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Code for QSS Chapter 4: Prediction
Kosuke Imai
First Printing
Section 4.1: Predicting Election Outcomes
Section 4.1.1: Loops in R
values <- c(2, 4, 6)
n <- length(values) # number of elements in `values'
results <- rep(NA, n) # empty container vector for storing the results
## loop counter `i' will take values on 1, 2, ..., n in that order
for (i in 1:n) {
## store the result of multiplication as the ith element of
## `results' vector
results[i] <- values[i] * 2
cat(values[i], "times 2 is equal to", results[i], "n")
## 2 times 2 is equal to 4
## 4 times 2 is equal to 8
## 6 times 2 is equal to 12
## [1] 4 8 12
## check if the code runs when i = 1
i <- 1
x <- values[i] * 2
cat(values[i], "times 2 is equal to", x, "n")
## 2 times 2 is equal to 4
Section 4.1.2: General Conditional Statements in R
## define the operation to be executed
operation <- "add"
if (operation == "add") {
cat("I will perform addition 4 + 4n")
4 + 4
## I will perform addition 4 + 4
## [1] 8
if (operation == "multiply") {
cat("I will perform multiplication 4 * 4n")
4 * 4
## Note that `operation' is redefined
operation <- "multiply"
if (operation == "add") {
cat("I will perform addition 4 + 4")
4 + 4
} else {
cat("I will perform multiplication 4 * 4")
4 * 4
## I will perform multiplication 4 * 4
## [1] 16
## Note that `operation' is redefined
operation <- "subtract"
if (operation == "add") {
cat("I will perform addition 4 + 4n")
4 + 4
} else if (operation == "multiply") {
cat("I will perform multiplication 4 * 4n")
4 * 4
} else {
cat("`", operation, "' is invalid. Use either `add' or `multiply'.n",
sep = "")
## `subtract' is invalid. Use either `add' or `multiply'.
values <- 1:5
n <- length(values)
results <- rep(NA, n)
for (i in 1:n) {
## x and r get overwritten in each iteration
x <- values[i]
r <- x %% 2 # remainder when divided by 2 to check whether even or odd
if (r == 0) { # remainder is zero
cat(x, "is even and I will perform addition",
x, "+", x, "n")
results[i] <- x + x
} else { # remainder is not zero
cat(x, "is odd and I will perform multiplication",
x, "*", x, "n")
results[i] <- x * x
## 1 is odd and I will perform multiplication 1 * 1
## 2 is even and I will perform addition 2 + 2
## 3 is odd and I will perform multiplication 3 * 3
## 4 is even and I will perform addition 4 + 4
## 5 is odd and I will perform multiplication 5 * 5
## [1] 1 4 9 8 25
Section 4.1.3: Poll Predictions
## load election results, by state
pres08 <- read.csv("pres08.csv")
## load polling data
polls08 <- read.csv("polls08.csv")
## compute Obama's margin
polls08$margin <- polls08$Obama - polls08$McCain
pres08$margin <- pres08$Obama - pres08$McCain
x <- as.Date("2008-11-04")
y <- as.Date("2008/9/1")
x - y # number of days between 2008/9/1 and 11/4
## Time difference of 64 days
## convert to a Date object
polls08$middate <- as.Date(polls08$middate)
## computer the number of days to the election day
polls08$DaysToElection <- as.Date("2008-11-04") - polls08$middate
poll.pred <- rep(NA, 51) # initialize a vector place holder
## extract unique state names which the loop will iterate through
st.names <- unique(polls08$state)
## add state names as labels for easy interpretation later on
names(poll.pred) <- as.character(st.names)
## loop across 50 states plus DC
for (i in 1:51){
## subset the ith state
state.data <- subset(polls08, subset = (state == st.names[i]))
## further subset the latest polls within the state
latest <- subset(state.data, DaysToElection == min(DaysToElection))
## compute the mean of latest polls and store it
poll.pred[i] <- mean(latest$margin)
## error of latest polls
errors <- pres08$margin - poll.pred
names(errors) <- st.names # add state names
mean(errors) # mean prediction error
## [1] 1.062092
## [1] 5.90894
## histogram
hist(errors, freq = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 0.08),
main = "Poll prediction error",
xlab = "Error in predicted margin for Obama (percentage points)")
## add mean
abline(v = mean(errors), lty = "dashed", col = "red")
text(x = -7, y = 0.07, "average error", col = "red")
Poll prediction error
Error in predicted margin for Obama (percentage points)
−20 −10 0 10 20
average error
## type = "n" generates "empty" plot
plot(poll.pred, pres08$margin, type = "n", main = "", xlab = "Poll results",
xlim = c(-40, 90), ylim = c(-40, 90), ylab = "Actual election results")
## add state abbreviations
text(x = poll.pred, y = pres08$margin, labels = pres08$state, col = "blue")
## lines
abline(a = 0, b = 1, lty = "dashed") # 45 degree line
abline(v = 0) # vertical line at 0
abline(h = 0) # horizontal line at 0
−40 −20 0 20 40 60 80
Poll results
## which state polls called wrong?
pres08$state[sign(poll.pred) != sign(pres08$margin)]
