The cardiovascular system consists of four basic tissues: epithelium, connective tissue, nerves, and muscle. It includes the heart and blood vessels like arteries, veins, and capillaries. Arteries have three layers - the tunica intima lined with endothelium, the tunica media containing smooth muscle cells, and the tunica adventitia composed of connective tissue. Veins are similar but have thinner layers and can collapse. Capillaries have only a single layer of endothelium and connective tissue. The heart contains structures like the intercalated discs that connect cardiomyocytes.
8. komponen :
pembuluh darah :
arteri (arteriol kecil sedang - besar)
Vena (venule-vena kecil-sedang- besar)
! Selalu terdapat ENDOTHEL di lapisan dalam (yang
berbatasan dengan lumen) Tunica Intima
! Tunica MEDIA berupa otot polos
! Tunica Adventitia berupa j.i. longgar
9. other features
Tunica intima Tunica media tunica adventitia
Vessel name
Thick Endothelium. An internal elastic lamina,
Elastic artery elastic fibers and a connective tissue; vasa
although present, may not be
or thick series of concentrically vasorum, easily discerned, since it is
arranged. Between therelatively underdeveloped similar to the elastic laminae of
Conducting subendothelial the next layer (that may hard to
artery connective tissue elastic laminae are (thin relative to vessel distinguish, too)
smooth muscle cells, diameter)
porous LEI
reticular fibers,
Endothelium. may contain up to 40 layers of connective tissue; vasa The internal elastic
artery The intima have a smooth muscle vasorum lamina is prominent
or subendothelial layer cells. These cells are between intima and
intermingled with various media. An external
numbers of elastic elastic lamina is
artery lamellae (depending on
present only in the larger
the size of the vessel) as
muscular arteries
well as reticular fibers
(medium artery)
Endothelium. connective tissue; tunica
Arteriole composed of one to adventitia is very thin.
subendothelial layer is
five circularly arranged
very thin
layers of smooth
muscle cells; it shows
no external elastic lamina
Capillary Endothelium and
10. other features
Tunica intima Tunica media tunica adventitia
Vessel name
venule Endothelium, lacks a few smooth muscle very thin connective Together with
valves cells (very thin) tissue; arteriole
Medium (and Endothelium (fewer small bundles of connective tissue; vasa Together with
small) vein valve than in large smooth muscle cells vasorum. The muscular artery
vein). no LEI. intermixed with collagenous adventitial
fewreticular fibers and layer is well developed.
a delicate network of
elastic fibers
Large vein Endothelium, well few layers of smooth The adventitial layer is
developed muscle cells and the thickest and best-
subendothelial. abundant connective developed tunic in
extension of intima tissue (reticular and veins; it frequently
protrude into lumen as collagen). Elastin is contains longitudinal
valve sparse bundles of smooth