desde su tel辿fono m坦vil, mientras que los empleados pueden ver los pedidos desde una computadora para evitar errores. El equipo cre坦 la aplicaci坦n utilizando Eclipse y su conocimiento de programaci坦n para resolver el problema de pedidos incorrectos en la pasteler鱈a.
Este documento describe una aplicaci坦n m坦vil creada para una pasteler鱈a llamada Pasteler鱈a Secretos. La aplicaci坦n consta de tres botones: men炭, pedido y salida. Fue desarrollada para facilitar el proceso de pedidos de los clientes y evitar errores, ya que anteriormente los pedidos se realizaban por tel辿fono lo que ocasionaba problemas y p辿rdidas. El objetivo principal era proponer una forma sencilla y pr叩ctica para que los clientes puedan realizar pedidos y consultar el men炭 de forma remota usando su tel辿fono.
La aplicaci坦n fue creada para facilitar los pedidos y consultas del men炭 de la pasteler鱈a Secretos desde tel辿fonos m坦viles. El documento describe la idea, introducci坦n, justificaci坦n, soluci坦n al problema de pedidos equivocados, metodolog鱈a y c坦digo de la aplicaci坦n, as鱈 como los resultados de una encuesta de mercado que mostr坦 opiniones mayormente positivas sobre la aplicaci坦n.
La pr叩ctica 8 fue realizada por la alumna Tania Tellez Mendo bajo la supervisi坦n de la maestra Margarita Romero Alvarado como parte del curso de 4am Programaci坦n.
Este documento describe los pasos para crear una aplicaci坦n de c叩lculo de sueldo final para un trabajador, incluyendo dise単ar la interfaz, insertar el c坦digo de c叩lculo, y verificar que la aplicaci坦n funcione correctamente.
La divisi坦n de dos n炭meros es un proceso matem叩tico para encontrar cu叩ntas veces un n炭mero (dividendo) contiene a otro (divisor). Se realiza invirtiendo el orden de los factores y multiplicando el dividendo por el reciproco del divisor. El documento proporciona un enlace a un video que explica c坦mo realizar divisiones de dos n炭meros.
El documento describe los pasos para multiplicar dos n炭meros introducidos por el usuario mediante la consola. Primero se leen los n炭meros del usuario usando un BufferedReader y se convierten los strings a enteros con Integer.parseInt. Luego, los n炭meros son multiplicados y el resultado es mostrado por pantalla.
El documento describe los pasos para crear aplicaciones en Eclipse Android, incluyendo seleccionar File > New Project, crear un proyecto Android, seleccionar la carpeta src y el archivo para insertar c坦digo, y ejecutar la aplicaci坦n en un simulador de Android para verificar que funcione correctamente. Se proveen ejemplos de aplicaciones simples de suma, resta, multiplicaci坦n y divisi坦n para ilustrar el proceso.
Este documento describe una pr叩ctica de programaci坦n en la que se insertan botones para pedir un n炭mero y realizar una operaci坦n de resta. Se crean botones para solicitar dos n炭meros y mostrar el resultado de restarlos.
Este documento contiene informaci坦n sobre una clase de programaci坦n impartida por la maestra Margarita Romero Alvarado en el Cetis 109 para el cuarto a単o de Tellez Mendo Tania.
Este documento describe los operadores m坦viles virtuales u OMVs. Explica que un OMV no posee una red propia sino que depende de la cobertura de otra empresa con red propia mediante un acuerdo. Generalmente los OMVs no tienen infraestructura propia m叩s all叩 de las tarjetas SIM, pero algunos pueden tener sus propios registros de localizaci坦n o centros de conmutaci坦n, lo que les da m叩s flexibilidad.
Este documento explica c坦mo instalar el plugin EclipseME en Eclipse para desarrollar aplicaciones Java ME, incluyendo la configuraci坦n del plugin y del Wireless Toolkit, y la creaci坦n de un proyecto de ejemplo Hola Mundo. Se describen los pasos de instalaci坦n del plugin, la adici坦n del sitio de actualizaciones, la configuraci坦n del WTK y un dispositivo, y la creaci坦n del proyecto y clase HolaMundo para su ejecuci坦n.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones para configurar el entorno de desarrollo Eclipse y crear un proyecto en Java. Explica c坦mo iniciar Eclipse, crear un proyecto vac鱈o, agregar una clase principal con un m辿todo main, importar una biblioteca que proporciona funciones de impresi坦n y ejecutar el programa para mostrar un mensaje.
El documento proporciona instrucciones para instalar el plugin Eclipse WindowBuilder. Explica c坦mo descargar el archivo ZIP del plugin desde la p叩gina web oficial, descomprimir el archivo, y copiar las carpetas y archivos en las carpetas correspondientes de Eclipse. Tambi辿n muestra capturas de pantalla del proceso de instalaci坦n y de la interfaz de Eclipse una vez instalado el plugin.
Xcode es un entorno de desarrollo integrado dise単ado especialmente para el desarrollo de aplicaciones Cocoa en Mac OS X. Xcode usa el compilador GNU (gcc) y el depurador GNU (gdb) para compilar y depurar software Cocoa.
Microsoft Visual Studio es un entorno de desarrollo integrado para sistemas Windows que soporta lenguajes como C++, C#, J# y Visual Basic .NET. Permite a los desarrolladores crear aplicaciones, sitios web y servicios web en la plataforma .NET.
