cell division discovery could offer fresh insight into cancer and blood test ...Danny ZuluagaThe document summarizes two scientific articles about recent discoveries related to cancer research. The first article discusses the discovery of protein complexes that help distribute DNA correctly during cell division, which could provide new insights into cancer. The second article reports that a simple blood test may be able to detect gene mutations associated with cancers like pancreatic cancer by analyzing DNA in blood exosomes shed by tumor cells, avoiding the need for tumor biopsies. These discoveries could help advance cancer screening and drug development.
Presentacion plegablelinamaherreSatellite DNA sequences that are normally inactive are overexpressed in many common tumor cells. Two types of satellite DNA called HSATII and ALR showed increased levels in human tumor studies. Using mouse models, researchers also found higher levels of satellite DNA in pancreatic, colon, and lung cancers. The tumor suppressor protein p53 plays a role in regulating organ size by inducing apoptosis in stressed cells and limiting further cell growth, allowing damaged tissue to repair itself. Overexpression of satellite DNA and dysregulation of p53 may both contribute to uncontrolled cell growth and proliferation in cancer.
Comp 2 Major Research Paper Cancer 3 APAChristopher LeeThis document summarizes information about cancer logistics and genetics. It discusses how normal cells can develop mutations during cell division, leading to cancer. Genetic mapping of genes has helped determine cancer risks and treatments. The document also covers DNA and genetic testing, how mutations occur, cancer inheritance patterns, and statistics on cancer survival rates. Prevention methods like avoiding smoking and limiting alcohol are discussed as ways to reduce cancer risks.
Muting lives newsdanielalejandrox1. Researchers identified a mutant gene, STAG2, that is commonly mutated in cancers like glioblastoma, malignant melanoma, and Ewing's sarcoma. When mutated, this gene causes abnormal chromosome counts leading to cancer.
2. Scientists developed an inexpensive method called CISH to detect ALK gene rearrangements in lung cancer patients. CISH was found to be as effective as the standard FISH method.
3. Understanding the roles and effects of mutated genes is important for advancing cancer treatments and medical practice. Further research on gene mutations can help develop new targeted therapies.
FoldingMarcela Aristizabal BedoyaThe document discusses recent discoveries in DNA and stem cells that are enabling new cancer treatments. It describes how the protein MutL helps repair DNA errors, and how this relates to hereditary cancers. It also discusses how stem cell research is helping understand tumor risk from stem cell therapies by identifying pathways for stem cell self-propagation and differentiation. The discoveries provide opportunities to develop targeted cancer therapies and better understand genetic diseases and stem cell behavior.
Wilmarie reflection 1 finalWilmarie Morales-SotoStem cells can divide into specialized cell types or more stem cells. They are found in organs like the liver, lungs and colon as well as the brain where they are called glia. Gliomas are brain or spine tumors that resemble glia cells. Glioblastoma multiform is the most common and dangerous glioma tumor. Researchers presented findings showing that adding miRNA to glioma tumor cells can make them vulnerable to chemotherapy, which previously had little effect. These results could help develop treatments to cure glioma tumors and provide insights for cancer and neurological research.
Is Cancer a Genetic Disease? | The Cancer Genome Atlas Project ResultsMarkSloan21Get 3 FREE books for signing up to our newsletter: https://endalldisease.com/subscribe
Today we’re going to put the genetic theory of cancer to the test to find out once-and-for-all if cancer is a genetic disease. From studies on frog egg tumor transplants, to cybrids to the cancer genome atlas project, we're going to look deep into the evidence and see what we find.
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"Viruses in genome important for our brain." and "Study finds new target for ...María Manuela Echavarría Noreña- A study found that endogenous retroviruses, which make up 8-10% of our genome, may play an important role in gene expression and development in the brain. Retroviruses can affect gene expression through a protein called TRIM28. Understanding this could provide insight into genetic brain diseases.
- A separate study discovered that proteins involved in lipid and membrane formation are synthesized more efficiently during cell division. Identifying the proteins and processes involved in cell division could lead to new ways of controlling cell division and potentially treating diseases like cancer.
HIDDEN CELL TYPES REVEALED: NEW METHOD IMPROVES SINGLE-CELL GENOMICS ANALYSES...Melissa Cano BteMolecular studies of cells are leading to discover the more complex structure and function of tissues, and how this intervenes in the pathophysiology of diseases. During years scientists have made a laborious job to understand the origin of diseases that in our society are being more prevalent than some decades ago, such as cancer and congenital malformations
Seminar 1 reflectionWilmarie Morales-SotoThe seminar discussed recent studies on glioma tumors and stem cell biology, focusing on experiments showing that modifying glioblastoma multiforme cells through the sonic hedgehog pathway and miRNA can make the otherwise chemo-resistant tumors vulnerable to chemotherapy. The presenter used images and tables to clearly explain how stem cells can be found in organs like the liver, lungs, and colon as well as the brain as glial cells, and how gliomas resemble glial cells, with glioblastoma multiforme being the most common and dangerous type of brain tumor.
