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Sample tracking using
plasmid barcodes
Cristian P辿rez Garc鱈a
2息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
We regularly do clinical diagnosis
3息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
ENAC Acreditation
Asked for:
- The ENAC acreditation of
NextGeneDX (amplicon)
- The ENAC acreditation of
clinical exome analysis
4息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
But we had an Issue: sample
 We until that moment did not traced back our samples from the
VCF file to the DNA used for NGS.
 ENAC wisely asked to have biological sample tracking enabled
in our lab (LIMS is not enough).
SequencingWet lab
5息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
But we had an issue: sample
 We until that moment did not traced back our samples from the
VCF file to the DNA used for NGS.
 ENAC wisely asked to have biological sample tracking enabled
in our lab (LIMS is not enough).
SequencingWet lab
6息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
Reasons to have a sample
tracking system
Consequent 油to 油sample 油mix-足ups 油in 油a 油research 油setting, 油erroneous 油data 油and 油
sample 油matching 油may 油result 油in:
 Case-足control: a 油loss 油of 油power 油for 油identification 油of 油causal 油variants. 油
 Clinical-足context: 油This 油may 油lead 油to 油delayed 油or 油inaccurate 油reporting 油of 油
results 油to 油patients. 油
Whilst 油good 油practice 油in 油the 油handling 油of 油samples 油and 油increased 油laboratory 油
automation 油minimizes 油potential 油for 油error, 油additional 油checkpoints 油are 油still 油
required 油to 油support 油quality 油control.
A 油method 油for 油post 油hoc 油confirmation 油of 油sample 油identity 油is 油therefore 油
highly 油desirable.
7息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
Which options do we have?
 SNPs 油in 油Introns
 Sequenom: 油賊24 油SNPs 油in 油
pangenomic regions.
 SNPs 油in 油Exons 油Capture
 KASP: 油exonic SNPs in regions used
in capture methods
 STRs 油or 油indels
8息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
Are 油any 油of 油these 油suitable 油
for 油us?
Which options do we have?
9息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
Choose 油SNPs 油in 油the 油region 油of 油
the 油capture 油probes. 油
 SNPs 油in 油Introns
 Sequenom: 油賊52 油SNPs, 油some 油
in 油introns.
 SNPs 油in 油Exons 油Capture
 KASP: 油exonic SNPs in regions
used in capture methods
10息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
Choose 油SNPs 油in 油the 油region 油of 油
the 油capture 油probes. 油
 SNPs 油in 油Introns
 Sequenom: 油賊52 油SNPs, 油some 油
in 油introns
 SNPs 油in 油Exons 油Capture
 KASP: 油exonic SNPs in regions
used in capture methods
11息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
STRs or Indels
We dont have a Sequenom, why dont use STRs (Single
Tandem Repeats) or indels and check with fragment length
12息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
STRs or Indels
We dont have a Sequenom, why dont use STRs (Single
Tandem Repeats) or indels and check with fragment length
13息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
-足 Expensive
14息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
-足 Expensive
-足 Time 油Consuming
15息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
-足 Expensive
-足 Time 油Consuming
-足 Extra 油steps 油for 油our 油pipeline 油
16息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
 These 油are 油for 油tracking 油sample 油identity 油across 油
multiple 油experiments. 油
17息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
 These 油are 油for 油tracking 油Sample 油identity 油across 油
multiple 油experiments. 油
 This 油methods 油are 油not 油suitable 油for 油amplicon
sequencing, 油without 油needing 油to 油do 油another 油
genotyping 油step. 油
18息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
Two 油weeks 油of 油thinking
and 油lots 油of 油coffee
breaks 油brain 油storming
But, 油is 油there 油a 油cheaper 油way 油to 油
do 油this?
19息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
 Why 油not 油adding 油a 油sequence 油that 油is 油captured 油by 油the 油TSO?
 Nice 油idea, 油but....
 Should 油we 油need 油to 油use 油other 油approach 油with 油amplicons?
But, 油is 油there 油a 油cheaper 油way 油to 油
do 油this?
20息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
Lets 油think 油again....
We 油have 油two 油workflows:
 Exoma capture
 Amplicons (Nextera after 油PCR)
21息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
Sample Tracking with Plasmids
 We can build a plasmid whose
insert is a region of a gene
with a probe in TruSight One
and add some barcodes in the
middle of the sequence.
 PCR primers in both ends of
the sequence.
22息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
Sample Tracking with Plasmids
 We can build a plasmid whose
insert is a region of a gene
with a probe in TruSight One
and add some barcodes in the
middle of the sequence.
 PCR primers in both ends of
the sequence.
This method should work
for both workflows!
