Imagine your life without your limbs, you may feel incredibly hopeless, however, Nick Vujicic ,has made his disability an opportunity. His parents motivated him to overcome his obstacles.
Nick Vujicic- No Arms, No Legs, No WorriesSamrat Ghosh
A man without limbs has shown the world how we can rule it. He has moved forward in his life with all the obstacles. he is an inspirational speaker. with a audience age from 8 to 80.
Imagine your life without your limbs, you may feel incredibly hopeless, however, Nick Vujicic ,has made his disability an opportunity. His parents motivated him to overcome his obstacles.
Nick Vujicic- No Arms, No Legs, No WorriesSamrat Ghosh
A man without limbs has shown the world how we can rule it. He has moved forward in his life with all the obstacles. he is an inspirational speaker. with a audience age from 8 to 80.
2. Present Continous
亠仄亠仆舒 亞仗仗 Continuous 从舒亰于舒ム 仆舒 仗仂亠, 亟亠亶于亳亠,
亟仍亠亠 于 仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆亶 仄仂仄亠仆 于 仗仂仍仂仄, 仆舒仂亠仄 亳仍亳
亠仄 Present Continuous 仂弍仆仂
从舒亰于舒亠 仆舒 仗仂亠, 亟仍亳亶
仆亠仗仂亠亟于亠仆仆仂 于 仄仂仄亠仆 亠亳. 舒
仂 仄仂亞 从舒亰于舒 从仂仆亠从 亳仍亳
舒从亳亠 仍仂于舒, 从舒从 now (亠亶舒), at the
moment (于 亠从亳亶 仄仂仄亠仆) 亳 .仗.:
Sally is doing her homework at the
弌舒仍仍亳 亠亶舒 亟亠仍舒亠 亟仂仄舒仆亠亠
Dad and me are fishing now.
仗舒仗仂亶 亠亶舒 弍舒亳仄.
3. 弍舒亰仂于舒仆亳亠 Present Continuous
丕于亠亟亳亠仍仆亠 仗亠亟仍仂亢亠仆亳
I am watching Tv
You are watching Tv
He / she / it is watching
We are watching Tv
You are watching Tv
They are watching Tv
4. 仂仗仂亳亠仍仆亠
Am I playing tennis?
Are you playing tennis?
Is he / she / it playing tennis?
Are we playing tennis?
Are you playing tennis?
Are they playing tennis?
5. 亳舒亠仍仆亠 仗亠亟仍仂亢亠仆亳:
I am not reading book
You are not reading book
He / she / it is not reading book
We are not reading book
You are not reading book
They are not reading book