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Outlook on
Natural Rubber Market
Jom Jacob
Senior Economist
4-Jan-16 4-Feb-16 4-Mar-16 4-Apr-16 4-May-16 4-Jun-16 4-Jul-16 4-Aug-16 4-Sep-16 4-Oct-16 4-Nov-16
Daily Prices of STR20 and SMR20 (US$/100 kg)
STR 20
SMR 20
29 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City
Observations from Trends
 In both Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur markets,
prices tracked similar paths during 2016.
 There are four major phases in movement of
prices during 2016:
i. Increasing phase from mid-February to end of April
ii. Decreasing phase throughout during May
iii. Stabilization phase from beginning of June to mid-
iv. Recovery from mid-September onwards.
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 3
4-Jan-16 4-Feb-16 4-Mar-16 4-Apr-16 4-May-16 4-Jun-16 4-Jul-16 4-Aug-16 4-Sep-16 4-Oct-16 4-Nov-16
Daily Prices of STR 20 and RSS 3 at Bangkok
(US$/100 kg)
STR 20
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 4
Premium Price of RSS
 RSS 3 ruled considerably above STR 20 throughout
during 2016.
 Premium enjoyed by RSS 3 considerably went up
at times
 On 22 July 2016, RSS-3 price ruled 62 dollar/100 kg
above STR-20 price.
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 5
Does NR Price
Move according to
Demand and Supply?
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 6
Global Production and Consumption of NR
(000 tonnes)
Production Consumption Surplus (+) or
Deficit in
supply (-)
Growth in
Growth in
2011 11,174 11,034 140
2012 11,593 11,046 547 3.7 0.1
2013 12,209 11,370 839 5.3 2.9
2014 12,054 12,137 -83 -1.3 6.7
2015 12,243 12,167 76 1.6 0.2
2016 Likely 12,286 12,600 -314 0.3 3.6
Average growth during 2014-16:
Production 0.2% ; Consumption 3.5%
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 7
Favourable Fundamentals
 According to conventional economic theory, price
of a commodity is determined by its demand and
supply (Provided other things remain same).
 During the past three year period (2014-2016),
supply grew at 0.2% average annual rate. But,
demand grew faster at 3.5%.
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 8
Favourable Fundamentals (Contd.)
 Demand-Supply balance has been favourable to
prices during last three years.
 But, NR prices has stayed almost insensitive to
favourable demand-supply fundamentals during
the past three years. Why?
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 9
Why Prices Remained Insensitive to Favourable
Demand-Supply during 2014-2016?
 Effect of low supply from 2014 onwards is partly offset
by the stock accumulated until 2013.
 Mature area substantially expanded from 2013
onwards due to large-scale planting undertaken from
2006 onwards. Therefore, supply has potential to
increase if prices become more attractive. This
psychological barriers prevented NR prices from
moving up.
 Various non-fundamental factors remained
unfavourable to NR, although situation eased from
September 2016 onwards.
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 10
Non-Fundamentals Factors Relevant
to NR Market
1. Crude oil trends
2. Currencies of NR-exporting countries
3. Strength of Japanese yen
4. Flow of speculative funds
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 11
1. Influence of Crude Oil
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 12
4-Jan-16 4-Feb-16 4-Mar-16 4-Apr-16 4-May-16 4-Jun-16 4-Jul-16 4-Aug-16 4-Sep-16 4-Oct-16 4-Nov-16
Influence of Crude Oil on TOCOM RSS 3
Brent Crude Oil (US$/barrel)
TOCOM RSS 3 (Yen/kg)
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 13
Mid May to end of Sept
Why TOCOM RSS 3 Tracks Oil Trends?
 TOCOM RSS 3 directionally followed crude oil
trends except during the period from mid-May to
end of September.
 In TOCOM, speculative investors are largely
ignorant of technical limitation of substitution
between NR and SR (synthetic rubber).
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 14
Why TOCOM RSS 3 Tracks Oil Trends?
 They perceive that higher oil price can make
petroleum-derived SR more expensive, and lead to
large-scale substitution from SR to NR.
 They bet on possible substitution from SR to NR.
 As a result, uptrends in crude oil market are
expected to increase TOCOM rubber futures.
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 15
How Do Oil Trends Reach Physical NR Market?