Julio soto seminareduardo2324Dr. Julio Soto discussed his lab's examination of the potential anti-cancer activities of recombinant disintegrins. His study found that some cancer cells induce hormones to create blood vessels connecting to the cancer, complicating treatment, and that some cancer cells have fewer chromosomes than normal cells and can promote cancer growth. Preliminary experiments with various disintegrins found that two caused cell death, suggesting disintegrins may help inhibit cancer progression, but more research is needed to identify those that can inhibit blood vessel growth and metastasis.
Dna structuremariabarros14The document discusses several studies related to DNA and cancer. A study identified a gene, NFIB, that is overexpressed in mouse and human lung tumors and appears to drive progression of small cell lung cancer. Another study revealed the molecular mechanism that promotes cancer development by characterizing regions of DNA that are more susceptible to breakage in early cancer development. A third study identified the molecular basis for DNA breakage in cancer cells.
Foldingdaniu1201) Researchers have developed a new technique called polarized third-harmonic generation (P-THG) microscopy that can map the 3D orientation of lipids in biological tissues like skin in a non-invasive manner.
2) Genetic mapping of tumors may help turn some cancers into chronic diseases rather than fatal ones by identifying key genetic changes to target specific drugs to individual patients. Breast cancer patients are already benefiting from personalized treatments like Herceptin.
3) Advances in genetic mapping and targeted cancer treatments provide hope that many currently incurable diseases may be cured or eradicated in the future, just as some diseases centuries ago are now virtually eliminated.
Seminario de bilogia molecular copialaurisdurango07This presentation contain information about molecular biology and laboratory technics, specially alternative splicing.
all of them to try to explain cancer etiology, give on the molecular bases.
Molecular Biology presentation. CatasalazardThe document discusses two medical studies investigating the role of genes in disease. The first study examined over 320 genes in mice, finding that removing single genes provided clues about their functions and relationships to human diseases like glucose levels. The second study discovered cancer cells have a less selective DNA recycling mechanism than normal cells, and believes modifying DNA building blocks may help target and kill cancerous cells. Both studies aim to improve understanding of genetic factors in illness to develop new prevention and treatment strategies.
Biomarker-Vol-8Claire SturgeonThe document summarizes research from the Institute for Genomic Biology (IGB) at the University of Illinois. It describes several projects that revealed new insights by reexamining familiar topics with improved tools and approaches. Princess Imoukhuede developed new techniques to identify cancer cell subpopulations to enable more personalized cancer treatments. A collaboration found that a small group of bees do most of the work in a hive, challenging assumptions about bee industriousness. James O'Dwyer improved an ecological model inspired by Lewis Carroll's Red Queen to better understand species evolution over long time periods. Hyunjoon Kong created a self-folding hydrogel that can slowly release drugs for tissue regeneration in a controlled manner, mimicking
Central Dogma Of Genetic InformationManuela VelezThis document discusses the central dogma of genetics, how DNA is replicated and transcribed into RNA which is then translated into protein. It also discusses how mutated genes can cause cancer and be inherited. Studies found that inherited susceptibility to bowel cancer is common in families with a history of the disease, suggesting wider genetic testing. Retroviruses can integrate their RNA genome into host DNA using reverse transcriptase. Endogenous retroviruses make up about 5% of human DNA and may have played an important role in brain development and function over evolution. Retroviruses could potentially be used in gene therapy applications.
Biology molecular vanessa Vane AgudeloScientists have discovered seven new DNA regions that are linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer. A study of prostate cancer patients found variants in these DNA regions that are associated with carcinogenesis. This discovery may help explain the 25% risk of familial prostate cancer. Identifying the specific genes and DNA regions involved in prostate cancer risk could allow for new prevention techniques.
Upb molecular journalJUANCARLOSAGUDELO1. The document discusses recent discoveries about genetic variations between human genomes and structural variants that can disrupt genes.
2. It describes how identifying these exact genetic sequences of variations can help researchers narrow their searches for disease-causing mutations and develop new treatment possibilities.
3. The continued investigation of protein coding in genes is important for developing new and effective medications, as well as methods for disease prevention and health promotion.
Plegable pp1MafeUEukaryotic DNA is organized differently than prokaryotic DNA, containing multiple chromosomes made of linear DNA molecules packaged around histone proteins to form chromatin. The cell cycle regulates cell division, ensuring daughter cells receive a complete copy of the genome through DNA replication and cell growth or repair. Researchers found inhibiting signaling pathways in brain cancer cells stopped their reproduction and migration, making them more sensitive to chemotherapy. Studying chromatin remodeling genes in pancreatic cancer showed restoring expression of missing genes slowed cancer cell growth and induced senescence.
