Pradosh is an auspicious day dedicated to Hindu God Shiva. The Vrat falls on the 13th day of every lunar fortnight in traditional Hindu calendar. Pradosham Vrat or Pradosham Vratam are the most auspicious days or apt time to perform Pooja and Arpans for the blessings of God almighty as per Hindu rules. During Pradosham days the devotees perform various type of fasting to seek blessings which include fasting even without a single drop of water called NIRJALA UPAVASA (the other name for vrat) Pradosham is a hindu vrat that comes in every month of the year 2015.
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Pradosh Vrat
1. Pradosh Vrat
Pradoshisan auspiciousdaydedicatedtoHinduGodShiva.The Vrat fallsonthe 13th day of everylunar
fortnightintraditional Hinducalendar. PradoshamVratorPradoshamVratamare the most auspicious
daysor apt time toperformPoojaandArpansfor the blessingsof GodalmightyasperHindurules.
DuringPradoshamdaysthe devoteesperformvarioustype of fastingtoseekblessingswhichinclude
fastingevenwithoutasingle dropof watercalledNIRJALA UPAVASA (theothername forvrat)
Pradoshamisa hinduvrat that comesineverymonthof the year 2015.
The story behindthe pradoshvratis mentionedinthe Puranaswhichnarrate the originof the Pradosh
Fasting.Thisvrat isassociatedwithSamudurmanthanaorChurningof the oceanand subsequently
drinkingof the poison(Halahala) byGodShivatosave the mankindandthe earth.To get Amritaholy
waterof life andmoksha,DevasandAsurasstartedthe SamudraManthan or churningof oceanon the
advice fromLord Vishnu.The churningof the oceanproducedthe terrible poisonwhichhadthe capacity
to destroythe universe.
Lord Shivacame to the rescue of the Devasand Demonsandhe drankall the poisonand histhroat
become blue withthe effectof the poison.SoLordshivais alsoknownas Neelkanth.The demonsand
godscontinuedthe churningof the oceanand finallytheygotthe Amritonthe twelvethdayof lunar
fortnight.The DevasandAsurasthankedLordShivaonthe thirteenthdayof the lunarfortnight(paksha).
Pleasedwiththe devotion,LordShivaisbelievedtohave dancedbetweenthe hornsof Nandi the bull.
The time whenShivawasextremelyhappywasthe Pradoshamperiod.SoitisbelievedthatLordShivais
extremelyhappyduringthisperiodandblessesall thisdevoteesandfulfillstheirwishesduringthe
PradoshperiodonTrayodashi day.
How to observe Pradosh Vrat:
The importance of PradoshaVrata and how to observe itisnarratedin the SkandaPurana.There are
twomethodsof fastingonthe day.Some people observea24-hourfast whichincludesnotsleeping
duringnight.Anothermethodisfastingfromsunrisetill sunsetandafterShivapujainthe eveningthe
fastis broken.Inthe eveningone pehar(8thpartof the day) before sunsetandone houraftersunset,
pujasand prayersare performed.Manypeopleduringthisperiodspendthe time inaShivatemple or
listeningtothe gloryof Shiva.
One shouldtake bathin the evening,anhourbefore sunsetandshouldperformprayersforLordShiva,
GoddessParvathi,Ganesha,KartikandNandi.Afterthe initial prayers,LordShivaisworshippedinthe
formof a Kalasha(sacredpot).The Kalashafilledwithwateriscoveredwithdarbhagrassanda lotusis
drawnon the pot.
Afterthisone shouldreador listenthe PradoshaVrataKathafromShivaPurana.There are sevenVrat
storiesdependinguponthe var(day) the vratis observed.Thenthe MahaMrityunjayaMantra shouldbe
recited108 time preferablywitharudrakshamala. Afterthisthe waterusedinthe pujaceremonyis
givenasPrasadalongwithsacredash. The ash is appliedonthe forehead.Itissaidthatjustlightinga