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Physiology of Pregnancy

Dr Stephen Hallworth, Consultant Anaesthetist

           Royal London Hospital
Physiological Changes of Pregnancy

Most physiological adaptations have a purpose

Most adaptations occur in advance of the need
for them
Respiratory System- Airway

  Capillary engorgement of upper airway

  Exacerbated by:            URTI
                             Fluid Overload
                             PET / Eclampsia
  Occasionally               severe UAO

  Large tongue + breasts
Significance for the Anaesthetist 1

Extreme care with :       manipulation of airway
                          use of airways
Anticipate difficult intubation
Use smaller COTT due to glottic oedema
UAO may occur early after induction
Lung Volumes during Pregnancy

                  Total lung   Vital      Inspiratory
                               Capacity   capacity
                                                           + 5%
                  capacity     No         + 15-20%
                  - 5%         change

                                                          + 45%


                                          Functional      - 25%
Vol                                       capacity
                                          - 20%


                                                          - 15%

                                                        Late Pregnancy
Respiratory System- Breathing
Other Variables
 Respiratory rate           ↑/↓/↔
 Airways resistance         - 50%
 Physiological dead space   ??
 FEV1 and FEV1 / FVC        unchanged
 Chest wall compliance      - 45%
 Lung compliance            unchanged
 Total compliance           - 30%
Respiratory System- Breathing
Minute Volume
45% increase in MV
Progesterone ± oestrogen effect
Direct effect on respiratory centre
Increased sensitivity to respiratory centre to CO2
Increased level of carbonic anhydrase B in RBCs
Also due to increased CO2 production
Respiratory System- Breathing
Minute Volume
 Non-pregnant state:    Increased ventilation
                        by 1.5 L/min for each
 PaCO2 rise

 Pregnant state:       Increased ventilation
                        by 6 L/min for each
                       1mmHg PaCO2 rise
Oxygen consumption
 Oxygen consumption   + 15 - 20%
                      ≈ 40 ml / min increase

 Due to               ↑ BMR
                      ↑ work of breathing
                      ↑ cardiac work
Respiratory System - Breathing
Oxygen tensions
In 1/3 to 1/2 of women at term airway closure

occurs during normal tidal breathing when supine

PAO2 : PaO2 gradient   ∼ 2 kPa sitting
                       ∼ 3 kPa supine

↑ PaO2 due to ↓ PaCO2 + ↓AVO2 difference
Respiratory System - Breathing
Carbon dioxide tensions

 Mixed venous PCO2 1 kPa less than non-
 pregnant level
Respiratory System - Breathing
Blood gases (erect)

                  Non-pregnant 1st    2nd         3rd

 PaCO2 (kPa)            5.3    4.0    4.0         4.0

 PaO2 (kPa)            13.3   14.3    14.0       13.7

 pH                    7.40   7.44   7.44        7.44

 [HCO3] (mEq/L)         24      21     20         20

SBE (mEq/L)              0      -2     -3          -3
Respiratory System - Breathing
Haemoglobin dissociation curve

 Shifted to the right

 P50 increases from 3.6 kPa to 4.0
Mother                                                                                                Fetus
T                                                                                                                                                    C

                      Uterine artery

                                                                                                                 Umbilical artery

                                                                                                                                    Umbilical vein
    Uterine vein
                                       PCO2   4.2                                               PCO2      7.3
E                                      PO2
                                                                                                          45%                                        I
                                       Ca02   16
                                                                 SYNCTIOTROPHOBLAST             Ca02     10.0
                                       Hb     12                                                Hb        17
                                                                  VO2 =5-10 ml/min


                                               600 ML/MIN
P                                                                                                                                                    U
                                                            DO2 = 40
L                                                            ml/min
A                                                                               02                                                                   A
                                              Hb02                                              HHb
C                                                                                                                                                    T
E                                             HHb                                               HbO2                                                 I
N                                                                                                                                                    O
T                                                                                    VO2 = 20
                                                                                     ml/min                                                          N
                   PCO2                 6.1                                                            PCO2           5.5
                   PO2                  5.3                                                            PO2           3.9
                   SaO2                 75%                                                            SaO2       70%

                   Ca02                 12                                                             02 content 16.0
Significance for the Anaesthetist          2

  Rapid maternal desaturation following
  induction for GA (10 kPa / min faster than

  Pre- O2 for 5 mins recommended

  Avoid aortocaval compression at all times
  Epidurals may prevent fetal hypoxaemia
  during labour
Cardiovascular System
Heart position

