Justin Bieber was interviewed about why he abruptly walked off stage during his last concert. A fan video showed Bieber repeatedly asking fans to stop throwing water and grabbing at his ankles during the show. Bieber explained he was trying to clean up the mess but fans wouldn't listen. The pressure and lack of personal space from fans became too much, so despite not wanting to, he cancelled the rest of the show. Bieber apologized to his true fans for letting them down.
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Preliminary task transcript.
1. S: Good morning!My name isSadie Quinn andyouare listeningJenna FM. I’mhappyto welcome
our special guesttoday,the verytalentedJustinBieber!Justin,we are happytohave you.
J: Yeah...yeahI’mhappyto be here.Thanksfor havingme.
S: So… there have beenmanyconflictingtheoriesastowhylast week’sincidentoccurred.Everyone
wantsto knowexactly why youwalkedof stage andwhatbetterwaythan to hear itstraightfrom
the horse’smouth?Forthose listenerswhohaven’tyet seenthe videocirculatingthe internet,
here’sacliptakenfrom a fan’sphone.
Inserted sound clip of us replicating the video:
[I justneed you guysto get warmed up so I- Hey, no,whatare you doing?Stop it.Come on guys.Yo,
listen to me. Areyou listening? Okay,I’mtrying to wipethe floor.Alright,never mind,I’mdone.I’m
notdoing the show.]
S: Now,a lotof speculationhassuggestedyouwere reactingtoapettyincident…butthisvideo
suggestsotherwise.Canyouexplaintouswhat happenedhere,Justin?
J: Yeah… sobasically,some of the fanswere gettingabittoo excited,youknow?Throwingwater
aboutand stuff.Obviouslymydancerscan’tdo theirjobif they’re worriedaboutslippingover.
S: It soundslike youfeel somewhatannoyedaboutthe individuals…quite rightly.
J: Yeah!Well,obviously.SoIwentoverwiththattowel andkepttryingto cleanup theirmess,they
justwouldn’tlistentome.Theywere reachingupandgrabbingmy anklesandotherplacesand,as
youheard,I keptaskingthem whattheywere doingandwantedthemto stop.Theyjustwouldn’t
and I couldn’ttake it.
S: So thenyoucancelledthe show?
J: I didn’twantto.I honestlydidn’t.Ijustdon’tthinkalot of people understandhow muchpressure
I’munder…I mean,I’ve been dealingwiththissince Iwasaroundfifteen. It’ssuffocating.It’slike,
theyshouldcare about the music,youknow?Anyway,eventhoughthose individualswere being
inappropriate,I’dreallylove totake thisopportunitytoapologise tomyreal fanswhoI letdown…
S: Thank youfor clearingthatup,Justin.JustinBieber,everybody!Thanks.