## [1] IN MO NC
## what was the actual margin for these states?
pres08$margin[sign(poll.pred) != sign(pres08$margin)]
## [1] 1 -1 1
## actual results: total number of electoral votes won by Obama
sum(pres08$EV[pres08$margin > 0])
## [1] 364
## poll prediction
sum(pres08$EV[poll.pred > 0])
## [1] 349
## load the data
pollsUS08 <- read.csv("pollsUS08.csv")
## compute number of days to the election as before
pollsUS08$middate <- as.Date(pollsUS08$middate)
pollsUS08$DaysToElection <- as.Date("2008-11-04") - pollsUS08$middate
## empty vectors to store predictions
Obama.pred <- McCain.pred <- rep(NA, 90)
for (i in 1:90) {
## take all polls conducted within the past 7 days
week.data <- subset(pollsUS08, subset = ((DaysToElection <= (90 - i + 7))
& (DaysToElection > (90 - i))))
## compute support for each candidate using the average
Obama.pred[i] <- mean(week.data$Obama)
McCain.pred[i] <- mean(week.data$McCain)
## plot going from 90 days to 1 day before the election
plot(90:1, Obama.pred, type = "b", xlim = c(90, 0), ylim = c(40, 60),
col = "blue", xlab = "Days to the election",
ylab = "Support for candidate (percentage points)")
## `type = "b"' gives plot that includes both points and lines
lines(90:1, McCain.pred, type = "b", col = "red")
## actual election results: pch = 19 gives solid circles
points(0, 52.93, pch = 19, col = "blue")
points(0, 45.65, pch = 19, col = "red")
## line indicating the election day
abline(v = 0)
## labeling candidates
text(80, 48, "Obama", col = "blue")
text(80, 41, "McCain", col = "red")
80 60 40 20 0
Days to the election
Section 4.2: Linear Regression
Section 4.2.1: Facial Appearance and Election Outcomes
## load the data
face <- read.csv("face.csv")
## two-party vote share for Democrats and Republicans
face$d.share <- face$d.votes / (face$d.votes + face$r.votes)
face$r.share <- face$r.votes / (face$d.votes + face$r.votes)
face$diff.share <- face$d.share - face$r.share
plot(face$d.comp, face$diff.share, pch = 16,
col = ifelse(face$w.party == "R", "red", "blue"),
xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(-1, 1),
xlab = "Competence scores for Democrats",
ylab = "Democratic margin in vote share",
main = "Facial competence and vote share")
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Facial competence and vote share
Competence scores for Democrats
Section 4.2.2: Correlation and Scatter Plots
cor(face$d.comp, face$diff.share)
## [1] 0.4327743
Section 4.2.3: Least Squares
fit <- lm(diff.share ~ d.comp, data = face) # fit the model
## Call:
## lm(formula = diff.share ~ d.comp, data = face)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) d.comp
## -0.3122 0.6604
## lm(face$diff.share ~ face$d.comp)
coef(fit) # get estimated coefficients
## (Intercept) d.comp
## -0.3122259 0.6603815
head(fitted(fit)) # get fitted or predicted values
## 1 2 3 4 5 6
## 0.06060411 -0.08643340 0.09217061 0.04539236 0.13698690 -0.10057206
plot(face$d.comp, face$diff.share, xlim = c(0, 1.05), ylim = c(-1,1),
xlab = "Competence scores for Democrats",
ylab = "Democratic margin in vote share",
main = "Facial competence and vote share")
abline(fit) # add regression line
abline(v = 0, lty = "dashed")
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Facial competence and vote share
Competence scores for Democrats
epsilon.hat <- resid(fit) # residuals
sqrt(mean(epsilon.hat^2)) # RMSE
## [1] 0.2642361
Section 4.2.4: Regression Towards the Mean
Section 4.2.5: Merging Data Sets in R
pres12 <- read.csv("pres12.csv") # load 2012 data
## quick look at two data sets
## state.name state Obama McCain EV margin
## 1 Alabama AL 39 60 9 -21
## 2 Alaska AK 38 59 3 -21
## 3 Arizona AZ 45 54 10 -9
## 4 Arkansas AR 39 59 6 -20
## 5 California CA 61 37 55 24
## 6 Colorado CO 54 45 9 9
## state Obama Romney EV
## 1 AL 38 61 9
## 2 AK 41 55 3
## 3 AZ 45 54 11
## 4 AR 37 61 6
## 5 CA 60 37 55
## 6 CO 51 46 9
## merge two data frames
pres <- merge(pres08, pres12, by = "state")
## summarize the merged data frame
## state state.name Obama.x McCain
## AK : 1 Alabama : 1 Min. :33.00 Min. : 7.00
## AL : 1 Alaska : 1 1st Qu.:43.00 1st Qu.:40.00
## AR : 1 Arizona : 1 Median :51.00 Median :47.00
## AZ : 1 Arkansas : 1 Mean :51.37 Mean :47.06
## CA : 1 California: 1 3rd Qu.:57.50 3rd Qu.:56.00
## CO : 1 Colorado : 1 Max. :92.00 Max. :66.00
## (Other):45 (Other) :45
## EV.x margin Obama.y Romney
## Min. : 3.00 Min. :-32.000 Min. :25.00 Min. : 7.00
## 1st Qu.: 4.50 1st Qu.:-13.000 1st Qu.:40.50 1st Qu.:41.00
## Median : 8.00 Median : 4.000 Median :51.00 Median :48.00
## Mean :10.55 Mean : 4.314 Mean :49.06 Mean :49.04
## 3rd Qu.:11.50 3rd Qu.: 17.500 3rd Qu.:56.00 3rd Qu.:58.00
## Max. :55.00 Max. : 85.000 Max. :91.00 Max. :73.00
## EV.y
## Min. : 3.00
## 1st Qu.: 4.50
## Median : 8.00
## Mean :10.55
## 3rd Qu.:11.50
## Max. :55.00
## change the variable name for illustration
names(pres12)[1] <- "state.abb"
## merging data sets using the variables of different names
pres <- merge(pres08, pres12, by.x = "state", by.y = "state.abb")
## state state.name Obama.x McCain
## AK : 1 Alabama : 1 Min. :33.00 Min. : 7.00
## AL : 1 Alaska : 1 1st Qu.:43.00 1st Qu.:40.00
## AR : 1 Arizona : 1 Median :51.00 Median :47.00
## AZ : 1 Arkansas : 1 Mean :51.37 Mean :47.06
## CA : 1 California: 1 3rd Qu.:57.50 3rd Qu.:56.00
## CO : 1 Colorado : 1 Max. :92.00 Max. :66.00
## (Other):45 (Other) :45
## EV.x margin Obama.y Romney
## Min. : 3.00 Min. :-32.000 Min. :25.00 Min. : 7.00
## 1st Qu.: 4.50 1st Qu.:-13.000 1st Qu.:40.50 1st Qu.:41.00
## Median : 8.00 Median : 4.000 Median :51.00 Median :48.00
## Mean :10.55 Mean : 4.314 Mean :49.06 Mean :49.04
## 3rd Qu.:11.50 3rd Qu.: 17.500 3rd Qu.:56.00 3rd Qu.:58.00
## Max. :55.00 Max. : 85.000 Max. :91.00 Max. :73.00
## EV.y
## Min. : 3.00
## 1st Qu.: 4.50
## Median : 8.00
## Mean :10.55
## 3rd Qu.:11.50
## Max. :55.00
## cbinding two data frames
pres1 <- cbind(pres08, pres12)
## this shows all variables are kept
## state.name state Obama McCain
## Alabama : 1 AK : 1 Min. :33.00 Min. : 7.00
## Alaska : 1 AL : 1 1st Qu.:43.00 1st Qu.:40.00
## Arizona : 1 AR : 1 Median :51.00 Median :47.00
## Arkansas : 1 AZ : 1 Mean :51.37 Mean :47.06
## California: 1 CA : 1 3rd Qu.:57.50 3rd Qu.:56.00
## Colorado : 1 CO : 1 Max. :92.00 Max. :66.00
## (Other) :45 (Other):45
## EV margin state.abb Obama
## Min. : 3.00 Min. :-32.000 AK : 1 Min. :25.00
## 1st Qu.: 4.50 1st Qu.:-13.000 AL : 1 1st Qu.:40.50
## Median : 8.00 Median : 4.000 AR : 1 Median :51.00
## Mean :10.55 Mean : 4.314 AZ : 1 Mean :49.06
## 3rd Qu.:11.50 3rd Qu.: 17.500 CA : 1 3rd Qu.:56.00
## Max. :55.00 Max. : 85.000 CO : 1 Max. :91.00
## (Other):45
## Romney EV
## Min. : 7.00 Min. : 3.00
## 1st Qu.:41.00 1st Qu.: 4.50
## Median :48.00 Median : 8.00
## Mean :49.04 Mean :10.55
## 3rd Qu.:58.00 3rd Qu.:11.50
## Max. :73.00 Max. :55.00
## DC and DE are flipped in this alternative approach
pres1[8:9, ]