23息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
Selecting 油the 油region 油of 油interest
Find 油a 油captured 油region 油in 油TSO 油of 油not 油
clinical 油interest 油with 油good 油capture
24息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
 Which 油one 油to 油use?
 We 油are 油not 油reporting 油3-足UTR miRNA
target 油sites still 油has 油unclear 油diagnostic 油
significance 油except 油for 油very 油specific 油
Selecting 油the 油region 油of 油interest
TMEM-足135 油3UTR 油(800x)
25息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
Building the plasmid
 All tubes of NextGenDX amplicons
would have a sequence with NGS
adapters so all tubes would report
this barcode
 The 油barcode 油would 油be 油also 油captured 油
and 油sequenced 油by 油TSO
26息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
Building the plasmid
27息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
Testing concentrations
Exome Amplicon
28息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
Mapping and testing
[cpg@dream3 油plasmidos]$ 油python3.4 油checkPlasmids.py -足-足
folder 油151209_NS500802_0062_AH5KF3AFXX-足
# 油Searching 油for 油reads 油aligned 油with 油the 油plasmids 油references
CP-足N701 油0
CP-足N702 油1
CP-足N703 油179
CP-足N704 油115
CP-足N705 油0
CP-足N706 油0
CP-足N707 油0
CP-足N710 油0
29息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
30息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
Amplicon test
31息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
Exome test
32息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
Expected results
33息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
No plasmid added into sample
34息 2016 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
Sample Swap
 We have build a new, cheap and relatively simple
technique for sample tracking.
 This technique does not require extra lab steps so that
the protocol wont take any longer.
 The sample tracking information is in the output data, so
when evaluating the results, we can evaluate if sample
swap has occurred.
36息 2015 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
Instituto de Medicina Gen坦mica SL
Agust鱈n Escardino 9,
Parc Cient鱈fic de la Universitat de Val竪ncia
46980 Paterna (Valencia, Espa単a)
+34 963 212 340
息 2015 IMEGEN  Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.

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Presentacion jbi

  • 1. Sample tracking using plasmid barcodes Cristian P辿rez Garc鱈a Bioinformatician
  • 2. 2息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. We regularly do clinical diagnosis
  • 3. 3息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. ENAC Acreditation Asked for: - The ENAC acreditation of NextGeneDX (amplicon) analysis. - The ENAC acreditation of clinical exome analysis
  • 4. 4息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. But we had an Issue: sample traceability We until that moment did not traced back our samples from the VCF file to the DNA used for NGS. ENAC wisely asked to have biological sample tracking enabled in our lab (LIMS is not enough). Resulting Genotype Blood stock DNA dilution SequencingWet lab
  • 5. 5息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. But we had an issue: sample traceability We until that moment did not traced back our samples from the VCF file to the DNA used for NGS. ENAC wisely asked to have biological sample tracking enabled in our lab (LIMS is not enough). Resulting Genotype Blood stock DNA dilution SequencingWet lab
  • 6. 6息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. Reasons to have a sample tracking system Consequent 油to 油sample 油mix-足ups 油in 油a 油research 油setting, 油erroneous 油data 油and 油 sample 油matching 油may 油result 油in: Case-足control: a 油loss 油of 油power 油for 油identification 油of 油causal 油variants. 油 Clinical-足context: 油This 油may 油lead 油to 油delayed 油or 油inaccurate 油reporting 油of 油 results 油to 油patients. 油 Whilst 油good 油practice 油in 油the 油handling 油of 油samples 油and 油increased 油laboratory 油 automation 油minimizes 油potential 油for 油error, 油additional 油checkpoints 油are 油still 油 required 油to 油support 油quality 油control. A 油method 油for 油post 油hoc 油confirmation 油of 油sample 油identity 油is 油therefore 油 highly 油desirable.
  • 7. 7息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. Which options do we have? SNPs 油in 油Introns Sequenom: 油賊24 油SNPs 油in 油 pangenomic regions. SNPs 油in 油Exons 油Capture KASP: 油exonic SNPs in regions used in capture methods Ampliseq STRs 油or 油indels
  • 8. 8息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. Are 油any 油of 油these 油suitable 油 for 油us? Which options do we have?
  • 9. 9息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. Choose 油SNPs 油in 油the 油region 油of 油 the 油capture 油probes. 油 SNPs 油in 油Introns Sequenom: 油賊52 油SNPs, 油some 油 in 油introns. SNPs 油in 油Exons 油Capture KASP: 油exonic SNPs in regions used in capture methods Ampliseq
  • 10. 10息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. Choose 油SNPs 油in 油the 油region 油of 油 the 油capture 油probes. 油 SNPs 油in 油Introns Sequenom: 油賊52 油SNPs, 油some 油 in 油introns SNPs 油in 油Exons 油Capture KASP: 油exonic SNPs in regions used in capture methods Ampliseq
  • 11. 11息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. STRs or Indels We dont have a Sequenom, why dont use STRs (Single Tandem Repeats) or indels and check with fragment length analysis?