 TOCOM futures track oil trends due to speculation
on possible substitution between SR and NR.
 Futures markets (TOCOM, Shanghai and SICOM)
act as transmission belts which bring influence of
non-fundamental factors to physical NR market.
 As a result, Physical markets are expected to track
the trends in futures market.
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 16
4-Jan-16 4-Feb-16 4-Mar-16 4-Apr-16 4-May-16 4-Jun-16 4-Jul-16 4-Aug-16 4-Sep-16 4-Oct-16 4-Nov-16
Influence of TOCOM RSS 3
on Physical STR 20
TOCOM RSS 3 (Yen/kg)
STR 20 (US$/100 kg)
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 17
2. Currencies of Major
NR-Exporting Countries
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 18
4-Jan-16 4-Feb-16 4-Mar-16 4-Apr-16 4-May-16 4-Jun-16 4-Jul-16 4-Aug-16 4-Sep-16 4-Oct-16 4-Nov-16
Influence of Malaysian Ringgit on SMR 20
US$ in 100 Ringgit
Price of SMR 20 (US$/100kg)
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 19
From Sept. onwards
 Till end of August, prices of SMR 20 directionally
tracked strength of Malaysian Ringgit.
 But, from September onwards, SMR 20 did not
follow downtrend in Ringgit.
 Due to more dominant influence of other factors,
NR prices has continued gaining strength despite
the weakening of Ringgit from September 2016.
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 20
Influence of Malaysian Ringgit on SMR 20
How does Currency Influence NR Market?
 When Ringgit weakens against US$, exporters
need to exchange less amount of US dollar to
make a Ringgit needed to procure cup-lump from
local market.
 A weak Ringgit makes exporters in Malaysia
competitive in international market.
 It provides them extra space to reduce offer price
of NR in international market. Under such
favourable situation, exporters quote lower price
in US dollar to increase business volume.
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 21
3. Influence of Japanese Yen
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 22
How Does Yen Influence TOCOM?
 At TOCOM, RSS 3 futures are traded in yen.
 When Yen stays weak against US$, overseas
investors need to spend less amount of US$ to
buy RSS 3 futures. It makes RSS futures
economically more appealing to them and hence
generates higher demand for RSS futures. As a
results, TOCOM RSS futures tend to rise.
 It means, a weak Yen helps rise in TOCOM prices
and a strong Yen works jut the opposite way.
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 23
Influence of Yen on TOCOM Futures
 Due to influence of other factors, TOCOM rubber
prices need not always move in accordance with
Yens strength.
 The current uptrend in NR prices is helped by Yens
sharp depreciation from October 2016.
 This is evident from the graph.
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 24
4-Jan-16 4-Feb-16 4-Mar-16 4-Apr-16 4-May-16 4-Jun-16 4-Jul-16 4-Aug-16 4-Sep-16 4-Oct-16 4-Nov-16
Influence of Yen on TOCOM Futures
US$ in 100 Yen
TOCOM RSS 3 (Yen/kg)
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 25
From Oct. onwards
4. Influence of Speculative Funds
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 26
What are Speculative Funds?
 Due to near-zero interest rates, pension funds and
money with rich individuals in advanced countries
largely rely on fund management firms (Hedge
Funds) to get better returns with minimum risk.
 Hedge Fund industry assets reached US$ 3.2
trillion as of November 2015 (Global Hedge Fund
 In 2015, US$72.5 billion added by capital inflow.
 Funds shift position among commodities, equities,
US dollar and gold (4 major asset classes).
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 27
US $
9 Dec 2016
Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 28
Why Funds Flow to Commodities?
 When conditions turn favourable to commodities,
fund managers switchover funds into
 They take decisions based on:
 Economic outlook, US job market data, and
Purchasing Managers Index
 Policy changes in US, China, Japan and Europe
 Outcome of OPECs major meetings
 While inflow of huge funds takes commodity
prices up, their outflow keeps prices down.
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 29
Monthly Price Indices of
All Commodities and Rubber
All Commodities
Natural Rubber
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 30
Monthly Price Indices of
Metals and Rubber
Natural Rubber
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 31
Monthly Price Indices of
Rice and Rubber
Natural Rubber
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 32
Monthly Price Indices of
Palm Oil and Rubber
Natural Rubber
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 33
Palm Oil
NR Follows Commodity Super Cycles
 Due to dominant influence of hedge funds,
commodities tend to follow similar trends
regardless of factors specific to each commodity.