## state.name state Obama McCain EV margin state.abb Obama Romney EV
## 8 D.C. DC 92 7 3 85 DE 59 40 3
## 9 Delaware DE 62 37 3 25 DC 91 7 3
## merge() does not have this problem
pres[8:9, ]
## state state.name Obama.x McCain EV.x margin Obama.y Romney EV.y
## 8 DC D.C. 92 7 3 85 91 7 3
## 9 DE Delaware 62 37 3 25 59 40 3
pres$Obama2008.z <- scale(pres$Obama.x)
pres$Obama2012.z <- scale(pres$Obama.y)
## intercept is estimated essentially zero
fit1 <- lm(Obama2012.z ~ Obama2008.z, data = pres)
## Call:
## lm(formula = Obama2012.z ~ Obama2008.z, data = pres)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) Obama2008.z
## -3.521e-17 9.834e-01
## regression without an intercept; estimated slope is identical
fit1 <- lm(Obama2012.z ~ -1 + Obama2008.z, data = pres)
## Call:
## lm(formula = Obama2012.z ~ -1 + Obama2008.z, data = pres)
## Coefficients:
## Obama2008.z
## 0.9834
plot(pres$Obama2008.z, pres$Obama2012.z, xlim = c(-4, 4), ylim = c(-4, 4),
xlab = "Obama's standardized vote share in 2008",
ylab = "Obama's standardized vote share in 2012")
abline(fit1) # draw a regression line
−4 −2 0 2 4
Obama's standardized vote share in 2008
## bottom quartile
mean((pres$Obama2012.z >
<= quantile(pres$Obama2008.z, 0.25)])
## [1] 0.5714286
## top quartile
mean((pres$Obama2012.z >
>= quantile(pres$Obama2008.z, 0.75)])
## [1] 0.4615385
Section 4.2.6: Model Fit
florida <- read.csv("florida.csv")
## regress Buchanan's 2000 votes on Perot's 1996 votes
fit2 <- lm(Buchanan00 ~ Perot96, data = florida)
## Call:
## lm(formula = Buchanan00 ~ Perot96, data = florida)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) Perot96
## 1.34575 0.03592
## compute TSS (total sum of squares) and SSR (sum of squared residuals)
TSS2 <- sum((florida$Buchanan00 - mean(florida$Buchanan00))^2)
SSR2 <- sum(resid(fit2)^2)
## Coefficient of determination
(TSS2 - SSR2) / TSS2
## [1] 0.5130333
R2 <- function(fit) {
resid <- resid(fit) # residuals
y <- fitted(fit) + resid # outcome variable
TSS <- sum((y - mean(y))^2)
SSR <- sum(resid^2)
R2 <- (TSS - SSR) / TSS
## [1] 0.5130333
## built-in R function
## [1] 0.5130333
## [1] 0.9671579
plot(fitted(fit2), resid(fit2), xlim = c(0, 1500), ylim = c(-750, 2500),
xlab = "Fitted values", ylab = "Residuals")
abline(h = 0)
0 500 1000 1500
Fitted values
florida$county[resid(fit2) == max(resid(fit2))]
## [1] PalmBeach
## 67 Levels: Alachua Baker Bay Bradford Brevard Broward ... Washington
## data without Palm Beach
florida.pb <- subset(florida, subset = (county != "PalmBeach"))
fit3 <- lm(Buchanan00 ~ Perot96, data = florida.pb)
## Call:
## lm(formula = Buchanan00 ~ Perot96, data = florida.pb)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) Perot96
## 45.84193 0.02435
## R^2 or coefficient of determination
## [1] 0.8511675
## residual plot
plot(fitted(fit3), resid(fit3), xlim = c(0, 1500), ylim = c(-750, 2500),
xlab = "Fitted values", ylab = "Residuals",
main = "Residual plot without Palm Beach")
abline(h = 0) # horizontal line at 0
0 500 1000 1500
Residual plot without Palm Beach
Fitted values
plot(florida$Perot96, florida$Buchanan00, xlab = "Perot's votes in 1996",
ylab = "Buchanan's votes in 2000")
abline(fit2, lty = "dashed") # regression with Palm Beach
abline(fit3) # regression without Palm Beach
text(30000, 3250, "Palm Beach")
text(30000, 1500, "regressionn with Palm Beach")
text(30000, 400, "regressionn without Palm Beach")
0 10000 20000 30000 40000
Perot's votes in 1996
Palm Beach
with Palm Beach
without Palm Beach
Section 4.3: Regression and Causation
Section 4.3.1: Randomized Experiments
women <- read.csv("women.csv")
## proportion of female politicians in reserved GP vs. unreserved GP
mean(women$female[women$reserved == 1])
## [1] 1
mean(women$female[women$reserved == 0])
## [1] 0.07476636
## drinking-water facilities
mean(women$water[women$reserved == 1]) -
mean(women$water[women$reserved == 0])
## [1] 9.252423
## irrigation facilities
mean(women$irrigation[women$reserved == 1]) -
mean(women$irrigation[women$reserved == 0])
## [1] -0.3693319
lm(water ~ reserved, data = women)
## Call:
## lm(formula = water ~ reserved, data = women)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) reserved
## 14.738 9.252
lm(irrigation ~ reserved, data = women)
## Call:
## lm(formula = irrigation ~ reserved, data = women)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) reserved
## 3.3879 -0.3693
Section 4.3.2: Regression with Multiple Predictors
social <- read.csv("social.csv")
levels(social$messages) # base level is `Civic'
## [1] "Civic Duty" "Control" "Hawthorne" "Neighbors"
fit <- lm(primary2008 ~ messages, data = social)
## Call:
## lm(formula = primary2008 ~ messages, data = social)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) messagesControl messagesHawthorne
## 0.314538 -0.017899 0.007837
## messagesNeighbors
## 0.063411
## ## create indicator variables
## social$Control <- ifelse(social$messages == "Control", 1, 0)
## social$Hawthorne <- ifelse(social$messages == "Hawthorne", 1, 0)
## social$Neighbors <- ifelse(social$messages == "Neighbors", 1, 0)
## ## fit the same regression as above by directly using indicator variables
## lm(primary2008 ~ Control + Hawthorne + Neighbors, data = social)
## create a data frame with unique values of `messages'
unique.messages <- data.frame(messages = unique(social$messages))
## messages
## 1 Civic Duty
## 2 Hawthorne
## 3 Control
## 4 Neighbors
## make prediction for each observation from this new data frame
predict(fit, newdata = unique.messages)
## 1 2 3 4
## 0.3145377 0.3223746 0.2966383 0.3779482
## sample average
tapply(social$primary2008, social$messages, mean)
## Civic Duty Control Hawthorne Neighbors
## 0.3145377 0.2966383 0.3223746 0.3779482
## linear regression without intercept
fit.noint <- lm(primary2008 ~ -1 + messages, data = social)
## Call:
## lm(formula = primary2008 ~ -1 + messages, data = social)
## Coefficients:
## messagesCivic Duty messagesControl messagesHawthorne
## 0.3145 0.2966 0.3224
## messagesNeighbors
## 0.3779
## estimated average effect of `Neighbors' condition
coef(fit)["messagesNeighbors"] - coef(fit)["messagesControl"]
