This document is a picture book about winter items. It shows pictures of snowflakes, mittens, snowmen, boots, skies, and coats. The pictures are labeled and organized to tell a story about different things associated with winter and the cold season.
This document is a webquest assignment that asks students to take on the role of a soldier or nurse stationed in Germany during WWII. Students are tasked with researching key topics about WWII and wartime propaganda. They must then write fictional letters home describing their experiences and collect propaganda images. Finally, students create a PowerPoint presentation combining the information from their letters and images.
Friedrich Wilhelm Herschel descubrió el planeta Urano en 1781 usando un telescopio que él mismo fabricó. Observó que Urano aparecía como un disco y no como un punto de luz, y calculó su órbita que estaba más allá de Saturno, duplicando así el tama?o conocido del sistema solar. Bautizó al planeta como "Georgium Sidus" en honor al rey Jorge III, pero finalmente se adoptó el nombre de Urano. Este descubrimiento significativo estableció a Herschel como el astrónomo más famoso del mundo
This document provides recommendations for clothing and accessories based on different weather conditions. For a cold, rainy day one should wear a rain boots, hat, gloves and carry an umbrella. During snowy weather gloves and a scarf are suggested. On a hot, sunny day sunglasses, sandals and a t-shirt are appropriate attire.
This document provides instructions for assembling a paper farm animal model. It includes templates for cutting out and gluing together common farm animals like cows, pigs, sheep, horses, chickens, ducks, geese and dogs. When completed, the paper models will show the different types of animals typically found on a farm.
El resumen describe un torneo de hockey en el que participó el equipo de un colegio. A pesar de perder el primer partido 1-0, el equipo recibió el apoyo de estudiantes y padres en las tribunas. En el segundo partido, el equipo perdió 3-1. Aunque perdieron, la barra alentadora siempre los apoyó gritando el lema del colegio. En el tercer día del torneo, el equipo ganó sus dos partidos y recibió una ovación del público.
This document appears to be an English worksheet for first year primary school students in Portugal. The worksheet contains exercises to label parts of the face in English and distinguish between singular and plural forms of words like "lip" and "tooth". Key vocabulary words introduced are "lips", "tooth", and "teeth".
eXtension can provide a dozen services including identity management, collaborative writing, learning management, intellectual property management, enhanced communication, professional development, web conferencing, evaluation and surveys, advanced web analytics, virtual worlds, widgets, discoverability and aggregation, and discussion forums.
The document provides instructions for reading and understanding a subject results list from a search. It explains that the search term will appear alphabetically in the list. Each result will show the numbered list of items found, options to add to a book cart, number of subject headings, year of earliest item if only one exists, and number of entries for that subject. Examples demonstrate how related subjects may contain broader, narrower or synonym terms, and how results can have multiple items or just one item.
Este documento presenta una serie de viajes llamados "Los viajes de Calzaslargas" organizados por Viajes Barceló. Se describen brevemente diferentes tipos de viajes que pueden realizarse ya sea de forma mecánica o manual, en diferentes estaciones del a?o, lugares y de manera individual o en grupo, con el objetivo común de disfrutar y explorar el planeta.
Este documento fornece informa??es sobre o ensino de Inglês no 1o ano do ensino básico em uma escola portuguesa no ano letivo de 200_/200_. Ele inclui uma introdu??o da professora Filipa Carvalho e foi publicado no blog "Livre do Ponto".
This document appears to be song lyrics, possibly for a winter holiday song. It mentions riding on a one horse open sleigh, making spirits bright, dashing through the snow, jingling bells, bobtails ringing, and riding and singing a sleighing song while jingling all the way. The lyrics are missing some words but provide the general theme of a winter sleigh ride.
Ohio State University discusses using virtual worlds like Second Life for real-life education by creating immersive virtual classrooms and learning environments that allow for collaborative and creative learning. While Second Life offers advantages like being immersive, collaborative, and allowing for social networking and creative expression, it also has disadvantages like being difficult to learn, instable, emergent, and having some uncomfortable aspects since it is a proprietary platform. The document recommends resources like mailing lists and wikis for those interested in educational uses of Second Life.
This document provides instructions for designing a game board 1. It is from English, a website with English language tests, quizzes and games. Visitors to the site can access more educational content by logging on at
Este documento describe la amistad entre dos personas que comparten muchos momentos divertidos juntas, como darse besos y reírse, ir a la escuela juntas, posar para fotos haciendo caras graciosas, y ser parte del mismo grupo.
This document compares the size of different zoo animals. It asks which animal is bigger, faster, longer, taller, shorter, or smaller between two options for each category. The animals compared include elephants and foxes, hippopotamuses and leopards, snakes and iguanas, giraffes and horses, ostriches and flamingos, and rabbits and birds.
This document lists various foods including fish, cookie, avocado, popcorn, lemonade, cucumber, beer, hamburger, banana, bread, milk, hot dog, salad, water, egg, ice cream, chicken, orange, pizza, tomato, French fries, sandwich, rice, cake. The document was created by Ana Freixo in 2007 and appears to be an unordered list of foods.
This student handout provides a list of common symptoms a person may experience when describing how they feel to a doctor or nurse. It includes common illnesses or physical complaints like having a headache, cold, stomach ache, flu, or an injury as well as pain in the back. The handout appears to be a tool for literacy students to practice describing symptoms in English.
This document contains two lists, one titled "Can" and one titled "Can't", with blank lines underneath for writing in what a person or friend can and cannot do. It encourages finding out the abilities and limitations of friends, and contains a sample response of a person happily noting they can speak English.