 Pushed upwards and forwards
 AB ⇒ 4th intercostal space
 Gives impression of cardiac enlargement on
 But - it is enlarged by ~ 12% (70 - 80 ml)
Cardiovascular System / Heart sounds

  1st: Louder & exaggerated splitting
  2nd: Not affected
  3rd: Heard loudly in majority
  4th: Detected by phonocardiography in ~16%
  Early- to mid-systolic ejection in most at LS
  Diastolic murmurs also fairly common due to
  tricuspid flow murmur
Cardiovascular System

 LAD (15%)

 Flat Ts / inverted in III

 Atrial / ventricular ectopics
Cardiovascular System
Cardiac output
25% ↑ by 13/40

50% ↑ by 20/40 to term ~ 2 L / min (e.g 4.5 - 6.5)

20% ↑ in heart rate     ~ 15 bpm (e.g 70 - 85)

13/40 until term

20% ↑ in stroke volume ~ 12 ml (e.g 64 - 76)
Cardiovascular system
Regional blood flow

 Uterus        ↑ 500-600 ml (+ 400%)

 Kidney        ↑ 400-500 ml (+40%)

 Skin          ↑ 500-600 ml (+150%)

 Other         ↑ 300-600 ml
Cardiovascular system
Blood pressure

 No change in SBP

 20-25% ↓ in DBP at 20/40 (normal at term)
Cardiovascular system
Total peripheral resistance

~ Must ↓

~ 1000 dyne / sec / cm-5 at 20/40 (35% ↓)

~ 1300 dyne / sec / cm-5 towards term (20% ↓)
Cardiovascular system
Venous pressures

 No change in CVP / RA / arm veins

 2.5 ↑ in femoral / IVC / leg veins at term

 Causes:       weight of uterus on iliacs / IVC
               pressure of fetal head on iliacs
               hydrodynamic obstruction
Cardiovascular system
Supine hypotensive syndrome

 From 20/40
 Majority of women placed in supine position
 at term get a 30-50% ↓ in CO but don’t
 become hypotensive due to ↑ TPR

 10% get a 30% ↓ in SBP

 A / w ↓ RAP / ↓ CO / ↓ MAP
Cardiovascular system

 Pedal oedema in 40% of normotensives
 Colloid osmotic pressure 22 mmHg at onset
 of labour and 16 mmHg 6 hr post delivery
 Non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema can
 occur at 13-16 mmHg
Haematological System
Plasma proteins

                         Pre-pregnancy   T1       T2       T3

  Total protein (g/L)         78         69       69       70

    Albumin (g/L)             45         39       36       33

    Globulin (g/L)            33         30       33       37

Albumin/globulin ratio        1.4        1.3      1.1      0.9

  Oncotic pressure            27         25       23       22
Cardiovascular system
Blood volume - percentage increase

                       T1        T2       T3
   Plasma volume      +15       +50       +50
    RBC volume        Falls   Normal      +30
 Total blood volume   +10       +30       +40
Cardiovascular system
Typical values for a 65kg woman

                                   Pre-pregnancy   Term

     Total blood volume (L)             4.2        6.0

       Plasma volume (L)                2.6        4.0

        RBC volume (L)                  1.6        2.0

           [Hb] (g /dl)                12.5        11.0

             Hct (%)                    .38        .34

  Total oxygen carrying capacity       10.5        13.2
Significance for the Anaesthetist 3

  Hypervolaemia allows for moderate blood
  loss at delivery

  Avoid aortocaval compression
Total Body Water in Pregnancy
      Plasma Vol                               Red Cell Vol
         2.6 L           Blood Vol                1.6 L
                           4.2 L                                TBW = 40 L

       Extracellular Vol 15 L        Intracellular Vol 25 L

   Plasma Vol                                      Red Cell Vol
       4L                                              2 L
                        Blood Vol
                           6L                                     TBW = 46 L

    Extracellular Vol 19 L             Intracellular Vol 27 L
Increases in Total Body Water



 L                   1.2
     1                          0.8        0.8

         Fetus   blood vol   Uterus    Amniotic   P lacenta   B reas ts

Wt (kg)



 s tores

     E CF

 P las ma


                                                        Weight gain in pregnancy

P lacenta

B reas ts
Genito-urinary system
 ~ 50% ↑ in RBF
 ~ 50% ↑ in GFR
 ~ 40% ↓ in [creatinine]
 Glycosuria (1-10 g/d)
 Proteinuria 300 mg/d
 UTIs common
Osmoregulation during pregnancy

