Laser therapy began in the 1960s and was initially used in ophthalmology. Aesthetic laser development expanded in the 1980s-2000s to include resurfacing, vascular treatments, and non-ablative options. Lasers are classified by wavelength and pulse duration. Precise targeting relies on chromophore absorption and thermal relaxation time. Risks include eye injury, fire hazards, and airborne particles. Non-ablative options cause minimal downtime while ablative resurfacing has more risks but deeper effects. Fractional resurfacing combines benefits of each. Tattoo removal requires multiple treatments over weeks to slowly break up ink.
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2. Laser history
Theoretical concept 1912, Albert Einstein.
First working laser, 1960.
Initially used ophthalmology transparency of tissues clear
view of directed beam.
Surgical excision and hemostasis.
6. De鍖nition
1millisecond, 1 thousandth of a second. .001 Sec,
1 nanosecond, 1 billionth of a sec, 10^-9 sec.
1 picosecond, 1 trillionth of a sec, 10^-12 sec
7. Laser physics
Laser emissions, coherent photons in de鍖nite phase
Monochromatic single, de鍖ned wavelength.
Collimating, narrow/ low divergent.
8. Laser gain mediums
Gases CO2, argon, krypton, helium and neon.
Liquid dye, coumarin, Rhodamine and 鍖uorescein.
Solid crystal and glasses, neodymium, Nd, yttrium
aluminum garnet YAG, erbium, sapphire ruby, KTP,
potassium titanyl phosphate.
10. Energy
Measured in joules.
Fluence energy delivered per area J/cm2, mJ/cm2.
Power the rate at which energy is delivered measured in
watt J/sec.
11. Photoselectivity
Laser or light therapies, photoselectivity.
Selective photothermolysis, destruction of target without
destruction of surrounding tissues.
15. Chromophores
Chromophores, speci鍖c target of a laser, absorbs a
speci鍖c laser wavelength.
Common chromophores in Aesthetic. Water resurfacing,
collagen tightening, melanin hyperpigmentation,
hemoglobin vascular lesions, tattoo ink.
16. Thermal relaxation time.
TRT, time required for heat energy to dissipate from
chromophores into surrounding tissue.
Selective photothermolysis requires, all the energy in a
laser pulse must be deievered to a chromophores before
it can release its heat and cool.
17. Photo acoustic
Mechanical shock wave e鍖ect.
Q switched and picosecond lasers phenomenal only, high
energy released in short duration.
Tattoo removal breaking up of ink.
18. Wavelength and spot light
Shorter wavelength, increase melanin absorption.
Longer wavelength, deeper penetration.
Increase Spot size, increase pain and discomfort.
Consider lower 鍖uence with larger spot size.
19. Cooling
Decrease unintentional injuries. Allows higher 鍖uence.
Forced cold air, before during after.
Contact cooling, chilled laser tip.
Pre and post cooling with copper plate, cooled gel.
20. 4 classes of lasers
1 noknown biological hazard
2. Chronic viewing hazard.
3. Direct viewing hazard.
4. Direct and re鍖ected hazard
Most medical lasers are classes 3 and 4.
21. Eye injury.
Eyes, most common injury.
Damage, cornea, lenses, retina.
Baseline eye exam.
22. Eye injury
Low divergence, coherent beam, focus on extreme small
spot on retina.
Wavelength dependent, cornea water, retinal vasculature.
23. Eye injury
Signs and symptoms injuries
Flash of light.
Popping sound follows by disorientation.
Burning pain in cornea or sclera.
Retinal damage may not be detected. Lack of pain 鍖bers
in retina,
24. Eye injury.
Direct laser beam, indirect or re鍖ected laser exposure,
inappropriate eye protection.
Laser safety eyewear, goggles or glasses. Mandatory use
with all laser procedures.
Wavelength speci鍖c.
Reduces energy to eye below MPE. Maximum
permissible exposure level.
25. OD optical density
Ability of a lens to reduce laser energy of a speci鍖c wavelength to a
safe level below MPE.
OD 0 1,
OD 10.1
OD 20.01
OD 30.001
OD50.00001 eg OD 5, 1/100,000 original light transmitted.
26. Non laser beam hazards
Papillomavirus cultured from plume CO2.
Tissue particles splattering Q switched.
Reports of viral transmission.
LGAC laser generated air contaminant.
27. Non laser beam hazards
Smoke evacuation 鍖lter < 0.1 micron.
Masks and gloves laser marks 鍖lter smaller particles than
operating room masks.
28. Indirect beam hazard
Be aware of re鍖ective materials, mirrors and polished
Glossy paint can be a hazard.
29. Fire
lol laser can ignite.
Co2 highest risk.
Direct and re鍖ected beam
Prevention measures, make sure alcohol prep dry, keep
laser beam away fro gauze, plastic and rubber.
30. Warning labels
Areas of laser usage must be labeled
Caution labels for class 1 to 2.
Danger labels for class 3 to 4.
31. Non ablative rejuvenation
Creates controlled areas of injury to epidermis and
dermis, destruction of wavelength speci鍖c chromophores.
