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My name isJuan Cristobalandthisismy history
when I was  small  it was entertaining playing footballbesideplaying with my truck and jumping in my purple ponyI likeanimals and I was looking the club of tigritos
I wasborn16 of october of 1993 . In theclinic“El Profesor” in  Santiago fromChile I was very dear in my family  i went to two the school of lenguaje “ Larun Rayun”
In my houseI livewith my family they  are five  my dad , my mother , my twosisters I have very good relation
I am very social the most of my friends are of small someone of my villa and others of the school my life is normal
My best archivement are to have a family and friendsand theylove  me beside having medals for playing footballI  love  the footballI am sociable person that is ready to helpyouwhenyouneed it
The  End

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  • 1. My name isJuan Cristobalandthisismy history
  • 2. when I was small it was entertaining playing footballbesideplaying with my truck and jumping in my purple ponyI likeanimals and I was looking the club of tigritos
  • 3. I wasborn16 of october of 1993 . In theclinic“El Profesor” in Santiago fromChile I was very dear in my family i went to two the school of lenguaje “ Larun Rayun”
  • 4. In my houseI livewith my family they are five my dad , my mother , my twosisters I have very good relation
  • 5. I am very social the most of my friends are of small someone of my villa and others of the school my life is normal
  • 6. My best archivement are to have a family and friendsand theylove me beside having medals for playing footballI love the footballI am sociable person that is ready to helpyouwhenyouneed it