Mijn presentatie van 25 februari 2016 op de Startmarkt van openVRT over ANTWERP. POWERED BY CREATIVES., het designplatform voor de provincie Antwerpen.
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Desarrollo de la seguridad en el trabajo en M辿xicoMarcos Jimvel
El documento describe la evoluci坦n de la seguridad y salud laboral en M辿xico desde 1870 hasta 2003, comenzando con la dependencia de otros pa鱈ses en materia de seguridad y los movimientos de liberaci坦n, y destacando hitos como la creaci坦n del Consejo Superior de Salubridad en 1872, las primeras leyes de trabajo y accidentes laborales a inicios del siglo XX, la inclusi坦n de garant鱈as laborales en la constituci坦n de 1917, la creaci坦n del IMSS en 1943 y actualizaciones posteriores de las leyes laborales.
Inspiration is a concept mapping tool that allows users to visually diagram their ideas and concepts. It facilitates visual learning and critical thinking. Research shows that visual learning is an effective means of teaching thinking skills. Inspiration allows any topic or idea to be expanded visually, with the only limits being the user's imagination and thinking processes.
This document provides the results from the 21st World Seniors Karate Championships held in Paris, France from November 21-25, 2012. It includes classifications for female and male competitors in kata, kumite under various weight classes, and team kata and kumite. Japan finished first in several events, while France, Turkey, and Iran also placed highly across different categories.
Safety managers and engineers historiesPOPEYEHSE2013
1) Eleven people were dangling from a helicopter rope, including 10 engineers and 1 safety manager. When it was decided one person had to let go to save the others, the safety manager volunteered, noting safety managers sacrifice themselves for the company.
2) A group of safety managers and engineers took a train using one ticket for all the safety managers. When the conductor came, the safety managers hid in the bathroom and passed the ticket under the door.
3) Three engineers prayed to God to help them cross a raging river. The first was given strength but it took hours, the second a tub but it was dangerous, and the third asked for intelligence and was turned into a safety manager who found a bridge
Este documento describe c坦mo las herramientas de la Web 2.0 como Mind Manager y 際際滷 Share pueden fortalecer el aprendizaje entre estudiantes y docentes al permitir la organizaci坦n y presentaci坦n de informaci坦n de manera concisa y amena, fomentando el desarrollo de competencias cognitivas, procedimentales y actitudinales para formar personas integrales. Las herramientas tambi辿n potencian actividades psicopedag坦gicas entre estudiantes y docentes al requerir la presentaci坦n de informaci坦n accesible a otros en la web.
Max and Jane introduce themselves to each other, saying it's nice to meet one another. Jane shares her last name, Morgan, with Max after he forgets it initially. The document then covers basic greetings and introductions in English, including the verb "to be," as well as examples of this/these and it/they. It concludes with a brief lesson on articles in English, distinguishing between using "a" and "an."
Students will be assigned to research different habitats in small groups. Each student will write a story about their favorite animal from their assigned habitat. The stories will be combined into one story per group and presented to the class with pictures. Students will learn to safely navigate websites and work collaboratively to create a digital presentation combining their individual stories.
France won the most medals at the 2016 Karate1 Premier League in Paris with 3 golds, 3 silvers and 10 bronzes. Japan finished second overall with 3 golds, 2 silvers and 1 bronze. Turkey came third with 2 golds, 1 silver and 4 bronzes.
O documento discute o poder do crowdsourcing e como ele pode ser usado para fortalecer a democracia. Ele define crowdsourcing como terceirizar tarefas para um grande grupo de pessoas e argumenta que isso pode aumentar a participa巽達o cidad達 e dar mais poder ao povo ao inv辿s de poucos representantes. Exemplos de projetos de crowdsourcing s達o dados para ilustrar como ele pode ser usado para melhorar processos democr叩ticos.
Projeto Cidade em Debate - Cidade de Piren坦polis IIJornalculturanet
O documento descreve a hist坦ria da cidade de Piren坦polis em Goi叩s, desde seu surgimento no s辿culo XVIII ligado extra巽達o de ouro at辿 os dias atuais. Detalha seu crescimento inicial desordenado ao longo do Rio das Almas e sua urbaniza巽達o primitiva sem planejamento. Tamb辿m aborda sua arquitetura colonial, festas populares, gastronomia, artistas locais e atual economia baseada no turismo e artesanato.
As Cruzadas come巽aram no s辿culo XI como uma campanha militar convocada pelo Papa Urbano II para retomar Jerusal辿m do dom鱈nio mu巽ulmano. Ao longo de 200 anos, oito cruzadas foram lan巽adas, resultando em pilhagens, massacres e a conquista tempor叩ria de Jerusal辿m. As Cruzadas tamb辿m levaram ao Renascimento Comercial na Europa e ao fortalecimento das cidades de Veneza e G棚nova como centros do com辿rcio.
The document outlines The Salvation Army's Baby Song program, which brings babies, toddlers, and their parents together to build relationships, make music, and positively impact families' spiritual lives. Key points include introducing developmentally appropriate songs and activities for babies, helping parents assist their children's language development, providing parenting tips and information for parents, and giving the church opportunities to build relationships and reach new families in their community.
Este documento presenta una empresa de desarrollo de software que ofrece soluciones tecnol坦gicas a otras empresas para ayudarlas a enfrentar los retos actuales de digitalizaci坦n y automatizaci坦n. La empresa cuenta con casi 100 empleados expertos en diferentes tecnolog鱈as y sectores. Ofrece soluciones a medida que permiten producir m叩s de forma r叩pida y a menor costo, manteniendo la calidad. Su enfoque es poner el conocimiento del cliente y proveer el talento y la tecnolog鱈a necesarios.
