This document provides practice scenarios and answers for bridge lessons on conventions for competitive auctions. It includes 11 scenarios where either partner or an opponent opens the bidding and asks what the responder should bid with a given hand. The answers focus on showing strength in suits, using conventions like the unusual 2NT to show a two-suiter, and whether to pass or make a takeout double based on point count and distribution.
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Practice Scenarios For Lesson 13 Conventions For Competitive Auctions
3. Practice Scenario 1Partner opens 1D and opponent doubles. What do you bid?Your hand: S: xxxx H: x D: Kx C: KQxxxx
4. Answer to Scenario 1If opponent hadnt doubled, you would have bid 1S here to show your 4-card major. However, this is probably not a contract which you want to play if your RHO is strong in spades (which he should be since he doubled)Thus, 2C is probably the better call here, showing 6-9 points and long clubs
5. Practice Scenario 2Partner opens 1D and opponent doubles. What do you bid?Your hand: S: KJTxxx H: x D: xxx C: Jxx
6. Answer to Scenario 2Bid 2S (weak jumpshift) showing 4-6 points and 6+ spadesIf you had a few more points, it wouldve been better to bid 1S instead or maybe redouble
7. Practice Scenario 3Partner opens 1S and opponent doubles. What do you bid?Your hand: S: AJxx H: xxx D: xx C: xxxx
14. Answer to Scenario 6Bid 1S. All your alternatives are flawed1NT would show 15-17 pointsYou are too weak to takeout double with only 2 out of the other 3 suitsMichaels cuebid requires 5-5
16. Answer to Scenario 7Pass. You have the right distribution for Michaels but not enough points. If partner bids one of your suits, you can happily support him.
18. Answer to Scenario 8Pass. You have the right distribution and points for Unusual 2NT. However, almost none of your points are in your two long suits. Your hand looks better for defense than offense.
24. Answer to Scenario 11Bid 2H. You may be tempted to bid Michaels here. However, your heart suit is much stronger and longer than your club suit. Also, it is a major. You are probably better off showing your heart suit.