Mrs. Rumi is a 26-year-old pregnant woman admitted at 36 weeks gestation with leg swelling for 2 weeks and high blood pressure. She has obesity with a BMI of 40.3. On examination, she has mild anemia, moderate leg swelling, and a blood pressure of 170/100 mmHg. Her fetus is in the vertex position but not engaged. Tests show severe preeclampsia. She is diagnosed with severe preeclampsia in her second pregnancy, complicated by obesity.
3. Chief Complaints with Duration:
? Amenorrhoea for 36 weeks
? Swelling of the legs for 15 days
History of present illness :
According to statement she is amenorrhoeic for about 36 weeks .15 days prior to her
admission she noticed swellings of lower limbs
History of past illness:
Nothing contributory
Family History :
Her mother has anxiety disorder
Drug History:
None except for taking paracetamol for fever on her 6 months of pregnancy
4. Socio economic History : Lower Middle class
Obstetric History
Married for 3 years
2nd gravida with previous stillbirth
Menstrual history
Menarche at the age of 14 years
MP 3-4 days
MC 28-30 days
LMP Unknown
E.D.D Unknown
contraceptive history:
She was on oral contraceptive pill for 1 year following marriage and
discontinued for few months prior to conception.
6. ?Abdominal examination
Abdomen is enlarged ,the uterus is elliptical in shape.striae gravidarum was present.the
umbilicus was central and flat
? Height of the uterus is of 36 weeks size,which corresponds to the period of
? Fundal grip-broad,irregular,soft breech is felt
? Lateral grip-the back is felt on the left side andirregular limbs on the right side
? First pelvic grip:smooth,hard,smaller,ballotable head felt in the lower uterine
segment,the head is not engaged
? Second pelvic grip:the head is not engaged
7. Auscultation:
Foetal movement was absent,Foetal heart sound was inaudible by both
stethoscope and portable doppler
Per vaginal examination:
The patient was not in labor
Salient feature:
Mrs Rumi,26 years old,2nd gravida has been admitted at her 36 weeks of gestation with the
complaints of leg swellings for week and raised blood pressure for 3 days.she is also not
getting any fetal movement for last few hours.
Her urine output is normal and she has no complaints about headache,visual disturbance or
epigastric pain.on general examination she is mildly aneamic,ankle edema is moderate and
blood pressure is 170/100 mmHg.On abdominal examination,height of the uterus is of 36
weeks size which corresponds to the period of amenorrohea .presentation is vertex,head is
not engaged,liquor volume is adequate.Blood group is B positive