3. Naviki overzicht: plannen, fietsen,
!  Web platform: planning, verzamelen en delen van routes
(Facebook and Twitter)
!  Routeberekening beschikbaar in Groot Europa en in 12 talen
!  Informatie: hoogteverschillen, CO2 besparing, verbrande
calorieën en kostenbesparing
!  Smartphone app: plannen,
vastleggen en navigatie
!  Verbeteren van het netwerk
door gebruikers voor gebruikers
10. Deel 2: Naviki als planning tool
Allereerst het Naviki page concept
!  http://www.naviki.org/de/berlin/start
11. Naviki page concept
!  Naviki page = op maat gemaakte Naviki pagina voor bijvoorbeeld
gemeenten waarmee Naviki services worden aangeboden in eigen
!  Specifiek page adres: www.naviki.org/YOURCITY
!  Beperkte tijdsinvestering en kosten
!  Optionele mogelijkheden:
•  Certificeer door gebruikers gegenereerde routes als onderdeel
van het officiële fietsnetwerk.
•  Highlight officiële fietsroutes en prioriteer deze in
•  Voeg data en informatie vanuit eigen database toe
•  Toegang tot statistieken over fietsgebruik, vraag etc.
•  Toepassing voor fietsbeleid en planning
14. Infra rapporten
List of local infrastructure reports (generated 2013-05-10, 4 weeks)
No.* Issue Description Update request
1 Parking facilities A facility to store many more bikes
in a dry place here is much
appreciated by loads of cyclists!
2 Other Millions of shards around these
recycling containers. Please take
care of some extra cleaning! This is
killing my tires :-( Thank you!
3 Parking cars I won‘t let my children cycle to
school as long as cars illegally park
on the bicycle track here. Sorry,
much too dangerous!
4 Parking cars It‘s annoying: parking cars on the
cycle way here almost every
5 Quality of
Really bad and often dirty surface
though a lot of people cycle here.
Help!!! ;-)
6 Parking cars Each and every day in this road. It‘s
no fun cycling here - but should be...
7 Other I wonder if it‘s possible to install a
traffic light for pedestrians and
cyclists here.
8 Barrier Could someone please take away
this strange sort of fence from the
middle of the cycle path?!?
9 Other The street is often really dirty since
the big building site is here. This
morning I saw an elderly lady falling.
10 Signposting Can you open this one-way road for
cycling both directions, please?
Would be perfect!
11 Parking facilities Something to lock and keep my bike
dry and clean here would make my
daily life soooo much better ;-)
12 Other Thanks a lot for realising this new
road painting! Well done, dear City
* Please find locations represented by these numbers in the corresponding map.
connecting paths