Grammar is easy once you have the right mind set and the right attitude. This apply to other aspects in life too :)
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Present perfect notes
1. Tell me one thing…what tense
are these sentences?
2. Items to know in learning any tenses
When you look at the form
of this bike, you know what
it is called …..?
p/s: It is a Ducati
A person who knows the use
of a marker pen would say it is
used to write on whiteboard
for example.
Now, imagine, giving this
marker pen to a two year old
Uses child. To them, this is yummy
tenses food and eats it.
These are extra clues for
you. It makes your life
easier in getting to spot the
Clues right form and uses.
(Time expresesions,
adverbs etc)
3. FORMS: (p/s: fill in the blank with the correct present
perfect forms please. )
Positive Negative Questions
I have eaten I have not eaten. Have you eaten?
He has left. He has not left. When has he left?
They have not written.
The children have
Murni and Aishah have
not called the police.
Has she gone insane?
Where have you been?
The girl has smiled
4. Tag vs Info Questions
Vpp = past participle
I put “vpp” to show that it is the verb
that is in the past participle form
TROTQ = the rest of the question
5. Extra about Questions
(p/s: For the rest of the blanks, create your own positive,
tag Q and Info Q You can do it! )
Positive Tag Question Info Question
We have read the Have you read the When have you read the
magazine. magazine? magazine?
6. USES : Present Perfect has 3 uses
Check them out!
To describe an action/activity/situation that ended a
short time ago. The time is not specified.
To describe and action/activity/situation which
started in the past and continues up to the present.
To connect the result of a past action to the
7. U1: To describe an action/activity/situation that ended a
short time ago. The time is not specified.
I have already swept the floor.
Mr. Tan has just arrived the from
CLUES: just / already / lately /
8. U2: To describe and action/activity/situation which started
in the past and continues up to the present.
I have known Siti for ten years.
He has painted five pictures so far.
CLUES: since / for / so far / up to now / never /
ever / still / yet
9. U3: To connect the result of a past action to the present.
Someone has stolen her purse.
He has broken his arm in the
CLUES: …….x