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By Owen Rees
  OMA Films
How effective was the Pre-
Production workflow?
ï‚— What went well during the pre-production was the flow of our ideas that we
  came up with. We all had good ideas for our preliminary task and came up with
  our final idea democratically. This was good as we had a good working
  atmosphere within the group.
ï‚— The time given to us helped us a lot as unfortunately we worked quite slow
  through our pre – production work, which left us behind the rest of the group.
  What we could've done better was work quicker and met deadlines for our
  storyboard production, location planning, casting and our mise-en-scene.
ï‚— What hindered us was the pace that we worked at as we did work really slow,
  when we should’ve been location planning etc, we were still doing our
  storyboard production, so this is something that we need to improve on for our
  main task.
What Technology did you use to
film the task?
ï‚— To film the preliminary task, we used an iPad, this required a steady hand so
  the quality of the filming was good. We also used an iPad because the camera
  quality is good on them, which makes the end product clear for the audience to
ï‚— We also used an iPad as it was easier for us to get our video footage from the
  iPad and onto an iMac for us to edit using iVideo. This part of the production
  went well, however again we could’ve worked quicker.
What did you learn from the filming that
you will need to think about in the future?
ï‚— During the filming we had incidents where there were some people in the shit
  that should not have been. For example, one of the shots had Ashleigh in it
  when it shouldn’t have, so we had to do those shots again. Another example of
  this is when we had the reflection of me in some of the shots, so we had to
  shoot them again and when we sometimes had the face of the character that
  wasn’t supposed to be in the shot.
ï‚— In the future for our main task we will make sure before we film that everything
  that we don’t need in the shot isn’t there so that we don’t have to waste time
  filming them again as this wastes time to continue with other important things.
What technology did you use to
edit your preliminary task?
ï‚— To edit the preliminary task, we used a programme on the iMacs called
  iVideo which we knew how to do from previous demonstrations and
  blog entries. This software allows you to trim down any clips to make
  them shorter to fit into your final cut better.
ï‚— This part of our post production went well as we worked quickly to
  make sure that each shot went into place and the whole video made
  sense, the final cut took a bit more time than that was planned, but it
  was an overall success and the video looked really good.
How well does your preliminary
task meet the criteria set out?
ï‚— The criteria that our preliminary task had to meet was a character
    opening a door, sitting opposite another character and exchanging a
    few lines of dialogue. It also had to demonstrate the following
ï‚—   Match on Action
ï‚—   Shot/Reverse shot
ï‚—   180 Degree Rule
ï‚—   I feel that our preliminary task demonstrated all of this really well as it
    included all of the things that we needed to put into it. This helped our
    preliminary task meet the criteria that was set out for it!
Overall, what have you learnt from the
process of completing the preliminary task?
ï‚— During this process, I have learnt all of the basic camera shots and the
  basic camera movements, along with what the terms 180 Degree Rule,
  Shot/Reverse Shot and match on action mean. I have also learned that
  our time management needs to be good in order to keep everything up
  to date to keep on track with our coursework.
ï‚— Overall, I thought the process was an overall success, with the final cut
  of our preliminary task being successful and a good all around
  production was achieved by our group!

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Preliminary task evaluation

  • 1. By Owen Rees OMA Films
  • 2. How effective was the Pre- Production workflow? ï‚— What went well during the pre-production was the flow of our ideas that we came up with. We all had good ideas for our preliminary task and came up with our final idea democratically. This was good as we had a good working atmosphere within the group. ï‚— The time given to us helped us a lot as unfortunately we worked quite slow through our pre – production work, which left us behind the rest of the group. What we could've done better was work quicker and met deadlines for our storyboard production, location planning, casting and our mise-en-scene. ï‚— What hindered us was the pace that we worked at as we did work really slow, when we should’ve been location planning etc, we were still doing our storyboard production, so this is something that we need to improve on for our main task.
  • 3. What Technology did you use to film the task? ï‚— To film the preliminary task, we used an iPad, this required a steady hand so the quality of the filming was good. We also used an iPad because the camera quality is good on them, which makes the end product clear for the audience to view. ï‚— We also used an iPad as it was easier for us to get our video footage from the iPad and onto an iMac for us to edit using iVideo. This part of the production went well, however again we could’ve worked quicker.
  • 4. What did you learn from the filming that you will need to think about in the future? ï‚— During the filming we had incidents where there were some people in the shit that should not have been. For example, one of the shots had Ashleigh in it when it shouldn’t have, so we had to do those shots again. Another example of this is when we had the reflection of me in some of the shots, so we had to shoot them again and when we sometimes had the face of the character that wasn’t supposed to be in the shot. ï‚— In the future for our main task we will make sure before we film that everything that we don’t need in the shot isn’t there so that we don’t have to waste time filming them again as this wastes time to continue with other important things.
  • 5. What technology did you use to edit your preliminary task? ï‚— To edit the preliminary task, we used a programme on the iMacs called iVideo which we knew how to do from previous demonstrations and blog entries. This software allows you to trim down any clips to make them shorter to fit into your final cut better. ï‚— This part of our post production went well as we worked quickly to make sure that each shot went into place and the whole video made sense, the final cut took a bit more time than that was planned, but it was an overall success and the video looked really good.
  • 6. How well does your preliminary task meet the criteria set out? ï‚— The criteria that our preliminary task had to meet was a character opening a door, sitting opposite another character and exchanging a few lines of dialogue. It also had to demonstrate the following techniques: ï‚— Match on Action ï‚— Shot/Reverse shot ï‚— 180 Degree Rule ï‚— I feel that our preliminary task demonstrated all of this really well as it included all of the things that we needed to put into it. This helped our preliminary task meet the criteria that was set out for it!
  • 7. Overall, what have you learnt from the process of completing the preliminary task? ï‚— During this process, I have learnt all of the basic camera shots and the basic camera movements, along with what the terms 180 Degree Rule, Shot/Reverse Shot and match on action mean. I have also learned that our time management needs to be good in order to keep everything up to date to keep on track with our coursework. ï‚— Overall, I thought the process was an overall success, with the final cut of our preliminary task being successful and a good all around production was achieved by our group!