Plasma osmolality ↓ to 280 - 290 mosmol / kg
No decrease in ADH secretion

Decrease in thirst threshold
Fluid ingestion > diuresis
Gastrointestinal system
 Stomach displaced upwards
 ⇒ changes angle of GO junction
 ⇒ reflux (in 50 - 80%)
 ↑ progesterone
  ↓ gastrin and pepsin
 No difference in gastric volumes > 25ml *
 No difference in gastric pH< 2.5*
 * relative to non-pregnant women
Gastrointestinal System
            1st         2nd         3rd       Labour
            Trimester   Trimester   Trimester

Barrier     Decreased   Decreased   Decreased Decreased
Gastric     No change   No change   No change Decreased
Gastric     Decreased   Decreased   No change     ?
Gastric Emptying during Labour
Labour                                  minimum delay

Labour + IM opioids                     marked delay

Labour + epid opioids [bolus]           marked delay

Labour + epid opioids [infusion]        minimum delay

Postpartum ?

                             Dept of Obstetric Anaesthesia / Royal Free Hospital
Gastrointestinal system
 All have raised intragastric pressure
  ↑ GO junction pressures in 20-50%
 ⇒ barrier pressure ≥ normal
 ⇒ no reflux

 ↓ GO junction pressures in 50-80-%
⇒ barrier pressure is < normal
⇒ reflux
Gastrointestinal system
Acid aspiration prophylaxis
 ?? Need
 Sodium citrate
 H-2 antagonist
 RSI / cricoid pressure
Gastrointestinal system
Liver and bowel

 Normal hepatic blood flow
 ↑ bilirubin / ALT / AST / LDH
 ↓ gallbladder emptying / gallstones
 ↓ intestinal motility / constipation
Pregnancy physiology
Nonplacental endocrinology

 Thyroid          ↑ total T3 and T4
                  Normal free T3 and T4

 Adrenal cortex   200% ↑ in free / total cortisol

 Pancreas         ↓ tissue sensitivity to insulin
                  ↓ GTT
                  ↓ fasting [glucose]
                  ↑ ketosis
Haematological System

 ⇒ 20% reduction of PT and PTTK

 ↑ fibrin deposition (esp. uteroplacental

 ↑ Fibrinolysis (↑ FDPs)

 Platelets ↓ 15%
Haematological System
White cells

 ↑ PMNs (max at 30/40)

