This document provides an overview of the Advanced ACE Tutorial presented by Douglas C. Schmidt. It discusses key object-oriented (OO) concepts like patterns, frameworks, and components that help address the inherent and accidental complexities of developing concurrent and distributed applications. The Adaptive Communication Environment (ACE) is presented as an example of an OO framework that incorporates many patterns to provide reusable middleware services for building networked and multithreaded applications.
Deborah Hawkins-Wright describes searching her home for seemingly good concepts to connect and combine for a creativity assignment. She had an "eureka moment" when considering the definitions of sport as a pleasant pastime or recreation requiring physical skill or prowess. She created a new "sport" called "The Spongee Squeeze Sport" which involves squeezing and rotating a sponge attached to a string for her cat Jada to chase, providing low-impact joint strengthening resistance training for the human player in a fun, stealth game for both the human and cat.
The document is a synopsis for a dissertation on analyzing the utility of cloud computing as a cost cutting tool for small and medium enterprises in India. It discusses cloud computing concepts, characteristics, deployment models, service models, issues related to security and performance. It also provides examples of cloud based services and discusses the economics of cloud computing. The objective is to understand how cloud computing can benefit small businesses in India by reducing costs.
This document introduces four individuals - Casey Hampshire, Katherine Teh, Jeremy Hoyland, and Chandan Maurya - and encourages taking the time to observe one's surroundings during daily travels. It suggests that moving between home, work, and leisure provides inspiration for creative thinking and recommends stopping to experience new places with an open mind and heart.
Google Tag Manager - Basic Introductioncarlfranzon
This document provides an introduction and overview of Google Tag Manager. It begins by explaining why companies use GTM, noting that it allows tags to be added and managed without developer resources. It then reviews the basic user interface and components of GTM including accounts, containers, tags, triggers, variables and versions. Specific details are given about what each component represents and how they work together. The document concludes by giving a example of how to set up tracking of banner clicks with GTM.
This document provides a project synopsis for a study comparing HDFC Mutual Fund to other major players. The study aims to determine the best mutual fund for investments. Objectives include studying mutual fund structures in India, HDFC schemes, fund performance, and comparing HDFC schemes to others. The methodology involves market surveys, case studies, and fundamental analysis. The sample includes 150 investors in Bangalore South investing in equity growth funds over three years. Primary data will be collected from fund companies and surveys. Secondary data comes from publications. Content will include introductions, study overview, methodology, findings, and references.
This document provides an overview of the Advanced ACE Tutorial presented by Douglas C. Schmidt. It discusses key object-oriented (OO) concepts like patterns, frameworks, and components that help address the inherent and accidental complexities of developing concurrent and distributed applications. The Adaptive Communication Environment (ACE) is presented as an example of an OO framework that incorporates many patterns to provide reusable middleware services for building networked and multithreaded applications.
Deborah Hawkins-Wright describes searching her home for seemingly good concepts to connect and combine for a creativity assignment. She had an "eureka moment" when considering the definitions of sport as a pleasant pastime or recreation requiring physical skill or prowess. She created a new "sport" called "The Spongee Squeeze Sport" which involves squeezing and rotating a sponge attached to a string for her cat Jada to chase, providing low-impact joint strengthening resistance training for the human player in a fun, stealth game for both the human and cat.
The document is a synopsis for a dissertation on analyzing the utility of cloud computing as a cost cutting tool for small and medium enterprises in India. It discusses cloud computing concepts, characteristics, deployment models, service models, issues related to security and performance. It also provides examples of cloud based services and discusses the economics of cloud computing. The objective is to understand how cloud computing can benefit small businesses in India by reducing costs.
This document introduces four individuals - Casey Hampshire, Katherine Teh, Jeremy Hoyland, and Chandan Maurya - and encourages taking the time to observe one's surroundings during daily travels. It suggests that moving between home, work, and leisure provides inspiration for creative thinking and recommends stopping to experience new places with an open mind and heart.
Google Tag Manager - Basic Introductioncarlfranzon
This document provides an introduction and overview of Google Tag Manager. It begins by explaining why companies use GTM, noting that it allows tags to be added and managed without developer resources. It then reviews the basic user interface and components of GTM including accounts, containers, tags, triggers, variables and versions. Specific details are given about what each component represents and how they work together. The document concludes by giving a example of how to set up tracking of banner clicks with GTM.
This document provides a project synopsis for a study comparing HDFC Mutual Fund to other major players. The study aims to determine the best mutual fund for investments. Objectives include studying mutual fund structures in India, HDFC schemes, fund performance, and comparing HDFC schemes to others. The methodology involves market surveys, case studies, and fundamental analysis. The sample includes 150 investors in Bangalore South investing in equity growth funds over three years. Primary data will be collected from fund companies and surveys. Secondary data comes from publications. Content will include introductions, study overview, methodology, findings, and references.