Plegable pp1MafeUEukaryotic DNA is organized differently than prokaryotes, containing multiple chromosomes made of linear DNA molecules packaged around histone proteins to form chromatin. The cell cycle regulates cell division, ensuring daughter cells receive a full copy of the genome through DNA replication and cell growth or repair. Researchers found inhibiting signaling pathways in brain cancer cells stopped their reproduction and migration, making them more sensitive to chemotherapy. Studying chromatin remodeling genes in pancreatic cancer showed restoring expression of missing genes slowed cancer cell growth and induced senescence.
Are we Still Missing the Target in Trying to Prevent and Treat Human Cancers?...CrimsonpublishersCancerSolving the problem of preventing or treating cancers is still a major problem. While much is known about those multi-disciplinary contributors to the initiation, promotion and progression phases of human cancers, major hurdles to efficacious prevention and treatment involve, while recognizing that there are many known factors that can influence human carcinogenesis, little integration of this knowledge has been used. This brief “Opinion” paper hypothesizes that, by recognizing the multi-stage, multi-mechanism process of carcinogenesis, the roles of organ-specific adult stem cells as the “targets for two types of “cancer stem cells”, and new strategies for nutritional /dietary intervention, could help in the prevention of early susceptibility for cancers later in life, as well as for treatment for the two very different “cancer stem cells”. “In this light, a new perspective for therapeutic intervention by directing differentiation and restoring communications between cancer cells is certainly relevant, and the example of gap junctions is illuminating” .
The molecular timesjonyfive5Scientists are researching genetic treatments to prevent disease by applying genetics to medical care and developing new therapies. A recent study found that extracts from axolotl oocytes were able to reactivate tumor suppressor genes in cancer cells and stop cancer growth in breast cancer cells for 60 days by changing epigenetic marks on DNA. However, simply sequencing genes to identify genetic variants does not provide a full picture of human disease, as the impact of variants needs to be determined through functional studies using good experimental models to better understand complex inherited disorders.
Stemcell ResearchthatisnotwafflesMrGStem cells are totipotent cells that can differentiate into any body cell type. Scientists first researched mouse bone marrow stem cells in 1963 and have since tried using bone marrow stem cells for transplants. Stem cells can potentially be used to treat nervous system diseases, injuries, genetic disorders, and more because they can become any cell needed. However, embryonic stem cell research requires destroying embryos and carries cancer risks, causing ethical debates. Now, scientists can turn adult skin cells into stem cells to avoid rejection and new methods avoid cancer risks.
Organoid PosterFranklin WilsonOrganoids are small 3D tissues that mimic the function of organs. They were first developed in 2007 and have since been used to model many organs including the brain, pancreas, and heart. While organoids are still in the early stages of research, they show promise for medical and scientific uses. Organoids are made by harvesting stem cells from an organ and culturing them in a gel environment where they self-organize into ball-like structures that resemble miniature organs. Researchers hope organoids can be used for drug testing and personalized medicine without the need for animal testing. As techniques for growing organoids continue to advance, so too will their potential applications.
Plegable molecularAlejandro Eusse GarcíaThe document discusses the importance of DNA studies for improving quality of life and advancing medicine. DNA plays a key role in transporting drugs across cell membranes and can be used in gene therapy by altering intracellular functions with packaged DNA delivered into cells. Studies of DNA cages and sequences help develop new drug delivery methods and genetic experiments for implanting new gene therapies to potentially treat diseases and prevent malformations by correcting transcriptional errors in the genome.
BcPierre BasmajiThis document summarizes research on developing bacterial cellulose/chondroitin sulfate scaffolds for dental materials. Bacterial cellulose was produced with the addition of 1% chondroitin sulfate to the culture medium. Characterization with SEM, FTIR and XRD showed the chondroitin sulfate was incorporated and did not significantly alter the bacterial cellulose structure. The bacterial cellulose nanocomposites were also able to incorporate calcium phosphate when soaked in simulated body fluid, as seen with SEM, FTIR and XRD analysis. Future work will investigate cell adhesion and viability on the scaffolds.
Stem Cell Proliferation and Differentiation through Capped Clay NanotubesDarrell RobinsonStem cells can be guided to grow into bone or cartilage through the use of molecular cues provided in a 3D environment. Researchers developed a hydrogel nanocomposite containing halloysite nanotubes doped with growth factors that provides structural support within the gel. When mesenchymal stem cells and pre-osteoblasts were cultured in the nanocomposite, they differentiated into osteoblasts, proliferated, synthesized type I collagen matrix that mineralized, and increased protein synthesis including bone-specific proteins. This approach allows control over cell behavior and differentiation in 3D to engineer complex tissues for regenerative medicine.
