Stress-levels of Chimpanzees Living in CaptivityShahanaG
Captive chimpanzees were found to have higher levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, than their free-living counterparts, indicating higher stress levels. Researchers measured cortisol levels in chimpanzee fecal samples using isopropanol, methanol, and an assay, grouping the chimpanzees into different age groups from infants to those over 41. Both female chimpanzees and older chimpanzees over 31 were found to have the highest cortisol levels, suggesting that age and gender impact stress levels in captive chimpanzees.
The document discusses the design of a wind turbine project near Idaho Falls, Idaho to generate 300,000 kW/hrs per year. Wind data for the site was obtained and analyzed, which showed average wind speeds of 7.5 m/s. Based on the wind speeds, an Energy E15 65kW wind turbine was selected that has a cut-in speed of 4m/s and cut-out speed of 26.8m/s. Load calculations were performed and showed the turbine could withstand the wind forces. While one turbine would generate around 145,000 kW/hrs, two turbines are needed to meet the project's goal of 300,000 kW/hrs of annual energy production.
Nickole Hogan owns a hair design business called Hair Design by Nickole. She can be contacted at 801-814-3521 or through her website at The document provides contact information for Nickole Hogan and her hair design business.
Lasers convert electrical energy into light energy using a process called stimulated emission. High voltage electrical energy is used to energize a lasing gas mixture inside a resonator cavity. When the grid signal allows the electricity to pass through the electrodes, the gas becomes ionized and produces a controlled laser beam through optics. The RF tube, a triode oscillator, cycles the high voltage on and off using pulse width modulation to control the laser output power level.
Reliable Financial Stock Portfolio Analysis (1)Murtaza Ahmed
The document is a stock portfolio analysis report prepared by Murtaza Maqbool Ahmed of Reliable Financial for their client. It summarizes the performance of the client's portfolio during the period of January 15th, 2015 to April 1st, 2015, achieving a total gain of 4.1%. It then analyzes the best and worst performing stocks, Suncor Energy Inc. and Wal-Mart Stores Inc., finding that Suncor is overvalued while Wal-Mart is undervalued based on fundamental analysis. Major events that impacted the US and Canadian stock markets during the period are also described.
The document provides examples of cubic numbers from 1 to 10, where each number is the result of multiplying that integer by itself three times. It lists the cubic of the integers 1 through 10, and notes that these numbers, 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729, and 1000, are also called cubic numbers. It then provides short examples of basic arithmetic operations and geometric shapes.
1. Persamaan kuadrat dengan akar X1=3 dan X2=-1
2. Matematika adalah ilmu otonom yang memainkan peran penting dalam ilmu pengetahuan modern serta dipengaruhi dan mempengaruhi ilmu lain
3. Volume tabung dihitung berdasarkan jari-jari 14 cm dan tinggi 12 cm
Ringkasan dari tabel nilai siswa kelas V SD Negeri:
- Terdapat 5 siswa dengan nilai Matematika, IPA, dan IPS
- Siswa dengan nilai tertinggi di semua mata pelajaran adalah Felisitas dengan nilai Matematika 85, IPA 90, dan IPS 95
- Soal ulangan harian mata pelajaran Matematika kelas V tentang mengubah pecahan ke bentuk persen dan desimal
The document provides examples of cubic numbers from 1 to 10, where each number is the result of multiplying a base number from 1 to 10 by itself three times. It then lists the cubic numbers 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729, and 1000. The document also contains basic math equations and definitions for perimeter of shapes.
1. Persamaan kuadrat dengan akar X1=3 dan X2=-1
2. Matematika adalah ilmu otonom yang berperan penting dalam ilmu pengetahuan modern serta saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain
3. Volume tabung dengan jari-jari 14 cm dan tinggi 12 cm
Berikut ini adalah ringkasan dari tabel nilai 5 siswa untuk 3 mata pelajaran (Matematika, IPA, dan IPS) pada semester 2:
- Tabel tersebut menampilkan nilai 5 siswa yaitu Budiman, Chayono, Felisitas, Guritno, dan Martua untuk mata pelajaran Matematika, IPA, dan IPS.
