DijkenSport 2014 - flyer jubileumeditieRaymond van ToorOverzicht programma jubileumeditie DijkenSport 2014 (15e keer) in één overzichtelijke flyer. Ook te downloaden via www.dijkensport.nl/nl/nieuws/2014/augustus/01/flyer_met_programma_dijkensport_2014.
Taking social networking to the next levelAndrea BakerA presentation I will be giving during my panel at the Shenandoah University Business Symposium on March 10, 2011.
텔코의 가상재화 유통플랫폼 성공전략Soomin(Simon) Shim스마트 디바이스 확산으로 글로벌 가상재화(virtual goods)시장 규모는 ‘12년 567억 달러에서 ‘16년 1,920억 달러로 예상된다. 따라서, ICT 산업의 각 영역의 플레이들은 가상재화의 유통플랫포인 앱마켓의 주도권을 잡기 위한 치열한 경쟁을 전개하고 있다.
글로벌 Telco들 또한 안드로이드 앱과 디지털 콘텐츠를 기반으로 독자적인 앱마켓 경쟁력 강화에 주력중이나 플랫폼 사업자들과 비교하여 성과는 아직 미미한 상황이다. 더욱이, 최근 구글의 안드로이드 앱마켓의 폐쇄적인 전략는 글로벌 Telco들의 고민을 심화시키고 있다.
따라서, 본 보고서는 글로벌 Telco들의 각 지역별 앱마켓을 중심으로 가상재화 유통플랫폼 사례 분석을 통해 국내 Telco의 앱마켓 전략 방향에 대한 전략적 시사점을 도출하고자 한다.
DCTS - Selection of projectsAna-Maria PopaDCTS is an engineering firm based in Bucharest, Romania that offers design, planning, and consulting services for construction projects. It has expertise in architecture, structures, utilities, and more. DCTS works on a variety of project types including agriculture, industrial, commercial, residential, and infrastructure. It provides full design and technical services from initial concept through construction. DCTS prides itself on high quality standards, good client outcomes, and professionalism. It has experience with numerous private and public sector clients on projects both within Romania and internationally.
RunMob Christmas catalog 2011 Part 2RunMobSantas Puzzle Huzzle is a puzzle game where the player pushes rows of Christmas items to make combinations of three or more to clear the board. It includes different game modes like Time Attack. Santa's Sleigh Ride has the player help Santa deliver presents while avoiding naughty houses and hazards. Santa's Puzzle Party involves interchanging ornaments on a board to make combinations of three that disappear.
Investing in small cap stocksAnne RobertSmall capitalization stocks, also known as small caps or junior stocks, typically have market capitalizations between $10 million to $500 million. They serve niche or emerging growth markets and have little to no dividend payouts. Returns have historically been superior to large caps due to market mispricing from low liquidity and analyst coverage. Junior mining stocks listed on the TSX Venture Exchange represent opportunities in mining exploration, production, and other industries like oil and gas or biotechnology. Key indicators of a successful junior mining project include large reserves, low costs, proven extractive technology, and quality management. Small caps can be included in a well-diversified growth portfolio for tax benefits and high potential returns, though they carry higher
RunMob WorldCup Videos 01RunMobThe document lists upcoming soccer matches and highlights from past games between various national teams and clubs. It includes qualifications matches and games from the 2010 and upcoming 2014 World Cups as well as club matches in La Liga and Bundesliga and highlights videos of individual players like Cristiano Ronaldo. Contact information is provided at the start and end for Runmob.com.
Chapter 2 human capabilities, input output systemsNuraini Mohd GhaniThis document discusses human capabilities and constraints that should inform interface design. It covers the limits of human perception, attention, memory, motor skills and processing. Specific examples discussed include Fitts' law on motor constraints of distance and target size on selection time, and models of visual attention and eye tracking research. The importance of alternative sensory channels like sound and haptics is also mentioned.
KU7 | kuvareportaasi | Heidi BergströmPohjois-Tapiolan lukioThis document discusses different types of friends in a person's life. It references true friends being rare like diamonds while false friends are common like leaves. It also mentions friends from childhood, cousins, teachers and mentors who will be friends for life. The main friend mentioned is their mother, who they can always count on no matter what.
