La Unió Europea es troba sovint amb dificultats per arribar al gran públic. Aquest llibre recull les reflexions de destacats representants de les institucions europees i periodistes que van participar en una jornada celebrada a Sitges a finals de 2006, on es va debatre sobre noves estratègies que ajudin a incrementar la presència de la UE en els mitjans de comunicació.
The document discusses proper interpersonal communication skills, including maintaining eye contact, being assertive yet polite, listening without interrupting, asking clear questions, speaking at an understandable pace, using body language, and respecting others' personal space and boundaries. It also lists common communication mistakes to avoid and provides pictures and videos with examples of both right and wrong ways to communicate interpersonally.
This document provides a code of interpersonal communication with 10 guidelines: 1) Look at people face to face, 2) Give clear messages and be assertive, 3) Speak to people politely, 4) Speak positively about others, 5) Listen carefully, 6) Do not interrupt others, 7) Ask accurate questions, 8) Do not speak too quickly, 9) Support topics with polite physical responses, and 10) Be sensitive to others' intimacy. The guidelines are illustrated with examples of conversations demonstrating effective interpersonal communication skills. The document was created by seven Spanish students for a Comenius Project.
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La Unió Europea es troba sovint amb dificultats per arribar al gran públic. Aquest llibre recull les reflexions de destacats representants de les institucions europees i periodistes que van participar en una jornada celebrada a Sitges a finals de 2006, on es va debatre sobre noves estratègies que ajudin a incrementar la presència de la UE en els mitjans de comunicació.
The document discusses proper interpersonal communication skills, including maintaining eye contact, being assertive yet polite, listening without interrupting, asking clear questions, speaking at an understandable pace, using body language, and respecting others' personal space and boundaries. It also lists common communication mistakes to avoid and provides pictures and videos with examples of both right and wrong ways to communicate interpersonally.
This document provides a code of interpersonal communication with 10 guidelines: 1) Look at people face to face, 2) Give clear messages and be assertive, 3) Speak to people politely, 4) Speak positively about others, 5) Listen carefully, 6) Do not interrupt others, 7) Ask accurate questions, 8) Do not speak too quickly, 9) Support topics with polite physical responses, and 10) Be sensitive to others' intimacy. The guidelines are illustrated with examples of conversations demonstrating effective interpersonal communication skills. The document was created by seven Spanish students for a Comenius Project.
This document presents a code of interpersonal communication with guidelines on how to communicate effectively and respectfully with others. The guidelines include looking at people face to face when speaking, giving a clear message while being assertive, speaking to people politely, speaking positively about others, listening carefully without interrupting, asking accurate questions, speaking at an understandable pace, supporting topics with physical responses politely, expressing assumptions or refusal sensitively, and beginning intimacy respectfully.
This document outlines a code of interpersonal communication with 10 guidelines. The guidelines include looking at people face to face when speaking, giving clear and assertive messages, speaking politely, speaking positively of others, listening carefully, not interrupting others, asking accurate questions, not speaking too quickly, supporting topics with physical responses politely, and being sensitive to others' intimacy. The document was created by a group of Spanish students as part of a Comenius Project.
This document provides 10 tips for effective interpersonal communication. The tips include looking people in the eye when speaking, giving clear messages assertively, speaking politely, listening carefully without interrupting, asking accurate questions, speaking at an understandable pace, using body language to convey meaning politely, and being sensitive to others' privacy. The tips were compiled by a group of Spanish students for a school project on interpersonal communication skills.
Europe Day commemorates the Schuman Declaration of 1950 which proposed the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). The ECSC established the first European institution and was the origin of the modern European Union. It placed French and German coal and steel production under a common High Authority, making future war between the two countries unthinkable. The Schuman Declaration led to the establishment of supranational European institutions and greater economic and political integration across Europe. Europe Day has been celebrated since 1985 to mark the Schuman Declaration and the beginnings of European unity and cooperation.
Spain has been home to many different peoples and civilizations over hundreds of thousands of years. The earliest human remains in Spain date back 800,000 years ago. Romans conquered the Iberian Peninsula between 218-19 BC and spread their culture and social structures. Muslims ruled Spain for over 700 years beginning in 711 AD, bringing economic and cultural development. In the 15th century, Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon united Spain and expelled the Muslims, establishing the Spanish Empire under the Hapsburg dynasty.
20. "Unitat en la diversitat", el lema de la Unió Europea, es va utilitzar per
primera vegada l'any 2000.
Es refereix a la manera en què els europeus s'han unit, formant la UE, per
treballar a favor de la pau i la prosperitat, beneficiant-se a la vegada de la
gran diversitat de cultures, tradicions i llengües del continent.
21. La pròpia Unió Europea no expedeix passaports, però
els passaports expedits pels seus 28 estats membres
comparteixen certes caracterÃstiques de disseny.
Els passaports dels estats membres són de color
bordeus, amb l'escut de l'Estat membre de la Unió
Europea en el centre de la tapa frontal del passaport.
Les paraules "passaport" i "Unió Europea" ("Comunitat
europea" fins al 1997), en l'idioma oficial del paÃs, es
troben inscrits sota l'escut, al costat del nom del paÃs.
Des de 2009 aquests passaports són biomètrics i tenen
el sÃmbol de dades biomètriques en el fons.