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Predictionof Long-Term Service Performance of
Polymeric Materials From Short-Term Tests:
Creep and Prediction of the Stress Shift Factor
of a Longitudinal Polymer Liquid Crystal zyx
ALI E. zyxwvu
and zyxw
LAPOM,Department o
f Materials Science
University o
North Texas
Denton, TX 76203-531
f PolymerMechanics of the University of Latvia
23 Aizkraukles i
4 1006 Riga, Latvia
The material studied is a longitudinal polymer liquid crystal (PLC).The creep
behavior of the PLC is examined in the region of nonlinear viscoelasticity. The
creep compliance D curves at nine different stress zyxw
(T levels, from 10 to 50 J.cm3
at a constant temperature are determined and shifted along the log time axis for
uRf = 1
0 J . to produce the D versus t/a, master curve. A fairly general
formula for stress shift factor zyxwv
,based on free volume vf and the chain relaxation
capability (CRC) derived by one of the authors is applied. The formula predicts
values that agree with the experimental ones within the limits of the experimental
accuracy.Thus, experimentsat several stress levels zyxw
can serve for prediction of long-
term behavior from short-term tests. The same value of the Doolittle constant B is
obtained separatelyfrom temperature shift and stress shift experimentsfor the PLC.
redictionof long-termbehavioron the basis o
f short-
Pterm tests is possibly one of the most important
areas o
f polymer science and technology. Viscoelas-
ticity, that is, time and temperature dependence of
mechanical properties of polymers, might be consid-
ered an inconvenience.In fact, viscoelasticityprovides
us with the capability of long-term service perform-
ance prediction.
Since polymer liquid crystals (PLCs) have excellent
mechanical, thermal and electrical properties, there
are investigations of their alignments under a me-
chanical field or a magnetic field (14) their unusual
phase behaviors (5-7), their blends zyxwvu
(8, 9) and also
their surface tensions (10-12).
Usually, either longitu-
dinal or comb PLCs are investigated: for a classifi-
cation o
f PLCs see Brostow (13,1
In this paper we
shall discuss an equation derived by one o
f the au-
thors for the correspondencebetween time and stress
which shallbe used to predict long-termbehav-
ior of a PLC. It is a longitudinal PLC,with the LC se-
quences in the main chain and oriented along the
chain backbone (15).That PIX: forms four coexisting
phases in its servicetemperature range (7).
Before discussing the application of the TSC, we
shall give a brief summary of long-term predictions
from short-term tests on the basis of correspondence
principles, starting with the time-temperature cor-
respondence m)
principle. From mechanical meas-
urements made at severaltemperatures one can create
a master curve for a chosen temperature Trefextend-
ing over several decades of time (16-18).Temperature
shift factor a
, or log a
,is used to shift the individual
curves, thus producing the master curve. Already half
a century ago a connection between morphology and
TIY: principle applicabilitywas studied (19).
The first
attempt to predict quantitative long-term properties o
amorphous polymers came h m Williams, Landel and
Ferry 0in 1955.They provided a formulafor a-JT)
Unless an a,(T) equation is available,quite &en-
sive experimentation at a number of temperatures is
necessary. However, as discussedby Ferry himself (16),
the WLF equation is limited in its use range, expected
to work above the glass transition temperature Tg,but
not belowTgnor for temperaturesT >Tg+ 50 K. More-
over, there are sduystalline viscoelastic materials to
whichTM= does applybut the specificform of the a,(T)
relationshipproduced by WLF does not. Starting from
Ali E. Akinay, zyxwvut
WitoldBrostow, zyxwv
and Robert Maksimov
the Doolittle equation (21), one of the authors has
derived the followingformula (22.23): zyxwvu
InaT zyxwvutsr
= zyxwvuts
A + B/(G- 1) (1)
Equatron zyxwvutsrqpo
1is applicablebelow and aboveTg Here is
the reduced volume, which will be defined below: A
and B are material constants; B is Doolittle viscosity
constantrelating viscosity -q to free volume vf.A primi-
tive and unfounded assumption reduces the general
Eq 1 to the WLF equation. Work on several kinds of
polymers, including various polyethylenes (24, 251, a
number o
f polyurethanes (26) as well zyxwvu
as a PLC (27,
18)which containsfour phases in its service tempera-
ture range zyxwvuts
(7),shows that zyxwvut
Q 1works well and "TC is
applicable if only a reliable equation of state is avail-
able (seebelow).