Biomaterials in Bone RegenerationMd Rasheduzzaman DipuBone is a dynamic and highly vascularized tissue that continues to remodel throughout the lifetime.
It plays an integral role in locomotion, load-bearing capacity, and acts as a protective casing for the internal organs of the body.
Current challenges include the engineering of materials that can match both the mechanical and biological context of real bone tissue matrix and support the vascularization of large tissue constructs.
Scaffolds with new levels of biofunctionality that attempt to recreate nanoscale topographical and biofactor cues from the extracellular environment are emerging as interesting candidate biomimetic materials.
Anterior knee painPaudel SushilThis document provides an overview of patellofemoral pain syndrome. It defines the syndrome and discusses relevant anatomy, biomechanics, causes, clinical evaluation, imaging, and treatment options. Regarding treatment, non-operative options including rehabilitation are usually successful for 90% of cases. Surgical techniques are reserved for the remaining 10% and include arthroscopic procedures such as debridement and lateral release as well as bony procedures like tibial tubercle transfer to address malalignment issues.
HIDDEN CELL TYPES REVEALED: NEW METHOD IMPROVES SINGLE-CELL GENOMICS ANALYSES...Melissa Cano BteMolecular studies of cells are leading to discover the more complex structure and function of tissues, and how this intervenes in the pathophysiology of diseases. During years scientists have made a laborious job to understand the origin of diseases that in our society are being more prevalent than some decades ago, such as cancer and congenital malformations
Seminar 1 reflectionWilmarie Morales-SotoThe seminar discussed recent studies on glioma tumors and stem cell biology, focusing on experiments showing that modifying glioblastoma multiforme cells through the sonic hedgehog pathway and miRNA can make the otherwise chemo-resistant tumors vulnerable to chemotherapy. The presenter used images and tables to clearly explain how stem cells can be found in organs like the liver, lungs, and colon as well as the brain as glial cells, and how gliomas resemble glial cells, with glioblastoma multiforme being the most common and dangerous type of brain tumor.
Julio soto seminareduardo2324Dr. Julio Soto discussed his lab's examination of the potential anti-cancer activities of recombinant disintegrins. His study found that some cancer cells induce hormones to create blood vessels connecting to the cancer, complicating treatment, and that some cancer cells have fewer chromosomes than normal cells and can promote cancer growth. Preliminary experiments with various disintegrins found that two caused cell death, suggesting disintegrins may help inhibit cancer progression, but more research is needed to identify those that can inhibit blood vessel growth and metastasis.
Dna structuremariabarros14The document discusses several studies related to DNA and cancer. A study identified a gene, NFIB, that is overexpressed in mouse and human lung tumors and appears to drive progression of small cell lung cancer. Another study revealed the molecular mechanism that promotes cancer development by characterizing regions of DNA that are more susceptible to breakage in early cancer development. A third study identified the molecular basis for DNA breakage in cancer cells.
Foldingdaniu1201) Researchers have developed a new technique called polarized third-harmonic generation (P-THG) microscopy that can map the 3D orientation of lipids in biological tissues like skin in a non-invasive manner.
2) Genetic mapping of tumors may help turn some cancers into chronic diseases rather than fatal ones by identifying key genetic changes to target specific drugs to individual patients. Breast cancer patients are already benefiting from personalized treatments like Herceptin.
3) Advances in genetic mapping and targeted cancer treatments provide hope that many currently incurable diseases may be cured or eradicated in the future, just as some diseases centuries ago are now virtually eliminated.
Seminario de bilogia molecular copialaurisdurango07This presentation contain information about molecular biology and laboratory technics, specially alternative splicing.
all of them to try to explain cancer etiology, give on the molecular bases.
Molecular Biology presentation. CatasalazardThe document discusses two medical studies investigating the role of genes in disease. The first study examined over 320 genes in mice, finding that removing single genes provided clues about their functions and relationships to human diseases like glucose levels. The second study discovered cancer cells have a less selective DNA recycling mechanism than normal cells, and believes modifying DNA building blocks may help target and kill cancerous cells. Both studies aim to improve understanding of genetic factors in illness to develop new prevention and treatment strategies.