- Nilai tertinggi untuk setiap mata pelajaran diperoleh oleh Felisitas yaitu 85 untuk Matematika, 90 untuk IPA, dan 95
Bab 1 membahas pendahuluan penelitian sedangkan Bab 2 membahas kajian teoretis yang terdiri atas model-model pengembangan mahasiswa, konsep integrasi TIK dalam pembelajaran, dan pembelajaran matematika. Dokumen selanjutnya membagi kerangka bab dan subbab penelitian tersebut.
Nickole Hogan owns a hair design business called Hair Design by Nickole. She can be contacted at 801-814-3521 or through her website at The document provides contact information for Nickole Hogan and her hair design business.
Lasers convert electrical energy into light energy using a process called stimulated emission. High voltage electrical energy is used to energize a lasing gas mixture inside a resonator cavity. When the grid signal allows the electricity to pass through the electrodes, the gas becomes ionized and produces a controlled laser beam through optics. The RF tube, a triode oscillator, cycles the high voltage on and off using pulse width modulation to control the laser output power level.
Reliable Financial Stock Portfolio Analysis (1)Murtaza Ahmed
The document is a stock portfolio analysis report prepared by Murtaza Maqbool Ahmed of Reliable Financial for their client. It summarizes the performance of the client's portfolio during the period of January 15th, 2015 to April 1st, 2015, achieving a total gain of 4.1%. It then analyzes the best and worst performing stocks, Suncor Energy Inc. and Wal-Mart Stores Inc., finding that Suncor is overvalued while Wal-Mart is undervalued based on fundamental analysis. Major events that impacted the US and Canadian stock markets during the period are also described.
The document provides examples of cubic numbers from 1 to 10, where each number is the result of multiplying that integer by itself three times. It lists the cubic of the integers 1 through 10, and notes that these numbers, 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729, and 1000, are also called cubic numbers. It then provides short examples of basic arithmetic operations and geometric shapes.
1. Persamaan kuadrat dengan akar X1=3 dan X2=-1
2. Matematika adalah ilmu otonom yang memainkan peran penting dalam ilmu pengetahuan modern serta dipengaruhi dan mempengaruhi ilmu lain
3. Volume tabung dihitung berdasarkan jari-jari 14 cm dan tinggi 12 cm
Ringkasan dari tabel nilai siswa kelas V SD Negeri:
- Terdapat 5 siswa dengan nilai Matematika, IPA, dan IPS
- Siswa dengan nilai tertinggi di semua mata pelajaran adalah Felisitas dengan nilai Matematika 85, IPA 90, dan IPS 95
- Soal ulangan harian mata pelajaran Matematika kelas V tentang mengubah pecahan ke bentuk persen dan desimal
The document provides examples of cubic numbers from 1 to 10, where each number is the result of multiplying a base number from 1 to 10 by itself three times. It then lists the cubic numbers 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729, and 1000. The document also contains basic math equations and definitions for perimeter of shapes.
1. Persamaan kuadrat dengan akar X1=3 dan X2=-1
2. Matematika adalah ilmu otonom yang berperan penting dalam ilmu pengetahuan modern serta saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain
3. Volume tabung dengan jari-jari 14 cm dan tinggi 12 cm
Berikut ini adalah ringkasan dari tabel nilai 5 siswa untuk 3 mata pelajaran (Matematika, IPA, dan IPS) pada semester 2:
- Tabel tersebut menampilkan nilai 5 siswa yaitu Budiman, Chayono, Felisitas, Guritno, dan Martua untuk mata pelajaran Matematika, IPA, dan IPS.
- Nilai tertinggi untuk setiap mata pelajaran diperoleh oleh Felisitas yaitu 85 untuk Matematika, 90 untuk IPA, dan 95
Bab 1 membahas pendahuluan penelitian sedangkan Bab 2 membahas kajian teoretis yang terdiri atas model-model pengembangan mahasiswa, konsep integrasi TIK dalam pembelajaran, dan pembelajaran matematika. Dokumen selanjutnya membagi kerangka bab dan subbab penelitian tersebut.