 NR prices more or less track the general trends in
all commodities
 Due to major influence of hedge funds through
commodity cycles, demand-supply fundamental
have less important role in determining NR
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 34
Influence of Non-fundamentals
 During 2014-2016, demand grew faster at 3.5%
average annual rate as against 0.2% rate of
growth in supply.
 NR market could not gain strength from near-zero
growth in supply and a faster growth in demand.
 Until mid-September 2016, NR market remained
under grip of more powerful influential of :
 Low commodity prices
 Low crude oil prices, and
 Weak currencies of NR exporting countries.
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 35
Medium Term Outlook of NR Market
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 36
NR market in medium term is expected to be
determined by:
Movement of commodity prices in response to
emerging global economic trends, and geo-
Emerging developments in crude oil market
Strength of currencies of major NR-exporting
Emerging developments in supply and demand
for NR.
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 37
Price indices of All Commodities
(Base: 2005=100)
Price Index of All Commodities
2016 Likely 99
2017 Projected 108
2018 Projected 110
2019 Projected 111
2020 Projected 113
2021 Projected 114
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 38
Upward Revision
 Above projections of commodity prices were
released by IMF on 18 August. Commodity outlook
has improved thereafter on account of:
 US economic outlook has improved due to
developments after presidential election.
 OPECs meeting on 30 November reached an
agreement to substantially cut oil output.
 Outlook on Chinas manufacturing sector improved.
Official manufacturing PMI (Purchasing Managers
Index crossed 50 during November 2016)
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 39
Price (US$/barrel)
2015 Actual 50.8
2016 Projected 43.0
2017 Projected 50.6
2018 Projected 53.1
2019 Projected 54.4
2020 Projected 56.3
2021 Projected 57.6
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 40
 Crude oil prices projected by IMF on 18 August 2016
are likely to be revised up in view of the OPECs
agreement on 30 November to substantially cut
 Brent crude oil is anticipated to average at US$ 52 per
barrel in 2017 (up 21% from 2016), as per forecast
released on 5 December by US Energy Information
 It currently rules close to US$ 55 which is beyond
OPECs target. OPEC may not allow substantial rise in
oil price due to potential threat from Shale Gas.
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 41
 It is impossible to make a reliable judgement on
potential movement of Thai Baht, Indonesian
Rupiah, Malaysian Ringgit and Vietnam Dong.
 Largely depends on Trumps policy on US dollar
and US Federal Reserves approach to policy
interest rate.
 Will Trump choose for a weak US dollar to boost the
countrys exports and to strengthen US economy?
 Will Federal Reserve go for hike in policy interest rates
step by step, to reach 2.0% or 3.0% from the
prevailing near-zero rate?
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 42
Anticipated Trends in
Supply and Demand for NR
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 43
(000 tons)
(000 tons)
Surplus (+) / Deficit (-)
(000 tons)
2017 12,971 13,027 56
2018 13,360 13,685 325
2019 13,761 14,421 660
2020 14,173 14,800 627
2021 14,599 15,163 564
2022 15,037 15,379 342
2023 15,488 15,451 -37
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 44
Expectations on NR Market
 NR prices are expected to continue tracking the
general trend in commodities.
 Outlook on commodity prices and crude oil trends
suggest possibility of NR market gaining strength in
medium term, although at low pace.
 Due to more powerful role of non-fundamentals,
demand-supply fundamental is likely to have a less
important role in determining future course of NR
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 45
Expectations on NR Market (Contd.)
 Demand-Supply fundamental is anticipated to stay
favourable to market during 2017. But, can exert
downward pressure on NR prices during the period
from 2018 to 2021.
 Any substantial recovery in NR price can unlock
more supply into market and thereby send negative
sentiments to NR market.
 However, supply-induced negative sentiments are
expected to be offset by more powerful influence
of the emerging favorable non-fundamentals .