Biomarker-Vol-8Claire SturgeonThe document summarizes research from the Institute for Genomic Biology (IGB) at the University of Illinois. It describes several projects that revealed new insights by reexamining familiar topics with improved tools and approaches. Princess Imoukhuede developed new techniques to identify cancer cell subpopulations to enable more personalized cancer treatments. A collaboration found that a small group of bees do most of the work in a hive, challenging assumptions about bee industriousness. James O'Dwyer improved an ecological model inspired by Lewis Carroll's Red Queen to better understand species evolution over long time periods. Hyunjoon Kong created a self-folding hydrogel that can slowly release drugs for tissue regeneration in a controlled manner, mimicking
Central Dogma Of Genetic InformationManuela VelezThis document discusses the central dogma of genetics, how DNA is replicated and transcribed into RNA which is then translated into protein. It also discusses how mutated genes can cause cancer and be inherited. Studies found that inherited susceptibility to bowel cancer is common in families with a history of the disease, suggesting wider genetic testing. Retroviruses can integrate their RNA genome into host DNA using reverse transcriptase. Endogenous retroviruses make up about 5% of human DNA and may have played an important role in brain development and function over evolution. Retroviruses could potentially be used in gene therapy applications.
Biology molecular vanessa Vane AgudeloScientists have discovered seven new DNA regions that are linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer. A study of prostate cancer patients found variants in these DNA regions that are associated with carcinogenesis. This discovery may help explain the 25% risk of familial prostate cancer. Identifying the specific genes and DNA regions involved in prostate cancer risk could allow for new prevention techniques.
Upb molecular journalJUANCARLOSAGUDELO1. The document discusses recent discoveries about genetic variations between human genomes and structural variants that can disrupt genes.
2. It describes how identifying these exact genetic sequences of variations can help researchers narrow their searches for disease-causing mutations and develop new treatment possibilities.
3. The continued investigation of protein coding in genes is important for developing new and effective medications, as well as methods for disease prevention and health promotion.
Plegable pp1MafeUEukaryotic DNA is organized differently than prokaryotic DNA, containing multiple chromosomes made of linear DNA molecules packaged around histone proteins to form chromatin. The cell cycle regulates cell division, ensuring daughter cells receive a complete copy of the genome through DNA replication and cell growth or repair. Researchers found inhibiting signaling pathways in brain cancer cells stopped their reproduction and migration, making them more sensitive to chemotherapy. Studying chromatin remodeling genes in pancreatic cancer showed restoring expression of missing genes slowed cancer cell growth and induced senescence.
Plegable pp1MafeUEukaryotic DNA is organized differently than prokaryotes, containing multiple chromosomes made of linear DNA molecules packaged around histone proteins to form chromatin. The cell cycle regulates cell division, ensuring daughter cells receive a full copy of the genome through DNA replication and cell growth or repair. Researchers found inhibiting signaling pathways in brain cancer cells stopped their reproduction and migration, making them more sensitive to chemotherapy. Studying chromatin remodeling genes in pancreatic cancer showed restoring expression of missing genes slowed cancer cell growth and induced senescence.
Are we Still Missing the Target in Trying to Prevent and Treat Human Cancers?...CrimsonpublishersCancerSolving the problem of preventing or treating cancers is still a major problem. While much is known about those multi-disciplinary contributors to the initiation, promotion and progression phases of human cancers, major hurdles to efficacious prevention and treatment involve, while recognizing that there are many known factors that can influence human carcinogenesis, little integration of this knowledge has been used. This brief “Opinion” paper hypothesizes that, by recognizing the multi-stage, multi-mechanism process of carcinogenesis, the roles of organ-specific adult stem cells as the “targets for two types of “cancer stem cells”, and new strategies for nutritional /dietary intervention, could help in the prevention of early susceptibility for cancers later in life, as well as for treatment for the two very different “cancer stem cells”. “In this light, a new perspective for therapeutic intervention by directing differentiation and restoring communications between cancer cells is certainly relevant, and the example of gap junctions is illuminating” .
The molecular timesjonyfive5Scientists are researching genetic treatments to prevent disease by applying genetics to medical care and developing new therapies. A recent study found that extracts from axolotl oocytes were able to reactivate tumor suppressor genes in cancer cells and stop cancer growth in breast cancer cells for 60 days by changing epigenetic marks on DNA. However, simply sequencing genes to identify genetic variants does not provide a full picture of human disease, as the impact of variants needs to be determined through functional studies using good experimental models to better understand complex inherited disorders.
Stemcell ResearchthatisnotwafflesMrGStem cells are totipotent cells that can differentiate into any body cell type. Scientists first researched mouse bone marrow stem cells in 1963 and have since tried using bone marrow stem cells for transplants. Stem cells can potentially be used to treat nervous system diseases, injuries, genetic disorders, and more because they can become any cell needed. However, embryonic stem cell research requires destroying embryos and carries cancer risks, causing ethical debates. Now, scientists can turn adult skin cells into stem cells to avoid rejection and new methods avoid cancer risks.
