A boy named David lived his entire life in a concentration camp until he escaped. He began a journey to Denmark where he hoped to find freedom from the Nazis. Along the way, he traveled through many European countries, overcoming his fears until finally reaching Denmark to find his destiny.
2. I Am David…Itis a hardbutwonderfulstoryabout a kidthatlivedallhislife in a concentration camp. Oneday, he ishelpedtoscape.
3. Thetrip…Afterscaping he starts a journeytoDenmark, where he expectstofind a free country where he can livewith no fear of them, the nazis.
4. He goesthroughtheocean, arrivingtoItaly, there he findsgoodlandscapes en peoplewho are notafraid of them.Buthisfearsmakehimleave and he crosseswholeeuropeancountriesleadingtoDenmark, where he findshisdestiny…