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 46
9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 47

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Presentation at VRA 091216

  • 1. Outlook on Natural Rubber Market Jom Jacob Senior Economist ANRPC
  • 2. 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 4-Jan-16 4-Feb-16 4-Mar-16 4-Apr-16 4-May-16 4-Jun-16 4-Jul-16 4-Aug-16 4-Sep-16 4-Oct-16 4-Nov-16 Daily Prices of STR20 and SMR20 (US$/100 kg) STR 20 SMR 20 29 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City
  • 3. Observations from Trends In both Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur markets, prices tracked similar paths during 2016. There are four major phases in movement of prices during 2016: i. Increasing phase from mid-February to end of April ii. Decreasing phase throughout during May iii. Stabilization phase from beginning of June to mid- September. iv. Recovery from mid-September onwards. 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 3
  • 4. 100 120 140 160 180 200 4-Jan-16 4-Feb-16 4-Mar-16 4-Apr-16 4-May-16 4-Jun-16 4-Jul-16 4-Aug-16 4-Sep-16 4-Oct-16 4-Nov-16 Daily Prices of STR 20 and RSS 3 at Bangkok (US$/100 kg) RSS 3 STR 20 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 4
  • 5. Premium Price of RSS RSS 3 ruled considerably above STR 20 throughout during 2016. Premium enjoyed by RSS 3 considerably went up at times On 22 July 2016, RSS-3 price ruled 62 dollar/100 kg above STR-20 price. 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 5
  • 6. Does NR Price Move according to Demand and Supply? 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 6
  • 7. Global Production and Consumption of NR (000 tonnes) Production Consumption Surplus (+) or Deficit in supply (-) Growth in production (%) Growth in consumption (%) 2011 11,174 11,034 140 2012 11,593 11,046 547 3.7 0.1 2013 12,209 11,370 839 5.3 2.9 2014 12,054 12,137 -83 -1.3 6.7 2015 12,243 12,167 76 1.6 0.2 2016 Likely 12,286 12,600 -314 0.3 3.6 Average growth during 2014-16: Production 0.2% ; Consumption 3.5% 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 7
  • 8. Favourable Fundamentals According to conventional economic theory, price of a commodity is determined by its demand and supply (Provided other things remain same). During the past three year period (2014-2016), supply grew at 0.2% average annual rate. But, demand grew faster at 3.5%. 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 8
  • 9. Favourable Fundamentals (Contd.) Demand-Supply balance has been favourable to prices during last three years. But, NR prices has stayed almost insensitive to favourable demand-supply fundamentals during the past three years. Why? 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 9
  • 10. Why Prices Remained Insensitive to Favourable Demand-Supply during 2014-2016? Effect of low supply from 2014 onwards is partly offset by the stock accumulated until 2013. Mature area substantially expanded from 2013 onwards due to large-scale planting undertaken from 2006 onwards. Therefore, supply has potential to increase if prices become more attractive. This psychological barriers prevented NR prices from moving up. Various non-fundamental factors remained unfavourable to NR, although situation eased from September 2016 onwards. 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 10
  • 11. Non-Fundamentals Factors Relevant to NR Market 1. Crude oil trends 2. Currencies of NR-exporting countries 3. Strength of Japanese yen 4. Flow of speculative funds 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 11
  • 12. 1. Influence of Crude Oil 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 12
  • 13. 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 4-Jan-16 4-Feb-16 4-Mar-16 4-Apr-16 4-May-16 4-Jun-16 4-Jul-16 4-Aug-16 4-Sep-16 4-Oct-16 4-Nov-16 Influence of Crude Oil on TOCOM RSS 3 Brent Crude Oil (US$/barrel) TOCOM RSS 3 (Yen/kg) 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 13 Mid May to end of Sept
  • 14. Why TOCOM RSS 3 Tracks Oil Trends? TOCOM RSS 3 directionally followed crude oil trends except during the period from mid-May to end of September. In TOCOM, speculative investors are largely ignorant of technical limitation of substitution between NR and SR (synthetic rubber). 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 14
  • 15. Why TOCOM RSS 3 Tracks Oil Trends? (Contd.) They perceive that higher oil price can make petroleum-derived SR more expensive, and lead to large-scale substitution from SR to NR. They bet on possible substitution from SR to NR. As a result, uptrends in crude oil market are expected to increase TOCOM rubber futures. 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 15
  • 16. How Do Oil Trends Reach Physical NR Market? TOCOM futures track oil trends due to speculation on possible substitution between SR and NR. Futures markets (TOCOM, Shanghai and SICOM) act as transmission belts which bring influence of non-fundamental factors to physical NR market. As a result, Physical markets are expected to track the trends in futures market. 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 16
