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Nice to see you! 1St
of all we gladto introduce youourteam: myname is Lera,our team leader’sname
I d like totell youa few wordsaboutthis place,namedBankforyouth.
Nowadaysyoungpeople have somedifficults,includingeducation, financialproblems,fashion andso
on. Lack of money,or knowledgeaboutabanksystemare popularitemforyouth.
Our purpose issupportingyoungpeople.Firstof all,there ourguestscan spendtime profitable:fix a
meeting, discussion theirprojects,brainstorming,use these space forco-working.More thanthat, we
have a libraryfor our guests.These are books recommendedby the Presidentof ourBank,GermanGref.
The opinionof the younggenerationisessential forourmission.The style of thisoffice isareflectionof
theiropinion.Itissmart,cozy,bright,it hasfree wi-fi.
Unfortunately,inourcountrypeople have gottolike cash,theyuse money wheneverpossible.
We helpourguestto pay theirbillsbydebitcard, notbycash
банковская касса - bank till
наличность – cash
снять деньги в банкомате -withdrawmoneyfrom ATM
Car Loan- автокредит
mortgage -ипотека
draw up an application–оформить заявку
submit an application- подать заявку на рассмотрение
applicationfor loan -заявка на кредит
to grant a Loan – выдатькредит
to obtain a credit- получить клиент
to hold activities– проводить мероприятие
trainings -тренингиlectures
to conduct interviewswith cand
to employ

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  • 1. Nice to see you! 1St of all we gladto introduce youourteam: myname is Lera,our team leader’sname isAlexey. I d like totell youa few wordsaboutthis place,namedBankforyouth. Nowadaysyoungpeople have somedifficults,includingeducation, financialproblems,fashion andso on. Lack of money,or knowledgeaboutabanksystemare popularitemforyouth. Our purpose issupportingyoungpeople.Firstof all,there ourguestscan spendtime profitable:fix a meeting, discussion theirprojects,brainstorming,use these space forco-working.More thanthat, we have a libraryfor our guests.These are books recommendedby the Presidentof ourBank,GermanGref. The opinionof the younggenerationisessential forourmission.The style of thisoffice isareflectionof theiropinion.Itissmart,cozy,bright,it hasfree wi-fi. Unfortunately,inourcountrypeople have gottolike cash,theyuse money wheneverpossible. We helpourguestto pay theirbillsbydebitcard, notbycash банковская касса - bank till наличность – cash снять деньги в банкомате -withdrawmoneyfrom ATM Loan-кредит Car Loan- автокредит mortgage -ипотека draw up an application–оформить заявку submit an application- подать заявку на рассмотрение applicationfor loan -заявка на кредит application–приложение to grant a Loan – выдатькредит to obtain a credit- получить клиент to hold activities– проводить мероприятие trainings -тренингиlectures to conduct interviewswith cand to employ