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Legendary origins
The Guaran鱈 people started drinkingmate
in a region that currently includes
Paraguay, southern Brazil, southeastern
Bolivia, northeastern Argentina and
The Guaran鱈 have a legend that says the
Goddesses of the Moon and the Cloud came to
the Earth one day to visit it, but they instead
found a yaguaret辿 (jaguar) that was going to
attack them. An old man saved them, and, in
compensation, the goddesses gave the oldman
a new kind of plant, from which hecould
prepare a "drink of friendship".
Is a traditional South American caffeine-
rich infused drink, particularly in Argentina,
where it is defined by law as the "national
It is prepared
by steeping
of yerba
mate in hot
Its a very simple process which consists of filling the gourd
with yerba, pouring hot but not boiling water over the leaves,
and drinking with a straw, the BOMBILLA, which acts as a
filter soas to draw only the liquid andnot the yerba leaves.
The beverage is traditionallyprepared in a gourd recipient, also
called mate, fromwhich it is drunk. The gourd is nearly filledwith yerba,
and hot water (typically at 70 to 85 属C, never boiling) is added.
Variants of drinkingMATE
BitterMATE:many people think that MATE should be
sugarless,consideringsweet mate as a kind ofprofanation.
SweetMATE:It is regarded by traditionalistsasa false mate ,
and the difference isthat in each barley sugar is incorporatedto
suit the drinker ; alsoused when children are present round.
This form of preparationis widespreadin Argentina.
MilkMATE:Thedifferencewith bittermate is that
instead ofpriming with water, it isdonewith milk
and sugar. This varianthas the disadvantageof not
being ableto easilycleanthe straw and mate.
Mate with other herbs:its possibleto addother
herbs to the infusion soas to givethe mate a
differenttaste orwith medicinalpurpose.
Terer辿:it consistsof putingin the mateor in amug
(in caseyou dont want to usethe mate) yerbamate
in 他of therecipient,andaddsomeicetoo.Then
you preparea jarofjuice(commonlyorangejuice).
Fresherthejuice,moredeliciousthe terer辿is. In
Argentinapeopleis usedto drinkiton summer
becauseofits refreshingeffect.
Mate cocido:in this case,yerbamateisboiledin
w叩ter,strainedandservedin a cup.Milkcan be
added,lots ofpeopledoit. Todaya day,you canfind
mate cocidobags (liketea bags)in supermarkets,it
makesit aloteasier.Thisinfusi坦n is oftenreplacing
coffeeon mornings or afternoons.
ThereareotherVariantsthat arelesscommon,such
as gaseosa(likea soda)andbeer.Both madeout
of yerba mate.
Types of mate
Types of mate
Types of mate
Types of mate
November 30th

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  • 2. Legendary origins The Guaran鱈 people started drinkingmate in a region that currently includes Paraguay, southern Brazil, southeastern Bolivia, northeastern Argentina and Uruguay.
  • 3. The Guaran鱈 have a legend that says the Goddesses of the Moon and the Cloud came to the Earth one day to visit it, but they instead found a yaguaret辿 (jaguar) that was going to attack them. An old man saved them, and, in compensation, the goddesses gave the oldman a new kind of plant, from which hecould prepare a "drink of friendship".
  • 4. Is a traditional South American caffeine- rich infused drink, particularly in Argentina, where it is defined by law as the "national infusion.
  • 5. Preparation It is prepared by steeping driedleaves of yerba mate in hot water.
  • 6. Its a very simple process which consists of filling the gourd with yerba, pouring hot but not boiling water over the leaves, and drinking with a straw, the BOMBILLA, which acts as a filter soas to draw only the liquid andnot the yerba leaves. Preparation Themethodofpreparingthemate infusionvariesconsiderablyfrom regiontoregion,andwhichmethod yieldsthefinestoutcomeisdebated. However,nearlyallmethodshave somecommonelements. The beverage is traditionallyprepared in a gourd recipient, also called mate, fromwhich it is drunk. The gourd is nearly filledwith yerba, and hot water (typically at 70 to 85 属C, never boiling) is added.
  • 7. Variants of drinkingMATE BitterMATE:many people think that MATE should be sugarless,consideringsweet mate as a kind ofprofanation. SweetMATE:It is regarded by traditionalistsasa false mate , and the difference isthat in each barley sugar is incorporatedto suit the drinker ; alsoused when children are present round. This form of preparationis widespreadin Argentina.
  • 8. MilkMATE:Thedifferencewith bittermate is that instead ofpriming with water, it isdonewith milk and sugar. This varianthas the disadvantageof not being ableto easilycleanthe straw and mate. Mate with other herbs:its possibleto addother herbs to the infusion soas to givethe mate a differenttaste orwith medicinalpurpose.
  • 9. Terer辿:it consistsof putingin the mateor in amug (in caseyou dont want to usethe mate) yerbamate in 他of therecipient,andaddsomeicetoo.Then you preparea jarofjuice(commonlyorangejuice). Fresherthejuice,moredeliciousthe terer辿is. In Argentinapeopleis usedto drinkiton summer becauseofits refreshingeffect.
  • 10. Mate cocido:in this case,yerbamateisboiledin w叩ter,strainedandservedin a cup.Milkcan be added,lots ofpeopledoit. Todaya day,you canfind mate cocidobags (liketea bags)in supermarkets,it makesit aloteasier.Thisinfusi坦n is oftenreplacing coffeeon mornings or afternoons. ThereareotherVariantsthat arelesscommon,such as gaseosa(likea soda)andbeer.Both madeout of yerba mate.