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Neurobehavioural, neurochemical
and neuromorphological effects of
cadmium in male rats
Hussein A.Kaoud, Mervat M.Kamel, Abeer H.
Abdel-Razek, Gehan M. Kamel and Kawkab
Journal of American Science 2010;6(5)
 Cadmium is a widespread toxic
environmental and industrial pollutant.
 Cadmium is unique among the other metals because of
its toxicity at a very low dosage and long biologic half life
(30 years in human) and its low rate of excretion from the
 Cadmium can enter into the brain parenchyma and
neurons causing neurological alterations in humans and
animal models leading to lower attention, olfactory
dysfunction and memory deficits.
Mechanism of Cd toxicity involves
production of reactive oxygen species and
free radicals. In animals, the various toxic
effects induced by cadmium may be due
to increased lipid peroxidation. The
increase in lipid peroxidation may be
attributed to alterations in the antioxidant
defense system
Aim of workAim of work
 Evaluate the effects of Cadmium chloride solution ( 5 or
50mg) intake on two memory tasks in adult male rats
 Detection of neurodegeneration changes in brain
through histopathological and biochemical
examination. Additionally, exploratory motor
activity (EMA) and motor coordination were
Materials and MethodsMaterials and Methods
Experimental designExperimental design
 Forty five Wistar male albino rats weighing about 100-120
gm were used in this study The animals were divided
randomly into three groups of 15 animals each.
 The first group: served as the control and the animals
were allowed ad libitum normal tap.
 The other two groups of were allowed ad-libitum tap
water containing 5mg cadmium chloride/L dissolved in
water (low dose) and 50 mg cadmium chloride / L
dissolved in water (high dose).All animals were exposed
to ad-libitum supply for 60 days in drinking water.
Behaviourl Tests:
Open-field test:
Habituation , a form of non associative learning, was
measured in the open field test
 Maze learning test (classic maze):
Associative learning was assessed using classic maze test.
The base measure of the maze was 100x60 cm and the
walls were 25 cm high.
 Spatial Y-maze memory:
Spontaneous alternation in a single session was assessed
in a Y maze, which is used as a measure of short- term
memory performance
 Novelty exploration test:
To investigate exploratory motor activity ( EMA ) in
rats in the three studied groups, a "mini-holeboard"
was designed that could be inserted into the base of a
wooden box, with a floor (40 x 40 cm) and walls 50
 Psychomotor testing (Motor complex behaviour):
Animals of the three groups were examined with two
different motor tests (rod walking and plank walking).
 Body weight and brain weight:
All male rats per group were weighed at the
onset of treatment and weekly
throughout the study. At the end of the
study, five rats from each group were
sacrificed by decapitation; brain of each
animal was removed, cleaned and
 Biochemical examination:
At the end of experiment five rats from each group were
sacrificed Brain of each animal was taken on ice cold.
Then homogenized in phosphate buffer with PH 8
(W/V), centrifuged at 1500 rpm for 10 min. The
supernatant fluid froze at -20属C until assayed for
further analysis.
- Acetylcholine esterase (AChE) activity was determined
using acetylcholine iodide as a substrate
- Estimation of lipid peroxidation. Enzymatic activity for
oxidative stress were estimated including
Glutathione-s-transferase (GST) and superoxide
dismutase (SOD) - Total protein (TP )
 Histopathological examination:
Tissue specimens from brain of all
experimental rats were collected at
the end of the study and fixed in
neutral buffered formalin, processed
by conventional method, embedded
in paraffin, sectioned at 4-5 um and
stained by Haematoxylin and Eosin
(Bancroft et al., 1996).
Table 1. Effect of exposure to different doses of CdCl2 on measurements of Open-field
test, Classic maze test, Y-maze and Novelty acquisition tests.
Group Control Low dose High dose
Open field test
 No. of squares 26.70賊2.22 36.16賊1.59 b 57.90賊8.26 a
 No. of rearing 7.02賊0.82 9.78賊1.68 b 19.61賊3.13 a
 No. of pellets 扠2.22賊0.312.90賊0.21
5.03賊0.26 b
Maze test
 time elapsed (min) 1.21賊0.27 1.34 賊0.29 1.68 賊0.44 b
 No. of errors
0.42 賊 0.58 3.53 賊 0.64 3.31 賊 3.11
Spatial Y-maze
 No. of arms 12.13賊0.63 19.09賊1.73 a 19.80賊1.82 a
 % of s.alternations 60.70賊3.36 39.21賊4.25 a 36.99賊3.45 a
Novelty exploratory test
 No. of rearing 34.32賊2.11 32.72賊 2.33 27.70賊2.22 b
 No. of head dips 18.91賊1.22 18.14賊 1.18 16.36賊1.18
Neurobehavioural, neurochemical and neuromorphological effects of cadmium in male rats
Figures in the same row with different letters are statistically significantly different
(compared with the control group). a (P<0. 01) and b (P<0.05).