Equation 1 involves two important assumptions.
First, the response of the material to an external me-
chanicalforce is treated as a collectiverather than in-
dividual reaction of polymer chain segments.This has
been assumed by Kubat (28-30) to explainexperimen-
tal stress relaxation curves and confirmed by molec-
ular dynamics computer simulations (31, 32). The
other assumption is the adoption of the concept of the
chain relaxation capability (CRC)(21,22).CRC canbe
defined as the amount of external energy dissipated
by relaxation in a unit o
f time per unit weight of poly-
mer. zyxwvutsrqp
Equutbn 1has to be used in conjunction with an
equation o
f state. The next section covers the connec-
tion of vf to CRC, an equation of state used with Eq 1
aswell as the present theory, and also the effect of the
stress level on CRC.
2.1. Free Volume and Its Role
Let us list important processes that occur in a poly-
meric material when a mechanical force is applied to
it: transmission of energy across a chain and to its
neighbors where segmental motions as well as entan-
glements play a role; conformational rearrangements
in the chains, and elastic energy storage resulting from
bond stretching and angle changes. All these proc-
esses inside the polymeric material require vf. The
larger vf creates a larger maneuvering ability of the
chains and thus higher CRC (15,22). The vf can be
then defined (33)as
= u - u* (2)
where v is the total specific volume (for instance in
cm3g1)and v* is the characteristic(incompressibleor
hard-core)volume correspondingto a very high pres-
sure and zero thermodynamic temperature. The re-
duced volumeQ and the other reduced parameters are
defined as follows:
G = u/v*; T = TIT*: p= P/P* (3)
whereT and P are the thermodynamictemperature and
pressure: T* and P* are the characteristic (hard-core)
parameters for a given material. The former is related
to the strength of interactions in the material. P* is a
complicated function of the intermolecular interac-
tions and of the material structure represented by the
binary radial distributionfunctiong(R)(34).
2.2. The Equation of State
Equations 1-3 can be used only in conjunction with
a specific equation of state. Good results have been
obtained repetitively (26, 24, 27, 35, 18, 25)by using
the Hartmann equation (36,37), which is valid for
both polymer melts and solids:
j3 3= T3P - ~n
.The Correspondenceof Stress and Time
We know that the stress level u affects free volume
and thus CRC. As early as 1948, OShaughnessy re-
ported that compliancevalues of rayon from creep ex-
periments for different stress levels can coalesce into
a single master curve when plotted against time or a
function of time (38).Later, more studies were per-
formed, as discussed in Goldman's book (17).How-
ever, a reliable formula for the stress shift factorau as
a function of stress u to predict long-termbehavior of
polymers was not available. Now, one o
f the authors
has derived such a formula using the CRC concept;
details of the derivation are provided elsewhere (15).
The resulting equation is
a, = [U(U)/Vre.l +
B[(G- l)-' - (Ere.- 1)-'] + C(U - u
) (5)
where vref= v(uRf,
, B is the Doolittle constant as
before, while C is a constant representing the effects
of varying stress on the chain conformations and
structure of the material. Positive C corresponds to a
viscosity increase under stress. Thus, experiments at
several stress levels can serve for prediction of long-
term behavior in a similar way as experiments at sev-
eral temperatures are used.
The objective o
f the present paper is to test the va-
lidity of Eq 5.As already noted, PLCs form multiphase
systems. Our test is based on results for a longitudi-
nal PLC. If this would provide satisfactoryresults, one
or two phase systems should then obey Eq 5 even
more easily.
The stress dependence of the creep compliance of
PET/O.GPHB has been investigated at the room tem-
perature 20 2 1属C. Here PET = poly(ethy1enetereph-
thalate)),PHB = p-hydroxybenzoic acid (LC);
0.6 = the
mole fraction of PHB. The PLC used in the study has
already been well characterized in previous papers (7,
39).Experimentalcreep curves were measured for 2 h
at nine stress levelsin the range from 10to 50J .cm3
with 5 J . ~ m - ~
intervals by using an MTS universal
testing machine (1J * cm3 = 1 MPa).The elongation
was determined with the strain gauge, MTS Model
632.11 c-20,as reported by Brostow et at (18).
