This document discusses various sustainable and innovative materials including those inspired by nature like spider silk, abalone, and lotus leaves. It covers materials that are strong yet lightweight, change properties based on stimuli, can exchange or generate energy, and are sourced from renewable and recycled sources. The goal is to highlight materials that can meet needs without compromising future generations' abilities.
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Presentatie els zijlstra materia
1. TERUG NAAR DE BASIS Inspiring materials Els Zijlstra- Materia
22. Raw material Material Composite Half fabricate product sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. (Brundtland 1987)
23. local sources undepletable energy sources renewable materials recycled materials Lightweight materials residual material Non-toxic materials Material solution
24. local sources undepletable energy sources renewable materials recycled materials Lightweight materials residual material Non-toxic materials
46. materials used exterior primary construction:redundant textile machine secondary construction: second hand wooden beams floors and roof: dismanteledwooden floorboards insulation: EPS-sheets from disassembly-site cladding: wasted cable reels moistregulation :seashells foundation : concrete (sorry, new) interior elevator: second hand construction-lift shelvings: partly buildingsite-signs(waterproof multiplex) lightfixtures: construction of broken umbrellaparts(by en-fer) bathroom walls: smileplastic (compressed coffecups) environmental gain co2 emissions including transport and processing: cladding: 85% reduction compared to new simple wooden cladding steel construction: 95% reduction compared to same construction with new steel
47. local sources undepletable energy sources renewable materials recycled materials Lightweight materials residual material Non-toxic materials
49. Spider silk The strength of a biological material such as spider silk lies in the specific geometric configuration of structural proteins, which have small clusters of weak hydrogen bonds that work together to resist force and dissipate energy. The Massachusetts Institute of Technologys Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) department, in collaboration with SDSC researcher Ross Walker, found that this structure is as strong as steel, even though the "glue" of hydrogen bonds that hold spider silk together at the molecular level is 100 to 1,000 times weaker than steel's metallic bonds or Kevlar's covalent bonds
64. Shape Memory Alloy (SHAPE CHANGING SM) Electroactive (SHAPE CHANGING SM) Magnetostrictive (SHAPE CHANGING SM) Door een magnetisch veld (magnetische energie) verandert de viscositeit van het materiaal. Thermochroom (COLOUR AND OPTICALLY CHANGING SM) Fotochroom (COLOUR AND OPTICALLY CHANGING SM) Mechanochroom (COLOUR AND OPTICALLY CHANGING SM) Door druk, trek of wrijvingskrachten veranderen deze materialen van kleur . Chemochroom (COLOUR AND OPTICALLY CHANGING SM) Electrochroom (COLOUR AND OPTICALLY CHANGING SM) Photoelectric (ENERGYEXCHANGING SM) Deze materialen produceren een elektrische stroom welke is opgewekt door licht . Voorbeelden hiervan zijn (flexibele) zonnecellen. Thermoelectric (ENERGYEXCHANGING SM) Theromoelectrische materialen produceren een elektrische stroom door temperatuurverschil. Piezoelectric (ENERGYEXCHANGING SM) Deze materialen produceren een elektrische stroom welke opgewekt wordt door druk en spanning (mechanische energie). Phase Change Materials (ENERGYEXCHANGING SM) Superabsorberende polymeren (MATTEREXCHANGING SM)