## messagesNeighbors
## 0.08130991
## difference in means
mean(social$primary2008[social$messages == "Neighbors"]) -
mean(social$primary2008[social$messages == "Control"])
## [1] 0.08130991
## adjusted Rsquare
adjR2 <- function(fit) {
resid <- resid(fit) # residuals
y <- fitted(fit) + resid # outcome
n <- length(y)
TSS.adj <- sum((y - mean(y))^2) / (n - 1)
SSR.adj <- sum(resid^2) / (n - length(coef(fit)))
R2.adj <- 1 - SSR.adj / TSS.adj
## [1] 0.003272788
R2(fit) # unadjusted Rsquare calculation
## [1] 0.003282564
## [1] 0.003272788
Section 4.3.3: Heterogenous Treatment Effects
## average treatment effect (ate) among those who voted in 2004 primary
social.voter <- subset(social, primary2004 == 1)
ate.voter <-
mean(social.voter$primary2008[social.voter$messages == "Neighbors"]) -
mean(social.voter$primary2008[social.voter$messages == "Control"])
## [1] 0.09652525
## average effect among those who did not vote
social.nonvoter <- subset(social, primary2004 == 0)
ate.nonvoter <-
mean(social.nonvoter$primary2008[social.nonvoter$messages == "Neighbors"]) -
mean(social.nonvoter$primary2008[social.nonvoter$messages == "Control"])
## [1] 0.06929617
## difference
ate.voter - ate.nonvoter
## [1] 0.02722908
## subset neighbors and control groups
social.neighbor <- subset(social, (messages == "Control") |
(messages == "Neighbors"))
## standard way to generate main and interaction effects
fit.int <- lm(primary2008 ~ primary2004 + messages + primary2004:messages,
data = social.neighbor)
## Call:
## lm(formula = primary2008 ~ primary2004 + messages + primary2004:messages,
## data = social.neighbor)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) primary2004
## 0.23711 0.14870
## messagesNeighbors primary2004:messagesNeighbors
## 0.06930 0.02723
## lm(primary2008 ~ primary2004 * messages, data = social.neighbor)
social.neighbor$age <- 2008 - social.neighbor$yearofbirth
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 22.00 43.00 52.00 51.82 61.00 108.00
fit.age <- lm(primary2008 ~ age * messages, data = social.neighbor)
## Call:
## lm(formula = primary2008 ~ age * messages, data = social.neighbor)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) age messagesNeighbors
## 0.0894768 0.0039982 0.0485728
## age:messagesNeighbors
## 0.0006283
## age = 25, 45, 65, 85 in Neighbors group
age.neighbor <- data.frame(age = seq(from = 25, to = 85, by = 20),
messages = "Neighbors")
## age = 25, 45, 65, 85 in Control group
age.control <- data.frame(age = seq(from = 25, to = 85, by = 20),
messages = "Control")
## average treatment effect for age = 25, 45, 65, 85
ate.age <- predict(fit.age, newdata = age.neighbor) -
predict(fit.age, newdata = age.control)
## 1 2 3 4
## 0.06428051 0.07684667 0.08941283 0.10197899
fit.age2 <- lm(primary2008 ~ age + I(age^2) + messages + age:messages +
I(age^2):messages, data = social.neighbor)
## Call:
## lm(formula = primary2008 ~ age + I(age^2) + messages + age:messages +
## I(age^2):messages, data = social.neighbor)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) age
## -9.700e-02 1.172e-02
## I(age^2) messagesNeighbors
## -7.389e-05 -5.275e-02
## age:messagesNeighbors I(age^2):messagesNeighbors
## 4.804e-03 -3.961e-05
## predicted turnout rate under the ``Neighbors'' treatment condition
yT.hat <- predict(fit.age2,
newdata = data.frame(age = 25:85, messages = "Neighbors"))
## predicted turnout rate under the control condition
yC.hat <- predict(fit.age2,
newdata = data.frame(age = 25:85, messages = "Control"))
## plotting the predicted turnout rate under each condition
plot(x = 25:85, y = yT.hat, type = "l", xlim = c(20, 90), ylim = c(0, 0.5),
xlab = "Age", ylab = "Predicted turnout rate")
lines(x = 25:85, y = yC.hat, lty = "dashed")
text(40, 0.45, "Neighbors condition")
text(45, 0.15, "Control condition")
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Neighbors condition
Control condition
## plotting the average treatment effect as a function of age
plot(x = 25:85, y = yT.hat - yC.hat, type = "l", xlim = c(20, 90),
ylim = c(0, 0.1), xlab = "Age",
ylab = "Estimated average treatment effect")
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Section 4.3.4: Regression Discontinuity Design
## load the data and subset them into two parties
MPs <- read.csv("MPs.csv")
MPs.labour <- subset(MPs, subset = (party == "labour"))
MPs.tory <- subset(MPs, subset = (party == "tory"))
## two regressions for Labour: negative and positive margin
labour.fit1 <- lm(ln.net ~ margin,
data = MPs.labour[MPs.labour$margin < 0, ])
labour.fit2 <- lm(ln.net ~ margin,
data = MPs.labour[MPs.labour$margin > 0, ])
## two regressions for Tory: negative and positive margin
tory.fit1 <- lm(ln.net ~ margin, data = MPs.tory[MPs.tory$margin < 0, ])
tory.fit2 <- lm(ln.net ~ margin, data = MPs.tory[MPs.tory$margin > 0, ])
## Labour: range of predictions
y1l.range <- c(min(MPs.labour$margin), 0) # min to 0
y2l.range <- c(0, max(MPs.labour$margin)) # 0 to max
## prediction
y1.labour <- predict(labour.fit1, newdata = data.frame(margin = y1l.range))
y2.labour <- predict(labour.fit2, newdata = data.frame(margin = y2l.range))
## Tory: range of predictions
y1t.range <- c(min(MPs.tory$margin), 0) # min to 0
y2t.range <- c(0, max(MPs.tory$margin)) # 0 to max
## predict outcome
y1.tory <- predict(tory.fit1, newdata = data.frame(margin = y1t.range))
y2.tory <- predict(tory.fit2, newdata = data.frame(margin = y2t.range))
## scatterplot with regression lines for labour
plot(MPs.labour$margin, MPs.labour$ln.net, main = "Labour",
xlim = c(-0.5, 0.5), ylim = c(6, 18), xlab = "Margin of victory",
ylab = "log net wealth at death")
abline(v = 0, lty = "dashed")
## add regression lines
lines(y1l.range, y1.labour, col = "red")
lines(y2l.range, y2.labour, col = "red")
−0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4
Margin of victory
## scatterplot with regression lines for tory
plot(MPs.tory$margin, MPs.tory$ln.net, main = "Tory", xlim = c(-0.5, 0.5),
ylim = c(6, 18), xlab = "Margin of victory",
ylab = "log net wealth at death")
abline(v = 0, lty = "dashed")
## add regression lines
lines(y1t.range, y1.tory, col = "red")
lines(y2t.range, y2.tory, col = "red")
−0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4
Margin of victory
## average net wealth for Tory MP
tory.MP <- exp(y2.tory[1])