Prediction zyxwvu
f Long-TermService zyxwv
Performance zyxw
The time dependence of creep compliance D zyxwvu
as a
function o
f logarithmic time at room temperature has
been investigated at several stress values. zyxwvu
Figure zyxwvu
shows D versus log time curves at different stress lev-
els in the range from 10 to 50 J zyxwv
* ~ m - ~ .
As reported
previously (271,
isochronous stress-strain curves at t
= 0 (the zyxwvuts
strain at the loading time] are linear up to 30
J . ~ m - ~ .
Then a deviation from linearity is observed,
first only slight, but the effect increases with increas-
ing stress level. Moreover, significant nonlinear vis-
coelasticity was observed at t = 120 min (total strain
before unloading). As an approximation to nonlinear
creep, a multiple integral representation using several
kernels between the stress levels 30-50 J .cm3 has
been applied (27).
While an accurate representation
can be achieved with a large number of parameters,
clearlythis is not a predictiveapproach.
We now apply the TSC to the results shown in Fig.
1. We choose as the reference stress level aRf= 10J '
~ m - ~
for which zyxwvut
, = 1by definition. Then, we shift the
results of a
l other stress levels building a single mas-
ter curve.The results are shown in Fig. 2. The respec-
tive shifting distance is the stress shift factor q.
conclude that the TSC principle is well applicable to
the creep complianceof our multi-phase system.
We now investigatethe validity of Eq 5.The charac-
teristic parameters v* = 0.682 cm3g1,'
P = 1400 K
and P* = 3850 J . cm-3 for our PLC have been deter-
mined from the experimentalPVT data (35).These pa-
rameters and Eq 4 have been used to compute and
v values for the corresponding stress levels. The re-
sults are then applied to Eq 5
.B and C values com-
puted by fitting to the experimental data are equal to
5.10 and -0.56, respectively.


1010 015 h20i
I 0
025 X30 +351
0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5
log (W
Ftg. 1. Experimental creep compliancefor PJT/O.GPHB as a
fundion o
f log time between 1
0 zyx
and 50 J . cm3stress levels
with5 J.crn3interualsatT= 20属C.
A good agreement between experimentaland calcu-
lated a
,is achieved-as represented in Fig.3.The dis-
continuous line is fitted to the experimental a
by using Eq 5in conjunctionwith Eq 4.A good confor-
mity is then obtained between the experimental and
0 2 4 6 8
Rg. 2. Themaster m efor PET/O.GPHBo
f creep complinnceD as afunction of log t .%for ore.
= 10J .mi3.Points are experimen-
lvalues andsymbols are the same as i
n F
. 1. The broken curuekjittedby usingEq 5.
Ali zyxwvut
E.Akinay, Witold zyxwvuts
Brostow, zyxwvu
and Robert Maksimov zyxw
2 r zyxwvutsr
I "u
fj zyx
-10 L I I , I I I
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
I (J.cmJ)
FSg. 3. The stress sh@ f d r a,, zyxwvutsr
)for the PET/O.GPHB
line is computedfromEq 5i
n conjunctionwith% 2.
, = 10J .~ m - ~ .
circle^ CUE values; the broken zyxwvu
the predicted master curve in Rg. 2. The dotted line in
Q. 2 represents the values calculated from Eq 5. We
see that prediction is within the limits of experimental
The best fit to the experimental temperature shift
factor a
,for the same PLC from creep measurements
for Tmf= 20属C up to 120属Chas already been achieved
from Eq 1 with B = 5.093 (18).This proves the as-
sumption made in (15)that the Doolittleconstant B in
Eqs I and 5is indeed a material constant-regardless
of its origin (such as from either a, or a
Moreover, the negative value of C = - 0.56 computed
from Eq 5is also in harmony with the logarithmicvis-
cosity of binary molten blends of the same PLC as a
function of logarithmic shear rate (8).The addition of
the PLC to four compatible engineering polymers
has resulted then in lowering of the viscosity. A par-
ticularly large effect was obtained when isotactic
polypropylene was the second component. A further
decrease in viscosity was observed with increasing
shear rate. Hence, the inverse proportionality between
viscosity and shear rate is well represented by the
negative value of C, which reflects effects of stress on
the chain conformations.
