The document describes the process of doing a "deep dive", which involves immersing stakeholders in a system through experiences with different perspectives. It involves visiting places, asking open-ended questions, reflecting individually and as a group, and providing feedback. The goal is to build relationships, share understanding of systemic forces, and generate ideas that could catalyze change. The 6 steps outlined are: 1) preparation, 2) developing questions, 3) visiting and listening, 4) individual and group reflection, 5) following up with hosts, and 6) group debrief.
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Presentatie honours deep dive amstelcampus
1. Casus: Amstelcampus
The real voyage of discovery lies not in seeking new
landscapes, but in seeing with new eyes
- Marcel Proust
Thursday, February 14, 13
5. What can we contribute to Amstelcampus?
How can we take ownership and improve this
initiative from a systemic point of view?
Why is this initiative relevant to our own
Thursday, February 14, 13
6. What is a deep dive?
Sensing Journeys are a way of experiencing the system
through the lens of different stakeholders.
participants will:
immerse themselves in different contexts
step into relevant experiences
move into unfamiliar environments
Thursday, February 14, 13
7. Why do a deep dive?
To engage stakeholders of a system in a series of
immersion, listening, inquiry, and dialogue activities that
a network of relationships among key stakeholders in
that system
a shared understanding of the systemic forces at play
input for prototype ideas that could catalyze profound
Thursday, February 14, 13
8. How to do a deep dive?
Define places of high potential: the whole group of
participants should go to several places that can provide
insights into:
the different perspectives of key stakeholders
the different aspects of that system
the voiceless: people in the system, those who usually
are not heard or seen.
a good way to get a sense of the system is to look at its
extreme users: those with special requirements, such
as a person living in a remote area needing access to a
health system.
Thursday, February 14, 13
9. Deep diving
Listening to others: to what the people you meet
are offering to you
Listening to yourself: to what you feel emerging
from within
Listening to the emerging whole: to what
emerges from the collective and community
settings that you have connected with
Thursday, February 14, 13
10. Deep dive #1
Step 1:
Establish common ground by discussing with your group
What is the context you are going into?
Who are the key players that you need to talk with?
What information do we need before going there?
What are the questions are you most interested in
Thursday, February 14, 13
11. Deep dive #2
Step 2:
Start by developing a short questionnaire
(7-10 questions) that guides your inquiry process.
For example:
- What is the need?
- What are the key principles about this initiative?
- Who is initiating?
- For whom?
- What do they value most about this initiative?
- etc.
Thursday, February 14, 13
12. Deep dive #3
Step 3:
Small groups travel to the hosts location.
While at the site: Trust your intuition and ask authentic
questions. Asking simple and authentic questions focuses
attention on some of the deeper and systemic forces at
play. Rather than researching take time to listen and follow
the dialogue instead of rushing to solutions.
Thursday, February 14, 13
13. Deep dive step #3
Example of questions to ask the visit:
1.What personal experience or journey brought you here?
2.What issues or challenges are you confronted with?
3.Why do these challenges exist?
4.What are the blockages?
5.What are your most important sources of success and
6.What would a better system look like for you?
7.What initiative, if implemented would have the greatest
impact for you? And for the system as a whole?
8.If you could change just a couple of elements what
would you change?
9.Who else do we need to talk to?
Thursday, February 14, 13
14. Deep dive step #4
Step 4
After the visit: Reflect and debrief
To capture and leverage the findings of your inquiry
process, conduct a disciplined debriefing process after
each visit right after each visit. Dont switch on cell phones
until the debriefing is complete.
Thursday, February 14, 13
15. Deep dive step #4
Here are a few sample questions for the debriefing:
1.What struck me most? What stood out?
2.What was most surprising or unexpected?
3.What touched me? What connected with me personally?
4.If the social field (or the living system) of the visited organization or
community were a living being, what would it look and feel like?
5.If that being could talk: what would it say (to us)?
6.If that being could developwhat would it want to morph into next?
7.What is the generative source that allows this social field to develop
and thrive?
8.What limiting factors prevent this field/system from developing
9.Moving in and out of this field, what did you notice about yourself?
10.What ideas does this experience spark for possible prototyping
initiatives that you may want to take on?
Thursday, February 14, 13
16. Deep dive step #5
Step 5
Close the feedback loop with your hosts:
Send an email (or other follow-up note) expressing a key
insight you took away from the meeting (one or two
sentences), and your appreciation.
Thursday, February 14, 13
17. Deep dive step #5
Step 5
Close the feedback loop with your hosts:
Send an email (or other follow-up note) expressing a key
insight you took away from the meeting (one or two
sentences), and your appreciation.
Thursday, February 14, 13
18. Deep dive step #6
Step 6
Debrief as a whole group.
Structure of the whole group debrief meeting:
1.Get everyone on the same page by sharing concrete
information about the Journeys: Where did you go, who
did you talk to, what did you do?
2.Talk about your findings and generate new ideas.
Thursday, February 14, 13