 Lymphocyte count normal

 ↓ cell-mediated immunity

 Normal humoral immunity
Pregnancy physiology

 Pregnancy is associated with multiple
 physiological adaptations

 Clinical implications for the anaesthetist

 Avoid the supine position / think laterally

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Pregnancy physiology

  • 1. Physiology of Pregnancy Dr Stephen Hallworth, Consultant Anaesthetist Royal London Hospital
  • 2. Physiological Changes of Pregnancy Airway Breathing Circulation Gastrointestinal Haematological Endocrine
  • 3. Pregnancy Most physiological adaptations have a purpose Most adaptations occur in advance of the need for them
  • 4. Respiratory System- Airway Capillary engorgement of upper airway Exacerbated by: URTI Fluid Overload PET / Eclampsia Occasionally severe UAO Large tongue + breasts
  • 5. Significance for the Anaesthetist 1 Extreme care with : manipulation of airway suctioning use of airways laryngoscopy Anticipate difficult intubation Use smaller COTT due to glottic oedema UAO may occur early after induction
  • 6. Lung Volumes during Pregnancy 4000 Inspirartory Reserve Total lung Vital Inspiratory Capacity capacity + 5% capacity No + 15-20% - 5% change Volume + 45% Tidal 2000 Expiratory Reserve Functional - 25% residual Vol capacity - 20% Residual [ml] Volume - 15% Late Pregnancy Non-pregnant
  • 7. Respiratory System- Breathing Other Variables Respiratory rate ↑/↓/↔ Airways resistance - 50% Physiological dead space ?? FEV1 and FEV1 / FVC unchanged Chest wall compliance - 45% Lung compliance unchanged Total compliance - 30%
  • 8. Respiratory System- Breathing Minute Volume 45% increase in MV Progesterone ± oestrogen effect Direct effect on respiratory centre Increased sensitivity to respiratory centre to CO2 Increased level of carbonic anhydrase B in RBCs Also due to increased CO2 production
  • 9. Respiratory System- Breathing Minute Volume Non-pregnant state: Increased ventilation by 1.5 L/min for each 1mmHg PaCO2 rise Pregnant state: Increased ventilation by 6 L/min for each 1mmHg PaCO2 rise
  • 10. Oxygen consumption Oxygen consumption + 15 - 20% ≈ 40 ml / min increase Due to ↑ BMR ↑ work of breathing fetus uterus placenta ↑ cardiac work
  • 11. Respiratory System - Breathing Oxygen tensions In 1/3 to 1/2 of women at term airway closure occurs during normal tidal breathing when supine PAO2 : PaO2 gradient ∼ 2 kPa sitting ∼ 3 kPa supine ↑ PaO2 due to ↓ PaCO2 + ↓AVO2 difference
  • 12. Respiratory System - Breathing Carbon dioxide tensions Mixed venous PCO2 1 kPa less than non- pregnant level
  • 13. Respiratory System - Breathing Blood gases (erect) Trimester Non-pregnant 1st 2nd 3rd PaCO2 (kPa) 5.3 4.0 4.0 4.0 PaO2 (kPa) 13.3 14.3 14.0 13.7 pH 7.40 7.44 7.44 7.44 [HCO3] (mEq/L) 24 21 20 20 SBE (mEq/L) 0 -2 -3 -3
  • 14. Respiratory System - Breathing Haemoglobin dissociation curve Shifted to the right P50 increases from 3.6 kPa to 4.0
  • 15. Mother Fetus U T C Uterine artery Umbilical artery Umbilical vein Uterine vein PCO2 4.2 PCO2 7.3 E PO2 SaO2 13.5 98% PO2 SaO2 2.4 45% I Ca02 16 R SYNCTIOTROPHOBLAST Ca02 10.0 Hb 12 Hb 17 R VO2 =5-10 ml/min O 600 ML/MIN C P U DO2 = 40 L ml/min L A 02 A Hb02 HHb C T E HHb HbO2 I C02 N O T VO2 = 20 ml/min N A PCO2 6.1 PCO2 5.5 PO2 5.3 PO2 3.9 SaO2 75% SaO2 70% L Ca02 12 02 content 16.0
  • 16. Significance for the Anaesthetist 2 Rapid maternal desaturation following induction for GA (10 kPa / min faster than non-pregnant) Pre- O2 for 5 mins recommended Avoid aortocaval compression at all times Epidurals may prevent fetal hypoxaemia during labour
  • 17. Cardiovascular System Heart position Pushed upwards and forwards AB ⇒ 4th intercostal space Gives impression of cardiac enlargement on CXR But - it is enlarged by ~ 12% (70 - 80 ml)
  • 18. Cardiovascular System / Heart sounds 1st: Louder & exaggerated splitting 2nd: Not affected 3rd: Heard loudly in majority 4th: Detected by phonocardiography in ~16% Early- to mid-systolic ejection in most at LS Diastolic murmurs also fairly common due to tricuspid flow murmur
  • 19. Cardiovascular System ECG LAD (15%) Flat Ts / inverted in III Atrial / ventricular ectopics
  • 20. Cardiovascular System Cardiac output 25% ↑ by 13/40 50% ↑ by 20/40 to term ~ 2 L / min (e.g 4.5 - 6.5) 20% ↑ in heart rate ~ 15 bpm (e.g 70 - 85) 13/40 until term 20% ↑ in stroke volume ~ 12 ml (e.g 64 - 76)
  • 21. Cardiovascular system Regional blood flow Uterus ↑ 500-600 ml (+ 400%) Kidney ↑ 400-500 ml (+40%) Skin ↑ 500-600 ml (+150%) Other ↑ 300-600 ml