Organoid PosterFranklin WilsonOrganoids are small 3D tissues that mimic the function of organs. They were first developed in 2007 and have since been used to model many organs including the brain, pancreas, and heart. While organoids are still in the early stages of research, they show promise for medical and scientific uses. Organoids are made by harvesting stem cells from an organ and culturing them in a gel environment where they self-organize into ball-like structures that resemble miniature organs. Researchers hope organoids can be used for drug testing and personalized medicine without the need for animal testing. As techniques for growing organoids continue to advance, so too will their potential applications.
Plegable molecularAlejandro Eusse GarcíaThe document discusses the importance of DNA studies for improving quality of life and advancing medicine. DNA plays a key role in transporting drugs across cell membranes and can be used in gene therapy by altering intracellular functions with packaged DNA delivered into cells. Studies of DNA cages and sequences help develop new drug delivery methods and genetic experiments for implanting new gene therapies to potentially treat diseases and prevent malformations by correcting transcriptional errors in the genome.
BcPierre BasmajiThis document summarizes research on developing bacterial cellulose/chondroitin sulfate scaffolds for dental materials. Bacterial cellulose was produced with the addition of 1% chondroitin sulfate to the culture medium. Characterization with SEM, FTIR and XRD showed the chondroitin sulfate was incorporated and did not significantly alter the bacterial cellulose structure. The bacterial cellulose nanocomposites were also able to incorporate calcium phosphate when soaked in simulated body fluid, as seen with SEM, FTIR and XRD analysis. Future work will investigate cell adhesion and viability on the scaffolds.
Stem Cell Proliferation and Differentiation through Capped Clay NanotubesDarrell RobinsonStem cells can be guided to grow into bone or cartilage through the use of molecular cues provided in a 3D environment. Researchers developed a hydrogel nanocomposite containing halloysite nanotubes doped with growth factors that provides structural support within the gel. When mesenchymal stem cells and pre-osteoblasts were cultured in the nanocomposite, they differentiated into osteoblasts, proliferated, synthesized type I collagen matrix that mineralized, and increased protein synthesis including bone-specific proteins. This approach allows control over cell behavior and differentiation in 3D to engineer complex tissues for regenerative medicine.
Biomaterials in Bone RegenerationMd Rasheduzzaman DipuBone is a dynamic and highly vascularized tissue that continues to remodel throughout the lifetime.
It plays an integral role in locomotion, load-bearing capacity, and acts as a protective casing for the internal organs of the body.
Current challenges include the engineering of materials that can match both the mechanical and biological context of real bone tissue matrix and support the vascularization of large tissue constructs.
Scaffolds with new levels of biofunctionality that attempt to recreate nanoscale topographical and biofactor cues from the extracellular environment are emerging as interesting candidate biomimetic materials.
Anterior knee painPaudel SushilThis document provides an overview of patellofemoral pain syndrome. It defines the syndrome and discusses relevant anatomy, biomechanics, causes, clinical evaluation, imaging, and treatment options. Regarding treatment, non-operative options including rehabilitation are usually successful for 90% of cases. Surgical techniques are reserved for the remaining 10% and include arthroscopic procedures such as debridement and lateral release as well as bony procedures like tibial tubercle transfer to address malalignment issues.
Recent Advances In BioPolymers And Its ApplicationsArjun K GopiBiopolymers are materials that are biodegradable, derived from renewable resources, or both. Common biopolymers include polylactic acid (PLA), polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), and cellulose. Biopolymers are increasingly important due to their environmentally-friendly properties and potential to replace petroleum-based plastics. However, biopolymers currently only account for about 1% of the global plastic market. The use of nanomaterials to create bionanocomposites can help improve biopolymer properties and expand their applications in areas like packaging, textiles, agriculture, and biomedicine.
NanocompositeShivani Pandya1) A nanocomposite is a multiphase solid material where one of the phases has dimensions less than 100 nm.
2) Nanocomposites consist of a continuous matrix phase and one or more discontinuous reinforcement phases distributed within the matrix.
3) Polymer nanocomposites can have ceramic, metal, or polymer reinforcements and find applications in packaging, marine uses, and more due to properties like increased strength and melting temperature.
Bone physiologyPushkar DwivediThis document provides an overview of bone physiology. It begins with definitions of bone and its functions, including supporting the body, protecting organs, and allowing movement. It then covers the classification, anatomy, histology, composition, growth and remodeling of bone. Key points include that bone is made up of inorganic minerals and organic collagen matrix, and is in a constant state of breakdown and formation through the actions of osteoclasts and osteoblasts, maintaining homeostasis. The document provides details on intramembranous and endochondral ossification, as well as the structure of alveolar bone and its importance for dentistry.
