The document outlines the Presidents-Elect Training for 2021-2022 which will take a hybrid model of both in-person and online delivery. It details the various sessions and activities over 3 weeks that cover topics like governance, membership, promotion, and branding. Presidents-Elect will work in facilitated groups, complete interactive activities online, and participate in Zoom sessions to be awarded badges for tracking their progress.
3. Presidents Elect Training 2021-2022
PrePETs 20 November 2020
Create accounts in MyRotary
Club Health Check
Get Ready Club President
4. Presidents Elect Training 2021-2022
Hybrid model for delivery
March 27, 2021 face-to-face workshop
Change management
Using technology
Tracking progress
Attended workshop, completed Club Health Check, completed Get
Ready President in the Learning Centre, - awarded first badge.
7. Presidents Elect Training 2020-2021
Week one -27 March -3 April Managing your club
Complete club governance interactive activity in MyLearning
Zoom session by Group facilitators on Strategic Planning
Tracking progress
Completed interactive activity in MyLearning, developed and uploaded
draft strategic plan, and attended the Zoom session, awarded second
8. Presidents Elect Training 2020-2021
Week two -3 April-10 April Membership
Zoom session by Director Membership
Membership interactive activity in MyLearning
Tracking progress
Completed interactive activity in MyLearning, submitted draft
membership plan and attended the Zoom session, awarded third
9. Presidents Elect Training 2020-2021
Week three -10 April-17 April Promotion and Branding
Complete interactive activity on Promotion and Branding
Social networking interactive activity
Zoom session with Director Promotion and Social Media
Tracking progress
Completed interactive activity on promotion, branding and social
media in MyLearning, and attended the Zoom session-awarded fourth
10. Presidents Elect Training 2020-2021
Group facilitators and Assistant Governors
PEs will work in groups
Facilitated sessions
Group facilitators/AGs track progress and offer support
and encouragement
11. MyLearning
Email with enrolment key
Access MyLearning and work through activities
Email to confirm details for logging on