The document is a grammar quiz testing knowledge of prepositions of place and movement. It contains 16 multiple choice questions asking students to identify the correct preposition to complete sentences about locations and directions. An answer key is provided showing the right answer for each question. The quiz also provides a grading scale indicating the number of correct answers that correspond to excellent, good, or needing more study on the topic.
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Preposition of place and movement quiz-prepplacemove
1. NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________
Complete these sixteen sentences to score your knowledge of PLACE & MOVEMENT.
1. Another word that means the same 9. There is a ball in the middle of the
as under is . road. Everyone is driving it.
a) behind a) below
b) between b) around
c) below c) through
2. Another word that means the same 10. We walked the library and sat
as next to is . down to study.
a) over a) between
b) through b) over
c) beside c) into
3. When you get to Third Street, dont 11. After we studied for the test, we
turn right. Turn . walked the library to go home.
a) on a) next to
b) up b) out of
c) left c) down
4. After I said Good-bye to my sister, 12. Another word that means the same
I walked her. as over is .
a) away from a) above
b) toward b) at
c) at c) by
5. My friends are Japan. They live 13. Be careful when you are on the
in Tokyo. bridge. Dont fall the water.
a) through a) into
b) from b) above
c) on c) straight
6. Every morning I get a bus to go 14. Last month we traveled to Australia.
to school. We flew Barcelona to Sydney.
a) up a) into
b) on b) from
c) at c) around
7. The letter B is the letter A and 15. They didnt turn left and they didnt
the letter C. turn right. They walked .
a) between a) straight
b) around b) up
c) straight c) between
8. I dropped my book on the floor and I 16. I saw my friend walking me and
didnt pick it up. Its the table. I said, Hello.
a) above a) away from
b) over b) from
c) under c) toward
15 16 = Excellent 13 14 = Good 12 or Less = Study More!
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2. GRAMMAR QUIZ ALL Things Grammar
Grammar Focus Prepositions of Place and Movement
Level Intermediate
1. C
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. C
11. B
12. A
13. A
14. B
15. A
16. C
Grades as
16 / 16 = 100%
15 / 16 = 94
14 / 16 = 88
13 / 16 = 81
12 / 16 = 75
11 / 16 = 69
10 / 18 = 63
9 / 16 = 56
8 / 16 = 50
7 / 16 = 44
6 / 16 = 38
5 / 16 = 31
4 / 16 = 25
3 / 16 = 19
2 / 16 = 13
1 / 16 = 6
0 / 16 = 0 %
Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. 息