  • 17. 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 4-Jan-16 4-Feb-16 4-Mar-16 4-Apr-16 4-May-16 4-Jun-16 4-Jul-16 4-Aug-16 4-Sep-16 4-Oct-16 4-Nov-16 Influence of TOCOM RSS 3 on Physical STR 20 TOCOM RSS 3 (Yen/kg) STR 20 (US$/100 kg) 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 17
  • 18. 2. Currencies of Major NR-Exporting Countries 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 18
  • 19. 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0 25.5 26.0 26.5 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 4-Jan-16 4-Feb-16 4-Mar-16 4-Apr-16 4-May-16 4-Jun-16 4-Jul-16 4-Aug-16 4-Sep-16 4-Oct-16 4-Nov-16 Influence of Malaysian Ringgit on SMR 20 US$ in 100 Ringgit Price of SMR 20 (US$/100kg) 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 19 From Sept. onwards
  • 20. Till end of August, prices of SMR 20 directionally tracked strength of Malaysian Ringgit. But, from September onwards, SMR 20 did not follow downtrend in Ringgit. Due to more dominant influence of other factors, NR prices has continued gaining strength despite the weakening of Ringgit from September 2016. 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 20 Influence of Malaysian Ringgit on SMR 20
  • 21. How does Currency Influence NR Market? When Ringgit weakens against US$, exporters need to exchange less amount of US dollar to make a Ringgit needed to procure cup-lump from local market. A weak Ringgit makes exporters in Malaysia competitive in international market. It provides them extra space to reduce offer price of NR in international market. Under such favourable situation, exporters quote lower price in US dollar to increase business volume. 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 21
  • 22. 3. Influence of Japanese Yen 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 22
  • 23. How Does Yen Influence TOCOM? At TOCOM, RSS 3 futures are traded in yen. When Yen stays weak against US$, overseas investors need to spend less amount of US$ to buy RSS 3 futures. It makes RSS futures economically more appealing to them and hence generates higher demand for RSS futures. As a results, TOCOM RSS futures tend to rise. It means, a weak Yen helps rise in TOCOM prices and a strong Yen works jut the opposite way. 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 23
  • 24. Influence of Yen on TOCOM Futures Due to influence of other factors, TOCOM rubber prices need not always move in accordance with Yens strength. The current uptrend in NR prices is helped by Yens sharp depreciation from October 2016. This is evident from the graph. 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 24
  • 25. 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 4-Jan-16 4-Feb-16 4-Mar-16 4-Apr-16 4-May-16 4-Jun-16 4-Jul-16 4-Aug-16 4-Sep-16 4-Oct-16 4-Nov-16 Influence of Yen on TOCOM Futures US$ in 100 Yen TOCOM RSS 3 (Yen/kg) 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 25 From Oct. onwards
  • 26. 4. Influence of Speculative Funds 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 26
  • 27. What are Speculative Funds? Due to near-zero interest rates, pension funds and money with rich individuals in advanced countries largely rely on fund management firms (Hedge Funds) to get better returns with minimum risk. Hedge Fund industry assets reached US$ 3.2 trillion as of November 2015 (Global Hedge Fund Report) In 2015, US$72.5 billion added by capital inflow. Funds shift position among commodities, equities, US dollar and gold (4 major asset classes). 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 27
  • 28. Gold US $ 9 Dec 2016 Commo dities Equities Hedge Fund Manager Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 28
  • 29. Why Funds Flow to Commodities? When conditions turn favourable to commodities, fund managers switchover funds into commodities. They take decisions based on: Economic outlook, US job market data, and Purchasing Managers Index Policy changes in US, China, Japan and Europe Outcome of OPECs major meetings Geopolitics. While inflow of huge funds takes commodity prices up, their outflow keeps prices down. 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 29
  • 30. 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 Monthly Price Indices of All Commodities and Rubber All Commodities Natural Rubber 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 30
  • 31. 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 Monthly Price Indices of Metals and Rubber Natural Rubber 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 31 Metals
  • 32. 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 Monthly Price Indices of Rice and Rubber Natural Rubber 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 32 Rice