Banking sector analysis- HowYashpal RaghavThe document analyzes the banking sector in India and identifies several major challenges: (1) deteriorating asset quality and rising non-performing assets, (2) the need for banks to raise an additional 5 lakh crore in the next 5 years to meet new capital standards under Basel III, and (3) increased competition from many players offering similar services. However, the document also notes some positive factors for the sector including an uptick in credit and deposit growth, the financial inclusion program expanding banking access, and growing mobile banking services.
Taking social networking to the next levelAndrea BakerA presentation I will be giving during my panel at the Shenandoah University Business Symposium on March 10, 2011.
텔코의 가상재화 유통플랫폼 성공전략Soomin(Simon) Shim스마트 디바이스 확산으로 글로벌 가상재화(virtual goods)시장 규모는 ‘12년 567억 달러에서 ‘16년 1,920억 달러로 예상된다. 따라서, ICT 산업의 각 영역의 플레이들은 가상재화의 유통플랫포인 앱마켓의 주도권을 잡기 위한 치열한 경쟁을 전개하고 있다.
글로벌 Telco들 또한 안드로이드 앱과 디지털 콘텐츠를 기반으로 독자적인 앱마켓 경쟁력 강화에 주력중이나 플랫폼 사업자들과 비교하여 성과는 아직 미미한 상황이다. 더욱이, 최근 구글의 안드로이드 앱마켓의 폐쇄적인 전략는 글로벌 Telco들의 고민을 심화시키고 있다.
따라서, 본 보고서는 글로벌 Telco들의 각 지역별 앱마켓을 중심으로 가상재화 유통플랫폼 사례 분석을 통해 국내 Telco의 앱마켓 전략 방향에 대한 전략적 시사점을 도출하고자 한다.
DCTS - Selection of projectsAna-Maria PopaDCTS is an engineering firm based in Bucharest, Romania that offers design, planning, and consulting services for construction projects. It has expertise in architecture, structures, utilities, and more. DCTS works on a variety of project types including agriculture, industrial, commercial, residential, and infrastructure. It provides full design and technical services from initial concept through construction. DCTS prides itself on high quality standards, good client outcomes, and professionalism. It has experience with numerous private and public sector clients on projects both within Romania and internationally.
RunMob Christmas catalog 2011 Part 2RunMobSantas Puzzle Huzzle is a puzzle game where the player pushes rows of Christmas items to make combinations of three or more to clear the board. It includes different game modes like Time Attack. Santa's Sleigh Ride has the player help Santa deliver presents while avoiding naughty houses and hazards. Santa's Puzzle Party involves interchanging ornaments on a board to make combinations of three that disappear.
Investing in small cap stocksAnne RobertSmall capitalization stocks, also known as small caps or junior stocks, typically have market capitalizations between $10 million to $500 million. They serve niche or emerging growth markets and have little to no dividend payouts. Returns have historically been superior to large caps due to market mispricing from low liquidity and analyst coverage. Junior mining stocks listed on the TSX Venture Exchange represent opportunities in mining exploration, production, and other industries like oil and gas or biotechnology. Key indicators of a successful junior mining project include large reserves, low costs, proven extractive technology, and quality management. Small caps can be included in a well-diversified growth portfolio for tax benefits and high potential returns, though they carry higher
RunMob WorldCup Videos 01RunMobThe document lists upcoming soccer matches and highlights from past games between various national teams and clubs. It includes qualifications matches and games from the 2010 and upcoming 2014 World Cups as well as club matches in La Liga and Bundesliga and highlights videos of individual players like Cristiano Ronaldo. Contact information is provided at the start and end for Runmob.com.
Chapter 2 human capabilities, input output systemsNuraini Mohd GhaniThis document discusses human capabilities and constraints that should inform interface design. It covers the limits of human perception, attention, memory, motor skills and processing. Specific examples discussed include Fitts' law on motor constraints of distance and target size on selection time, and models of visual attention and eye tracking research. The importance of alternative sensory channels like sound and haptics is also mentioned.
KU7 | kuvareportaasi | Heidi BergströmPohjois-Tapiolan lukioThis document discusses different types of friends in a person's life. It references true friends being rare like diamonds while false friends are common like leaves. It also mentions friends from childhood, cousins, teachers and mentors who will be friends for life. The main friend mentioned is their mother, who they can always count on no matter what.