## 1
## 533813.5
## average net wealth for Tory non-MP
tory.nonMP <- exp(y1.tory[2])
## 2
## 278762.5
## causal effect in pounds
tory.MP - tory.nonMP
## 1
## 255050.9
## two regressions for Tory: negative and positive margin
tory.fit3 <- lm(margin.pre ~ margin, data = MPs.tory[MPs.tory$margin < 0, ])
tory.fit4 <- lm(margin.pre ~ margin, data = MPs.tory[MPs.tory$margin > 0, ])
## the difference between two intercepts is the estimated effect
coef(tory.fit4)[1] - coef(tory.fit3)[1]
## (Intercept)
## -0.01725578

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  • 2. ## Note that `operation' is redefined operation <- "multiply" if (operation == "add") { cat("I will perform addition 4 + 4") 4 + 4 } else { cat("I will perform multiplication 4 * 4") 4 * 4 } ## I will perform multiplication 4 * 4 ## [1] 16 ## Note that `operation' is redefined operation <- "subtract" if (operation == "add") { cat("I will perform addition 4 + 4n") 4 + 4 } else if (operation == "multiply") { cat("I will perform multiplication 4 * 4n") 4 * 4 } else { cat("`", operation, "' is invalid. Use either `add' or `multiply'.n", sep = "") } ## `subtract' is invalid. Use either `add' or `multiply'. values <- 1:5 n <- length(values) results <- rep(NA, n) for (i in 1:n) { ## x and r get overwritten in each iteration x <- values[i] r <- x %% 2 # remainder when divided by 2 to check whether even or odd if (r == 0) { # remainder is zero cat(x, "is even and I will perform addition", x, "+", x, "n") results[i] <- x + x } else { # remainder is not zero cat(x, "is odd and I will perform multiplication", x, "*", x, "n") results[i] <- x * x } } ## 1 is odd and I will perform multiplication 1 * 1 ## 2 is even and I will perform addition 2 + 2 ## 3 is odd and I will perform multiplication 3 * 3 ## 4 is even and I will perform addition 4 + 4 ## 5 is odd and I will perform multiplication 5 * 5 results ## [1] 1 4 9 8 25 2
  • 3. Section 4.1.3: Poll Predictions ## load election results, by state pres08 <- read.csv("pres08.csv") ## load polling data polls08 <- read.csv("polls08.csv") ## compute Obama's margin polls08$margin <- polls08$Obama - polls08$McCain pres08$margin <- pres08$Obama - pres08$McCain x <- as.Date("2008-11-04") y <- as.Date("2008/9/1") x - y # number of days between 2008/9/1 and 11/4 ## Time difference of 64 days ## convert to a Date object polls08$middate <- as.Date(polls08$middate) ## computer the number of days to the election day polls08$DaysToElection <- as.Date("2008-11-04") - polls08$middate poll.pred <- rep(NA, 51) # initialize a vector place holder ## extract unique state names which the loop will iterate through st.names <- unique(polls08$state) ## add state names as labels for easy interpretation later on names(poll.pred) <- as.character(st.names) ## loop across 50 states plus DC for (i in 1:51){ ## subset the ith state state.data <- subset(polls08, subset = (state == st.names[i])) ## further subset the latest polls within the state latest <- subset(state.data, DaysToElection == min(DaysToElection)) ## compute the mean of latest polls and store it poll.pred[i] <- mean(latest$margin) } ## error of latest polls errors <- pres08$margin - poll.pred names(errors) <- st.names # add state names mean(errors) # mean prediction error ## [1] 1.062092 sqrt(mean(errors^2)) ## [1] 5.90894 ## histogram hist(errors, freq = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 0.08), main = "Poll prediction error", xlab = "Error in predicted margin for Obama (percentage points)") ## add mean abline(v = mean(errors), lty = "dashed", col = "red") 3
  • 4. text(x = -7, y = 0.07, "average error", col = "red") Poll prediction error Error in predicted margin for Obama (percentage points) Density −20 −10 0 10 20 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 average error ## type = "n" generates "empty" plot plot(poll.pred, pres08$margin, type = "n", main = "", xlab = "Poll results", xlim = c(-40, 90), ylim = c(-40, 90), ylab = "Actual election results") ## add state abbreviations text(x = poll.pred, y = pres08$margin, labels = pres08$state, col = "blue") ## lines abline(a = 0, b = 1, lty = "dashed") # 45 degree line abline(v = 0) # vertical line at 0 abline(h = 0) # horizontal line at 0 4
  • 5. −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 −40 0 20 40 60 80 Poll results Actual election results ALAK AZ AR CA CO CT DC DE FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MD MA MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TNTX UT VT VA WA WV WI WY ## which state polls called wrong? pres08$state[sign(poll.pred) != sign(pres08$margin)] ## [1] IN MO NC ## 51 Levels: AK AL AR AZ CA CO CT DC DE FL GA HI IA ID IL IN KS KY LA ... WY ## what was the actual margin for these states? pres08$margin[sign(poll.pred) != sign(pres08$margin)] ## [1] 1 -1 1 ## actual results: total number of electoral votes won by Obama sum(pres08$EV[pres08$margin > 0]) ## [1] 364 ## poll prediction sum(pres08$EV[poll.pred > 0]) ## [1] 349 ## load the data pollsUS08 <- read.csv("pollsUS08.csv") ## compute number of days to the election as before pollsUS08$middate <- as.Date(pollsUS08$middate) pollsUS08$DaysToElection <- as.Date("2008-11-04") - pollsUS08$middate ## empty vectors to store predictions Obama.pred <- McCain.pred <- rep(NA, 90) for (i in 1:90) { ## take all polls conducted within the past 7 days week.data <- subset(pollsUS08, subset = ((DaysToElection <= (90 - i + 7)) & (DaysToElection > (90 - i)))) 5
  • 6. ## compute support for each candidate using the average Obama.pred[i] <- mean(week.data$Obama) McCain.pred[i] <- mean(week.data$McCain) } ## plot going from 90 days to 1 day before the election plot(90:1, Obama.pred, type = "b", xlim = c(90, 0), ylim = c(40, 60), col = "blue", xlab = "Days to the election", ylab = "Support for candidate (percentage points)") ## `type = "b"' gives plot that includes both points and lines lines(90:1, McCain.pred, type = "b", col = "red") ## actual election results: pch = 19 gives solid circles points(0, 52.93, pch = 19, col = "blue") points(0, 45.65, pch = 19, col = "red") ## line indicating the election day abline(v = 0) ## labeling candidates text(80, 48, "Obama", col = "blue") text(80, 41, "McCain", col = "red") 80 60 40 20 0 40 45 50 55 60 Days to the election Support for candidate (percentage points) Obama McCain Section 4.2: Linear Regression Section 4.2.1: Facial Appearance and Election Outcomes 6