Most commonly IPL, intense pulse light, BBL broad band
light, photo facial, photo rejuvenation.
Less commonly laser toning, NdYAG, KTP, PDL.
32. Why non ablative skin
rejuvenation is popular.
Minimum down time.
No oozing, swelling, crusting, blistering.
Mild to moderate erythema 1to 3 hours.
33. Ablative rejuvenation
Non ablative light therapy
Chromophores, melanin, hemoglobins, vascular lesions,
thermal e鍖ects limited to dermis/ epidermis, collagenesis
leads to heating and remodeling.
34. Pulsed light physics.
Light source 鍖ash lamp.
BBL, broadband lights, 420-1400nm.
Non coherent, non monochromatic, non collimated.
Not a laser
Wavelength range selected by changing head or adding
42. Fractional resurfacing
MTZ micro thermal zone, minimal damage, micro column
of laser, light to surface of skin, not complete resurfacing.
Hundreds of MTZ per square cm.
43. Fractional resurfacing
Normal skin between MTZ, intact epidermis barrier
functions, rapid re-epithelialization, keratinocytes
migration, rapid healing and less risk.
44. Fractional resurfacing
Minimal down time. Approximately 1 week healing time.
No crusting or oozing, minimal exfoliating.
New collagen and epithelium per treatment.
2007 clinical trail, 5-6 treatments striae improves as much
as 75%.
45. Fractional resurfacing
Erythema, mild swelling, 1 to 2 days.
Bronzing/darkening after 2 to 3 days.
Moderate to severe swelling
Prednisone 40/30/20/10, step down. Repeats every 4
46. Tattoo removal
End point
Gray whitening immediate.
Breaking of ink.
Follows by erythema and redness, edema, for 3 to 5 days.
Reaction color dependent, darker color produce more
whitening than lighter color.
47. Tattoo removal
No ink is removed until 4 weeks.
Pruritis, peeling, fading @4 weeks.
No scratching or picking.
Repeated 6 to 8 weeks, if repeat too short interval
targeting old ink not yet removed.
48. Tattoo removal
R2, protocol.
4 sessions same day, 30 minutes.
Up to 80- 90% clearance of ink.
Study done with 2 sessions, 30 minutes apart. Slightly
less ink removal than 4 sessions.
70 - 80 % clearance.
49. Laser tattoo removal
Amateur tattoos easier to remove, shallow ink deposition.
Less dense, older tattoos easier.
50. Laser tattoo removal
Wavelength selection, ink color, black, dark brown, red
ink, easiest to remove.
White, yellow, green, blue, least responsive to laser.
51. Laser tattoo removal
Q switched, picolaser, photo acoustic, gold standard
short pulse con鍖ned energy to small chromophores tattoo
ink and melanin.
Frequency double, FD, KTP and NdYAG, most versatile,
New generation triple wavelength picosecond.
532/1064/755expensive. Can remove green and blue ink.
52. Laser tattoo removal.
FD NdYAG, or picosecond lasers best choice.
FD NdYAG good for skin type 1 to 5.
Less melanin absorption at 1064nm than alexandrite 755
53. General guidelines
Black, dark blue, 1064 Nd YAG
Red, orange 532 KTP.
Blue, green and brown 755 Alexandrite 694 Ruby.
54. Complications
Permanent darkening metallic pigment in ink.
Red, white, 鍖esh color, test spot 鍖rst.
Ghost image, PIH, hypopigmentation, texture abnormality
and scarring.
57. Laser hair removal
Anagen phase
Active growth phase. Approximately 20% of hair.
Hair follicle most active and most susceptible to
58. Laser hair removal
Non permanent.
FDA duration 6 months.
Touch up, or maintenance session 1 to 2 years.
59. Laser hair removal
Long pulse, NdYAG, 1074nm.
Penetrates deeper follicle level.
Good for all skin types. Low absorption, by all 3 major
skin chromophores. H2O, HgB, melanin.
Alexandrite, 755 nm, one of the 鍖rst lasers used for hair
removal. Safest for skin types 1 to 3.
60. Laser hair removal
Diode laser, 810 nm,
Similar to alexandrite, slightly safer for darker skin types
than alexandrite. Newer generation classi鍖cation for all
skin types.
IPL, broadband light, not as speci鍖c as laser, more
collateral tissue damage at high settings.
61. Laser hair removal
Pt selection.
Light skin and dark hair, optimal results.
Active tanning, UV exposure, wait for 2 weeks, blonde
hair, no5 good candidate, hypertrichosis, vs hirsuitism
polycystic ovarian syndrome.
62. Laser hair removal
Average 6 treatments, 4 to 6 weeks apart.
End point, peri follicular erythema.
Touch up, or maintainenence session, 1 to 2 years or
when regrowth.
Result varies among patients and area treated.
Chin most resistant. Can be 8-9 treatments.
63. General laser contractions
Isotretinoin/accutane, usage within 1 year, scarring,
Chemical peel, 2 to 4 weeks.
Waxing within 2 weeks.
Active herpes simplex.
Active infection. Bacterial, viral and fungal.
Systemic corticosteroids.
Lesions suspicious for malignancy.