Group Control Low dose High dose
Neurobehavioural, neurochemical and neuromorphological effects of cadmium in male rats
 Developing brain is greatly targeted to
damage by toxic agents. Along with
evidence derived from our study where
exposure to cadmium constitutes a great
threat being associated with neural
injurious effects. Hence, concern should be
directed to limit the inadvertent
incorporation of cadmium in human 
consumed products.
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  • 2. IntroductionIntroduction Cadmium is a widespread toxic environmental and industrial pollutant. Cadmium is unique among the other metals because of its toxicity at a very low dosage and long biologic half life (30 years in human) and its low rate of excretion from the body Cadmium can enter into the brain parenchyma and neurons causing neurological alterations in humans and animal models leading to lower attention, olfactory dysfunction and memory deficits.
  • 3. Mechanism of Cd toxicity involves production of reactive oxygen species and free radicals. In animals, the various toxic effects induced by cadmium may be due to increased lipid peroxidation. The increase in lipid peroxidation may be attributed to alterations in the antioxidant defense system
  • 4. Aim of workAim of work Evaluate the effects of Cadmium chloride solution ( 5 or 50mg) intake on two memory tasks in adult male rats Detection of neurodegeneration changes in brain through histopathological and biochemical examination. Additionally, exploratory motor activity (EMA) and motor coordination were evaluated
  • 5. Materials and MethodsMaterials and Methods Experimental designExperimental design Forty five Wistar male albino rats weighing about 100-120 gm were used in this study The animals were divided randomly into three groups of 15 animals each. The first group: served as the control and the animals were allowed ad libitum normal tap. The other two groups of were allowed ad-libitum tap water containing 5mg cadmium chloride/L dissolved in water (low dose) and 50 mg cadmium chloride / L dissolved in water (high dose).All animals were exposed to ad-libitum supply for 60 days in drinking water.
  • 6. Behaviourl Tests: Open-field test: Habituation , a form of non associative learning, was measured in the open field test Maze learning test (classic maze): Associative learning was assessed using classic maze test. The base measure of the maze was 100x60 cm and the walls were 25 cm high. Spatial Y-maze memory: Spontaneous alternation in a single session was assessed in a Y maze, which is used as a measure of short- term memory performance
  • 7. Novelty exploration test: To investigate exploratory motor activity ( EMA ) in rats in the three studied groups, a "mini-holeboard" was designed that could be inserted into the base of a wooden box, with a floor (40 x 40 cm) and walls 50 cm. Psychomotor testing (Motor complex behaviour): Animals of the three groups were examined with two different motor tests (rod walking and plank walking).
  • 8. Body weight and brain weight: All male rats per group were weighed at the onset of treatment and weekly throughout the study. At the end of the study, five rats from each group were sacrificed by decapitation; brain of each animal was removed, cleaned and weighed.
  • 9. Biochemical examination: At the end of experiment five rats from each group were sacrificed Brain of each animal was taken on ice cold. Then homogenized in phosphate buffer with PH 8 (W/V), centrifuged at 1500 rpm for 10 min. The supernatant fluid froze at -20属C until assayed for further analysis. - Acetylcholine esterase (AChE) activity was determined using acetylcholine iodide as a substrate - Estimation of lipid peroxidation. Enzymatic activity for oxidative stress were estimated including Glutathione-s-transferase (GST) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) - Total protein (TP )
  • 10. Histopathological examination: Tissue specimens from brain of all experimental rats were collected at the end of the study and fixed in neutral buffered formalin, processed by conventional method, embedded in paraffin, sectioned at 4-5 um and stained by Haematoxylin and Eosin (Bancroft et al., 1996).
  • 11. ResultsResults Table 1. Effect of exposure to different doses of CdCl2 on measurements of Open-field test, Classic maze test, Y-maze and Novelty acquisition tests. Group Control Low dose High dose Parameter Open field test No. of squares 26.70賊2.22 36.16賊1.59 b 57.90賊8.26 a No. of rearing 7.02賊0.82 9.78賊1.68 b 19.61賊3.13 a No. of pellets 扠2.22賊0.312.90賊0.21 5.03賊0.26 b Maze test time elapsed (min) 1.21賊0.27 1.34 賊0.29 1.68 賊0.44 b No. of errors 0.42 賊 0.58 3.53 賊 0.64 3.31 賊 3.11 Spatial Y-maze No. of arms 12.13賊0.63 19.09賊1.73 a 19.80賊1.82 a % of s.alternations 60.70賊3.36 39.21賊4.25 a 36.99賊3.45 a Novelty exploratory test No. of rearing 34.32賊2.11 32.72賊 2.33 27.70賊2.22 b No. of head dips 18.91賊1.22 18.14賊 1.18 16.36賊1.18
  • 13. Figures in the same row with different letters are statistically significantly different (compared with the control group). a (P<0. 01) and b (P<0.05). Group Control Low dose High dose
  • 15. ConclusionConclusion Developing brain is greatly targeted to damage by toxic agents. Along with evidence derived from our study where exposure to cadmium constitutes a great threat being associated with neural injurious effects. Hence, concern should be directed to limit the inadvertent incorporation of cadmium in human consumed products.
  • 16. 悋愕惠悋惺 忰愕 愆惘悋 Thank you for your attentionThank you for your attention