Therefore, we have reached our main purpose. Just
as temperature, stress can serve equally well for the
prediction of long-term behavior from short-term
tests. We have tested with good results Eq 5,which
thus provides the capability of using time-stress
equivalence for reliable long-term quantitative predic-
tions. The validity of the model is confirmed further by
the same value of the Doolittle constant B obtained
separatelyfrom temperature shift (18) and stress shift
experiments for the same PLC material.
A C K N O ~ E D O S
One of us (AEA)would like to thank TUBITAK
(BAYG-NATO),Ankara, for financial support. Partial
support has also been provided by the State of Texas
Advanced Research zyxwvut
Program (GrantNo. 003594-0075-
1999)and by the Robert A. Welch Foundation (Grant
No. B-1203).Discussions on the nature of liquid crys-
tallinity with: Dr. Michael Hess, Gerhard Mercator
University, Duisburg; Dr. Andreas Schonhals, Bunde-
sanstalt fiir Materialforschung und-prtifung (BAM),
Berlin; and Prof. Jiirgen Springer, Technical Univer-
sity of Berlin, are appreciated. Discussions with Dr.
Anatoly Goldman,Alcoa CSI, CrawFordsville,Indiana,
and with Dr. Bruce Hartmann,Naval SurfaceW
Center,West Bethesda, Maryland, on the free volume-
mechanical properties connection are acknowledged
as well. A preprint from Dr. Joao Mano and Prof. An-
tonio M. Cunha, University of Minho, Gu'
names. was
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  • 1. Predictionof Long-Term Service Performance of Polymeric Materials From Short-Term Tests: Creep and Prediction of the Stress Shift Factor of a Longitudinal Polymer Liquid Crystal zyx ALI E. zyxwvu AKINAYl, WITOLD BROSOW, zyxwv and zyxw ROBERT MAKSIMOV zyx LAPOM,Department o f Materials Science University o f zyxwv North Texas Denton, TX 76203-531 0 21nstituteo f PolymerMechanics of the University of Latvia 23 Aizkraukles i e 4 1006 Riga, Latvia The material studied is a longitudinal polymer liquid crystal (PLC).The creep behavior of the PLC is examined in the region of nonlinear viscoelasticity. The creep compliance D curves at nine different stress zyxw (T levels, from 10 to 50 J.cm3 at a constant temperature are determined and shifted along the log time axis for uRf = 1 0 J . to produce the D versus t/a, master curve. A fairly general formula for stress shift factor zyxwv a , ,based on free volume vf and the chain relaxation capability (CRC) derived by one of the authors is applied. The formula predicts values that agree with the experimental ones within the limits of the experimental accuracy.Thus, experimentsat several stress levels zyxw can serve for prediction of long- term behavior from short-term tests. The same value of the Doolittle constant B is obtained separatelyfrom temperature shift and stress shift experimentsfor the PLC. 1 . INTRODUCTION redictionof long-termbehavioron the basis o f short- Pterm tests is possibly one of the most important areas o f polymer science and technology. Viscoelas- ticity, that is, time and temperature dependence of mechanical properties of polymers, might be consid- ered an inconvenience.In fact, viscoelasticityprovides us with the capability of long-term service perform- ance prediction. Since polymer liquid crystals (PLCs) have excellent mechanical, thermal and electrical properties, there are investigations of their alignments under a me- chanical field or a magnetic field (14) their unusual phase behaviors (5-7), their blends zyxwvu (8, 9) and also their surface tensions (10-12). Usually, either longitu- dinal or comb PLCs are investigated: for a classifi- cation o f PLCs see Brostow (13,1 4 ) . In this paper we shall discuss an equation derived by one o f the au- thors for the correspondencebetween time and stress (TSC), which shallbe used to predict long-termbehav- ior of a PLC. It is a longitudinal PLC,with the LC se- quences in the main chain and oriented along the chain backbone (15).That PIX: forms four coexisting phases in its servicetemperature range (7). Before discussing the application of the TSC, we shall give a brief summary of long-term predictions from short-term tests on the basis of correspondence principles, starting with the time-temperature cor- respondence m) principle. From mechanical meas- urements made at severaltemperatures one can create a master curve