  • 33. 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 Monthly Price Indices of Palm Oil and Rubber Natural Rubber 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 33 Palm Oil
  • 34. NR Follows Commodity Super Cycles Due to dominant influence of hedge funds, commodities tend to follow similar trends regardless of factors specific to each commodity. NR prices more or less track the general trends in all commodities Due to major influence of hedge funds through commodity cycles, demand-supply fundamental have less important role in determining NR prices. 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 34
  • 35. Influence of Non-fundamentals During 2014-2016, demand grew faster at 3.5% average annual rate as against 0.2% rate of growth in supply. NR market could not gain strength from near-zero growth in supply and a faster growth in demand. Until mid-September 2016, NR market remained under grip of more powerful influential of : Low commodity prices Low crude oil prices, and Weak currencies of NR exporting countries. 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 35
  • 36. Medium Term Outlook of NR Market 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 36
  • 37. NR market in medium term is expected to be determined by: Movement of commodity prices in response to emerging global economic trends, and geo- politics. Emerging developments in crude oil market Strength of currencies of major NR-exporting countries Emerging developments in supply and demand for NR. 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 37
  • 38. Price indices of All Commodities (Base: 2005=100) Price Index of All Commodities 2016 Likely 99 2017 Projected 108 2018 Projected 110 2019 Projected 111 2020 Projected 113 2021 Projected 114 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 38
  • 39. Upward Revision Above projections of commodity prices were released by IMF on 18 August. Commodity outlook has improved thereafter on account of: US economic outlook has improved due to developments after presidential election. OPECs meeting on 30 November reached an agreement to substantially cut oil output. Outlook on Chinas manufacturing sector improved. Official manufacturing PMI (Purchasing Managers Index crossed 50 during November 2016) 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 39
  • 40. Price (US$/barrel) 2015 Actual 50.8 2016 Projected 43.0 2017 Projected 50.6 2018 Projected 53.1 2019 Projected 54.4 2020 Projected 56.3 2021 Projected 57.6 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 40
  • 41. Crude oil prices projected by IMF on 18 August 2016 are likely to be revised up in view of the OPECs agreement on 30 November to substantially cut output. Brent crude oil is anticipated to average at US$ 52 per barrel in 2017 (up 21% from 2016), as per forecast released on 5 December by US Energy Information Administration. It currently rules close to US$ 55 which is beyond OPECs target. OPEC may not allow substantial rise in oil price due to potential threat from Shale Gas. 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 41
  • 42. It is impossible to make a reliable judgement on potential movement of Thai Baht, Indonesian Rupiah, Malaysian Ringgit and Vietnam Dong. Largely depends on Trumps policy on US dollar and US Federal Reserves approach to policy interest rate. Will Trump choose for a weak US dollar to boost the countrys exports and to strengthen US economy? Will Federal Reserve go for hike in policy interest rates step by step, to reach 2.0% or 3.0% from the prevailing near-zero rate? 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 42
  • 43. Anticipated Trends in Supply and Demand for NR 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 43
  • 44. Consumption (000 tons) Production (000 tons) Surplus (+) / Deficit (-) (000 tons) 2017 12,971 13,027 56 2018 13,360 13,685 325 2019 13,761 14,421 660 2020 14,173 14,800 627 2021 14,599 15,163 564 2022 15,037 15,379 342 2023 15,488 15,451 -37 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 44
  • 45. Expectations on NR Market NR prices are expected to continue tracking the general trend in commodities. Outlook on commodity prices and crude oil trends suggest possibility of NR market gaining strength in medium term, although at low pace. Due to more powerful role of non-fundamentals, demand-supply fundamental is likely to have a less important role in determining future course of NR prices. 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 45
  • 46. Expectations on NR Market (Contd.) Demand-Supply fundamental is anticipated to stay favourable to market during 2017. But, can exert downward pressure on NR prices during the period from 2018 to 2021. Any substantial recovery in NR price can unlock more supply into market and thereby send negative sentiments to NR market. However, supply-induced negative sentiments are expected to be offset by more powerful influence of the emerging favorable non-fundamentals . 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 46
  • 47. 9 Dec 2016 Seminar by VRA, Ho Chi Minh City 47