  • 22. Cardiovascular system Blood pressure No change in SBP 20-25% ↓ in DBP at 20/40 (normal at term)
  • 23. Cardiovascular system Total peripheral resistance ~ Must ↓ ~ 1000 dyne / sec / cm-5 at 20/40 (35% ↓) ~ 1300 dyne / sec / cm-5 towards term (20% ↓)
  • 24. Cardiovascular system Venous pressures No change in CVP / RA / arm veins 2.5 ↑ in femoral / IVC / leg veins at term Causes: weight of uterus on iliacs / IVC pressure of fetal head on iliacs hydrodynamic obstruction
  • 25. Cardiovascular system Supine hypotensive syndrome From 20/40 Majority of women placed in supine position at term get a 30-50% ↓ in CO but don’t become hypotensive due to ↑ TPR 10% get a 30% ↓ in SBP A / w ↓ RAP / ↓ CO / ↓ MAP
  • 26. Cardiovascular system Oedema Pedal oedema in 40% of normotensives Colloid osmotic pressure 22 mmHg at onset of labour and 16 mmHg 6 hr post delivery Non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema can occur at 13-16 mmHg
  • 27. Haematological System Plasma proteins Trimester Pre-pregnancy T1 T2 T3 Total protein (g/L) 78 69 69 70 Albumin (g/L) 45 39 36 33 Globulin (g/L) 33 30 33 37 Albumin/globulin ratio 1.4 1.3 1.1 0.9 Oncotic pressure 27 25 23 22
  • 28. Cardiovascular system Blood volume - percentage increase Trimester T1 T2 T3 Plasma volume +15 +50 +50 RBC volume Falls Normal +30 Total blood volume +10 +30 +40
  • 29. Cardiovascular system Typical values for a 65kg woman Pre-pregnancy Term Total blood volume (L) 4.2 6.0 Plasma volume (L) 2.6 4.0 RBC volume (L) 1.6 2.0 [Hb] (g /dl) 12.5 11.0 Hct (%) .38 .34 Total oxygen carrying capacity 10.5 13.2
  • 30. Significance for the Anaesthetist 3 Hypervolaemia allows for moderate blood loss at delivery Avoid aortocaval compression
  • 31. Total Body Water in Pregnancy Plasma Vol Red Cell Vol 2.6 L Blood Vol 1.6 L 4.2 L TBW = 40 L Extracellular Vol 15 L Intracellular Vol 25 L Plasma Vol Red Cell Vol 4L 2 L Blood Vol 6L TBW = 46 L Extracellular Vol 19 L Intracellular Vol 27 L
  • 32. Increases in Total Body Water 3 2.5 2 L 1.2 1 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.3 0 Fetus blood vol Uterus Amniotic P lacenta B reas ts Fluid 6L
  • 33. Wt (kg) 4 0 2 3 1 Fetus 3.4 maternal s tores 2.7 E CF 2.6 P las ma volume 1.4 Uterus 0.95 Amniotic fluid 0.8 Weight gain in pregnancy P lacenta 0.65 B reas ts 0.4
  • 34. Genito-urinary system ~ 50% ↑ in RBF ~ 50% ↑ in GFR ~ 40% ↓ in [creatinine] Glycosuria (1-10 g/d) Proteinuria 300 mg/d UTIs common
  • 35. Osmoregulation during pregnancy Plasma osmolality ↓ to 280 - 290 mosmol / kg No decrease in ADH secretion Decrease in thirst threshold Fluid ingestion > diuresis
  • 36. Gastrointestinal system Stomach Stomach displaced upwards ⇒ changes angle of GO junction ⇒ reflux (in 50 - 80%) ↑ progesterone ↓ gastrin and pepsin No difference in gastric volumes > 25ml * No difference in gastric pH< 2.5* * relative to non-pregnant women
  • 37. Gastrointestinal System 1st 2nd 3rd Labour Trimester Trimester Trimester Barrier Decreased Decreased Decreased Decreased Pressure Gastric No change No change No change Decreased Emptying Gastric Decreased Decreased No change ? Acid Secretion
  • 38. Gastric Emptying during Labour Labour minimum delay Labour + IM opioids marked delay Labour + epid opioids [bolus] marked delay Labour + epid opioids [infusion] minimum delay Postpartum ? Dept of Obstetric Anaesthesia / Royal Free Hospital
  • 39. Gastrointestinal system Heartburn All have raised intragastric pressure ↑ GO junction pressures in 20-50% ⇒ barrier pressure ≥ normal ⇒ no reflux ↓ GO junction pressures in 50-80-% ⇒ barrier pressure is < normal ⇒ reflux
  • 40. Gastrointestinal system Acid aspiration prophylaxis ?? Need Sodium citrate H-2 antagonist Metoclopramide RSI / cricoid pressure
  • 41. Gastrointestinal system Liver and bowel Normal hepatic blood flow ↑ bilirubin / ALT / AST / LDH ↓ gallbladder emptying / gallstones ↓ intestinal motility / constipation
  • 43. Nonplacental endocrinology Thyroid ↑ total T3 and T4 Normal free T3 and T4 Adrenal cortex 200% ↑ in free / total cortisol Pancreas ↓ tissue sensitivity to insulin ↓ GTT ↓ fasting [glucose] ↑ ketosis
  • 44. Haematological System Clotting ⇒ 20% reduction of PT and PTTK ↑ fibrin deposition (esp. uteroplacental circulation) ↑ Fibrinolysis (↑ FDPs) Platelets ↓ 15%
  • 45. Haematological System White cells ↑ PMNs (max at 30/40) Lymphocyte count normal ↓ cell-mediated immunity Normal humoral immunity
  • 47. Conclusion Pregnancy is associated with multiple physiological adaptations Clinical implications for the anaesthetist Avoid the supine position / think laterally