Este documento describe el marco normativo y legal para prevenir y erradicar el acoso sexual en El Salvador, incluyendo la Convenci坦n sobre la Eliminaci坦n de Todas las Formas de Discriminaci坦n Contra la Mujer, la Ley General de Prevenci坦n de Riesgos en los Lugares de Trabajo, y la responsabilidad de los empleadores para implementar programas de prevenci坦n. Tambi辿n define el acoso sexual como una forma de violencia de g辿nero y discriminaci坦n, describe sus efectos negativos, y tipos como el chantaje sexual o ambiental. Finalmente, identifica
This document contains summaries of the results from several repechage competitions at the 2016 Karate1 Premier League in Salzburg, including:
- Female kata competitions in multiple weight classes with winners from Slovakia, Vietnam, Macedonia, and Canada.
- Female kumite competitions in weight classes from -50kg to 68+kg with winners from Ukraine, Hungary, Serbia, Croatia, Japan, and more.
- Male kata competitions with winners from Japan, Spain, Slovakia, Hungary, and more.
- Male kumite competitions in weight classes from -60kg to -84kg with winners from the Netherlands, Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia, Turkey, Hong Kong,
Students will be assigned to research different habitats in small groups. Each student will write a story about their favorite animal from their assigned habitat. The stories will be combined into one story per group and presented to the class with pictures. Students will learn to safely navigate websites and work collaboratively to create a digital presentation combining their individual stories.
France won the most medals at the 2016 Karate1 Premier League in Paris with 3 golds, 3 silvers and 10 bronzes. Japan finished second overall with 3 golds, 2 silvers and 1 bronze. Turkey came third with 2 golds, 1 silver and 4 bronzes.
O documento discute o poder do crowdsourcing e como ele pode ser usado para fortalecer a democracia. Ele define crowdsourcing como terceirizar tarefas para um grande grupo de pessoas e argumenta que isso pode aumentar a participa巽達o cidad達 e dar mais poder ao povo ao inv辿s de poucos representantes. Exemplos de projetos de crowdsourcing s達o dados para ilustrar como ele pode ser usado para melhorar processos democr叩ticos.
Projeto Cidade em Debate - Cidade de Piren坦polis IIJornalculturanet
O documento descreve a hist坦ria da cidade de Piren坦polis em Goi叩s, desde seu surgimento no s辿culo XVIII ligado extra巽達o de ouro at辿 os dias atuais. Detalha seu crescimento inicial desordenado ao longo do Rio das Almas e sua urbaniza巽達o primitiva sem planejamento. Tamb辿m aborda sua arquitetura colonial, festas populares, gastronomia, artistas locais e atual economia baseada no turismo e artesanato.
As Cruzadas come巽aram no s辿culo XI como uma campanha militar convocada pelo Papa Urbano II para retomar Jerusal辿m do dom鱈nio mu巽ulmano. Ao longo de 200 anos, oito cruzadas foram lan巽adas, resultando em pilhagens, massacres e a conquista tempor叩ria de Jerusal辿m. As Cruzadas tamb辿m levaram ao Renascimento Comercial na Europa e ao fortalecimento das cidades de Veneza e G棚nova como centros do com辿rcio.
The document outlines The Salvation Army's Baby Song program, which brings babies, toddlers, and their parents together to build relationships, make music, and positively impact families' spiritual lives. Key points include introducing developmentally appropriate songs and activities for babies, helping parents assist their children's language development, providing parenting tips and information for parents, and giving the church opportunities to build relationships and reach new families in their community.
Este documento presenta una empresa de desarrollo de software que ofrece soluciones tecnol坦gicas a otras empresas para ayudarlas a enfrentar los retos actuales de digitalizaci坦n y automatizaci坦n. La empresa cuenta con casi 100 empleados expertos en diferentes tecnolog鱈as y sectores. Ofrece soluciones a medida que permiten producir m叩s de forma r叩pida y a menor costo, manteniendo la calidad. Su enfoque es poner el conocimiento del cliente y proveer el talento y la tecnolog鱈a necesarios.
Este documento describe el marco normativo y legal para prevenir y erradicar el acoso sexual en El Salvador, incluyendo la Convenci坦n sobre la Eliminaci坦n de Todas las Formas de Discriminaci坦n Contra la Mujer, la Ley General de Prevenci坦n de Riesgos en los Lugares de Trabajo, y la responsabilidad de los empleadores para implementar programas de prevenci坦n. Tambi辿n define el acoso sexual como una forma de violencia de g辿nero y discriminaci坦n, describe sus efectos negativos, y tipos como el chantaje sexual o ambiental. Finalmente, identifica
This document contains summaries of the results from several repechage competitions at the 2016 Karate1 Premier League in Salzburg, including:
- Female kata competitions in multiple weight classes with winners from Slovakia, Vietnam, Macedonia, and Canada.
- Female kumite competitions in weight classes from -50kg to 68+kg with winners from Ukraine, Hungary, Serbia, Croatia, Japan, and more.
- Male kata competitions with winners from Japan, Spain, Slovakia, Hungary, and more.
- Male kumite competitions in weight classes from -60kg to -84kg with winners from the Netherlands, Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia, Turkey, Hong Kong,