Samsung created an advertisement that contrasts Samsung phones with Apple phones in a black and white manner, implying that choosing Apple makes someone not a genius. Some criticize the ad for telling Apple customers they are idiots. The document discusses Samsung's new advertisement, criticism of it claiming it insults customers, and how the ad uses contrast and implication to argue Samsung is better than Apple.
4. Samsungs argument
Themes of contrast and allusion create Samsungs main
Obviously Samsung is the best. The choice is black and
white. If you picked Apple, youre no genius.
5. Some Criticism
It seems like an odd way to seduce [Apple customers]
because youre basically telling them theyre idiots.
Kevin Segal, member of Apples advertising team
Source: New York Times Online
7. Samsungs Next Big Thing
Two themes create an argument against Apple.
Some people find the ad distasteful and unethical.
Its not a personal attack, its advertising strategy.
8. Works Cited
Samsung. Advertisement. CNET News. CBS Interactive, 15 Sept. 2012. Web.
23 Sept. 2012.<http:news.cnet.com8301-17852_3-57513628-71/samsung-
Vega, Tanzina, and Brian X. Chen. "Samsung-Apple Fight Moves to
Marketing. New York Times (19 Sept. 2012): B1. The New York Times
Online. The New York Times, 18 Sept. 2012. Web. 28 Sept. 2012.
< 2012/09/19/business/media/ samsung-apple-fight-