for a chosen temperature Trefextend- ing over several decades of time (16-18).Temperature shift factor a , or log a ,is used to shift the individual curves, thus producing the master curve. Already half a century ago a connection between morphology and TIY: principle applicabilitywas studied (19). The first attempt to predict quantitative long-term properties o f amorphous polymers came h m Williams, Landel and Ferry 0in 1955.They provided a formulafor a-JT) ( 2 0 ) . Unless an a,(T) equation is available,quite &en- sive experimentation at a number of temperatures is necessary. However, as discussedby Ferry himself (16), the WLF equation is limited in its use range, expected to work above the glass transition temperature Tg,but not belowTgnor for temperaturesT >Tg+ 50 K. More- over, there are sduystalline viscoelastic materials to whichTM= does applybut the specificform of the a,(T) relationshipproduced by WLF does not. Starting from POLYMERENGINEERINGAND SCIENCE, JUNE2001, Vol. 41, No. 6 977
  • 2. Ali E. Akinay, zyxwvut WitoldBrostow, zyxwv and Robert Maksimov the Doolittle equation (21), one of the authors has derived the followingformula (22.23): zyxwvu InaT zyxwvutsr = zyxwvuts A + B/(G- 1) (1) Equatron zyxwvutsrqpo 1is applicablebelow and aboveTg Here is the reduced volume, which will be defined below: A and B are material constants; B is Doolittle viscosity constantrelating viscosity -q to free volume vf.A primi- tive and unfounded assumption reduces the general Eq 1 to the WLF equation. Work on several kinds of polymers, including various polyethylenes (24, 251, a number o f polyurethanes (26) as well zyxwvu as a PLC (27, 18)which containsfour phases in its service tempera- ture range zyxwvuts (7),shows that zyxwvut Q 1works well and "TC is applicable if only a reliable equation of state is avail- able (seebelow). Equation 1 involves two important assumptions. First, the response of the material to an external me- chanicalforce is treated as a collectiverather than in- dividual reaction of polymer chain segments.This has been assumed by Kubat (28-30) to explainexperimen- tal stress relaxation curves and confirmed by molec- ular dynamics computer simulations (31, 32). The other assumption is the adoption of the concept of the chain relaxation capability (CRC)(21,22).CRC canbe defined as the amount of external energy dissipated by relaxation in a unit o f time per unit weight of poly- mer. zyxwvutsrqp Equutbn 1has to be used in conjunction with an equation o f state. The next section covers the connec- tion of vf to CRC, an equation of state used with Eq 1 aswell as the present theory, and also the effect of the stress level on CRC. 2. THEORY USED 2.1. Free Volume and Its Role Let us list important processes that occur in a poly- meric material when a mechanical force is applied to it: transmission of energy across a chain and to its neighbors where segmental motions as well as entan- glements play a role; conformational rearrangements in the chains, and elastic energy storage resulting from bond stretching and angle changes. All these proc- esses inside the polymeric material require vf. The larger vf creates a larger maneuvering ability of the chains and thus higher CRC (15,22). The vf can be then defined (33)as . I = u - u* (2) where v is the total specific volume (for instance in cm3g1)and v* is the characteristic(incompressibleor hard-core)volume correspondingto a very high pres- sure and zero thermodynamic temperature. The re- duced volumeQ and the other reduced parameters are defined as follows: G = u/v*; T = TIT*: p= P/P* (3) whereT and P are the thermodynamictemperature and pressure: T* and P* are the characteristic (hard-core) parameters for a given material. The former is related to the strength of interactions in the material. P* is a complicated function of the intermolecular interac- tions and of the material structure represented by the binary radial distributionfunctiong(R)(34). 2.2. The Equation of State Equations 1-3 can be used only in conjunction with a specific equation of state. Good results have been obtained repetitively (26, 24, 27, 35, 18, 25)by using the Hartmann equation (36,37), which is valid for both polymer melts and solids: (4) j3 3= T3P - ~n u - 2 . 