  • 7. ## load the data face <- read.csv("face.csv") ## two-party vote share for Democrats and Republicans face$d.share <- face$d.votes / (face$d.votes + face$r.votes) face$r.share <- face$r.votes / (face$d.votes + face$r.votes) face$diff.share <- face$d.share - face$r.share plot(face$d.comp, face$diff.share, pch = 16, col = ifelse(face$w.party == "R", "red", "blue"), xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(-1, 1), xlab = "Competence scores for Democrats", ylab = "Democratic margin in vote share", main = "Facial competence and vote share") 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Facial competence and vote share Competence scores for Democrats Democratic margin in vote share Section 4.2.2: Correlation and Scatter Plots cor(face$d.comp, face$diff.share) ## [1] 0.4327743 Section 4.2.3: Least Squares fit <- lm(diff.share ~ d.comp, data = face) # fit the model fit ## ## Call: 7
  • 8. ## lm(formula = diff.share ~ d.comp, data = face) ## ## Coefficients: ## (Intercept) d.comp ## -0.3122 0.6604 ## lm(face$diff.share ~ face$d.comp) coef(fit) # get estimated coefficients ## (Intercept) d.comp ## -0.3122259 0.6603815 head(fitted(fit)) # get fitted or predicted values ## 1 2 3 4 5 6 ## 0.06060411 -0.08643340 0.09217061 0.04539236 0.13698690 -0.10057206 plot(face$d.comp, face$diff.share, xlim = c(0, 1.05), ylim = c(-1,1), xlab = "Competence scores for Democrats", ylab = "Democratic margin in vote share", main = "Facial competence and vote share") abline(fit) # add regression line abline(v = 0, lty = "dashed") 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Facial competence and vote share Competence scores for Democrats Democratic margin in vote share epsilon.hat <- resid(fit) # residuals sqrt(mean(epsilon.hat^2)) # RMSE ## [1] 0.2642361 8
  • 9. Section 4.2.4: Regression Towards the Mean Section 4.2.5: Merging Data Sets in R pres12 <- read.csv("pres12.csv") # load 2012 data ## quick look at two data sets head(pres08) ## state.name state Obama McCain EV margin ## 1 Alabama AL 39 60 9 -21 ## 2 Alaska AK 38 59 3 -21 ## 3 Arizona AZ 45 54 10 -9 ## 4 Arkansas AR 39 59 6 -20 ## 5 California CA 61 37 55 24 ## 6 Colorado CO 54 45 9 9 head(pres12) ## state Obama Romney EV ## 1 AL 38 61 9 ## 2 AK 41 55 3 ## 3 AZ 45 54 11 ## 4 AR 37 61 6 ## 5 CA 60 37 55 ## 6 CO 51 46 9 ## merge two data frames pres <- merge(pres08, pres12, by = "state") ## summarize the merged data frame summary(pres) ## state state.name Obama.x McCain ## AK : 1 Alabama : 1 Min. :33.00 Min. : 7.00 ## AL : 1 Alaska : 1 1st Qu.:43.00 1st Qu.:40.00 ## AR : 1 Arizona : 1 Median :51.00 Median :47.00 ## AZ : 1 Arkansas : 1 Mean :51.37 Mean :47.06 ## CA : 1 California: 1 3rd Qu.:57.50 3rd Qu.:56.00 ## CO : 1 Colorado : 1 Max. :92.00 Max. :66.00 ## (Other):45 (Other) :45 ## EV.x margin Obama.y Romney ## Min. : 3.00 Min. :-32.000 Min. :25.00 Min. : 7.00 ## 1st Qu.: 4.50 1st Qu.:-13.000 1st Qu.:40.50 1st Qu.:41.00 ## Median : 8.00 Median : 4.000 Median :51.00 Median :48.00 ## Mean :10.55 Mean : 4.314 Mean :49.06 Mean :49.04 ## 3rd Qu.:11.50 3rd Qu.: 17.500 3rd Qu.:56.00 3rd Qu.:58.00 ## Max. :55.00 Max. : 85.000 Max. :91.00 Max. :73.00 ## ## EV.y ## Min. : 3.00 ## 1st Qu.: 4.50 ## Median : 8.00 ## Mean :10.55 ## 3rd Qu.:11.50 ## Max. :55.00 9
  • 10. ## ## change the variable name for illustration names(pres12)[1] <- "state.abb" ## merging data sets using the variables of different names pres <- merge(pres08, pres12, by.x = "state", by.y = "state.abb") summary(pres) ## state state.name Obama.x McCain ## AK : 1 Alabama : 1 Min. :33.00 Min. : 7.00 ## AL : 1 Alaska : 1 1st Qu.:43.00 1st Qu.:40.00 ## AR : 1 Arizona : 1 Median :51.00 Median :47.00 ## AZ : 1 Arkansas : 1 Mean :51.37 Mean :47.06 ## CA : 1 California: 1 3rd Qu.:57.50 3rd Qu.:56.00 ## CO : 1 Colorado : 1 Max. :92.00 Max. :66.00 ## (Other):45 (Other) :45 ## EV.x margin Obama.y Romney ## Min. : 3.00 Min. :-32.000 Min. :25.00 Min. : 7.00 ## 1st Qu.: 4.50 1st Qu.:-13.000 1st Qu.:40.50 1st Qu.:41.00 ## Median : 8.00 Median : 4.000 Median :51.00 Median :48.00 ## Mean :10.55 Mean : 4.314 Mean :49.06 Mean :49.04 ## 3rd Qu.:11.50 3rd Qu.: 17.500 3rd Qu.:56.00 3rd Qu.:58.00 ## Max. :55.00 Max. : 85.000 Max. :91.00 Max. :73.00 ## ## EV.y ## Min. : 3.00 ## 1st Qu.: 4.50 ## Median : 8.00 ## Mean :10.55 ## 3rd Qu.:11.50 ## Max. :55.00 ## ## cbinding two data frames pres1 <- cbind(pres08, pres12) ## this shows all variables are kept summary(pres1) ## state.name state Obama McCain ## Alabama : 1 AK : 1 Min. :33.00 Min. : 7.00 ## Alaska : 1 AL : 1 1st Qu.:43.00 1st Qu.:40.00 ## Arizona : 1 AR : 1 Median :51.00 Median :47.00 ## Arkansas : 1 AZ : 1 Mean :51.37 Mean :47.06 ## California: 1 CA : 1 3rd Qu.:57.50 3rd Qu.:56.00 ## Colorado : 1 CO : 1 Max. :92.00 Max. :66.00 ## (Other) :45 (Other):45 ## EV margin state.abb Obama ## Min. : 3.00 Min. :-32.000 AK : 1 Min. :25.00 ## 1st Qu.: 4.50 1st Qu.:-13.000 AL : 1 1st Qu.:40.50 ## Median : 8.00 Median : 4.000 AR : 1 Median :51.00 ## Mean :10.55 Mean : 4.314 AZ : 1 Mean :49.06 ## 3rd Qu.:11.50 3rd Qu.: 17.500 CA : 1 3rd Qu.:56.00 ## Max. :55.00 Max. : 85.000 CO : 1 Max. :91.00 ## (Other):45 ## Romney EV 10
  • 11. ## Min. : 7.00 Min. : 3.00 ## 1st Qu.:41.00 1st Qu.: 4.50 ## Median :48.00 Median : 8.00 ## Mean :49.04 Mean :10.55 ## 3rd Qu.:58.00 3rd Qu.:11.50 ## Max. :73.00 Max. :55.00 ## ## DC and DE are flipped in this alternative approach pres1[8:9, ] ## state.name state Obama McCain EV margin state.abb Obama Romney EV ## 8 D.C. DC 92 7 3 85 DE 59 40 3 ## 9 Delaware DE 62 37 3 25 DC 91 7 3 ## merge() does not have this problem pres[8:9, ] ## state state.name Obama.x McCain EV.x margin Obama.y Romney EV.y ## 8 DC D.C. 92 7 3 85 91 7 3 ## 9 DE Delaware 62 37 3 25 59 40 3 pres$Obama2008.z <- scale(pres$Obama.x) pres$Obama2012.z <- scale(pres$Obama.y) ## intercept is estimated essentially zero fit1 <- lm(Obama2012.z ~ Obama2008.z, data = pres) fit1 ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = Obama2012.z ~ Obama2008.z, data = pres) ## ## Coefficients: ## (Intercept) Obama2008.z ## -3.521e-17 9.834e-01 ## regression without an intercept; estimated slope is identical fit1 <- lm(Obama2012.z ~ -1 + Obama2008.z, data = pres) fit1 ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = Obama2012.z ~ -1 + Obama2008.z, data = pres) ## ## Coefficients: ## Obama2008.z ## 0.9834 plot(pres$Obama2008.z, pres$Obama2012.z, xlim = c(-4, 4), ylim = c(-4, 4), xlab = "Obama's standardized vote share in 2008", ylab = "Obama's standardized vote share in 2012") abline(fit1) # draw a regression line 11