Banking sector analysis- HowYashpal RaghavThe document analyzes the banking sector in India and identifies several major challenges: (1) deteriorating asset quality and rising non-performing assets, (2) the need for banks to raise an additional 5 lakh crore in the next 5 years to meet new capital standards under Basel III, and (3) increased competition from many players offering similar services. However, the document also notes some positive factors for the sector including an uptick in credit and deposit growth, the financial inclusion program expanding banking access, and growing mobile banking services.
2013. gada FEBRUĀRĪ
Mugurkaula check-up programma – Ls 110
(par atsevišķiem pakalpojumiem – Ls 162,60)
Lai muguras sāpes nekļūst par ikdienu!
Lasīt vairāk>>
Par piedāvājumiem Tavai veselībai vairāk lasi: www.premiummedical.lv
660 111 60
Vizītes ietvaros bērni, kuri ir mūsu klīnikas
pediatra uzskaitē, valsts apmaksātas
vakcīnas var saņemt BEZ MAKSAS!
Lasīt vairāk>>
Par piedāvājumiem Tavai veselībai vairāk lasi: www.premiummedical.lv
3. Īpašs piedāvājums!
Sirds veselības pārbaude - Cardio Check-up -
Ls 160 (parasti Ls 190)
Profilakse ir vislabākā veselības aizsardzība!
Lasīt vairāk>>
Par piedāvājumiem Tavai veselībai vairāk lasi: www.premiummedical.lv
4. Īpašs piedāvājums!
Pasargā sevi, vakcinējoties pret gripu!
Vakcīna pieaugušajiem - Ls 5,50
Par piedāvājumiem Tavai veselībai vairāk lasi: www.premiummedical.lv
5. Sievietes veselībai!
Sievietes veselībai - ginekologa profilaktiskā vizīte*
Ls 38 (parasti Ls 58)
* Pie ginekoloģēm Elīnas Bērziņas
un Gitas Ruttasas
Lasīt vairāk>>
Par piedāvājumiem Tavai veselībai vairāk lasi: www.premiummedical.lv
6. Tavam skaistumam un labsajūtai!
Arī februārī zobu higiēnas seanss -
Ls 24,90 (parasti Ls 35) un konsultācija
par zobu balināšanu bez maksas!
Higiēniste Evija Mailo strādā gan ar pieaugušajiem,
gan bērniem (zobu higiēnas seanss bērniem
vienmēr maksā Ls 15).
Lasīt vairāk>>
Par piedāvājumiem Tavai veselībai vairāk lasi: www.premiummedical.lv
7. Tavam skaistumam un labsajūtai!
Plastikas ķirurga Dr. Vaida Žvīņa (Vaidas Zvinys)
konsultācija par lāzera lipolīzi ķermeņa
apjoma korekcijai notiks 15. februārī
Konsultācija – Ls 20.
Par lāzera lipolīzi
Lasīt vairāk>>
Par piedāvājumiem Tavai veselībai vairāk lasi: www.premiummedical.lv
8. Premium Medical speciālistu ieteikumi!
• Neļauj sezonālajai gripai lemt savu likteni
Lasīt vairāk>>
• Vai hormonālā spirāle ietekmē sievietes veselību?
Lasīt vairāk>>
• Sāls tvirtai ādai un labai veselībai
Lasīt vairāk>>
Gaidām Tevi mūsu klīnikā!
Par piedāvājumiem Tavai veselībai vairāk lasi>>
Par piedāvājumiem Tavai veselībai vairāk lasi: www.premiummedical.lv
9. Sanotorija pilsētā piedāvā!
• Zemūdens masāža ar magnija sāls vai kūdras
dūņu ekstrakta piedevu – Ls 14 (parasti Ls 20)
• Triactive procedūra ķermenim –
Ls 17,60 (parasti Ls 22)
• Triactive procedūra ar melnā māla ietīšanu –
Ls 28 (parasti Ls 35)
• Triactive procedūra ar kūdras dūņu ietīšanu –
Ls 32 (parasti Ls 40)
• Botulīna toksīna injekcijas gludai un elastīgai
sejas ādai – Ls 95 (parasti Ls 125). Injekcijas
veic dermatoloģe dr. Kristīne Azarjana.
Par piedāvājumiem Tavai veselībai vairāk lasi: www.premiummedical.lv