3 .The Correspondenceof Stress and Time We know that the stress level u affects free volume and thus CRC. As early as 1948, OShaughnessy re- ported that compliancevalues of rayon from creep ex- periments for different stress levels can coalesce into a single master curve when plotted against time or a function of time (38).Later, more studies were per- formed, as discussed in Goldman's book (17).How- ever, a reliable formula for the stress shift factorau as a function of stress u to predict long-termbehavior of polymers was not available. Now, one o f the authors has derived such a formula using the CRC concept; details of the derivation are provided elsewhere (15). The resulting equation is a, = [U(U)/Vre.l + B[(G- l)-' - (Ere.- 1)-'] + C(U - u ~ , , J ) (5) where vref= v(uRf, T , , ) , B is the Doolittle constant as before, while C is a constant representing the effects of varying stress on the chain conformations and structure of the material. Positive C corresponds to a viscosity increase under stress. Thus, experiments at several stress levels can serve for prediction of long- term behavior in a similar way as experiments at sev- eral temperatures are used. The objective o f the present paper is to test the va- lidity of Eq 5.As already noted, PLCs form multiphase systems. Our test is based on results for a longitudi- nal PLC. If this would provide satisfactoryresults, one or two phase systems should then obey Eq 5 even more easily. 3 .EXPERIMElV'TAL The stress dependence of the creep compliance of PET/O.GPHB has been investigated at the room tem- perature 20 2 1属C. Here PET = poly(ethy1enetereph- thalate)),PHB = p-hydroxybenzoic acid (LC); 0.6 = the mole fraction of PHB. The PLC used in the study has already been well characterized in previous papers (7, 39).Experimentalcreep curves were measured for 2 h at nine stress levelsin the range from 10to 50J .cm3 with 5 J . ~ m - ~ intervals by using an MTS universal testing machine (1J * cm3 = 1 MPa).The elongation was determined with the strain gauge, MTS Model 632.11 c-20,as reported by Brostow et at (18). 978 POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE,JUNE 2007, Vol.47, No. 6
  • 3. Prediction zyxwvu o f Long-TermService zyxwv Performance zyxw 4. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSzyxwvu The time dependence of creep compliance D zyxwvu as a function o f logarithmic time at room temperature has been investigated at several stress values. zyxwvu Figure zyxwvu 1 shows D versus log time curves at different stress lev- els in the range from 10 to 50 J zyxwv * ~ m - ~ . As reported previously (271, isochronous stress-strain curves at t = 0 (the zyxwvuts strain at the loading time] are linear up to 30 J . ~ m - ~ . Then a deviation from linearity is observed, first only slight, but the effect increases with increas- ing stress level. Moreover, significant nonlinear vis- coelasticity was observed at t = 120 min (total strain before unloading). As an approximation to nonlinear creep, a multiple integral representation using several kernels between the stress levels 30-50 J .cm3 has been applied (27). While an accurate representation can be achieved with a large number of parameters, clearlythis is not a predictiveapproach. 5. APPLICATION OF THE TSC PRINCIPLE AND OF EQUATION 5 We now apply the TSC to the results shown in Fig. 1. We choose as the reference stress level aRf= 10J ' ~ m - ~ for which zyxwvut a , , = 1by definition. Then, we shift the results of a l l other stress levels building a single mas- ter curve.The results are shown in Fig. 2. The respec- tive shifting distance is the stress shift factor q. We conclude that the TSC principle is well applicable to the creep complianceof our multi-phase system. We now investigatethe validity of Eq 5.The charac- teristic parameters v* = 0.682 cm3g1,' P = 1400 K and P* = 3850 J . cm-3 for our PLC have been deter- mined from the experimentalPVT data (35).These pa- rameters and Eq 4 have been used to compute and v values for the corresponding stress levels. The re- sults are then applied to Eq 5 .B and C values com- puted by fitting to the experimental data are equal to 5.10 and -0.56, respectively. Y 0 3.0 2.6 - ? E i SE n 0 0 Y 2.2 1.8 0 I P 0 1010 015 h20i I I 0 m 025 X30 +351 I X X 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 log (W Ftg. 1. Experimental creep compliancefor PJT/O.GPHB as a fundion o f log time between 1 0 zyx and 50 J . cm3stress levels with5 J.crn3interualsatT= 20属C. A good agreement between experimentaland calcu- lated a ,is achieved-as represented in Fig.3.The dis- continuous line is fitted to the experimental a , ,values by using Eq 5in conjunctionwith Eq 4.A good confor- mity is then obtained between the experimental and 1.9 1.5 0 2 4 6 8 log(ta,/s) Rg. 2. Themaster m efor PET/O.GPHBo f creep complinnceD as afunction of log t .%for ore. = 10J .mi3.Points are experimen- t a lvalues andsymbols are the same as i n F X g . 1. The broken curuekjittedby usingEq 5. POLYMER ENGINEERINGAND SCIENCE,JUNE 2001, Vol.41, No. 6 979