  • 12. −4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4 Obama's standardized vote share in 2008 Obama's standardized vote share in 2012 ## bottom quartile mean((pres$Obama2012.z > pres$Obama2008.z)[pres$Obama2008.z <= quantile(pres$Obama2008.z, 0.25)]) ## [1] 0.5714286 ## top quartile mean((pres$Obama2012.z > pres$Obama2008.z)[pres$Obama2008.z >= quantile(pres$Obama2008.z, 0.75)]) ## [1] 0.4615385 Section 4.2.6: Model Fit florida <- read.csv("florida.csv") ## regress Buchanan's 2000 votes on Perot's 1996 votes fit2 <- lm(Buchanan00 ~ Perot96, data = florida) fit2 ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = Buchanan00 ~ Perot96, data = florida) ## ## Coefficients: ## (Intercept) Perot96 ## 1.34575 0.03592 ## compute TSS (total sum of squares) and SSR (sum of squared residuals) TSS2 <- sum((florida$Buchanan00 - mean(florida$Buchanan00))^2) 12
  • 13. SSR2 <- sum(resid(fit2)^2) ## Coefficient of determination (TSS2 - SSR2) / TSS2 ## [1] 0.5130333 R2 <- function(fit) { resid <- resid(fit) # residuals y <- fitted(fit) + resid # outcome variable TSS <- sum((y - mean(y))^2) SSR <- sum(resid^2) R2 <- (TSS - SSR) / TSS return(R2) } R2(fit2) ## [1] 0.5130333 ## built-in R function summary(fit2)$r.squared ## [1] 0.5130333 R2(fit1) ## [1] 0.9671579 plot(fitted(fit2), resid(fit2), xlim = c(0, 1500), ylim = c(-750, 2500), xlab = "Fitted values", ylab = "Residuals") abline(h = 0) 0 500 1000 1500 −500 0 500 1500 2500 Fitted values Residuals florida$county[resid(fit2) == max(resid(fit2))] ## [1] PalmBeach 13
  • 14. ## 67 Levels: Alachua Baker Bay Bradford Brevard Broward ... Washington ## data without Palm Beach florida.pb <- subset(florida, subset = (county != "PalmBeach")) fit3 <- lm(Buchanan00 ~ Perot96, data = florida.pb) fit3 ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = Buchanan00 ~ Perot96, data = florida.pb) ## ## Coefficients: ## (Intercept) Perot96 ## 45.84193 0.02435 ## R^2 or coefficient of determination R2(fit3) ## [1] 0.8511675 ## residual plot plot(fitted(fit3), resid(fit3), xlim = c(0, 1500), ylim = c(-750, 2500), xlab = "Fitted values", ylab = "Residuals", main = "Residual plot without Palm Beach") abline(h = 0) # horizontal line at 0 0 500 1000 1500 −500 0 500 1500 2500 Residual plot without Palm Beach Fitted values Residuals plot(florida$Perot96, florida$Buchanan00, xlab = "Perot's votes in 1996", ylab = "Buchanan's votes in 2000") abline(fit2, lty = "dashed") # regression with Palm Beach abline(fit3) # regression without Palm Beach text(30000, 3250, "Palm Beach") 14
  • 15. text(30000, 1500, "regressionn with Palm Beach") text(30000, 400, "regressionn without Palm Beach") 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 0 500 1500 2500 3500 Perot's votes in 1996 Buchanan's votes in 2000 Palm Beach regression with Palm Beach regression without Palm Beach Section 4.3: Regression and Causation Section 4.3.1: Randomized Experiments women <- read.csv("women.csv") ## proportion of female politicians in reserved GP vs. unreserved GP mean(women$female[women$reserved == 1]) ## [1] 1 mean(women$female[women$reserved == 0]) ## [1] 0.07476636 ## drinking-water facilities mean(women$water[women$reserved == 1]) - mean(women$water[women$reserved == 0]) ## [1] 9.252423 ## irrigation facilities mean(women$irrigation[women$reserved == 1]) - mean(women$irrigation[women$reserved == 0]) ## [1] -0.3693319 lm(water ~ reserved, data = women) 15
  • 16. ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = water ~ reserved, data = women) ## ## Coefficients: ## (Intercept) reserved ## 14.738 9.252 lm(irrigation ~ reserved, data = women) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = irrigation ~ reserved, data = women) ## ## Coefficients: ## (Intercept) reserved ## 3.3879 -0.3693 Section 4.3.2: Regression with Multiple Predictors social <- read.csv("social.csv") levels(social$messages) # base level is `Civic' ## [1] "Civic Duty" "Control" "Hawthorne" "Neighbors" fit <- lm(primary2008 ~ messages, data = social) fit ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = primary2008 ~ messages, data = social) ## ## Coefficients: ## (Intercept) messagesControl messagesHawthorne ## 0.314538 -0.017899 0.007837 ## messagesNeighbors ## 0.063411 ## ## create indicator variables ## social$Control <- ifelse(social$messages == "Control", 1, 0) ## social$Hawthorne <- ifelse(social$messages == "Hawthorne", 1, 0) ## social$Neighbors <- ifelse(social$messages == "Neighbors", 1, 0) ## ## fit the same regression as above by directly using indicator variables ## lm(primary2008 ~ Control + Hawthorne + Neighbors, data = social) ## create a data frame with unique values of `messages' unique.messages <- data.frame(messages = unique(social$messages)) unique.messages ## messages ## 1 Civic Duty ## 2 Hawthorne ## 3 Control ## 4 Neighbors 16
  • 17. ## make prediction for each observation from this new data frame predict(fit, newdata = unique.messages) ## 1 2 3 4 ## 0.3145377 0.3223746 0.2966383 0.3779482 ## sample average tapply(social$primary2008, social$messages, mean) ## Civic Duty Control Hawthorne Neighbors ## 0.3145377 0.2966383 0.3223746 0.3779482 ## linear regression without intercept fit.noint <- lm(primary2008 ~ -1 + messages, data = social) fit.noint ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = primary2008 ~ -1 + messages, data = social) ## ## Coefficients: ## messagesCivic Duty messagesControl messagesHawthorne ## 0.3145 0.2966 0.3224 ## messagesNeighbors ## 0.3779 ## estimated average effect of `Neighbors' condition coef(fit)["messagesNeighbors"] - coef(fit)["messagesControl"] ## messagesNeighbors ## 0.08130991 ## difference in means mean(social$primary2008[social$messages == "Neighbors"]) - mean(social$primary2008[social$messages == "Control"]) ## [1] 0.08130991 ## adjusted Rsquare adjR2 <- function(fit) { resid <- resid(fit) # residuals y <- fitted(fit) + resid # outcome n <- length(y) TSS.adj <- sum((y - mean(y))^2) / (n - 1) SSR.adj <- sum(resid^2) / (n - length(coef(fit))) R2.adj <- 1 - SSR.adj / TSS.adj return(R2.adj) } adjR2(fit) ## [1] 0.003272788 R2(fit) # unadjusted Rsquare calculation ## [1] 0.003282564 summary(fit)$adj.r.squared ## [1] 0.003272788 17