Embryonic stem cells – Promises and IssuesTania JabinIntroduction, Embryonic Stem Cells, Promises of Embryonic Stem cell research, Figure: The Promise of Stem Cell Research, Issues in Embryonic Stem cells - New embryonic stem cell lines from frozen embryos Informed consent for donation of materials for stem cell research Waiver of consent Consent from gamete donors Confidentiality of donor information Ethical concerns about oocyte donation for research (1. Medical risks of oocyte retrieval, 2. Protecting the reproductive interests of women in infertility treatment, 3. Payment to oocyte donors, 4. Informed consent for oocyte donation).
The cell and its evolutionLina Maria Alzate RicardoThe cell and its evolution:
*Stanford researchers produce 12 cell types from human stem cells in days.
*Study uncovers new drug-gene mutation combinations that can kill cancer cells
FoldingMarcela Aristizabal BedoyaThe document discusses recent discoveries related to DNA and stem cells that are allowing for new therapeutic approaches to cancer management. Specifically, it discusses how discoveries of the protein MutL, which helps repair DNA errors, and how mutations in genes encoding DNA repair proteins can lead to cancers. It also discusses how researchers have identified a new stem cell signaling pathway that may help lower tumor risks in stem cell therapies by reducing formation of teratomas during stem cell differentiation.
Folding 21-90-30-07EThis document summarizes two scientific articles. The first article discusses how the condensin protein folds chromosome arms during cell division in yeast, helping prevent errors. The second article discusses how scientists identified molecular mechanisms behind DNA breakage, a hallmark of cancer cells, finding some DNA regions are more susceptible to damage and cancer results when repair mechanisms fail. The document discusses potential medical applications, like developing new treatments that target these molecules to help prevent genetic disorders and cancers.
Researchers have identified why cancer tumours thrive even with no blood or e...Lucy KeenResearchers at the CNIO in Spain discovered a mechanism that allows cancer cells to survive without glucose by detecting glucose levels and activating different biochemical pathways. When glucose is present, cancer cells use one pathway to thrive, and when it is absent, they trigger an alternative pathway to survive while cut off from nutrients. This explains why tumors can resist drugs that aim to starve them and continue growing even without a blood supply. The findings provide insight into cancer's ability to adapt and survive stressful conditions.
Junior papertrentpierceStem cell research holds promise to treat many medical conditions but also faces ethical controversies. While embryonic stem cells are fully pluripotent, their use raises concerns about human embryo destruction. Alternatives like induced pluripotency and somatic cell nuclear transfer aim to achieve the benefits of embryonic stem cells without using embryos. Government policies on funding stem cell research have varied between administrations and some regulations are criticized for being hastily made and hindering scientific progress. Overall, stem cell research could help millions but also generates religious and ethical debates around topics like cloning and embryo use that societies are still grappling with.
Essay On Stem CellsWhat Is The Best Paper Writing Service MartinThis document summarizes an article about isolating and studying cancer stem cells from pleural effusions in breast cancer patients. Doctors were able to isolate cancer stem cells and non-cancer stem cells from pleural fluid samples. They studied how fast each type of cell formed tumors to better understand cancer metastasis. The study identified cancer stem cells in some samples using markers like ALDH1 and CD44+CD24, which could help evaluate treatment options.
Understanding the Cell Biology of CancercellbiolabsA biological exploration of where cancer begins, why it develops and spreads, and how it can be treated.
Ibm luisetto m,a.b.nili,a. h nili,hamid gamal a, et al. similarity between so...M. Luisetto Pharm.D.Spec. PharmacologyThe document discusses metastasis and proposes some new hypotheses about the process. It suggests that the traditional view of metastasis as a random filtration process is an oversimplification. Instead, it hypothesizes that secondary organs may play an active role in determining the location of metastases by providing a favorable incubation environment for cancer cells. The document reviews examples from biology like symbiotic relationships and fetal development to draw parallels with how secondary organs may interact with metastatic cells. It proposes experimental studies to investigate cancer cell migration properties and the role of secondary organs in supporting cancer cell growth.
Plegable molecular Lina AcevedoThe document discusses two scientific studies. The first study found that a specific stage in the cell cycle (G1 phase) being altered can lead to uncontrolled cell growth and cancer development when telomeres are shortened. The second study discovered that after a heart attack in zebrafish, muscle cells from the undamaged atrium migrated into the damaged ventricle and transformed into ventricular cells, helping regenerate the heart tissue and restore cardiac function.
Molecular Biology, Daniela Alarcón.Daniela AlarcónScientists have discovered new ways to trap and kill the malaria parasite. Researchers found that blocking the pore through which the parasite communicates with the outside of red blood cells fatally imprisons the parasite, preventing it from stealing resources and eliminating waste. Separate research identified a protein that guides folding and unfolding of parasite proteins, and blocking this protein could prevent transmission through the pore. Stem cell scientists have also developed a method to track gene expression in specific cell types in the kidneys of rats to better understand acute kidney injury and identify early signs of damage.