Editor's Notes

  • #6: Samson and Young Anaesthesia 1987; 42: 487-90 looked at 1980 obstetric patients and found the incidence of failed intubation to be 1: 280 vs 1:2230 for non-obstetric patients. No obvious anatomical abnormalities but in 6:7 MPIV. Rocke showed impossible intubation in 1:750 and very difficult in 2%.
  • #7: 4 cm rise of diaphragm due to gravid uterus Causes FRC to fall (to a value of 500ml) FRC falls by 5th month to 20% sitting and 30% supine Increase in transverse and AP diameters of chest wall may compensate for elevation of diaphragm, so there&apos;s no change in TLC. Diaphragm not splinted but moves freely Therefore increased diaphragmatic excursion and reduced chest wall movement
  • #8: Data on respiratory rate variable Data on dead space variable - likely that it is increased due to dilatation of smaller bronchioles ?? lung compliance changes
  • #9: Progesterone virtually undetectable in CSF Oestrogen has weak hyperventilation effect Progesterone and oestrogen act synergistically Increasing carbonic anhydrase facilitates CO2 transfer which tends to decrease PCO2 independendly of any change to ventilation
  • #10: Same as 14,000 feet
  • #12: AVO2 difference reduces impact of venous admixture on PaO2
  • #14: The decrease in AVO2 difference in early pregnancy is due to increase in cardiac output that is proportionately greater than the increase in O2 consumption As pregnancy progresses, O2 consumption continues to increase while cardiac output increases to a lesser degree resulting in decreased mixed venous oxygen content with a rising AVO2 difference AVO2 difference == 33 ml / l in 3rd month vs 45 ml / l in 9th month (non-pregnant value) This results in the small but progressive fall in PaO2 in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters Although arterial pH is essentially normal venous pH is higher than the normal value of 7.35 at 7.38
  • #17: Following 5 minutes of pre-oxygenation, the PaO2 in parturients was 63 kPa VS 67.6 kPa in non-pregnant women During apnoea, PaO2 falls by 18 kPa / min vs 7.7 kPa in non-pregnant women The decreased cardiac output due to aortocaval compression contributes to hypoxaemia because it causes a reduction in mixed venous oxygen content and increased AVO2 difference Ventilate obstetric patients to a PCO2 of 4kPa or an acute respiratory acidosis ensues. Therefore use a MV of 121L/kg/min. Since PCO2 reaches 4kPa in T1 this also follows for anaesthesia at this stage. Avoid hyperventilation as can cause fetal hypoxaemia due to decreased cardiac output (  venous return 2° IPPV +  umbilical blood flow 2°  PCO2) Epidurals prevent hyperventilation (due to painful contractions) and increase VO2.
  • #21: N.B: Normal pregnancy with fixed cardiac pacemaker
  • #23: Normally, with a sphygmomanometer, SBP is 3-4 mmHg too low and DBP is 8 mmHg too high. The error in any single measurement is  8 mmHg. In pregnancy, both are overestimated, SBP by 7 mmHg and DBP by 12 mmHg. SBP does not increase due to increases aortic compliance / size.
  • #24: CO increases due to vasodilatation secondary to oestrogen, PGs, and calcitonin-GRP. The effect of these mediators is to increase blood flow to the uterus, skin and kidneys. Since CO is increased and BP remains virtually the same, TPR must decrease. Normal value for TPR = 1700 The increases in TPR from T2 to T4 may be due to aortic compression.
  • #25: Hydrodynamic obstruction is due to outflow of blood at a relatively high pressure from the uterus (probably only important during uterine contractions). N.B: Remember aortic compression too !
  • #26: In many women with SHS, evidence of lack of any collateral circulation through the vertebral and azygous venous systems. Renal veins may also be affected.