Mrs. Shorifa, 30 years, para 1+0, housewife of middle socioeconomic family, hailing from Keraniganj, Dhaka, got herself admitted in our hospital on 28.08.16, with the complaints of amenorrhoea for 36+ weeks and pervaginal watery discharge for 6 hours. According to the statement of the patient, she was a regularly menstruating woman with a menstrual cycle of 28 to 30 days, then she developed amenorrhoea and her pregnancy was confirmed by strip test. Her LMP was 13th December, 2015 and accordingly her EDD will be 20th September which was also dated by early USG. She was on regular ANC and completed her doses of TT vaccination. Her ante natal period was uneventful upto 36 weeks of pregnancy but for last 6 hours she noticed sudden gush of pervaginal watery discharge while standing from supine position. It was moderate in amount, clear, non-odourous, gradually decreased but continued while taking rest & was incresaing with movement & change of posture.
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Premature rupture of membrane, case and Topic ll Dr.Jakia Akter
3. Salient Features
Mrs. Shorifa, 30 years, para 1+0, housewife of middle socioeconomic
family, hailing from Keraniganj, Dhaka, got herself admitted in our hospital
on 28.08.16, with the complaints of amenorrhoea for 36+ weeks and
pervaginal watery discharge for 6 hours. According to the statement of the
patient, she was a regularly menstruating woman with a menstrual cycle of
28 to 30 days, then she developed amenorrhoea and her pregnancy was
confirmed by strip test. Her LMP was 13th December, 2015 and accordingly
her EDD will be 20th September which was also dated by early USG. She
was on regular ANC and completed her doses of TT vaccination. Her ante
natal period was uneventful upto 36 weeks of pregnancy but for last 6 hours
she noticed sudden gush of pervaginal watery discharge while standing from
supine position. It was moderate in amount, clear, non-odourous, gradually
decreased but continued while taking rest & was incresaing with movement
& change of posture.
4. Contd..
It was not associated with LAP or
itching in the genital area. She gave
no H/O fever or frequency of
micturition. She had no such
experience in her previous
pregnancy & no H/O trauma. She
used OCP for contraception. She
has no H/O of asthma, TB, DM, or
any other medical illness. She is
normotensive. Her B/B habit is
5. Clinical Examination:
A. General Exam:
Co-operative, avg. ht & body built
Pulse-72 bpm
BP-110/70 mm Hg
LN-not enlarged
Thyroid gland-not enlarged
B. Breast exam: Normal pregnancy changes
6. C. Per-abdominal exam:
SFH-36 cm
Abdominal girth-92 cm
Rule of 5th-4/5th palpable
FHR-138 bpm ®ular
7. Per-vaginal Exam
a) Inspection:
1. Vulva pad was soaked with watery discharge
2. Characteristics of discharge:
a. Clear
b. Not foul smelling
3. Vulva & perineum: Normal
8. b) Per-speculum Exam
1. Liquor was escaping out through external Os.
2. Os closed.
3.No cord prolapse.
14. Definition
Spontaneous rupture of the membranes any time
beyond 28th weeks of pregnancy but before the
onset of labour is called PROM.
15. Types
Two types:
1.Preterm Term: When rupture of membrane occurs
before 37 completed wks is called preterm PROM.
2.Term PROM: When rupture of membrane occurs
beyond 37th wks but before the onset of labour called
Term PROM.
17. Causes
Increased friability of the membrane
Decreased tensile strength of the membranes
Cervical incompetence
Multiple pregnancy
18. Investigation
Urine R/E & C/S
High vaginal swab for C/S
USG for fetal biophysical profile
19. Confirmation of diagnosis
Examination of collected fiuid from post.
a.Fern Tests
b.Nile Blue sulphate Test
c.Litmus Test or Nitrazine Paper Test for
detection of pH.
20. Complication
Preterm labour & prematurity
Chance of asceding infection
Cord prolapse
Dry labour
Placental abruption
Neonatal sepsis,RDS,IVH
Perinatal Morbidities