Chromosomes, chromatin & cellular cycleKamila Varontwo researches made in 2016 since this july, that works with the main topic of chromosomes chromatin and cellular cycle
Chromosomes, chromatin and cellular cycle Kamila VaronCellular cycle is important in cell growth, development, and death. Studying this area helps understand diseases associated with these processes. Researchers identified the cell of origin in leukemia cases using mouse experiments expressing MLL-AF2. They analyzed different cell states in mice and a control group. Further studies may open new avenues for early cancer diagnosis and treatment. A gene mutation was found to cause brittle bone disease and other connective tissue issues in two families, showing one gene can cause multiple diseases. These studies increase understanding of known diseases and could reveal unknown ones, expanding human knowledge.
Stem Cell Essay OutlineCheap Paper Writing Service The document discusses stem cell research and its potential benefits. It notes that stem cells can divide and renew themselves, are unspecialized, and can develop into specialized cell types. This allows them to be used for testing new drugs, developing cell-based therapies, and studying human development and diseases like cancer. The document outlines four main methods for inducing pluripotency in stem cells: viral vectors, DNA-based induction, RNA molecules, and recombinant proteins. It also discusses the debate around embryonic stem cell research, noting arguments from both supporters who see potential medical benefits, and critics who believe it destroys human life.
4. When it comes to medical innovation, this
days the main interest is focus on
molecular bases…
…Reasearches recognize that studying how to
improve a gene, code the posibility of finding
better treatments or a cure for diseases are
bigger and better.
Cancer, according to
The National Institute
of Cancer of USA, is the
term used for abnormal
cells that divides
without control and can
spread to different
6. Now-a-days, there are known
more than a hundred types of
A secondary cancer
(Metastasis) is the one that
spreads trough the body,
following either linfatic or
blood via.
This type of cancer can be
lodge in vital organs, as lungs
or the brain, and thats why it
is so dangerous.
7. Scientist found that changing the cell structure
from a liquid (And fast) state to a solid (and
slow) state the posibility of metastasis
Using embryonic cells and studying its developing
process, the LPA (Lysophosphatidic acid) was the
molecule researches found that was in charge of
changing the cell structure.
8. The cells will continue to travel in our body but
with this change it would not be as easier as
before to pass from a tissue to another. Plus,
for scientist is less complex to stop a mase
than a fluid.
In nature, there are some
species that have some
genes specialized in organ
regeneration. In our body
we have the example of
the liver cells that have this
regenaration capacity.
11. In this case, researches used a flat
worm called Planarian because when
they cut off the Planarians head, the
head with eventually grow again.
Now-a-days scientist use lot
of species for proving
different test or drugs before
making this trials in humans.
12. Previous studies have found that
organ regeneration is drived by a
protein called Notum but they
didnt knew which was the gene
that activates this process.
The planarian have stem
cells clasified as pluripotent
cells, that have the capacity
of regrow any tissue that is
They found that it was a gene called
Zic 1 the one that was in charge of
this head regeneration.
13. This is the first step to start a
whole process to find this
gene in humans and develop
new treatments for repair
15. WHO statistics throw that
every year we have 11
millions new cases of
cancer, making this disease
a really big problem for
society and the actual
treatments are painful and
not a hundred percent
16. This finding have a massive
medical utility, because the
probability of stopping
cancer cells of doing
metastasis will be increased
and this means that the
cancer will be localizated and
managed easily. Plus, this
research is already proved it
a type of human cells,
scientist just need to work
with different cells to keep
improving the discover.
17. According to the Landmine
Monitor, in 2012 there were
3.628 victims of landmines.
From January to July of 2014,
in Colombia, 149 persons
became victims of the same
problem. Medicine, now-a-
days does not have a way to
help all this people to repair
this injuries.
18. Finding a gene that
codifies organ
regeneration, would let
medicine to reppair any
injurie, from the little
ones till the ones
caused by landmines.
We could regrow any
damaged tissue and
humans health would
not be a target of
violence anymore.
19. • -SCIENCE DAILY, Gene discovered that activates stem cells for organ
regeneration in Planarians
[Consult: July 9, 2014]
• SCIENCE DAILY, Blocking cells' movement to stop spread of cancer
[Consult: July 9, 2014]
• Acción contra minas, Víctimas minas antipersonal en el
mundo http://www.accioncontraminas.gov.co/Paginas/victimas.aspx
[Consult: July 19, 2014]
• World health organization, Cancer Statistics http://www.who.int/en/
[Consult: July 19, 2014]