  • 4. Ali zyxwvut E.Akinay, Witold zyxwvuts Brostow, zyxwvu and Robert Maksimov zyxw 2 r zyxwvutsr I "u C - fj zyx -7 -10 L I I , I I I 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 CJzyxwvutsrqponmlkjih I (J.cmJ) FSg. 3. The stress sh@ f d r a,, zyxwvutsr ( u )for the PET/O.GPHB for line is computedfromEq 5i n conjunctionwith% 2. a , , = 10J .~ m - ~ . circle^ CUE values; the broken zyxwvu the predicted master curve in Rg. 2. The dotted line in Q. 2 represents the values calculated from Eq 5. We see that prediction is within the limits of experimental accuracy. The best fit to the experimental temperature shift factor a ,for the same PLC from creep measurements for Tmf= 20属C up to 120属Chas already been achieved from Eq 1 with B = 5.093 (18).This proves the as- sumption made in (15)that the Doolittleconstant B in Eqs I and 5is indeed a material constant-regardless of its origin (such as from either a, or a ,experiments). Moreover, the negative value of C = - 0.56 computed from Eq 5is also in harmony with the logarithmicvis- cosity of binary molten blends of the same PLC as a function of logarithmic shear rate (8).The addition of the PLC to four compatible engineering polymers has resulted then in lowering of the viscosity. A par- ticularly large effect was obtained when isotactic polypropylene was the second component. A further decrease in viscosity was observed with increasing shear rate. Hence, the inverse proportionality between viscosity and shear rate is well represented by the negative value of C, which reflects effects of stress on the chain conformations. Therefore, we have reached our main purpose. Just as temperature, stress can serve equally well for the prediction of long-term behavior from short-term tests. We have tested with good results Eq 5,which thus provides the capability of using time-stress equivalence for reliable long-term quantitative predic- tions. The validity of the model is confirmed further by the same value of the Doolittle constant B obtained separatelyfrom temperature shift (18) and stress shift experiments for the same PLC material. A C K N O ~ E D O S One of us (AEA)would like to thank TUBITAK (BAYG-NATO),Ankara, for financial support. Partial support has also been provided by the State of Texas Advanced Research zyxwvut Program (GrantNo. 003594-0075- 1999)and by the Robert A. Welch Foundation (Grant No. B-1203).Discussions on the nature of liquid crys- tallinity with: Dr. Michael Hess, Gerhard Mercator University, Duisburg; Dr. Andreas Schonhals, Bunde- sanstalt fiir Materialforschung und-prtifung (BAM), Berlin; and Prof. Jiirgen Springer, Technical Univer- sity of Berlin, are appreciated. Discussions with Dr. Anatoly Goldman,Alcoa CSI, CrawFordsville,Indiana, and with Dr. Bruce Hartmann,Naval SurfaceW a r f a r e Center,West Bethesda, Maryland, on the free volume- mechanical properties connection are acknowledged as well. A preprint from Dr. Joao Mano and Prof. An- tonio M. Cunha, University of Minho, Gu' names. was useful. REFERENCES 1. M. Zisenis, B. Prstzl, and J. Springer, Polymer. M e . 2 .M. Zisenis and J. Springer, Polymer,85,3156 (1994). 3 .D.Ferri, D. Wolff, J. Springer, D. Francescangeli, M. Laus. A. S. Angeloni, G. Galli, and E. Chiellini, J.Po@- mersCi Phys.,36. 2 1 (1998). 4.W.Brostow, E.A. Faitelson. M. G. Kamensky, V. P. Korkhov. and Y. P. Rodin, Potymer, 40, 1441 (1999). 5 .F.T .Niesel and J. Springer, Macromol. Rapid Commun., 15,7( 1 9 9 4 ) . 6 .A.Schonhals, D. Worn, and J. Springer, MacromL, 28, 6254(1995). 7 .W. Brostow, M. Hess, and B. L. Lopez, MacromoZ., 27, 2262(1994). 8.W.Brostow, T.Sterzynski, and S. 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