The automatic generation of facets works fairly bad for fine-modeled ontologies, in which not all information concerning a single Topic is available through occurrences and direct associations. In this paper, we share our conception of using TMQL path expressions for the definition of domain-specific facets by means of using standard-based Topic Maps technologies. The generated facets must be evaluated, even though they are defined manually by a domain expert. We therefore propose metrics for automatic evaluation of the defined facets, as well as a mechanism for using automatically stored user feedback.
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Defining Domain-Specific Facets for Topic Maps With TMQL Path Expressions
1. De鍖ning Domain-Speci鍖c Facets for Topic Maps
With TMQL Path Expressions
Sven Windisch
Dr. Lutz Maicher
Topic Maps Lab
Natural Language Processing Group
Computer Science Department
University of Leipzig
September 30, 2010
Sven Windisch, Dr. Lutz Maicher (Topic Maps Lab) September 30, 2010 1/23
2. Agenda
Introduction to Facets in Topic Maps
De鍖ning Domain-Speci鍖c Facets With TMQL
A Short Example
Conclusions and Outlook
Sven Windisch, Dr. Lutz Maicher (Topic Maps Lab) September 30, 2010 2/23
3. Overview
Introduction to Facets in Topic Maps
De鍖ning Domain-Speci鍖c Facets With TMQL
A Short Example
Conclusions and Outlook
Sven Windisch, Dr. Lutz Maicher (Topic Maps Lab) September 30, 2010 3/23
4. De鍖nition of facets
Facets are . . .
. . . clearly de鍖ned, mutually exclusive, and collectively exhaustive aspects,
properties or characteristics of a speci鍖c subject.
Some person has a name, a date of birth and a birthplace. These three
characteristics are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive. They are
facets of this person.
Sven Windisch, Dr. Lutz Maicher (Topic Maps Lab) September 30, 2010 4/23
5. Mathematical De鍖nition
Any facet can be described as a triple, consisting of
the parent identi鍖er id(t) (i. e. whose Topics facet is this)
the name of the facet n (e. g. Department, Format, Binding)
the value of the facet v (e. g. Paperback, Hardcover )
f = (id(t), n, v)
Sven Windisch, Dr. Lutz Maicher (Topic Maps Lab) September 30, 2010 5/23
6. Famous facet examples
Yelp lists lots of different burgers in San Francisco.
The facets help you with choosing the one place that 鍖ts your need best.
Sven Windisch, Dr. Lutz Maicher (Topic Maps Lab) September 30, 2010 6/23
8. Facettable Elements of a Topic
Names are very useful, but need careful spellchecking.
Special Name types (e.g. Forename, Surname) provide a more concise
Occurences with short values are 鍖ne for faceting.
Again, careful spellchecking is necessary.
Sven Windisch, Dr. Lutz Maicher (Topic Maps Lab) September 30, 2010 8/23
9. Facettable Elements of a Topic
A Topic plays a speci鍖c Role, or not. Roles can therefore be used as
鍖ag-like facets.
Topic Types
Types of Topics are useful for distinguishing different kinds of search
Sven Windisch, Dr. Lutz Maicher (Topic Maps Lab) September 30, 2010 9/23
10. Sven Windisch, Dr. Lutz Maicher (Topic Maps Lab) September 30, 2010 10/23
11. Dont they come automagically?
Automatic generation of generic facets is possible (Ueberall et al. 2008).
But: Information needs of users are highly domain speci鍖c, while generic
facets are not.
Domain speci鍖c facets must cover more than the the Topics
Sven Windisch, Dr. Lutz Maicher (Topic Maps Lab) September 30, 2010 11/23
12. Overview
Introduction to Facets in Topic Maps
De鍖ning Domain-Speci鍖c Facets With TMQL
A Short Example
Conclusions and Outlook
Sven Windisch, Dr. Lutz Maicher (Topic Maps Lab) September 30, 2010 12/23
13. Why TMQL?
TMQL makes navigating through a Topic Map very easy
But: Full TMQL is much too powerful for our requirements. The path
expressions can do the whole job.
A path expression represents a sequence of navigation steps through the
abstract bidirectional graph of a Topic Map. Starting from given values (atoms
or items in a Topic Map), navigation steps along de鍖ned axes within the
context map compute new values.
Sven Windisch, Dr. Lutz Maicher (Topic Maps Lab) September 30, 2010 13/23
14. How to De鍖ne a Facet
Any facet de鍖nition resembles a simple path expression with the following
The starting element must be a Topic that serves as Topic type for other
The possible result values are restricted to strings, because the names
and values of facets must be human readable.
The given Topic type identi鍖er is replaced with the respective identi鍖er of one
of the instances. The TMQL expression is then executed and the result is
stored as the facets value.
Sven Windisch, Dr. Lutz Maicher (Topic Maps Lab) September 30, 2010 14/23
15. Overview
Introduction to Facets in Topic Maps
De鍖ning Domain-Speci鍖c Facets With TMQL
A Short Example
Conclusions and Outlook
Sven Windisch, Dr. Lutz Maicher (Topic Maps Lab) September 30, 2010 15/23
16. Example Topic Map
Mission: Create an of鍖ce-location-facet for every person.
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17. Navigating the Topic Map
>> traverse
>> traverse
>> characteristics tm:name
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18. Navigating the Topic Map
>> traverse
>> traverse
>> characteristics tm:name
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19. Navigating the Topic Map
>> traverse
>> traverse
>> characteristics tm:name
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20. Navigating the Topic Map
>> traverse
>> traverse
>> characteristics tm:name
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21. From TMQL to Facets in Three Simple Steps
>> traverse
>> traverse
>> characteristics tm:name is replaced by
The given query is executed, the result is Leipzig
A new facet is created:
(, Of鍖ce Location, Leipzig)
Sven Windisch, Dr. Lutz Maicher (Topic Maps Lab) September 30, 2010 21/23
22. Overview
Introduction to Facets in Topic Maps
De鍖ning Domain-Speci鍖c Facets With TMQL
A Short Example
Conclusions and Outlook
Sven Windisch, Dr. Lutz Maicher (Topic Maps Lab) September 30, 2010 22/23
23. Conclusions
Domain-speci鍖c facets are useful wherever facets must link deeper.
TMQL does a wonderful job for de鍖ning domain-speci鍖c facets.
De鍖ning domain-speci鍖c facets is easy.
The used Topic Map must be well modeled and spellchecked.
Release: Maiana prototype in October, complete search engine at the
end of 2010
Sven Windisch, Dr. Lutz Maicher (Topic Maps Lab) September 30, 2010 23/23