  • 12. 12息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. STRs or Indels We dont have a Sequenom, why dont use STRs (Single Tandem Repeats) or indels and check with fragment length analysis?
  • 13. 13息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. -足 Expensive Disadvantages
  • 14. 14息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. -足 Expensive -足 Time 油Consuming Disadvantages
  • 15. 15息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. -足 Expensive -足 Time 油Consuming -足 Extra 油steps 油for 油our 油pipeline 油 (genotyping) Disadvantages
  • 16. 16息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. These 油are 油for 油tracking 油sample 油identity 油across 油 multiple 油experiments. 油 Disadvantages
  • 17. 17息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. These 油are 油for 油tracking 油Sample 油identity 油across 油 multiple 油experiments. 油 This 油methods 油are 油not 油suitable 油for 油amplicon sequencing, 油without 油needing 油to 油do 油another 油 genotyping 油step. 油 Disadvantages
  • 18. 18息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. Two 油weeks 油of 油thinking and 油lots 油of 油coffee breaks 油brain 油storming But, 油is 油there 油a 油cheaper 油way 油to 油 do 油this?
  • 19. 19息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. Why 油not 油adding 油a 油sequence 油that 油is 油captured 油by 油the 油TSO? Nice 油idea, 油but.... Should 油we 油need 油to 油use 油other 油approach 油with 油amplicons? But, 油is 油there 油a 油cheaper 油way 油to 油 do 油this?
  • 20. 20息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. Lets 油think 油again.... We 油have 油two 油workflows: Exoma capture Amplicons (Nextera after 油PCR)
  • 21. 21息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. Sample Tracking with Plasmids We can build a plasmid whose insert is a region of a gene with a probe in TruSight One and add some barcodes in the middle of the sequence. PCR primers in both ends of the sequence.
  • 22. 22息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. Sample Tracking with Plasmids We can build a plasmid whose insert is a region of a gene with a probe in TruSight One and add some barcodes in the middle of the sequence. PCR primers in both ends of the sequence. This method should work for both workflows!
  • 23. 23息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. Selecting 油the 油region 油of 油interest Find 油a 油captured 油region 油in 油TSO 油of 油not 油 clinical 油interest 油with 油good 油capture
  • 24. 24息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. Which 油one 油to 油use? We 油are 油not 油reporting 油3-足UTR miRNA target 油sites still 油has 油unclear 油diagnostic 油 significance 油except 油for 油very 油specific 油 cases. Selecting 油the 油region 油of 油interest TMEM-足135 油3UTR 油(800x)
  • 25. 25息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. Building the plasmid All tubes of NextGenDX amplicons would have a sequence with NGS adapters so all tubes would report this barcode The 油barcode 油would 油be 油also 油captured 油 and 油sequenced 油by 油TSO STID:0204
  • 27. 27息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. Testing concentrations Exome Amplicon
  • 28. 28息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. Mapping and testing [cpg@dream3 油plasmidos]$ 油python3.4 油checkPlasmids.py -足-足 folder 油151209_NS500802_0062_AH5KF3AFXX-足 NxSqEx74/23732 Mapping... # 油Searching 油for 油reads 油aligned 油with 油the 油plasmids 油references CP-足N701 油0 CP-足N702 油1 CP-足N703 油179 CP-足N704 油115 CP-足N705 油0 CP-足N706 油0 CP-足N707 油0 CP-足N710 油0
  • 29. 29息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. Results
  • 30. 30息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. Amplicon test
  • 31. 31息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. Exome test
  • 32. 32息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. Expected results
  • 33. 33息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. No plasmid added into sample
  • 34. 34息 2016 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados. Sample Swap
  • 35. 35 Conclusions We have build a new, cheap and relatively simple technique for sample tracking. This technique does not require extra lab steps so that the protocol wont take any longer. The sample tracking information is in the output data, so when evaluating the results, we can evaluate if sample swap has occurred.
  • 36. 36息 2015 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.
  • 37. Instituto de Medicina Gen坦mica SL Agust鱈n Escardino 9, Parc Cient鱈fic de la Universitat de Val竪ncia 46980 Paterna (Valencia, Espa単a) +34 963 212 340 Imegen.es 息 2015 IMEGEN Informaci坦n confidencial. Todos los derechos reservados.