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H1.cz part of Ataxo Group

Company presentation

+420 272 763 111   info@h1.cz   www.h1.cz
H1.cz is...
 Leading consulting company in on-line &                          ?We have implemented
 performance marketing.                                           very high quality standard
 Focused on B2C, B2B marketing. Working for                       of our services from our
                                                                  own beginning. Business
 local and international corporations.
                                                                  results of our clients have
 Best local company for e-commerce clients.                       proven that we made
 Member of SPIR (Czech IAB) and one of key                        right choice.
 Educators / provider of deep on-line marketing   More than five years we are still focused
 trainings and education.                         to deliver high professional services for
 On market since 2005                             big, well known and very demanding
                                                  clients. Due to challenges of our clients
 Member of ATAXO Group since 2010                 and due to dynamic world of digital
                                                  marketing we are in constant
                                                  improvement. We are delivering
                                                  innovative campaigns with focus on
                                                  positive ROI and effectiveness.
                                                  Furthermore one of our differences is our
                                                  company culture and the same standard
                                                  of quality work as it is in ethical part of
                                                  our work.^

                                                                              David ?pinar
                                                        founder and country manager of H1.cz
O spole?nosti H1.cz
O spole?nosti H1.cz
H1.cz is...

      5 company-owned and operated offices in 4 countries
      Provides employment to more than 200 employses
      Delivers services to approximately 6 000 customers in
      more than 10 languages
      Manages approximately 3 000 online marketing
      campaigns at any moment in time

O spole?nosti H1.cz
H1.cz is partner

O spole?nosti H1.cz
O spole?nosti H1.cz
High expertise & proficiency
                             Publishing own papers and publications, eg. 10 x 10 management
                             mistakes in internet entrepreneurship and business
                             own marketing blog NaH1
                             Regular publishing of marketing articles in local magazines Media &
                             Marketing, Strategie, Fresh Marketing and others
                             We are part of jury and expert panel in k?┴??│lov│ lupa awards
                             Our employees are regular speakers in many local and global
                             conferences, eg. WebExpo, IAC or Internet for Business

Our consultants are also regular lectors and speakers in following universities:

   O spole?nosti H1.cz
Thank you for your attention!

          PETR MARES
          TEAM LEADER


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  • 1. H1.cz part of Ataxo Group Company presentation +420 272 763 111 info@h1.cz www.h1.cz
  • 2. H1.cz is... Leading consulting company in on-line & ?We have implemented performance marketing. very high quality standard Focused on B2C, B2B marketing. Working for of our services from our own beginning. Business local and international corporations. results of our clients have Best local company for e-commerce clients. proven that we made Member of SPIR (Czech IAB) and one of key right choice. Educators / provider of deep on-line marketing More than five years we are still focused trainings and education. to deliver high professional services for On market since 2005 big, well known and very demanding clients. Due to challenges of our clients Member of ATAXO Group since 2010 and due to dynamic world of digital marketing we are in constant improvement. We are delivering innovative campaigns with focus on positive ROI and effectiveness. Furthermore one of our differences is our company culture and the same standard of quality work as it is in ethical part of our work.^ David ?pinar founder and country manager of H1.cz O spole?nosti H1.cz
  • 4. H1.cz is... 5 company-owned and operated offices in 4 countries Provides employment to more than 200 employses Delivers services to approximately 6 000 customers in more than 10 languages Manages approximately 3 000 online marketing campaigns at any moment in time O spole?nosti H1.cz
  • 5. H1.cz is partner O spole?nosti H1.cz
  • 7. High expertise & proficiency Publishing own papers and publications, eg. 10 x 10 management mistakes in internet entrepreneurship and business own marketing blog NaH1 Regular publishing of marketing articles in local magazines Media & Marketing, Strategie, Fresh Marketing and others We are part of jury and expert panel in k?┴??│lov│ lupa awards Our employees are regular speakers in many local and global conferences, eg. WebExpo, IAC or Internet for Business Our consultants are also regular lectors and speakers in following universities: O spole?nosti H1.cz
  • 8. Thank you for your attention! PETR MARES TEAM LEADER Contact