  • 18. Section 4.3.3: Heterogenous Treatment Effects ## average treatment effect (ate) among those who voted in 2004 primary social.voter <- subset(social, primary2004 == 1) ate.voter <- mean(social.voter$primary2008[social.voter$messages == "Neighbors"]) - mean(social.voter$primary2008[social.voter$messages == "Control"]) ate.voter ## [1] 0.09652525 ## average effect among those who did not vote social.nonvoter <- subset(social, primary2004 == 0) ate.nonvoter <- mean(social.nonvoter$primary2008[social.nonvoter$messages == "Neighbors"]) - mean(social.nonvoter$primary2008[social.nonvoter$messages == "Control"]) ate.nonvoter ## [1] 0.06929617 ## difference ate.voter - ate.nonvoter ## [1] 0.02722908 ## subset neighbors and control groups social.neighbor <- subset(social, (messages == "Control") | (messages == "Neighbors")) ## standard way to generate main and interaction effects fit.int <- lm(primary2008 ~ primary2004 + messages + primary2004:messages, data = social.neighbor) fit.int ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = primary2008 ~ primary2004 + messages + primary2004:messages, ## data = social.neighbor) ## ## Coefficients: ## (Intercept) primary2004 ## 0.23711 0.14870 ## messagesNeighbors primary2004:messagesNeighbors ## 0.06930 0.02723 ## lm(primary2008 ~ primary2004 * messages, data = social.neighbor) social.neighbor$age <- 2008 - social.neighbor$yearofbirth summary(social.neighbor$age) ## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. ## 22.00 43.00 52.00 51.82 61.00 108.00 fit.age <- lm(primary2008 ~ age * messages, data = social.neighbor) fit.age 18
  • 19. ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = primary2008 ~ age * messages, data = social.neighbor) ## ## Coefficients: ## (Intercept) age messagesNeighbors ## 0.0894768 0.0039982 0.0485728 ## age:messagesNeighbors ## 0.0006283 ## age = 25, 45, 65, 85 in Neighbors group age.neighbor <- data.frame(age = seq(from = 25, to = 85, by = 20), messages = "Neighbors") ## age = 25, 45, 65, 85 in Control group age.control <- data.frame(age = seq(from = 25, to = 85, by = 20), messages = "Control") ## average treatment effect for age = 25, 45, 65, 85 ate.age <- predict(fit.age, newdata = age.neighbor) - predict(fit.age, newdata = age.control) ate.age ## 1 2 3 4 ## 0.06428051 0.07684667 0.08941283 0.10197899 fit.age2 <- lm(primary2008 ~ age + I(age^2) + messages + age:messages + I(age^2):messages, data = social.neighbor) fit.age2 ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = primary2008 ~ age + I(age^2) + messages + age:messages + ## I(age^2):messages, data = social.neighbor) ## ## Coefficients: ## (Intercept) age ## -9.700e-02 1.172e-02 ## I(age^2) messagesNeighbors ## -7.389e-05 -5.275e-02 ## age:messagesNeighbors I(age^2):messagesNeighbors ## 4.804e-03 -3.961e-05 ## predicted turnout rate under the ``Neighbors'' treatment condition yT.hat <- predict(fit.age2, newdata = data.frame(age = 25:85, messages = "Neighbors")) ## predicted turnout rate under the control condition yC.hat <- predict(fit.age2, newdata = data.frame(age = 25:85, messages = "Control")) ## plotting the predicted turnout rate under each condition plot(x = 25:85, y = yT.hat, type = "l", xlim = c(20, 90), ylim = c(0, 0.5), xlab = "Age", ylab = "Predicted turnout rate") 19
  • 20. lines(x = 25:85, y = yC.hat, lty = "dashed") text(40, 0.45, "Neighbors condition") text(45, 0.15, "Control condition") 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Age Predicted turnout rate Neighbors condition Control condition ## plotting the average treatment effect as a function of age plot(x = 25:85, y = yT.hat - yC.hat, type = "l", xlim = c(20, 90), ylim = c(0, 0.1), xlab = "Age", ylab = "Estimated average treatment effect") 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 Age Estimated average treatment effect 20
  • 21. Section 4.3.4: Regression Discontinuity Design ## load the data and subset them into two parties MPs <- read.csv("MPs.csv") MPs.labour <- subset(MPs, subset = (party == "labour")) MPs.tory <- subset(MPs, subset = (party == "tory")) ## two regressions for Labour: negative and positive margin labour.fit1 <- lm(ln.net ~ margin, data = MPs.labour[MPs.labour$margin < 0, ]) labour.fit2 <- lm(ln.net ~ margin, data = MPs.labour[MPs.labour$margin > 0, ]) ## two regressions for Tory: negative and positive margin tory.fit1 <- lm(ln.net ~ margin, data = MPs.tory[MPs.tory$margin < 0, ]) tory.fit2 <- lm(ln.net ~ margin, data = MPs.tory[MPs.tory$margin > 0, ]) ## Labour: range of predictions y1l.range <- c(min(MPs.labour$margin), 0) # min to 0 y2l.range <- c(0, max(MPs.labour$margin)) # 0 to max ## prediction y1.labour <- predict(labour.fit1, newdata = data.frame(margin = y1l.range)) y2.labour <- predict(labour.fit2, newdata = data.frame(margin = y2l.range)) ## Tory: range of predictions y1t.range <- c(min(MPs.tory$margin), 0) # min to 0 y2t.range <- c(0, max(MPs.tory$margin)) # 0 to max ## predict outcome y1.tory <- predict(tory.fit1, newdata = data.frame(margin = y1t.range)) y2.tory <- predict(tory.fit2, newdata = data.frame(margin = y2t.range)) ## scatterplot with regression lines for labour plot(MPs.labour$margin, MPs.labour$ln.net, main = "Labour", xlim = c(-0.5, 0.5), ylim = c(6, 18), xlab = "Margin of victory", ylab = "log net wealth at death") abline(v = 0, lty = "dashed") ## add regression lines lines(y1l.range, y1.labour, col = "red") lines(y2l.range, y2.labour, col = "red") 21
  • 22. −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Labour Margin of victory log net wealth at death ## scatterplot with regression lines for tory plot(MPs.tory$margin, MPs.tory$ln.net, main = "Tory", xlim = c(-0.5, 0.5), ylim = c(6, 18), xlab = "Margin of victory", ylab = "log net wealth at death") abline(v = 0, lty = "dashed") ## add regression lines lines(y1t.range, y1.tory, col = "red") lines(y2t.range, y2.tory, col = "red") 22
  • 23. −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Tory Margin of victory log net wealth at death ## average net wealth for Tory MP tory.MP <- exp(y2.tory[1]) tory.MP ## 1 ## 533813.5 ## average net wealth for Tory non-MP tory.nonMP <- exp(y1.tory[2]) tory.nonMP ## 2 ## 278762.5 ## causal effect in pounds tory.MP - tory.nonMP ## 1 ## 255050.9 ## two regressions for Tory: negative and positive margin tory.fit3 <- lm(margin.pre ~ margin, data = MPs.tory[MPs.tory$margin < 0, ]) tory.fit4 <- lm(margin.pre ~ margin, data = MPs.tory[MPs.tory$margin > 0, ]) ## the difference between two intercepts is the estimated effect coef(tory.fit4)[1] - coef(tory.fit3)[1] ## (Intercept) ## -0.01725578 23