NetBeans es un entorno
Xcode es un entorno de desarrollo integrado dise単ado especialmente para el desarrollo de aplicaciones Cocoa en Mac OS X. Xcode usa el compilador GNU (gcc) y el depurador GNU (gdb) para compilar y depurar software Cocoa.
Microsoft Visual Studio es un entorno de desarrollo integrado para sistemas Windows que soporta lenguajes como C++, C#, J# y Visual Basic .NET. Permite a los desarrolladores crear aplicaciones, sitios web y servicios web en .NET.
NetBeans es un entorno de desarrollo
El documento describe 5 programas inventados en Java sobre diferentes temas matem叩ticos como edad, 叩rea de figuras geom辿tricas y ganancias. Cada programa incluye los pasos de definir las variables, insertar las f坦rmulas matem叩ticas correspondientes y escribir sentencias con los resultados.
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MiniTool Partition Wizard is a powerful and easy-to-use partition management tool designed to help users manage their hard drive partitions. It provides a variety of functions to help with partition creation, resizing, merging, splitting, formatting, and much more, making it a popular tool for users who need to optimize or manage their storage devices.
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The financial technology landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and 2025 promises to be a transformative year for the industry. From AI-driven banking to decentralized finance, the future of FinTech is brimming with innovation. In this carousel, we explore the five key trends that will shape the FinTech ecosystem in 2025. Stay ahead of the curve and discover how these advancements will redefine the way we manage, invest, and interact with money. Swipe through to dive into the future of finance! 叶
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Trivium: A Framework For Symbolic Metaprogramming in C++andreasmaniotis
Metaprogrammed code in C++ can be as simple, clear, reusable, modular and configurable as code that is written in a functional language like Lisp or Haskell.
Template metaprogramming (TMP) code tends to be unfriendly to humans. The code is generally neither easy to read nor easy to write.
The Trivium framework gives a solution to this problem by organising TMP indirectly by the means of Trivium Lisp, a symbolic domain specific language (DSL) for metaprogramming. Metaprograms are not encoded directly in C++, but as symbolic expressions in Trivium-Lisp.
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Wondershare Filmora Crack is a professional video editor that allows you to express your creativity while also surprising you with beautiful results. Furthermore, you will be able to incorporate your favorite music right into your film to create the appropriate atmosphere. You can also use the content and titles library to create stunning animated messages.
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Proxed.AI is the fastest way to secure AI APIs in iOS
AI-powered iOS apps face a major security challenge - how to protect API keys and prevent unauthorized usage. If your API keys are exposed, they can be stolen, leading to huge costs, data breaches, and service abuse.
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How John started to like TDD (instead of hating it) - TED talkNacho Cougil
John, a typical developer, used to dread writing tests, finding them boring and unnecessary. Test Driven Development (TDD)? Even worsehe couldnt see how it worked outside of basic exercises. But something clicked. Through his journey, John discovered the magic of writing tests before the production code: fewer bugs, quicker feedback, and cleaner code. Now, hes hooked and wont code any other way. This is the story of how TDD turned a skeptic into a believer.
PS: Think of John as a random person, as if he was even the speaker of this talk !
Presentation shared at Talent Arena '25
Feedback form:
LLM Security - Smart to protect, but too smart to be protectedIvo Andreev
LLMs are too smart to be secure! In this session we elaborate about monitoring and auditing, managing ethical implications and resolving common problems like prompt injections, jailbreaks, utilization in cyberattacks or generating insecure code.
OutSystems User Group Utrecht February 2025.pdfmail496323
We'll first explore how to Transition from O11 to ODC with Solange Ferreira (OutSystems). After that, Remco Dekkinga (Evergreen IT) will jump into Troubleshooting.
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Advance Website Helpdesk Customer Support Ticket Management OdooAagam infotech
Effortlessly manage tickets via email, admin, or website forms, and take advantage of features like merging, reopening, and assigning by type. Create orders and invoices directly from tickets, send updates via WhatsApp, and track progress with timesheetseverything you need, all in one place.
Get the App here :
Key features of advanced website helpdesk odoo module :
Dashboard For Tickets Tracking
Helpdesk Tickets List
Helpdesk Tickets Filter
advanced helpdesk SLA Policy
Assign Tickets Via Ticket Type, Team
Helpdesk Multi language support
And more.....
Just visit our app link and explore more new interesting features of Advanced website helpdesk odoo module
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A Brief Introduction About Raman BhaumikRaman Bhaumik
Raman Bhaumik is a driven Junior Software Developer with over three years of experience crafting efficient web applications. With expertise in Java, Python, JavaScript, SQL, and frameworks like React, Django, and Node.js, Raman is dedicated to improving system performance. She is passionate about mentoring young developers through coding workshops.
Adobe Marketo Engage Champion Deep Dive: Extending Marketo With AEM FormsBradBedford3
Discover the various ways and use cases for using Marketo forms vs. AEM forms.. In this session, Adobe experts will explore the different types of forms, key use cases, the pros and cons of each type and more! Learn how to leverage these different types of forms to best suit your business needs and use case.
1.What is a Form?
2.Marketo Forms overview
3.AEM Forms overview
4.Use Case: Extend communications with personalized PDFs
5.Use Case: Complete journeys with personalized web applications
6.Use Case: Contact Us form
Target Audience
Marketo Users: Professionals already using or considering Marketo who want to expand their marketing capabilities to AEM
AEM Users: Professionals already using or considering AEM who want to expand their marketing capabilities in Marketo
ElasticSearch Course that goes from the basic and quickly dives deep in the most important topics to build efficient cluster: model data, search quicly, aggregate and process data, distribute and manage data as well as cluster management.