This document contains summaries from the May 11, 2010 stated meeting of the Presbytery. It welcomes new interim pastors, announces upcoming Presbytery meeting dates and locations, and provides information on job openings and mission opportunities. It also lists churches that have paid their per capita in full.
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Presbytery Loop 20100511
1. Thank you to our hosts:
First Presbytery Church of Sparta
The Rev. Robert Malsack
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
2010 - 2011
September 14, 2010 Johnsonburg
November 9, 2010 Lower Valley
January 11, 2011 Chatham Township
March 8, 2011 Blair Academy
May 10, 2011 Belvidere
September 13, 2011 Johnsonburg
November 8, 2011 Old Greenwich (tentative)
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
4. Welcome to
The Rev. Heather Morrison-Yaden
As Interim Pastor
First Presbyterian Church of Newton
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
5. Welcome to
The Rev. Guy Ferguson
As Interim Pastor
First Presbyterian Church of Sussex
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
for the position of
Newton Presbytery
Newton Presbytery seeks a Minister of Word and
Sacrament with special interests and skills in Pastoral
Care to provide for, and/or coordinate the provision of,
pastoral services to the Presbyterys pastors and their
TERM: One year: January December 2010; renewable
STIPEND: $3,000.00
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
for the position of
Newton Presbytery
QUALIFICATIONS: A knowledge of, and experience with,
the pastoral care of pastors
See Full Position Description available at the Presbytery
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
for the position of
Newton Presbytery
Interested persons are invited to submit a letter of
application to:
The Personnel Committee
% The Presbytery of Newton
390 Route 10 West
Randolph NJ 07869-2141.
The letter should indicate why you are interested in the
position and describe your qualifications for the position.
DEADLINE for submission: November 18, 2009
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
Director of Music
Ogden Memorial Presbyterian Church in Chatham
is seeking a Director of Music
To apply, please send a cover letter and resume
Chip Hurlburt, Chair of Personnel Committee,
Ogden Memorial Presbyterian Church,
P.O. Box 445,
Chatham, NJ 07928 or via email to
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
10. -FREE -
Choir Robes
The First Presbyterian Church of Berkshire Valley
invites any congregation in need of choir robes to
contact their pastor, The Rev. Dave Widmer at
(973) 361-6363. The church has just acquired
new robes and the old ones are being donated to
those who are in need.
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
11. Same Address, New Look
Check Out the Presbyterys New Website
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
18. Pick up your copy today!
Tentative Schedule for monthly
meetings is as follows:
May 20th Chapter 4
June 17th Chapter 5
September 15th Chapter 6
October 21st Chapters 7 and 8
November 18th Chapter 9
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
19. Presbyterian Youth Triennium 2010
Purdue University
July 20-24, 2010
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
A special event for all (Clergy, Officers and Lay people)
The Council is hosting a one day workshop:
Pick up a flyer to post
In your church.
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Together we will be learning a new way to engage each other in
meaningful conversations about things that matter to all of us.
Pick up a flyer to post
In your church.
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
First Presbyterian Church of Chatham Township is hosting.
Look for the details to reserve a spot for you
and your fellow church members.
Pick up a flyer to post
In your church.
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
23. To date the Presbytery has
received and forwarded to
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance:
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
24. Mission Fair Participants
First Presbyterian Church of Stirling
Lower Valley Presbyterian Church
First Presbyterian Church of Rockaway
First Presbyterian Church of Madison
United Presbyterian Church in Belvidere
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
25. Mission Fair Participants
First Presbyterian Church of Washington
The United Presbyterian Church of Alpha
First Memorial Presbyterian Church
The Presbyterian Church of Chatham
First Presbyterian Church of Hackettstown
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
26. Mission Fair Participants
First Presbyterian Church of Boonton
The Presbyterian Church of Morristown
Old Greenwich Presbyterian Church
Oxford Second Presbyterian Church
First Presbyterian Church of Bloomsbury
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
27. Mission Fair Participants
First Presbyterian Church of Sparta
First Presbyterian Church of Succasunna
Highlands Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church in Morris Plains
First Presbyterian Church of Blairstown
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
28. Mission Fair Participants
Kitchell Memorial Presbyterian Church
Mount Freedom Presbyterian Church
First Presbyterian Church of Branchville
Long Valley Presbyterian Church
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
