This document introduces Zamir Bolysbek, a 33-year-old entrepreneur running for chairman of the Regional Council of Entrepreneurs of Almaty. It provides biographical information on Bolysbek's experience starting businesses since 1993 and working in government economic departments. Bolysbek advocates developing entrepreneurship and small- and medium-sized enterprises to attract investment and revive Kazakhstan's entrepreneurial spirit. He believes priorities include improving entrepreneurs' skills, focusing on technology/services, networking, specializing business districts, and motivating citizens. The document endorses Bolysbek's candidacy and vision for business development in Almaty.
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Pres bus dev
1. with the Chairman of the Regional Council of the
Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty, Stambekov
Yerlan and Director Tleumuratov Yuri
Salam Aleikum!
My name is Zamir Bolysbek. I am 33 years old.
In the year of the hundredth anniversary of Alash
Orda, it is necessary to rethink the role of business in
The development of SMEs is one of the most
important priorities of the Government's work, and
the main goal here is to create favorable conditions
for the development of domestic business.
I will make the necessary efforts in supporting and
developing entrepreneurship and attracting as much
investment as possible. To revive the spirit of
entrepreneurship, we must become a start-up nation!
I need your support!
About me
Since 1993 I have been involvedin
2001 KazNU named after Al Farabi
2005 InnovativeCenter at the Almaty
branch of the Atameken NUEEK
2007 Almaty Business and Industry
2010 Economy and Budget Planning
Department of Almaty
2014 Department of Public Procurement
and LocalContent of NPP
2015 Center forEntrepreneurship at
Dostykand the Ministry of Economy
2017 LLP NUR EL,CE Alatau, Center for
Foreign Economic Relations
My business is Education,Consulting,
Networking, IT,intellectual property,
marketing, finance, real estate,
With the head
of the SEC
With the DeputyChairmanof theBoard
of NECZhumagazievEldarandthehead
of the InternationalTechnoparkofIT
Startups MadiyevMagzhan
For business development, I consider it
necessary 1. Development of
entrepreneurs' competencies. 2.
Concentrating effortson the
development of technology,service and
logistics, social entrepreneurship, the
financial sector, urbanization,
agribusiness, and the creative industries.
3.Networking and access to global
markets. 4.Specialization of the districts
of Almaty. 5. Promotionof Leadership
and Motivationof Citizens
2. At the courses on the program of mass
entrepreneurship and productive employment
of the population of 2021 in the NPP RK
Where will we be in three years time?
By 2020 we in Almaty should realize:
10 steps to develop entrepreneurship
(regional business map, creation of local
industrial zones, expansion of microcrediting,
privatization, deregulation, export-oriented,
"Government for Business", the principle of
yellow pages, long-term state orders)
The Almaty Development Program 2020
(Smart City,a city for business and private capital,
a socially-oriented city,an economically
sustainable and integrated city)
ROADMAP 2020, Digital Kazakhstan 2020 and
With the managementofthe stock
Attracting large-scale investments, long
funding and solving financial problems
of Almaty entrepreneurs willbe the
main strategic line of work
"We are not just promoting your man to one of the
most important public institutions of our country, but
also preventing people who are not familiar with the
pains of both sides. We can not remain aloof when the
systematic work of the State on the development of
entrepreneurial activity in Kazakhstan is proceeding.
How can we influence the situation - to lead in the
management of sincere patriots! This is our first big
election with you. And we have every chance with you
to win. It is only necessary not to be too lazy and vote
for Zamirbek Bolysbekuly. Our voices will help our
candidate to defend our civil values even more
effectively "
Rustam Shakhanov, Startuper
With the head of the office of McKinsey
in Kazakhstan Jukka Maksimainen
What can I do for you?
My competitive advantages:
Government Relationships Interaction
with the Government, NPP, DPC
Akzhol, government agencies in Astana
and Almaty
Public Relationships
Personal acquaintances and contact
with the target audience in business, in
the expert community, with the public
Global vision
I have experience working with foreign
partners, many business contacts
Brand name
Popular, independent, modern, advanced,
young, hungry to success,distanced from
groups, self-made, decent, creative,