29. Mission Delegations
Chester Community Presbyterian Church
Tyler Carrara Jason Panetta Bradley Ellmann Kristen Bailey
Betsy Pfaff Megan Reynolds Nora Godown Meghan Curtin
Kayla Ellmann Suzanne Bailey Gail Lee Matt Babcock
Bart Case Carly Duvall Charlie Durkin Tyler Babcock
Erin Godown Caitlin Babcock Eric Stephens Lisa Burns
Mindy Savage Chris Scrivens Rebecca Iozzi
Annie Durkin Greg Burns Kelly Hurley
Veronica Iozzi Christy Young Dylan Stroud
Kaitlin Hurley Dan La Clair Katy Wales
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
30. Mission Delegations
Stillwater First Stillwater Presbyterian Church
Eric Vander Hagen
Tim Profeta
Kris Roof
Nolan Voris
Jason Kennedy
Matt Fredericks
Dean Voris
Mat Deleeuw
Rae Deleeuw
Jackii Deleeuw
Emily Mountford
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
31. Mission Delegations
ASPSussex First Presbyterian Church of Sussex
Rich Klein
Sheila Stormes Rachel Stormes
Casey Carbone Katie Carbone
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
32. Mission Delegations
ASP Califon Fairmount Presbyterian Church
Matt Brooks David Garrison
Karen Brooks Roberta Brassard
Katie Ciarlariello Dana Ciarlariello
Gary Falkenstern Rich Gelson
Matt Mannion Dan OSullivan
Devin OSullivan Brian Steck
Paul Steck
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
33. Mission Delegations
ASP Califon United Methodist Church
Katie Eyet Bob Eyet
Robin Moore Kevin Smith
Gill Smith Jeff Vaccarella
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
34. Mission Delegations
Califon Lower Valley Presbyterian Church
David Kubik Julia Casale
Greg Vafiadis Anthony Casale
Ben Casale May Saxton
Maria Saxton John Leddie
Ben Mastro Jeff Ollerenshaw
Jacob Ollerenshaw Jenine ODell
Daniel Roppolo Chad Rodgers
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
36. Mission Delegations
Mr. Joe Martinoni, Rockaway
The Rev. David Jones, Old Greenwich
The Rev. Leslie Allsopp-Dobbs
Ms. MJ Finken, Belvidere
Linda Gaden, CLP, Mt. Freedom
Ms. Doris Haring, Pilgrim
Mr. Dan LaClair, Chester
The Rev. Jen Van Zandt, Boonton
The Rev. Sarah Weisiger, Belvidere
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
37. Mission Delegations
Anthony Bevacqua
Allison Bickei
Abbie Conlon
Alyssa Crawford
Chris Harvey
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
38. Mission Delegations
Abigail Hettrich
Amy Hicks
Devon Kelly
Jordan Keoppel
Samantha Kuschke
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
39. Mission Delegations
Billy Leenheer
Stephanie Leenheer
Rachel McAuliffe
Jessica Meade
Jacob Pullis
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
40. Mission Delegations
Allysa Restaino
Ben Richards
Bela John Vaszlavik
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
41. Mission Delegations
Chatham The Presbyterian Church of Chatham Township
Group of 50
Will Be Traveling to
Cheyenne River Sioux Indian Reservation in South
June 27 July 3
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
42. Mission Delegations
Stewartsville Old Greenwich Presbyterian Church
Mission Trip to Sussex County, Delaware
To work with a home repair and improvement program for
the poor and the handicapped.
July 2010
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
43. Mission Delegations
Bloomsbury First Presbyterian Church of Bloomsbury
Ray Alercia will be heading out to the village of Faugasse
on March 22nd for an 8 day trip joining the Door Way to
Peace Haiti Ministry.
From July 19th to Aug. 21st there will be mission groups
going to Haiti from New Hampshire; Boston, Mass.;
Pennsylvania and Kansas to work with the Haiti
ministries along with Door Way to Peace.
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
44. The following Churches have
paid their per capita in full as of
May 7, 2010:
Belvidere, United Presbyterian Church
Blairstown, First Presbyterian Church
Boonton, First Presbyterian Church
Califon, Lower Valley Presbyterian Church
Chatham, Ogden Memorial Presbyterian Church
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
45. The following Churches have
paid their per capita in full as of
May 7, 2010:
Chatham, Presbyterian Church of Chatham Twp.
Chester, Community Presbyterian Church
Delaware, First Presbyterian Church of Oxford
Delaware, Presbyterian Church
E. Hanover, Kitchell Memorial Presbyterian Church
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
46. The following Churches have
paid their per capita in full as of
May 7, 2010:
Gillette, Meyersville Presbyterian Church
Hampton, Musconetcong Valley
Presbyterian Church
Highlands Presbyterian Church
Madison, Presbyterian Church
Mine Hill, Presbyterian Church
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
47. The following Churches have
paid their per capita in full as of
May 7, 2010:
Stewartsville, Presbyterian Church
Stirling, First Presbyterian Church
Sussex, First Presbyterian Church
Washington, First Presbyterian Church
Wharton, First Presbyterian Church of Berkshire Valley
Wharton, Hungarian Presbyterian Church
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010
48. The following Churches have
paid their per capita in full as of
May 7, 2010:
Mt. Freedom, Presbyterian Church
New Vernon, First Presbyterian Church
Ogdensburg, First Presbyterian Church
Phillipsburg, Harmony Presbyterian Church
Phillipsburg, Westminster Presbyterian Church
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
May 11, 2010